Illegal aliens are not descendents of slaves.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The 14th Amendment was written specifically for descendents of slaves and children of Illegal Aliens are not descendents of slaves and it do not apply to them except by mistake of our Government. Supreme court has never rule on the issue. When the 14th Amendment was written we did not have immigration law and when there are no immigration law there can be no Illegal Aliens. At some point, as people began to immigrate to this country it become necessary to control immigration and Ellis Island was put in place to register immigrants and all that came to Ellis Island and applied for entry was not allow to enter.

Statue of Liberty was welcoming immigrants when we needed them for nation building, but we are no longer into nation building but in nation survival and control immigration is needed. She is no longer a beacon for the poor except in cases of refugees and political asylum. Statue of Liberty has served her purpose and now it just a monument or reminder.
If we want to help hard working people who only come here for a better life, we don’t do it by letting everyone who want to come here and receive citizenship. We need to help Mexico since the majority of Illegal Aliens are from Mexico, to rid the country of corrupt Government, drug cartels and help them develop their abundance of natural resources and distribute the wealth by creating jobs to keep their hard working people home. We start by deporting those here illegally by enforcing our immigration laws against business their hire them illegally. They are already leaving by the millions and taking their anchor babies with them since there citizens of Mexico also. What kind of parent would place them in foster care when the leave or deported? More than 1.6 million American children are homeless with their parents.

When we allow 20 million Illegal Aliens to remain in the country with the promise of amnesty we are contributing to the destruction of Mexico who need it’s hard working people and young for their military.

Mexico, with it’s natural resources, is more than economically capable of taking care of it’s own. Mexico’s unemployment rate is at a record high of 4.5% and it is low wages that bring them here but he cost of living there is comparable.

If we need immigration reform let do it so Mexicans will want to go home and not come here. I don’t want to jump the fence and go to Mexico?
Don't cry over Mexicanos. For the record the FDR administration refused to allow Jewish immigrants from Germany during WW2 and they were faced with a worse fate than selling sombreros in Tijuana..
Don't cry over Mexicanos. For the record the FDR administration refused to allow Jewish immigrants from Germany during WW2 and they were faced with a worse fate than selling sombreros in Tijuana..

Damn straight. In this era, we have sold out to political expediency. Mexicans are political force by fact of sheer numbers, that is based on the fact that they cannot control their population. And they have no way to support them.
Don't cry over Mexicanos. For the record the FDR administration refused to allow Jewish immigrants from Germany during WW2 and they were faced with a worse fate than selling sombreros in Tijuana..

Damn straight. In this era, we have sold out to political expediency. Mexicans are political force by fact of sheer numbers, that is based on the fact that they cannot control their population. And they have no way to support them.

We cannot control our population either. 400,000 anchor babies born each year?
How many "anchor babies" are born per day in America? And are they really a threat for America? - Yahoo! Answers

Mexico is more than economically capable of taking care of their own if it was not so corrupt. It is only that we take care of them better.

We need to help Mexico since the majority of Illegal Aliens are from Mexico, to rid the country of corrupt Government, drug cartels and help them develop their abundance of natural resources and distribute the wealth by creating jobs to keep their hard working people home.

Stop the war on drugs and make them legal, you will stop the money supply to the drug cartels and create thousands of jobs in mexico.

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