Illegal aliens are deportable


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

So why are we not deporting them? We only deport them “after” they have committed “serious” crimes. Stealing jobs using stolen identifications or false documents, are as “serious” crimes as is raping children and killing
Americans. If we are not going to enforce all our immigration laws we can never control illegal immigration and if we are not going to enforce our immigration laws we need to change them. We are wasting time and money, putting border agents in danger trying to secure the border and chasing Illegal Aliens across the desert if we do nothing after they enter.
They have come out of the shadows because they are being told that they will not be deported unless they have been convicted of serious crimes.
“We cannot afford to round them up and deport them.” We cannot afford not to round them up and deport them.

Illegal Immigration is a Crime

Both types of illegal immigrants are deportable under Immigration and Nationality Act Section 237 (a)(1)(B) which says:

"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable."

Illegal Immigration IS A CRIME!
I don't believe we should change our immigration laws. We have limits and requirements for good reason and it is so we can handle the number of people we allow in. It's what is best for our country.

We are a mess now and illegal immigration has played a part in that. It makes the situation worse and it is slowly growing out of control. Check out a website called 'immigration by the numbers.' The predictions for the future ratio of citizens vs illegal aliens is staggering.

As it is, with illegal immigration, millions are coming in and they often do not meet the requirements, such as being able to support themselves financially and speak English. They come, have children and then immediately qualify for every kind of aid there is. We also have to spend more because of the large number of children entering the school system who cannot speak English. Look at the amount you pay in taxes and how much it has increased over the years because of all the government spending. A good amount of that is on illegal immigrants. There is also a huge problem with illegal immigrants stealing people's social security number and identities. This is a problem that is largely under reported by our media. It would cause a major uproar if people were to learn the extent of this crime. Every one should not only check their own credit report (which is free once a year for all three agencies), but also check the credit rating of your children. The criminals have been stealing children's ID and numbers because they know it will be years before it's discovered. There are countless horror stories of people who have had their identities stolen by illegal aliens and they can't seem to find any help. Local police can't do anything and the feds could care less. The last thing they want is for this issue to get national attention.

If we would uphold our laws, clarify the constitution to state that children born to people who sneaked in our country illegally are NOT citizens, deny them welfare, social security disability, free housing, free medical and all the other incentives to come here, they would self-deport and it wouldn't cost us. As it is, it looks like the government tries to intice them by freely offering every service known to man. Some states even offer in-state tuition to illegals, something not offered to US citizens who live out of state. My son had to move to a state after graduating high school and take a crappy job for a year so he could get in-state tuition to the college of his choice. Then he took out student loans for 4 years. Yet, an illegal kid in his class had a free ride and not a care in the world. It's bad enough we allow so many to break the law, yet it goes further to make sure they don't work as hard to make it in this country on top of it. Yet, citizens get treated like we're the criminals.

I am so tired of the message this sends. Do things right and get burned. Cheat and get rewarded. The politician see potential voters when they coddle the cheaters and criminals.

Washington is solely responsible for not dealing with this and lately for suing states who try. I'm so sick of them talking about changing immigration laws. All they will do is grant amnesty- again- and continue on with business as usual and change nothing. That is all they ever do, just give in to the millions of criminals every few years. They even stop border patrol from doing their job. The EPA chief Obama appointed has forbidden the border guards from driving into certain areas, claiming they will disturb wildlife. The only wildlife being protected is the drug cartels and other criminals. The forbidden areas happen to be the most popular border crossings for the illegals. We have a lot of this crap going on and it will continue until enough people speak up and pressure Washington.
We aren't deporting them because it would cost hundreds of billions to do so and depredation all the illegals would result in a recession the same size as the one in 2008.
The people who say we cannot deport 11 million illegals are out of touch with reality.Of course we can deport them.We have the mightiest military in the world and if the Congress and President would give the word to go all out and locate illegals and deport them --they could be deported very easily and not as costly as people think.The military are already being paid--put them to work deporting the illegals.The best time to deport them is the summer time when all the kids are out of school and the nation's school buses could be utilized .

Secure our borders with armed military
Deport all illegals.
and if Starcraftzz doesn't like it --that's just tough!!!
We aren't deporting them because it would cost hundreds of billions to do so and depredation all the illegals would result in a recession the same size as the one in 2008.

Mandatory E-Verify would not cost us billions.

You have been brainwashed by the left's love affair with illegal immigration rhetoric.

They are here and there is a recession almost the size of the depression and if they left it would release 8 million jobs for unemployed americans.

If would realease billion in education ESL classes, etc, healthcare, welfare, law enforcemnt and billion sent to mexico going into Mexico's economy would stay here going into our economy. Illegal immigrants bankrupt hospitals and states and americans has had enough and are making their own immigration laws and enforcing them. :clap2:
Who did the work illegal aliens are doing when we did not have 8 million in the work force. Anchor babies alone are costing us billions.
Absolute nothing is positive about illegal immigration.

Drugs dealers and prostitutes contribute to the economy but should they be legalized? Prostitution is a big business as is gambling here in Nevada.
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The people who say we cannot deport 11 million illegals are out of touch with reality.Of course we can deport them.We have the mightiest military in the world and if the Congress and President would give the word to go all out and locate illegals and deport them --they could be deported very easily and not as costly as people think.The military are already being paid--put them to work deporting the illegals.The best time to deport them is the summer time when all the kids are out of school and the nation's school buses could be utilized .

Secure our borders with armed military
Deport all illegals.
and if Starcraftzz doesn't like it --that's just tough!!!

It was done twice before on a massive scale at a time when we had less resources than now and it could be done the same way. Start rounding them up and the rest would self deport.

ROMNEY: Well, the answer is self-deportation, which is people decide that they can do better by going home because they can’t find work here because they don’t have legal documentation to allow them to work here.
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No one ever said they weren’t.

So why are we not deporting them?

We are.

The INA includes both criminal and civil components, providing both for
criminal charges (e.g., alien smuggling, which is prosecuted in the federal courts) and
for civil violations (e.g., lack of legal status, which may lead to removal through a
separate administrative system in the Department of Justice).32 Being illegally
present in the U.S. has always been a civil, not criminal, violation of the INA, and
subsequent deportation and associated administrative processes are civil
proceedings.33 For instance, a lawfully admitted nonimmigrant alien may become
deportable if his visitor’s visa expires or if his student status changes. Criminal
violations of the INA, on the other hand, include felonies and misdemeanors and are
prosecuted in federal district courts. These types of violations include the bringing
in and harboring of certain undocumented aliens (INA §274), the illegal entry of aliens (INA §275), and the reentry of aliens previously excluded or deported (INA

So why are we not deporting them? We only deport them “after” they have committed “serious” crimes. Stealing jobs using stolen identifications or false documents, are as “serious” crimes as is raping children and killing
Americans. If we are not going to enforce all our immigration laws we can never control illegal immigration and if we are not going to enforce our immigration laws we need to change them. We are wasting time and money, putting border agents in danger trying to secure the border and chasing Illegal Aliens across the desert if we do nothing after they enter.
They have come out of the shadows because they are being told that they will not be deported unless they have been convicted of serious crimes.
“We cannot afford to round them up and deport them.” We cannot afford not to round them up and deport them.

Illegal Immigration is a Crime

Both types of illegal immigrants are deportable under Immigration and Nationality Act Section 237 (a)(1)(B) which says:

"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable."

Illegal Immigration IS A CRIME!

This si why
^It would cost 300 billion over 5 years to deport 10 million illegal immigrants.

Deporting all illegal immigrants would result int he US economy shrinking by 2.6billion dollars
Study predicts $1.5 trillion increase in GDP if undocumented immigrants are legalized. | ThinkProgress

Reason Foundation - Illegal Immigrants are Paying a Lot More Taxes Than You Think
Illegal immigrants contribute a net 80,000 dollars in taxes over their lifetime. Meaning the 12 million illegal immigrants currently in America will contribute 1 trillion more dollars in taxes than they receive in benefits. Illegal immigrants still pay all state/local taxes (including sales and property) while paying some income taxes (some are paid under the table). Since illegal immigrants enter the country during their working years they do not cost the government in education costs. Also sine illegal immigrants are legally unable to get SS, Medicare or other social benefits they do not cost the government any money in those matters.

It is amzing how conservatives want to spend money and harm the economy in order to ruin millions of peoples lives

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