Ignore feature


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Talk about anything...none of it matters here.

I guess from now on, I'll have to post that line above ^, just so my threads don't get moved or closed due to not putting the topic in the right forum.

So, with that said...the ignore feature. Some enjoy it. Some make fun of those who use it. My question is why do folks get all upset if someone uses it or tells someone they are going to use it to shut them up?

It's like:

Going to a honkytonk bar to dance, but its all line dancing, which you hate.
Listening to cd's of country western music but you hate country western music.
Attending the opera, but you don't understand it, don't want to understand it, and hate it.
Hanging out with a troop of 11 year olds that only want to play pirates and you are 65 years old.

You get the drift, right? So why do those who grouse and complain about those who use it? If they LIKE bickering with fools and KNOW said fools will never agree with anything you say...then fine. Read them. Converse with them. Insult each other. Those of us who realize just how short life is and don't want that shit, choose to NOT do the above. What's so bad or cowardly about that?

Just something to muse on for your own entertainment.:spinner:
Each time you trash a thread
It almost breaks our hearts
'Cause I'm so afraid that we will have to part

Each night I ask the stars up above
Why must this board be all butthurt ascii love

One day I feel so happy
Next day I feel so sad
I guess I'll learn to read the good with the bad

'Cause each night I ask the stars up above
Why must my posts be all butthurt ascii love

I wrote a thread for nobody but you
But i'll be self righteous if you should say screw you

Well if you want to make me cry
That won't be so hard to do
If you should say goodbye
I'd still go on writing you

Each night I ask the stars up above

Why USMB is all butthurt ascii love

w/profound apologies to Dion

And again..I had to use it. Trying to talk to someone with such a strong refusal to SEE or LISTEN is just not worth the time. Its like talking to antifa that burning and looting is not going to bring Floyd back or fix anything. IF they even know who Floyd was any more. It's gone way past that.

Anyway....ignore is good. very good.
Annnnnnnnnnnd...there goes another one. Kind of a shame cuz I did agree with a scant few things this person has said now and then. But.....no more time wasting time or effort. POOF!

I so love the ignore feature!
I ignore the hell out of a bunch of losers..........they aren't worth the band width to post.....

If I run out of people to post to.......I'll find another site.

Talk about anything...none of it matters here.

I guess from now on, I'll have to post that line above ^, just so my threads don't get moved or closed due to not putting the topic in the right forum.

So, with that said...the ignore feature. Some enjoy it. Some make fun of those who use it. My question is why do folks get all upset if someone uses it or tells someone they are going to use it to shut them up?

It's like:

Going to a honkytonk bar to dance, but its all line dancing, which you hate.
Listening to cd's of country western music but you hate country western music.
Attending the opera, but you don't understand it, don't want to understand it, and hate it.
Hanging out with a troop of 11 year olds that only want to play pirates and you are 65 years old.

You get the drift, right? So why do those who grouse and complain about those who use it? If they LIKE bickering with fools and KNOW said fools will never agree with anything you say...then fine. Read them. Converse with them. Insult each other. Those of us who realize just how short life is and don't want that shit, choose to NOT do the above. What's so bad or cowardly about that?

Just something to muse on for your own entertainment.:spinner:
I'm 53 and have a grand time playing pirates with my grandkids.

As for the ignore feature, who cares? If you want to ignore someone, don't read their posts.

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