If You're Thinkin' Pence, Think Again


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

If D. Trump drops out or if the Republican party elites figure out a way to dump Trump, my question would be - how many Republican primary votes did Pence get? #2 in the Republican primaries was Ted Cruz who many/most Republicans now hate. But in an election that's been full of surprises, my guess is the article below outlines the most likely scenario.

Republican Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois is calling on Donald Trump to immediately drop out of the presidential race so that the GOP can replace him with another candidate.

By Jason Easley
Oct 7th, 2016


Donald Trump isn’t going to drop out of the presidential race, and even if he did, his name would still appear on ballots across the country. Even if Trump did drop out, Republicans would have to ask their voters to write in the name of another candidate.


Nice try, Sen. Kirk, but unless the RNC moves to remove Trump as their nominee, a whole lot of Republican incumbents better get used to the idea of losing on election day, because Donald Trump isn’t going anywhere.

For the last 20-30 years the Republican party has been setting the table for someone like D. Trump to come along and eat their lunch - how humiliating this must be for the party of Abraham, Teddy, and Ike.

Pence is a monster but, just like with Trump, media is giving him a pass. His past history doesn't even qualify him to be a human being, never mind veep. He agrees with Trump on gutting the constitution and has the same hatred of women.

We need to remember that one of Trump's evil spawn and Trump himself has said he would leave the presidency to Pence while he was out "making America great again".

Pence is a thumper - wanna bet he will not condemn this latest attack on women by Trump? He lied for Trump and that's what he will do now.


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