If you're curious why Trump won


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
This is a prime example of why America rejected the Democrats and the alt-left. They not only attempt to crucify people for their beliefs (much like ISIS, the Taliban and other muslim radicals), but they even attempt to do it to people who haven't even shared their beliefs. The Gaines' have made no comment at all on where they stand on homosexuality. And yet the alt-left (which is practically the all-left) are attempting to shame and destroy them.

As a hard-core constitutional conservative, I just want to say thank you to progressives for destroying the Dumbocrat Party and employing an extremist, bat-shit crazy ideology. You've turned rational people against you all across the country (and all across the globe). You single-handedly ended the Clinton family role in politics, turned millions towards conservatism, and handed control of the White House, House, Senate, and 33 states to the Republican's.

BuzzFeed’s Attack on Chip and Joanna Gaines Backfires
Trump won because I and others hate liberals guts. A good old fashion seething hatred with a desire that a calamity should befall them.

Congressman Cleaver reveals Dems have “no plan, no strategy”

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) confessed that the Democratic party is an aimless, demoralized political faction after suffering crushing defeats in recent elections.

“At the present time… we have no strategy, and we have no plan,” he told MSNBC’s Craig Melvin. “I do think it is time for us to bring in younger leadership.”

“In fact, if we don’t, I think it will spell the demise of the Democratic caucus – if we’re not already primitively in a state of smallness.”

Democrat Reps Warn: ‘Demise of Party’ Imminent
Trump won because he is the luckiest sob on the planet earth. An amazing confluence of far away galaxies, massive gravity quasars, and obama singularities.

My dog could have won the election.

Crap, I forgot to run my dog again.

Congressman Cleaver reveals Dems have “no plan, no strategy”

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) confessed that the Democratic party is an aimless, demoralized political faction after suffering crushing defeats in recent elections.

“At the present time… we have no strategy, and we have no plan,” he told MSNBC’s Craig Melvin. “I do think it is time for us to bring in younger leadership.”

“In fact, if we don’t, I think it will spell the demise of the Democratic caucus – if we’re not already primitively in a state of smallness.”

Democrat Reps Warn: ‘Demise of Party’ Imminent

Pelosi is still their idea of "proven leadership"?? :disbelief:lol

I love how Trump was not only able to win the election, he also managed to demoralize and throw the entire democratic party into chaos! :laugh:
This is a prime example of why America rejected the Democrats and the alt-left. They not only attempt to crucify people for their beliefs (much like ISIS, the Taliban and other muslim radicals), but they even attempt to do it to people who haven't even shared their beliefs. The Gaines' have made no comment at all on where they stand on homosexuality. And yet the alt-left (which is practically the all-left) are attempting to shame and destroy them.

As a hard-core constitutional conservative, I just want to say thank you to progressives for destroying the Dumbocrat Party and employing an extremist, bat-shit crazy ideology. You've turned rational people against you all across the country (and all across the globe). You single-handedly ended the Clinton family role in politics, turned millions towards conservatism, and handed control of the White House, House, Senate, and 33 states to the Republican's.

BuzzFeed’s Attack on Chip and Joanna Gaines Backfires

It's not that complicated, Trump won because Hillary simply sucked.... big time!

I'm still amazed that the corrupt, psychotic, warmongering, wall street princess managed to lose from the orange, narcissistic, pussy grabber. She had the full support of the MSM, the white house, the establishment and $millions from the job creating corporations (and the Saudis)

All she had to do was to be nice to Bernie's followers, "sincerely" apologize for her evil server and make some fake promises. Instead she cried about deplorables and ignorant basement dwellers, gave the disgraced DWS a job with her campaign, picked a corporate puppet as VP and then raved about the vast Russian conspiracy that sabotaged her rightful crowning....

But I'm sooooo glad that she screwed up, no one knows what the orange clown will do but it can't possibly be any worse than Hillary starting WWIII and I'm convinced that political comedy will be great again the next few years....

Just how out of touch are progressives from reality? All evidence indicates they are so far detached from reality that they would need NASA and multiple light years to reach it...

According to the Brookings analysis, the less-than-500 counties that Clinton won nationwide combined to generate 64% of America’s economic activity in 2015. The more-than-2,600 counties that Trump won combined to generate 36% of the country’s economic activity last year.

Got that? Clinton won less than 500 counties, parishes, and boroughs out of a total of 3,142 in the entire nation. Those counties and county-equivalents generate 64% of American economic activity. They are urban centers and they are coastal, rich elites. In other words, the people who the Democrats keep saying are being left behind in the American economy blamed the Democrats for being left behind and voted accordingly.

In a Terrific Irony, Income Inquality Helped Defeat Hillary Clinton | The Resurgent
Radical Social Agenda Now Costing the Democrats ‘Big League’

But by 2016, the Democratic nominee could no longer offer any compromise. Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading abortion provider and recipient of over half a billion dollars in annual taxpayer funds, spent $38 million advocating for its favored (Democratic) candidates this election season. Planned Parenthood even endorsed Clinton in the primaries—the first-ever primary season endorsement in its 100-year history.

So even as Americans were repulsed by its trafficking of baby parts and its numerous financial and other scandals, Planned Parenthood still wielded enough political clout to ensure that the Democratic nominee wouldn’t dare compromise in the slightest on abortion.

No late-term abortion limits, no ban on sex-selection abortions, no health and safety regulations on abortionists, no prohibition on compelled abortion coverage for churches—not even a commitment to maintaining the 40-year-old Hyde Amendment, which prevents taxpayer funds from going to pay for abortions and has traditionally received Democratic support, until this year.

There could be no compromise. Even in the third debate, Hillary Clinton could not only not offer any compromise to conflicted social conservatives—she actually defended partial-birth abortion, a horrific practice that has been banned for almost a decade.

Radical Social Agenda Now Costing Democrats

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