If you weren't a 'minority', gay or didn't need free shit would you still vote Democrat?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Let's be honest....most Democrats vote by default...they're .gov employees, they live an 'alternative' lifestyle, are very close to someone who does or they need lots of free shit to survive....If you couldn't group yourself within one of the aforementioned categories and had to vote on policy would you still vote Democrat?
Even if I was in those categories I would not vote democrat.
Let's be honest....most Democrats vote by default...they're .gov employees, they live an 'alternative' lifestyle, are very close to someone who does or they need lots of free shit to survive....If you couldn't group yourself within one of the aforementioned categories and had to vote on policy would you still vote Democrat?
i was a govt employee .....were was my free shit you speak of?....
Most liberal Democrats vote for liberal Democrats because deep down inside, they're terrified of what their liberal Democrat friends and neighbors would think of them.

God forbid they be thought of as being "racist", "sexist", "homophobic", "Islamophobic", etc.

"Ohhh teh horrors...."
Let's be honest....most Democrats vote by default...they're .gov employees, they live an 'alternative' lifestyle, are very close to someone who does or they need lots of free shit to survive....If you couldn't group yourself within one of the aforementioned categories and had to vote on policy would you still vote Democrat?
i was a govt employee .....were was my free shit you speak of?....

Are you implying that gov employees aren't programmed to vote Democrat?
Let's be honest....most Democrats vote by default...they're .gov employees, they live an 'alternative' lifestyle, are very close to someone who does or they need lots of free shit to survive....If you couldn't group yourself within one of the aforementioned categories and had to vote on policy would you still vote Democrat?

In other words, if you’re a white, straight male, you don’t vote Democrat. Everyone else, is voting Democrat.

No one with half a brain votes Republican. Republican economic policies created this mess of an economy.
Let's be honest....most Democrats vote by default...they're .gov employees, they live an 'alternative' lifestyle, are very close to someone who does or they need lots of free shit to survive....If you couldn't group yourself within one of the aforementioned categories and had to vote on policy would you still vote Democrat?

I fit none of these catagories and I would expect I'd approach it like any other election. I would base my vote on if the candidates views and values aligned with my own..which is what any well educated voter would do.

I first voted in 1984. Voted for Reagan. But lost in the nostalgia and warm feelings of Morning In America was the fact that Reagan was the modern architect of tax cuts for the wealthy and deficit spending. Yes, presidents before him ran deficits, but Reagan took it to an art form.
Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?
And policy for the Republican party started to take a back seat They used to be the party of the working class when my father and mother first got married and had their first batch of little ones (me included).

Democrats on the other hand have always been up front about spending money. They don't try and hide it. Raise taxes and spend money. At least they're trying to raise the money to cover their spending. :) Sure, they spend more than they take in and policy wise, their ideas may be pie in the sky...but at least they are fresh ideas...not the same old recycled bag of crap (trickle down economics, etc..) that Republicans and conservatives roll out year after year hoping that this time, they'll be successful.

But now, Republicans have become the party of Trump. Lost and awash in a sea of hatred of anything that doesn't look or believe what they believe. Starting with the Republican Revolution of 1994, running through impeaching a president about lying about a blow job in the oval office, to the GW years (Let's just abandon all appearance of being conservative), to the madness, hatred, and bile of the Tea Party movement during Obama's tenure. And topping it off with the cherry that is the grifting, lying, fraud of a New York liberal turned opportunist called Trump. Wow, how far Republicans have fallen. A bunch of spineless jellyfish devoid of honor, integrity, or credibility.

Voting on policy in the current crop of Republican vs Democrat candidates, it isn't even a contest. That's only because there are no real conservatives left. Just Republicans who claim to be conservative. I left the Republican party in 2000. Looking back, I am more certain than ever, I made the right decision.

I vote for whom I believe aligns with my beliefs and values. Then I look at the letter next to their name.
Let's be honest....most Democrats vote by default...they're .gov employees, they live an 'alternative' lifestyle, are very close to someone who does or they need lots of free shit to survive....If you couldn't group yourself within one of the aforementioned categories and had to vote on policy would you still vote Democrat?

In other words, if you’re a white, straight male, you don’t vote Democrat. Everyone else, is voting Democrat.

No one with half a brain votes Republican. Republican economic policies created this mess of an economy.
Wow, what a fucking liar you are, the economy has never been better.

So, in addition to being a baby killer, you're a liar too.
Let's be honest....most Democrats vote by default...they're .gov employees, they live an 'alternative' lifestyle, are very close to someone who does or they need lots of free shit to survive....If you couldn't group yourself within one of the aforementioned categories and had to vote on policy would you still vote Democrat?

In other words, if you’re a white, straight male, you don’t vote Democrat. Everyone else, is voting Democrat.

No one with half a brain votes Republican. Republican economic policies created this mess of an economy.
Wow, what a fucking liar you are, the economy has never been better.

So, in addition to being a baby killer, you're a liar too.

The stock market isn’t the economy, and the economy is in trouble. Exports are down, imports are up, and manufacturing jobs are still being off-shored.

Wages have not gone up. More than half of Americans say they are economically worse off. And the wealth gap between rich and poor is widening and that gap has accelerated under Trump.

The biggest sign that things aren’t that great is the number of opioid deaths, and gun suicides. These are diseases of despair. People who have given up hope.
Let's be honest....most Democrats vote by default...they're .gov employees, they live an 'alternative' lifestyle, are very close to someone who does or they need lots of free shit to survive....If you couldn't group yourself within one of the aforementioned categories and had to vote on policy would you still vote Democrat?

In other words, if you’re a white, straight male, you don’t vote Democrat. Everyone else, is voting Democrat.

No one with half a brain votes Republican. Republican economic policies created this mess of an economy.
Wow, what a fucking liar you are, the economy has never been better.

So, in addition to being a baby killer, you're a liar too.

They have to lie they have no real argument otherwise. Historic 50 year low unemployment, sky high stock market, record high CEO optimism, record high small business owner optimism, only a POS lying leftist would try to spin that negative. If Obama achieved half of what Trump has achieved in only 3 years the left would be demanding an Obama 3rd and 4th term.
Let's be honest....most Democrats vote by default...they're .gov employees, they live an 'alternative' lifestyle, are very close to someone who does or they need lots of free shit to survive....If you couldn't group yourself within one of the aforementioned categories and had to vote on policy would you still vote Democrat?
Lol, I'm none of those, and that's not why Democrats vote Democratic.

We have brains, hearts, and a genuine care for our fellow humans.

The tRump party has none of those things. All they have is hatred, jealousy, and greed.
Let's be honest....most Democrats vote by default...they're .gov employees, they live an 'alternative' lifestyle, are very close to someone who does or they need lots of free shit to survive....If you couldn't group yourself within one of the aforementioned categories and had to vote on policy would you still vote Democrat?
i was a govt employee .....were was my free shit you speak of?....

Like most govt employees you have to help yourself to it!
Let's be honest....most Democrats vote by default...they're .gov employees, they live an 'alternative' lifestyle, are very close to someone who does or they need lots of free shit to survive....If you couldn't group yourself within one of the aforementioned categories and had to vote on policy would you still vote Democrat?
Lol, I'm none of those, and that's not why Democrats vote Democratic.

We have brains, hearts, and a genuine care for our fellow humans.

The tRump party has none of those things. All they have is hatred, jealousy, and greed.

Lib please the Dem party is infested with moochers and government workers mooching on the government dole. Hence its never ending tax increases from those corrupt bastards with no regard to whether taxpayers can afford it. :eusa_hand:
Democrats care for those who are not rich, white, male, Christian and straight.

They help those who need help...

Republicans blame the victims as they cower to the rich
Most liberal Democrats vote for liberal Democrats because deep down inside, they're terrified of what their liberal Democrat friends and neighbors would think of them.
God forbid they be thought of as being "racist", "sexist", "homophobic", "Islamophobic", etc.
"Ohhh teh horrors...."


People outside big cities mostly vote republican because they are property owners, hard workers, self-sufficient all their lives, and believe in God, Family and Country, and growing up, their natural proclivities just naturally led them to that end as the sensible, natural thing to do.

People in big cities have big city newspapers, big cities media, and big city politicians all run by angry big city liberal Democrats beating it into their heads around the clock what a victim they are, how unfair life is, and that it is evil republicans that is doing it to them and how they need to team up because there's strength in numbers. And if that's not enough, they'll mock you, attack you, mob you, criticize you, even outcast you if you don't agree with them and show the slightest hesitancy to go along.

So, Conservatism is that state where people tend to if just left alone to naturally think for themselves as a self-sufficient way of living without bothering or being bothered by anyone else..

Liberal Progressivism is that state where people are pushed to, so they can grow their numbers to better their chances of getting through life by believing YOUR success is the reason for THEIR problems! They want what you have, think you took it from them, and feel that had you joined their team in the first place, they'd have been in a better position instead of worse. And now they are going to punish you for it then take what you have as their own.

  • Conservative: Live and Let Live, do for yourself and go your own way.
  • Progressive: Mob-Herd, take from others Wolf Pack Mentality.
Democrats care for those who are not rich, white, male, Christian and straight.

They help those who need help...

Republicans blame the victims as they cower to the rich

What about the white 92 year old grandmother Dem's just got raped and murdered by letting an illegal out of jail and giving the illegal sanctuary? Which Dem's should be arrested and thrown in prison for aiding the illegal in his crimes?
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Let's be honest....most Democrats vote by default...they're .gov employees, they live an 'alternative' lifestyle, are very close to someone who does or they need lots of free shit to survive....If you couldn't group yourself within one of the aforementioned categories and had to vote on policy would you still vote Democrat?
Lol, I'm none of those, and that's not why Democrats vote Democratic.

We have brains, hearts, and a genuine care for our fellow humans.

The tRump party has none of those things. All they have is hatred, jealousy, and greed.

Lib please the Dem party is infested with moochers and government workers mooching on the government dole. Hence its never ending tax increases from those corrupt bastards with no regard to whether taxpayers can afford it. :eusa_hand:
Then how come the red States get more welfare money?

And government workers aren't mocchers, they are working just like you.
Democrats care for those who are not rich, white, male, Christian and straight.

They help those who need help...

Republicans blame the victims as they cower to the rich

Of course they help people.........with other peoples money. Let me use other peoples money, and I'll be as charitable of a person you've ever seen.

Democrats believe that good governance is penalizing success and rewarding failure. Republicans believe in the exact opposite.
Most liberal Democrats vote for liberal Democrats because deep down inside, they're terrified of what their liberal Democrat friends and neighbors would think of them.

God forbid they be thought of as being "racist", "sexist", "homophobic", "Islamophobic", etc.

"Ohhh teh horrors...."
So, I guess where you live there is no secret ballot.

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