If You Want Change, Win An Election

We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

Which is funny because there were more aggregated Democratic votes for Democrats then Republican votes for Republicans.

Be that as it may, your folks control little over 1/2 of one house of Congress, and use that control to squash dissent in the house..or any minority opposition.

Give that behavior, do you believe that the majority in the Senate and the President should act any differently? (And in the Senate, they do, the Minority still have the filibuster)


Kindly explain why THIS President thinks that he doesn't have to make the same compromises that previous President made when THEY had to work with divided governments?

I'm baffled by the liberal notion that Barack Obama is somehow excused from the realities of politics.
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We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

Which is funny because there were more aggregated Democratic votes for Democrats then Republican votes for Republicans.

Be that as it may, your folks control little over 1/2 of one house of Congress, and use that control to squash dissent in the house..or any minority opposition.

Give that behavior, do you believe that the majority in the Senate and the President should act any differently? (And in the Senate, they do, the Minority still have the filibuster)


Kindly explain why THIS President thinks that he doesn't have to make the same compromises that previous President made when THEY had to work with divided governments?

I'm baffled by the liberal notion that Barack Obama is somehow excused from the realities of politics.

Which compromises were the President offered?

I have yet to see anything coming out of the Republicans. Demands are not compromises

You throw the word around a lot, but I don't think you know what it means
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We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

Which is funny because there were more aggregated Democratic votes for Democrats then Republican votes for Republicans.

Be that as it may, your folks control little over 1/2 of one house of Congress, and use that control to squash dissent in the house..or any minority opposition.

Give that behavior, do you believe that the majority in the Senate and the President should act any differently? (And in the Senate, they do, the Minority still have the filibuster)


Kindly explain why THIS President thinks that he doesn't have to make the same compromises that previous President made when THEY had to work with divided governments?

I'm baffled by the liberal notion that Barack Obama is somehow excused from the realities of politics.

The Democrats accepted the Republican's spending levels. Once that was off the table the Republicans had no other cards to play. They had nothing to negotiate WITH.
Which is funny because there were more aggregated Democratic votes for Democrats then Republican votes for Republicans.

Be that as it may, your folks control little over 1/2 of one house of Congress, and use that control to squash dissent in the house..or any minority opposition.

Give that behavior, do you believe that the majority in the Senate and the President should act any differently? (And in the Senate, they do, the Minority still have the filibuster)


Kindly explain why THIS President thinks that he doesn't have to make the same compromises that previous President made when THEY had to work with divided governments?

I'm baffled by the liberal notion that Barack Obama is somehow excused from the realities of politics.

Which compromises were the President offered?

Which compromises did the President offer?
I'm baffled by the liberal notion that Barack Obama is somehow excused from the realities of politics.

Because we elected him dictator, I mean duh...

You know, like the left thought W was dictator when he was President and agreed to whatever he wanted!
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

you left out the part where Dems got more votes. The GOP'ers held on because of redistricting :thup:

Republicans Win Congress as Democrats Get Most Votes - Bloomberg
A majority of Americans disapprove of the Republicans in Congress, yet the odds remain in the party’s favor that it will retain control of the House. One big reason the Republicans have this edge: their district boundaries are drawn so carefully that the only votes that often matter come from fellow Republicans.

The Democrats held power in the House for 40 years because they were very good at redistricting. Once the Republicans started winning Governorships, the shoe was on the other foot. Live with it losers.
Well, this seemed to go over certain heads!!!! Big surprise.

Typical. Can't deal with the fact that your soundbyte is inaccurate since Republicans have been winning more Federal elections so you need to resort to insults.

One of these days, I would love to see you actually have a discussion to support your viewpoints instead of just resorting to insults

The president made a statement and I agreed completely. So I posted it and said so. What is wrong with that?? YOU are typical, not I. You saw my thread and started digging for something to criticize and came up with something ridiculous. The insults came at ME, not the other way around. I would love to see YOU actually be truthful in the posts you direct at me. I did state MY point of view. If you can't see that then you have a problem. And truthfully, I don't really care if you see it or not.

Let me explain something to you. Yes, Republicans won the house in the 2010 election. That was their opportunity to try and change things they were not happy with, right?? But what did they do?? All they did was plan to sabotage President Obama, planned the govt. shutdown, and spent the majority of their time trying to get rid of the Affordable Healthcare Act. So why did you say to me, " Republicans have been winning more Federal elections". So what?? They don't try to accomplish anything when elected. President Obama could not say that. Learn to read between the lines.

In 2011, after Republicans took control of the U.S. House, Congress passed just 90 bills into law. The only other year in which Congress failed to pass at least 125 laws was 1995.

These statistics make the 112th Congress, covering 2011-12, the least productive two-year gathering on Capitol Hill since the end of World War II. Not even the 80th Congress, which President Truman called the "do-nothing Congress" in 1948, passed as few laws as the current one, records show.

When Democrats controlled both chambers during the 111th Congress, 258 laws were enacted in 2010 and 125 in 2009, including President Obama's health care law.

Unproductive Congress

Fewer laws have been passed by this Congress than by any other in the last 65 years. Number of laws passed each year by Congress since 1947:
2012: 61; 2011: 90; 2010: 258; 2009: 125; 2008: 280; 2007: 180; 2006: 313; 2005: 169; 2004: 300; 2003: 198; 2002: 241; 2001: 136; 2000: 410; 1999: 170; 1998: 241; 1997: 153; 1996: 245; 1995: 88; 1994: 255; 1993: 210; 1992: 347; 1991: 243; 1990: 410; 1989: 240; 1988: 473; 1987: 240; 1986: 424; 1985: 240; 1984: 408; 1983: 215; 1982: 328; 1981: 145; 1980: 426; 1979: 187; 1978: 411; 1977: 223; 1976: 383; 1975: 205; 1974: 404; 1973: 245; 1972: 383; 1971: 224; 1970: 505; 1969: 190; 1968: 391; 1967: 391; 1966: 461; 1965: 349; 1964: 408; 1963: 258; 1962: 484; 1961: 401; 1960: 417; 1959: 383; 1958: 620; 1957: 316; 1956: 638; 1955: 390; 1954: 492; 1953: 288; 1952: 339; 1951: 255; 1950: 481; 1949: 440; 1948: 511; 1947: 395

Source: House Clerk's Office

This Congress could be least productive since 1947 ? USATODAY.com

The only news that could have been better than this is if the Congress had repealed as many laws as they passed.
Which is funny because there were more aggregated Democratic votes for Democrats then Republican votes for Republicans.

Be that as it may, your folks control little over 1/2 of one house of Congress, and use that control to squash dissent in the house..or any minority opposition.

Give that behavior, do you believe that the majority in the Senate and the President should act any differently? (And in the Senate, they do, the Minority still have the filibuster)


Kindly explain why THIS President thinks that he doesn't have to make the same compromises that previous President made when THEY had to work with divided governments?

I'm baffled by the liberal notion that Barack Obama is somehow excused from the realities of politics.

The Democrats accepted the Republican's spending levels. Once that was off the table the Republicans had no other cards to play. They had nothing to negotiate WITH.

The following Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC illustrates quite well my point that the Democrats have not compromised AT ALL with the Republicans controlling the House. Maddow is smugly bragging about what the Republicans DIDN'T get and it's quite accurate. They didn't get ANYTHING that they wanted because this Administration and Harry Reid's Senate haven't compromised on anything.

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc
We did win elections. That's why we have control of the House of Representatives. Because we won more federal elections than Democrats did.

you left out the part where Dems got more votes. The GOP'ers held on because of redistricting :thup:

Republicans Win Congress as Democrats Get Most Votes - Bloomberg
A majority of Americans disapprove of the Republicans in Congress, yet the odds remain in the party’s favor that it will retain control of the House. One big reason the Republicans have this edge: their district boundaries are drawn so carefully that the only votes that often matter come from fellow Republicans.

The Democrats held power in the House for 40 years because they were very good at redistricting. Once the Republicans started winning Governorships, the shoe was on the other foot. Live with it losers.

What liberals don't want to talk about is how poorly they are doing at the State and Local level of politics. The problem that they have is that Progressives can't make the trains run on time. States like California and cities like Detroit are going belly up under the 'guidance" of Democrats. States and cities that are run by Republicans are doing much better. So while the main stream media's full court press to get Barry re-elected worked on the National level...they can't sell the "joys" of progressive policy at the local level.
Kindly explain why THIS President thinks that he doesn't have to make the same compromises that previous President made when THEY had to work with divided governments?

I'm baffled by the liberal notion that Barack Obama is somehow excused from the realities of politics.

Which compromises were the President offered?

Which compromises did the President offer?

He agreed to the FY14 budget threshold from the Ryan plan

OK....your turn
If you want change, win an election

Oh, that's what Democrats believe now?

I'm relieved to know that, next time the Republicans win the House, Senate, and Presidency (as they did in 2000), the Democrats will sit back and say, "There, now that's what we meant. Now that you've won, we won't complain or let out a peep. You can go ahead and repeal Obamacare, roll back the regulatory burdens of OSHA, the EPA, and the IRS, cut back on the entitlements that had driven debts through the roof, etc. etc. We'll be just fine with that, because you finally won an election as we said you should do."

Yep, I'm sure the Democrats will keep their word. They do believe, after all, that 51% of the vote makes whatever you want to do, right.

They've been telling us that since 2008, after all. Would they lie?

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Kindly explain why THIS President thinks that he doesn't have to make the same compromises that previous President made when THEY had to work with divided governments?

I'm baffled by the liberal notion that Barack Obama is somehow excused from the realities of politics.

The Democrats accepted the Republican's spending levels. Once that was off the table the Republicans had no other cards to play. They had nothing to negotiate WITH.

The following Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC illustrates quite well my point that the Democrats have not compromised AT ALL with the Republicans controlling the House. Maddow is smugly bragging about what the Republicans DIDN'T get and it's quite accurate. They didn't get ANYTHING that they wanted because this Administration and Harry Reid's Senate haven't compromised on anything.

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

Each of those was a DEMAND not a compromise. YOU give us this

What did the Republicans OFFER ?
If you want change, win an election

Oh, that's what Democrats believe now?

I'm relieved to know that, next time the Republicans win the House, Senate, and Presidency (as they did in 2000), the Democrats will sit back and say, "There, now that's what we meant. Now that you've won, we won't complain or let out a peep. You can go ahead and repeal Obamacare, roll back the regulatory burdens of OSHA, the EPA, and the IRS, cut back on the entitlements that had driven debts through the roof, etc. etc. We'll be just fine with that, because you finally won an election as we said you should do."

Yep, I'm sure the Democrats will keep their word. They do believe, after all, that 51% of the vote makes whatever you want to do, right.

They've been telling us that since 2008, after all. Would they lie?


How many times did the Democrats shut down Government?
We won the House twice. In 2010 and 2012.

How stupid is he to throw out such a meaningless line like that? He needs a better script writer.

Stupid? NO!!
Childish and petulant? YES!!

President Obama could not have passed ACA by just winning the House

He had to win the Presidency and 60 seats in the Senate as well as defend a Supreme Court challenge

Now, When Republicans can match that they can repeal Obamacare

That is how our Constitution works
We won the House twice. In 2010 and 2012.

How stupid is he to throw out such a meaningless line like that? He needs a better script writer.

But did you win the Senate and POTUS? No you didn't so you don't get to hold the gov't hostage if you don't get your way.

When the dems have been the minority in congress with a Repub pres, they have caused more shutdowns than the republicans ever have!!! The difference is, the Republican presidents have been mature enough to negotiate the differences to keep the country running.
Which compromises were the President offered?

Which compromises did the President offer?

He agreed to the FY14 budget threshold from the Ryan plan

OK....your turn

The Republicans caved and signed the Democrats plan and gave a parting gift of a Federal wage increase.

And can you show a link on your Ryan plain claim because my google search actually contradicted what you said. Note I do my own research before asking those questions, which is probably why I know so much more than you do.
Which compromises did the President offer?

He agreed to the FY14 budget threshold from the Ryan plan

OK....your turn

The Republicans caved and signed the Democrats plan and gave a parting gift of a Federal wage increase.

And can you show a link on your Ryan plain claim because my google search actually contradicted what you said. Note I do my own research before asking those questions, which is probably why I know so much more than you do.

Gah, the secret is out!
Which is funny because there were more aggregated Democratic votes for Democrats then Republican votes for Republicans.

Be that as it may, your folks control little over 1/2 of one house of Congress, and use that control to squash dissent in the house..or any minority opposition.

Give that behavior, do you believe that the majority in the Senate and the President should act any differently? (And in the Senate, they do, the Minority still have the filibuster)


Kindly explain why THIS President thinks that he doesn't have to make the same compromises that previous President made when THEY had to work with divided governments?

I'm baffled by the liberal notion that Barack Obama is somehow excused from the realities of politics.

Which compromises were the President offered?

I have yet to see anything coming out of the Republicans. Demands are not compromises

You throw the word around a lot, but I don't think you know what it means

Doesn't matter what you think any one else knows or doesn't. WE all know obama doesn't know what the word compromise means!!
Why would you feel the need to compromise when you KNOW that your friends in the main stream media will always blame the other side?

Obama's been doing this dance since he hit the Oval Office and he's still getting away with it. The only problem is going to be that when the historians look back at what he accomplished during his two terms they're going to be stuck with a lousy economy, a disjointed foreign policy, a multitude of scandals with subsequent coverups and a health care "reform" that destroyed the best health care system on the planet on the way to government run care.

Quite a "legacy", Mr. President!

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