If you spent 2,307% more then you proposed.. would you still have


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

Obama said
His proposed budget would "cut our deficit in half by the end of my first term."
Barack Obama on Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 in in a news conference.
PolitiFact | Obama promises to cut the deficit in half in four years

BUT here is the reality:
Bush Deficit 2008 $482 billion
Obama in 2009 $1.4 Trillion - 2010 $1.29 Trillion - 2011 $1.27 Trillion - 2012 $1.6 Trillion

Total DEFICIT for 4 years.. $5.56 Trillion.
Promised cut cut by 1/2 the deficit of $482 billion or down to $241...

BUT instead of CUTTING... BALLOONED! EXPLODED! $5.56 Trillion!

This means Obama SPENT 2,307% MORE then he predicted he would CUT deficit to $241 billion!

So HOW long would you have YOUR job if you told your boss you'd cut by half your expenses BUT you spent 2,307% MORE???
But of course Obama's famous excuse in his OWN words...
On July 14 in Glenn Allen, Va., the president told a crowd, “After a decade of irresponsibility, where I inherited a trillion-dollar deficit, I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work."
White House Says

Now it wouldn't be so bad that HE LIED "inherited a trillion-dollar deficit".. (Bush budget deficit was $482 billion
"This assertion is understandable, since the deficit jumped from about $450 billion in 2008 "
Don’t Blame Obama for Bush’s 2009 Deficit | Cato @ Liberty

He naively thought the republicans actually loved America would work with him a least some of the time, boy you guys sure showed him different.

Obama said
His proposed budget would "cut our deficit in half by the end of my first term."
Barack Obama on Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 in in a news conference.
PolitiFact | Obama promises to cut the deficit in half in four years

BUT here is the reality:
Bush Deficit 2008 $482 billion
Obama in 2009 $1.4 Trillion - 2010 $1.29 Trillion - 2011 $1.27 Trillion - 2012 $1.6 Trillion

Total DEFICIT for 4 years.. $5.56 Trillion.
Promised cut cut by 1/2 the deficit of $482 billion or down to $241...

BUT instead of CUTTING... BALLOONED! EXPLODED! $5.56 Trillion!

This means Obama SPENT 2,307% MORE then he predicted he would CUT deficit to $241 billion!

So HOW long would you have YOUR job if you told your boss you'd cut by half your expenses BUT you spent 2,307% MORE???

These are the workings of the enemy within ... the destruction of America from the inside out. Not all enemies come from outside our borders - the worst one occupies the White House. :mad:
Again, healthmyths shows us he hasn't got a clue. Our federal government runs on fiscal years, just like businesses run on fiscal years. The very last Bush budget (for year 2009) started on October 1, 2008 and ended on September 30th, 2009. I guess healthmyths didn't know that or decided to ignore that fact.
From the conservative/Libertarian Cato Institute:

Don’t Blame Obama for Bush’s 2009 Deficit

"But there is one rather important detail that makes a big difference. The chart is based on the assumption that the current administration should be blamed for the 2009 fiscal year. While this makes sense to a casual observer, it is largely untrue. The 2009 fiscal year began October 1, 2008, nearly four months before Obama took office. The budget for the entire fiscal year was largely set in place while Bush was in the White House. So is we update the chart to show the Bush fiscal years in green, we can see that Obama is partly right in claiming that he inherited a mess (though Obama actually deserves a small share of the blame for Bush’s last deficit since earlier this year he pushed through both an “omnibus” spending bill and the so-called stimulus bill that increased FY2009 spending)."

Now I disagree with Cato as far as laying all of the 2009 fiscal year deficit on George W Bush. I think that the $787 billion dollar stimulus budget should be deducted from the total 2009 deficit that Cato is putting in Bush's column and instead put in Obama's deficit column.
He naively thought the republicans actually loved America would work with him a least some of the time, boy you guys sure showed him different.

There's an old saying in congress: "If you puit lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig" The on I like is "You can't polish a turd". Submitting crap legislation is still crap.

Obama said
His proposed budget would "cut our deficit in half by the end of my first term."
Barack Obama on Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 in in a news conference.
PolitiFact | Obama promises to cut the deficit in half in four years

BUT here is the reality:
Bush Deficit 2008 $482 billion
Obama in 2009 $1.4 Trillion - 2010 $1.29 Trillion - 2011 $1.27 Trillion - 2012 $1.6 Trillion

Total DEFICIT for 4 years.. $5.56 Trillion.
Promised cut cut by 1/2 the deficit of $482 billion or down to $241...

BUT instead of CUTTING... BALLOONED! EXPLODED! $5.56 Trillion!

This means Obama SPENT 2,307% MORE then he predicted he would CUT deficit to $241 billion!

So HOW long would you have YOUR job if you told your boss you'd cut by half your expenses BUT you spent 2,307% MORE???

Its a shame that Republicans would not pass his budget

A case of what might have been. Republicans care more about Obama failing than they do about the country
He naively thought the republicans actually loved America would work with him a least some of the time, boy you guys sure showed him different.

So not only is he a big spender, he's an incompetent leader, too. This is something you are proud of? A President who has been unable to work and play well with others as his predecessors have?

Clinton had an even more hostile Congress! They impeached him, for chrissakes. But he still found a way to work with them and came up with a balanced budget.

You people just keep coming up with more and more lame excuses for your limp dick incompetent messiah. You wonder where his mojo went, and if it is coming back. I have bad news for you. HE NEVER HAD IT!

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YES truly NAIVE is a good adjective ESPECIALLY when Obama TELLS his employers:

Obama has said: "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."Obama's words exactly!!
which means:
"I prefer to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a YEAR in Federal/State/Local taxes/social security/Medicare/workman's compensation/ unemployment insurance AND local property taxes on their facilities!
I prefer to put out of work the 400,000 people that work in the health insurance companies!"

So when YOUR employee the President says HE WANTS to destroy $100 billion a year in:
Federal/State/Local taxes/social security/Medicare/workman's compensation/ unemployment insurance AND local property taxes on their facilities!
AND put 400,000 people on unemployment lines..

AND your employee the President says:
Obama also said he wants companies to go bankrupt!!! "if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"

Do you want an employee that destroys your revenue, (TAXES at least $100 billion from 1,300 health insurance companies,)
says he is ok with your Gas prices.. "I'd like higher gas prices.."
HARWOOD: So could these high prices help us?

Sen. OBAMA: I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment.
In 2008, Obama Seemed OK With High Gas Prices | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

So again... YOU want your employee the President costing almost 3,000% more then he said it would,
you want your employee to put in place destruction of $100 billion a year in lost taxes??
You want your employee, the president to approve and actually execute higher gas prices by cutting in half oil exploration on Federal land..

In FY 2009, however, the number of new leases issued fell to 2,072, according to the Bureau of Land Management. In FY 2010, the number was lower still at 1,308; and in FY 2011, the number was 2,188. In every year of the Obama administration, the number of new leases issued was lower than in Bush’s last year.
In 3 years new leases under Obama 5,568 new leases..
Under Bush.. from 2006 to 2008 15,095 new leases!

SO your employee is keeping his promises HIGHER GAS Prices by reducing NEW federal leases by 270%!
Will that lower gas prices???
Number of New Oil Wells and New Leases Have Decreased Under Obama, Data from BLM Show | CNSNews.com
Its a shame that Republicans would not pass his budget

A case of what might have been. Republicans care more about Obama failing than they do about the country


I heard that talking point being floated around by his professional apologists all last week. It ain't working for you.

Try again.

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Gotta love the Republicans...

They block every initiative to help the economy and then giggle

"You didn't fix the economy like you said you would"
He naively thought the republicans actually loved America would work with him a least some of the time, boy you guys sure showed him different.

So not only is he a big spender, he's an incompetent leader, too. This is something you are proud of? A President who has been unable to work and play well with others as his predecessors have?

Clinton had an even more hostile Congress! They impeached him, for chrissakes. But he still found a way to work with them and came up with a balanced budget.

You people just keep coming up with more and more lame excuses for your limp dick incompetent messiah. You wonder where his mojo went, and if it is coming back. I have bad news for you. HE NEVER HAD IT!

Your republican assholes in congress have broken all records for blocks and filibusters, there has never been a more relentlessly and irrationally hostile congress in my lifetime. blame everything on Obama if you must but effective governance cannot happen when a political party will even sabotage the economy just to make the president look bad. Do you think Obama could have done anything to get those people on his side on anything? They are even voting against stuff they used to like and calling it fucking socialism.
YES truly NAIVE is a good adjective ESPECIALLY when Obama TELLS his employers:

Obama has said: "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."Obama's words exactly!!
which means:
"I prefer to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a YEAR in Federal/State/Local taxes/social security/Medicare/workman's compensation/ unemployment insurance AND local property taxes on their facilities!
I prefer to put out of work the 400,000 people that work in the health insurance companies!"

So when YOUR employee the President says HE WANTS to destroy $100 billion a year in:
Federal/State/Local taxes/social security/Medicare/workman's compensation/ unemployment insurance AND local property taxes on their facilities!
AND put 400,000 people on unemployment lines..

AND your employee the President says:
Obama also said he wants companies to go bankrupt!!! "if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"

Do you want an employee that destroys your revenue, (TAXES at least $100 billion from 1,300 health insurance companies,)
says he is ok with your Gas prices.. "I'd like higher gas prices.."
HARWOOD: So could these high prices help us?

Sen. OBAMA: I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment.
In 2008, Obama Seemed OK With High Gas Prices | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

So again... YOU want your employee the President costing almost 3,000% more then he said it would,
you want your employee to put in place destruction of $100 billion a year in lost taxes??
You want your employee, the president to approve and actually execute higher gas prices by cutting in half oil exploration on Federal land..

In FY 2009, however, the number of new leases issued fell to 2,072, according to the Bureau of Land Management. In FY 2010, the number was lower still at 1,308; and in FY 2011, the number was 2,188. In every year of the Obama administration, the number of new leases issued was lower than in Bush’s last year.
In 3 years new leases under Obama 5,568 new leases..
Under Bush.. from 2006 to 2008 15,095 new leases!

SO your employee is keeping his promises HIGHER GAS Prices by reducing NEW federal leases by 270%!
Will that lower gas prices???
Number of New Oil Wells and New Leases Have Decreased Under Obama, Data from BLM Show | CNSNews.com

I see healthmyths would rather have Americans continue to pay the highest price for healthcare insurance in the world. And maybe single payer would't reduce the cost of healthcare in America to the lowest in the world. But single payer would signifactly lower the cost of healthcare for all Americans.

Single Payer System Cost?
Single Payer System Cost? | Physicians for a National Health Program

So, not only healthmyths wrong about the 2009 fiscal year, he's wrong about the real impact of moving to single payer. Millions of Americans would save money and millions of Americans could afford healthcare insurance. And I'm sure everyone knows, those of us who have healthcare insurance pay for the treatment of those who don't have healthcare insurance with higher insurance premiums.
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But of course Obama's famous excuse in his OWN words...
On July 14 in Glenn Allen, Va., the president told a crowd, “After a decade of irresponsibility, where I inherited a trillion-dollar deficit, I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work."
White House Says

Now it wouldn't be so bad that HE LIED "inherited a trillion-dollar deficit".. (Bush budget deficit was $482 billion
"This assertion is understandable, since the deficit jumped from about $450 billion in 2008 "
Don’t Blame Obama for Bush’s 2009 Deficit | Cato @ Liberty


Obama did inherit, at the very least, a 900 billion dollar deficit. The last Bush deficit was about 450 billion, but tax revenues also fell by about the same amount in FY 2009, which makes for about a 900 billion dollar deficit,

that's without taking into account 2009 increases in mandatory spending programs pushed up by the Bush recession.

Obama said
His proposed budget would "cut our deficit in half by the end of my first term."
Barack Obama on Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 in in a news conference.
PolitiFact | Obama promises to cut the deficit in half in four years

BUT here is the reality:
Bush Deficit 2008 $482 billion
Obama in 2009 $1.4 Trillion - 2010 $1.29 Trillion - 2011 $1.27 Trillion - 2012 $1.6 Trillion

Total DEFICIT for 4 years.. $5.56 Trillion.
Promised cut cut by 1/2 the deficit of $482 billion or down to $241...

BUT instead of CUTTING... BALLOONED! EXPLODED! $5.56 Trillion!

This means Obama SPENT 2,307% MORE then he predicted he would CUT deficit to $241 billion!

So HOW long would you have YOUR job if you told your boss you'd cut by half your expenses BUT you spent 2,307% MORE???

Would you have voted for Reagan over Mondale in 1984 after Reagan promised to balance the budget,

but tripled the deficit instead?
Your republican assholes in congress have broken all records for blocks and filibusters, there has never been a more relentlessly and irrationally hostile congress in my lifetime. blame everything on Obama if you must but effective governance cannot happen when a political party will even sabotage the economy just to make the president look bad. Do you think Obama could have done anything to get those people on his side on anything? They are even voting against stuff they used to like and calling it fucking socialism.


Jesus. I can't even outsmart a bunch of mental midgets in Congress. And then Romney kicks my ass! Fuck!

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Gotta love the Republicans...

They block every initiative to help the economy and then giggle

"You didn't fix the economy like you said you would"

There has been NO Budget approved for 3 years WHY???
Senate controlled by Obama's party!

Senate/House/Executive all controlled by Democrats for two years and the prior two years the SENATE/HOUSE Democrat controlled!

AGAIN gotta figure out why people are so stupid as to think other people don't have access to the

Obama said
His proposed budget would "cut our deficit in half by the end of my first term."
Barack Obama on Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 in in a news conference.
PolitiFact | Obama promises to cut the deficit in half in four years

BUT here is the reality:
Bush Deficit 2008 $482 billion
Obama in 2009 $1.4 Trillion - 2010 $1.29 Trillion - 2011 $1.27 Trillion - 2012 $1.6 Trillion

Total DEFICIT for 4 years.. $5.56 Trillion.
Promised cut cut by 1/2 the deficit of $482 billion or down to $241...

BUT instead of CUTTING... BALLOONED! EXPLODED! $5.56 Trillion!

This means Obama SPENT 2,307% MORE then he predicted he would CUT deficit to $241 billion!

So HOW long would you have YOUR job if you told your boss you'd cut by half your expenses BUT you spent 2,307% MORE???

Its a shame that Republicans would not pass his budget

A case of what might have been. Republicans care more about Obama failing than they do about the country

He had the WH and both sides of Congress for two years.. not one budget. Even the Dems ran from his budgets.

Try again.
But of course Obama's famous excuse in his OWN words...
On July 14 in Glenn Allen, Va., the president told a crowd, “After a decade of irresponsibility, where I inherited a trillion-dollar deficit, I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work."
White House Says

Now it wouldn't be so bad that HE LIED "inherited a trillion-dollar deficit".. (Bush budget deficit was $482 billion
"This assertion is understandable, since the deficit jumped from about $450 billion in 2008 "
Don’t Blame Obama for Bush’s 2009 Deficit | Cato @ Liberty


Obama did inherit, at the very least, a 900 billion dollar deficit. The last Bush deficit was about 450 billion, but tax revenues also fell by about the same amount in FY 2009, which makes for about a 900 billion dollar deficit,

that's without taking into account 2009 increases in mandatory spending programs pushed up by the Bush recession.

SO you agree TAX REVENUES FELL????

LET's see...
1) $5 trillion LOSSES due to the Dot.com busts that supposedly gave a Clinton surplus!
Do you understand that if there are long term losses IRS allows DEDUCTING these losses against tax payments.. $5 trillion over 30 years allowed $166 billion!
That means starting in 2003 there was $166 billion less in tax revenue due to the $5 trillion in losses!
2) $2 Trillion losses due oh some minor event known as 9/11!!! another $66 billion a year in loss tax revenue!
3) You may not acknowledge BUT THE WORST hurricane SEASONS (PLURAL) in history destroyed $1 trillion in losses! $33 billion a year in losses!

Then of course each of those events cost jobs!
400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita
145,000 jobs in NYC alone due to 9/11
300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts.
845,000 jobs meaning NO Medicare/SS payments AND unemployment checks going out!

BUT YOU seem to forget that Over $267 billion in losses written off against tax liabilities!

Obama said
His proposed budget would "cut our deficit in half by the end of my first term."
Barack Obama on Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 in in a news conference.
PolitiFact | Obama promises to cut the deficit in half in four years

BUT here is the reality:
Bush Deficit 2008 $482 billion
Obama in 2009 $1.4 Trillion - 2010 $1.29 Trillion - 2011 $1.27 Trillion - 2012 $1.6 Trillion

Total DEFICIT for 4 years.. $5.56 Trillion.
Promised cut cut by 1/2 the deficit of $482 billion or down to $241...

BUT instead of CUTTING... BALLOONED! EXPLODED! $5.56 Trillion!

This means Obama SPENT 2,307% MORE then he predicted he would CUT deficit to $241 billion!

So HOW long would you have YOUR job if you told your boss you'd cut by half your expenses BUT you spent 2,307% MORE???

Its a shame that Republicans would not pass his budget

A case of what might have been. Republicans care more about Obama failing than they do about the country

Obama succeeding is America failing.

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