If You Own A Volkswagen, You're Now Considered Anti-Semitic

The VW Bug was Adolf Hitler's idea which was an excellent idea and a somewhat similar concept to Henry Ford's Model T. Jews I grew up with actually had more issues with Ford simply because he wrote about the international zionist menace.
How many illiterate, ignorant, neo Nazi white supremacists can you fit in a white trash trailor park?
I don't know but the answer to my joke is all of them, as long as you put them in the ashtray!
Wow, how original. I bet this one gets you and the rest of your local trailer trash neo Nazi groupies rolling on the floor, even though it's been said like a million times.

Come back and talk to me when your IQ exceeds your age.
The thing is, I'm not a neo nazi nor do I live in a trailer park.
Racists and bigots are usually in total denial as to what they are. Nothing new here.
You're confirming what I stated.

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