If you learned.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
That your health, and especially your immune health, depends on you properly chewing your food, would you slow down and chew it up real good, or would you continue to swallow it in big chunks?
Carvones usually consume their food in large bites.....I'm not a fucking cow that chews on a cud.

That said I do cut beef up into smaller bites these days.....It costs so much due to dem policy I want to make it last. ;)
Carvones usually consume their food in large bites.....I'm not a fucking cow that chews on a cud.

That said I do cut beef up into smaller bites these days.....It costs so much due to dem policy I want to make it last. ;)
We're not like those animals.
Who’s eating so fast that their doctor’s telling them their health depends on it?

Are you talking about dysphagia and the risk of aspiration? Cause that’s different from simply chewing more slowly/thoroughly for digestion or weight loss
Who’s eating so fast that their doctor’s telling them their health depends on it?

Are you talking about dysphagia and the risk of aspiration? Cause that’s different from simply chewing more slowly/thoroughly for digestion or weight loss

I have had to force myself over the years to eat slower, not really more chewing but more time between bites.

A bad habit one learns in Marine Corps boot camp is to eat fast as the DIs used to love to fuck with us by suddenly ending chow time and pulling us all out of the mess hall.
Turn whatever you eat into 'soup' by thoroughly chewing it.
it's more efficient to eat soup.

Other research has shown that compared to solid foods like cheese, crackers, and cantaloupe, soup does a better job at curbing subsequent eating. Why soup? Scientists say texture is key. Although liquids empty from the stomach faster than solids, thicker liquids like soup are different.

The Weird Reason You Should Eat More Soup - Time​

it's more efficient to eat soup.

Other research has shown that compared to solid foods like cheese, crackers, and cantaloupe, soup does a better job at curbing subsequent eating. Why soup? Scientists say texture is key. Although liquids empty from the stomach faster than solids, thicker liquids like soup are different.

The Weird Reason You Should Eat More Soup - Time

I always feel bloating when I eat a big bowl of soup.

Chewing important for other reasons. Watch this video.

which is why they are all so fat!
Lots of fat soldiers in the Army as well. After basic we had lots of time to eat.
I heard that promotions/rank were sometimes withheld if a soldier didn't keep his weight down.

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