If You Got Pfizer, This Is When Your Protection Drops Below 50 Percent


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

If You Got Pfizer, This Is When Your Protection Drops Below 50 Percent​

Allie Hogan
Tue, October 5, 2021, 11:55 AM

On Oct. 4, The Lancet published a study that examined the Pfizer vaccine's effectiveness over six months. According to the study, the effectiveness of Pfizer at preventing COVID infection dropped to 47 percent from 88 percent six months after the second dose. However, the vaccine's effectiveness at preventing severe outcomes remained high. Pfizer was 90 percent effective at preventing hospitalization and death related to COVID for at least six months, even as the highly transmissible Delta variant became the most dominant strain of the virus.

Vaccine effectiveness against the Delta variant began at 93 percent after the first month, then dropped to 54 percent after four months. Meanwhile, against other COVID strains, efficacy fell from 97 percent to 67 percent. "To us, that suggests Delta is not an escape variant that is completely evading vaccine protection," study leader Sara Tartof, PhD, told Reuters

Anything or anyone more pathetic than rich white leftists in this country?

If You Got Pfizer, This Is When Your Protection Drops Below 50 Percent​

Allie Hogan
Tue, October 5, 2021, 11:55 AM

On Oct. 4, The Lancet published a study that examined the Pfizer vaccine's effectiveness over six months. According to the study, the effectiveness of Pfizer at preventing COVID infection dropped to 47 percent from 88 percent six months after the second dose. However, the vaccine's effectiveness at preventing severe outcomes remained high. Pfizer was 90 percent effective at preventing hospitalization and death related to COVID for at least six months, even as the highly transmissible Delta variant became the most dominant strain of the virus.

Vaccine effectiveness against the Delta variant began at 93 percent after the first month, then dropped to 54 percent after four months. Meanwhile, against other COVID strains, efficacy fell from 97 percent to 67 percent. "To us, that suggests Delta is not an escape variant that is completely evading vaccine protection," study leader Sara Tartof, PhD, told Reuters

Anything or anyone more pathetic than rich white leftists in this country?

Stats that DO NOT favor the bullshit narrative of the left means you are a TRUMPTARD!!!!

It is really a shame we are not dealing in reality...instead our government has decided to scare people into getting a shot they do not necessarily need.

It is disgusting.
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My vote goes to the vaccine drug companies and their hucksters like Fauci who have orchestrated a campaign against cheap effective treatments for Covid-19 because they don't make as much profit from them. How many deaths have occurred as the result of the massive campaign against HCQ and Ivermectin?


Do we know exactly how much the PHARMANAZIS are getting per dose of our money?

This is why they must vilify IVERMECTIN and HYDROCHLOROQUINE AND VITAMINS C, D, Zinc, Magnesium, EXERCISE, eating well, cut down on drinking......

My vote goes to the vaccine drug companies and their hucksters like Fauci who have orchestrated a campaign against cheap effective treatments for Covid-19 because they don't make as much profit from them. How many deaths have occurred as the result of the massive campaign against HCQ and Ivermectin?
Somebody has to pay for all of those opiate fines that were leveled on the drug companies.
My vote goes to the vaccine drug companies and their hucksters like Fauci who have orchestrated a campaign against cheap effective treatments for Covid-19 because they don't make as much profit from them. How many deaths have occurred as the result of the massive campaign against HCQ and Ivermectin?

This post nailed the whole thing from the Pharmanazi side.

There is the bonus thrown in of our masters figuring out how best to make us all sheep.
Pretty good marketing campaign. Hate on the unvaccinated for months on end, if you don't take you scheduled booster, you too will become an unvaxxed heathen. Fearmongering for a lifetime.

Why dont these lefty sheep see this shit that is so fucking obvious?

It is tribal pressure from their Marxist masters that has worked perfectly.

The downside is it always ends in mass graves.

Do we know exactly how much the PHARMANAZIS are getting per dose of our money?

This is why they must vilify IVERMECTIN and HYDROCHLOROQUINE AND VITAMINS C, D, Zinc, Magnesium, EXERCISE, eating well, cut down on drinking......

Who has vilified anyone for eating well, exercise, taking vitamins etc, fool?

But yes, the gullible were warned about light bulbs inside the body, bleach cleanses & ringworm meds.
If any of you holistic crystal humping, sage burning, soap making, no shaving, drink ginger tea hippies due to societal pressure and not medical need got the Biden shot….all of you who did that….you now must shave.

You are a conformist. Time to trim those pits and pelvis. You are a fraud.
This post nailed the whole thing from the Pharmanazi side.

There is the bonus thrown in of our masters figuring out how best to make us all sheep.
Actually you anti vax whack jobs are looking pretty stupid all on your own.
Who has vilified anyone for eating well, exercise, taking vitamins etc, fool?

But yes, the gullible were warned about light bulbs inside the body, bleach cleanses & ringworm meds.

I have seen vilification of vitamins and diet and exercise in place of the Fauci Ouchy all day every day.
My vote goes to the vaccine drug companies and their hucksters like Fauci who have orchestrated a campaign against cheap effective treatments for Covid-19 because they don't make as much profit from them. How many deaths have occurred as the result of the massive campaign against HCQ and Ivermectin?

Why do you think Pfizer spent more than 13 million on 102 lobbyist last year. So far this year they've spent about half that on 92 lobbyist. Follow the money!

Actually you anti vax whack jobs are looking pretty stupid all on your own.
There aren't many people who are actually anti-vaccine. To each their own and all that. The problems arise when folks like you think you can tell me what's best for me. Nothing you can say changes the fact this virus is 99+% survivable. Nobody knows the long term effects of this experimental treatment, pretending they do is simply a lie. Find your validation somewhere else and leave people to make their own choices.
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