If You Don’t Think Government Schooling Is A Failure….

Those not convinced that government schooling need be ended, as it stands today, view the PISA chart, and consider this:

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The US spends more on education than other countries. - The ...

https://www.theguardian.com › us-news › sep › us-educ...
In 2014, the US spent an average of $16,268 a year to educate a pupil from primary through tertiary education, according to the Organization for ...

" Nothing proving that US public schools have failed."

Of course it does.

The fact that you fear answering this query proves it, liar.

Answer it now:

"I read the chart just fine."

Let's check.

Where did the chart indicate American students fell in comparison with other nations' students?

Careful....next I'm gonna quiz you on what that says about government schooling, you dolt.
I don’t trust your chart because it’s not sourced and you want provide sourcing for the stats. So the rankings on your chart are irrelevant until you do so
Everything the Left/Liberals/Democrats control ends in failure.
In education, it is the self esteem movement.

In the light of the essential nature of emotion to the Left, it makes perfect sense that they have created the (highly destructive) self-esteem movement, based on how one feels about oneself. Of course, it is always quite a high number for Leftists, convinced that they are brighter, kinder, finer, more sophisticated, more enlightened, more selfless, and, of course, more intellectual.
From chapter two of Prager's "Still The Best Hope."

a. "A 1989 study of mathematical skills compared students in eight different countries. American students ranked lowest in mathematical competence and Korean students ranked highest. But the researchers also asked students to rate how good they were at mathematics. The Americans ranked highest in self-judged mathematical ability, while the Koreans ranked lowest.

There is no evidence that high self-esteem reliably causes anything.
The Problem with Self-Esteem
You had better fix the family unit overnight or things shall continue. What books one reads simy won't fix the problem. To demand the closure of all schools simply adds to the huge division that exists between socioeconomic classes.
I don’t trust your chart because it’s not sourced and you want provide sourcing for the stats. So the rankings on your chart are irrelevant until you do so

And now you've been reduced to the perennial Liberal response...."Is not, issssssssss nooooottttttt!!!!!"

You've served the purpose that you were born to serve, an example of what government school turns out.

And now you've been reduced to the perennial Liberal response...."Is not, issssssssss nooooottttttt!!!!!"

You've served the purpose that you were born to serve, an example of what government school turns out.

If I photoshopped a chart and posted it as evidence to support one of my arguments would you take it seriously or ask for my sourcing?
I dismiss any author of a political books as they have taken the Bible and twisted it. The Dems are disgusting and I will never as a Christian support the reThuglicans.
I'm surprised that none of the apologists for the failed government school system haven't asked for what could be better.

First, let's apply what made America the shining example to the world: liberty, freedom.

Vouchers, with education funds going with the student, not to the system.

That would fuel charter schools, home schooling, private schools, vocational schools, all sorts of variations on the theme.

And, let's remember how much better parochial schools do than government schools.

  1. Many families favored the safety, discipline, and attention to character development in addition to academics, but would have to continue paying public school property taxes in addition to tuition.
  2. Teacher unions opposed any aid to schools that were not unionized.
  3. Urban parochial schools were serving a growing share of disadvantaged and frequently non-Catholic youngsters. In a study published in 1990, for example, the Rand Corporation found that, of the Catholic school students in these Catholic high schools in New York City, 75 to 90 percent were black or Hispanic.
Over 66 percent of the Catholic school graduates received the New York State Regents diploma to signify completion of an academically demanding college preparatory curriculum, while only about 5 percent of the public school students received this distinction;

The Catholic high schools graduated 95 percent of their students each year, while the public schools graduated slightly more 50 percent of their senior class;

The Catholic school students achieved an average combined SAT score of 803, while the public school students' average combined SAT score was 642;

60 percent of the Catholic school black students scored above the national average for black students on the SAT, and over 70 percent of public school black students scored below the same national average.

« More recent studies confirm these observations. http://www.heritage.org/research/urbanissues/bg1128.cfm

"Classes in Catholic parochial schools tended to be larger than in private schools in general. More than 62 percent of the Catholic parochial schools had an average class size of 25 or more, a substantially higher proportion than private schools overall (36 percent)."

"Catholic schools are attractive to non-Catholics for several reasons, parents and Catholic educators say. They offer the close supervision and small classes of private schools at a fraction of the cost - often as little as $1,000 a year. Most important, along with academics, many parents say, is that Catholic schools provide discipline and instruct students in morals and values through their religious teaching." More Non-Catholic Students Trying Catholic Schools (Published 1987)
I dismiss any author of a political books as they have taken the Bible and twisted it. The Dems are disgusting and I will never as a Christian support the reThuglicans.

"I dismiss any author of a political books...."

Name the ones you've read.
I'm all for vouchers. And if the student is a severe disruption they cannot be denied by a school public or private. No expulsion possible I agree PC
The Bible is the best read. It speaks volumes about not letting wealthy people lead. They simy cannot.
The Bible is the best read. It speaks volumes about not letting wealthy people lead. They simy cannot.

That's the 'Green-Eyed Monster' speaking.

You should read Thoreau....

Henry David Thoreau Quotes
That man is rich whose pleasures are the cheapest.
I just read silencing the righteous mind by haidt. Not impressed at all. Way off.

I like Haidt, and his views vis-a-vis liberals and conservatives.

I posted this in 2014....

"In The Righteous Mind, Haidt seeks to enrich liberalism, and political discourse generally, with a deeper awareness of human nature.
The hardest part, Haidt finds, is getting liberals to open their minds. Anecdotally, he reports that when he talks about authority, loyalty and sanctity, many people in the audience spurn these ideas as the seeds of racism, sexism and homophobia. And in a survey of 2,000 Americans, Haidt found that self-described liberals, especially those who called themselves very liberal, were worse at predicting the moral judgments of moderates and conservatives than moderates and conservatives were at predicting the moral judgments of liberals.

Liberals dont understand conservative values. And they cant recognize this failing, because theyre so convinced of their rationality, open-mindedness and enlightenment."
Matter 19:24. It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Doesn't bode well for the elitists....I mean the wealthy.
The reality is this: Public Education is like a lot of things - you get out of it what you put into it. And I'm not only talking about academic effort; I'm talking about the students themselves. Americans who are intelligent and even moderately successful, and have offspring, SEE TO IT that their children get a good education in the American public education industry (speaking of those who don't go the private or parochial route, or do home schooling).

We either move to school districts with high standards, or we manage our kids into "magnet" or "AP" programs, or get them into classes with the most reputable teachers. One way or another, we get a good education for our kids. We help them along, and hire tutors, and send them to summer camps, and get them into programs that work to their academic and personal benefit. We even do foolish things like sending them to SAT-prep classes.

In my son's school district, 80-90% of the students go to college every year. Significant numbers of them are National Merit Scholars, and go to superior colleges and universities. The teachers are paid very well, and are generally quite good, but given the students who walk through the doors, they would be "successful" regardless.

When you look at average academic achievement across all regions and demographics, the numbers are depressed by horrible urban schools, schools where half the students are not native English speakers, and schools in desperate poverty areas. But if you, as parents, are intelligent and industrious, you will get a good education for your kids, and that fact applies whether you are "white," Black, Hispanic, or a person of whatever color you can name.

And that's all that matters to individuals. Why do I give a shit what the "average" high school grad can do? The "average" American adult cannot write a coherent paragraph on any subject that does not involve sports or television. Who gives a shit? That is not a poor reflection on me.

The countries with the best academics are ethnically homogeneous. What a surprise!

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