If you could pick next year's SB halftime act...


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
...what band/artist would you pick?

If I wanted to see another geezer rock band, I think AC/DC would be my pick. Saw them last year and they kicked fucking ass.

If I wanted something a little more contemporary, I'd go with the White Stripes.

What say you?
Let's dig up John Denver from the grave and put him on stage. The Who just as well of been dead. They really sucked. Somebody should tell these guys it's past time for them to retire and stay retired.
And I'm saying this here and now:

The Super Bowl is in Indy in 2012-and if they get John frigging Cougar Mellancamp to play the halftime show there will be rioting in the streets! :eek:
Jeff Dunham and Walter.


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