If You Can't Trust The Media....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Well....you can't.
Media personnel are merely Democrats with press credentials.

1. When the Bolsheviks took over, shutting down the means of communication was nearly instantaneous. But...they, and later Leftists learned that using same was even better. Hence, state media, and as informtion became political currency, what are laugingly called "fact checers."


2. Democrat supporters, otherwise known as simpletons, are committed to turning over their ability to think to the media, those fact-checkers, etc., even when their pronouncements defy logic.
This morn....some moron continued to believe the Leftist narrative that 'redlining' was racist ( they are force to parrot every claim of racism by the party) ....

"Definition and Example of Redlining

Redlining is a form of illegal lending discrimination used primarily against Black homebuyers in which people that live in certain communities are not allowed the same access to credit as people in other communities based on race, color, or other discriminatory factors."
Which Is The Worse Hate Crime.... post 105

.....when it is simply due diligence by loan agencies that need to decide if loans will be repaid.

3. And this recent exposure of PolitiFact as more of the Left's Lying Meretricious Amanuenses"

"PolitiFact: No, Stacey Abrams didn’t support pulling the MLB All-Star game out of Atlanta

PolitiFact says Wednesday that Abrams didn’t support MLB’s boycott, despite what Chris Carr, a Republican who is running for a new term as Georgia’s attorney general, tweeted.
Fact-checker Louis Jacobson says “if your time is short”:

Both before and after the league decided to move the All-Star Game away from Atlanta, Abrams threw cold water on the notion of a boycott — in a Twitter video, in comments to the leading newspaper in Atlanta, and in an op-ed in USA Today.

4. Fox News reported on it, saying, “USA Today appeared to have bizarrely allowed retroactive edits of an op-ed written by prominent Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams in an effort to water down her previous justification for boycotts after MLB moved its All-Star Game from Atlanta.”


There is one rule you should adhere to to always be correct and in the right:
The only fact-checker you will ever need.......

.....is moi.
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I think the last tv reporter I trusted was Cronkite.

Later, I found he wasn't all that trustworthy either.

A pox on all their houses!
I think the last tv reporter I trusted was Cronkite.

Later, I found he wasn't all that trustworthy either.

A pox on all their houses!

It appears it requires both intelligence and effort to glean the truth these days......

....and both are in short supply among our government school grads.
It appears it requires both intelligence and effort to glean the truth these days......

....and both are in short supply among our government school grads.

A made up statistic I have says that 74% of grads today are unable to spell CAT, or tie their shoes.

That's why the rise in velcro and slip on shoes according to my scources.
Abrams is heavily funded by someone, I suspected this when she was receiving so much air time for a person who hadn't won a damned thing in her life. She even conducted the retort to the State of the Union address. Huh?

I imagine some have visions of her as being president one day and they spent ALOT of money...
Abrams is heavily funded by someone, I suspected this when she was receiving so much air time for a person who hadn't won a damned thing in her life. She even conducted the retort to the State of the Union address. Huh?

I imagine some have visions of her as being president one day and they spent ALOT of money...

Gee.....it'd be a tough choice between Abrams and 'What? Me worry?'

Well....you can't.
Media personnel are merely Democrats with press credentials.

1. When the Bolsheviks took over, shutting down the means of communication was nearly instantaneous. But...they, and later Leftists learned that using same was even better. Hence, state media, and as informtion became political currency, what are laugingly called "fact checers."

View attachment 649921

2. Democrat supporters, otherwise known as simpletons, are committed to turning over their ability to think to the media, those fact-checkers, etc., even when their pronouncements defy logic.
This morn....some moron continued to believe the Leftist narrative that 'redlining' was racist ( they are force to parrot every claim of racism by the party) ....

"Definition and Example of Redlining

Redlining is a form of illegal lending discrimination used primarily against Black homebuyers in which people that live in certain communities are not allowed the same access to credit as people in other communities based on race, color, or other discriminatory factors."
Which Is The Worse Hate Crime.... post 105

.....when it is simply due diligence by loan agencies that need to decide if loans will be repaid.

3. And this recent exposure of PolitiFact as more of the Left's Lying Meretricious Amanuenses"

"PolitiFact: No, Stacey Abrams didn’t support pulling the MLB All-Star game out of Atlanta

PolitiFact says Wednesday that Abrams didn’t support MLB’s boycott, despite what Chris Carr, a Republican who is running for a new term as Georgia’s attorney general, tweeted.
Fact-checker Louis Jacobson says “if your time is short”:

4. Fox News reported on it, saying, “USA Today appeared to have bizarrely allowed retroactive edits of an op-ed written by prominent Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams in an effort to water down her previous justification for boycotts after MLB moved its All-Star Game from Atlanta.”


There is one rule you should adhere to to always be correct and in the right:
The only fact-checker you will ever need.......

.....is moi.

"Fact checking" appears to be built into internet search engines now. Try searching any political topic and you will see at the top of hit list a Democrat "fact checker" dismissing the Conservative stance.

You choose to hide in your bunker?

What are you trying to say????

It's clear that no one can avoid the liars of state media, or the indoctrinators of government school.

As Mark Twain reportedly said:
If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do, you're misinformed.” .
What are you trying to say????

It's clear that no one can avoid the liars of state media, or the indoctrinators of government school.

As Mark Twain reportedly said:
If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do, you're misinformed.” .
Was the WWW around in Mark Twain’s lifetime?

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