If Trump Wins...


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Well, this topic will certainly attract black voters to vote for the GOP.


"With friends like these..."
Democrats will of course lose the white vote, no biggee they've lost it for over forty years now. Republicans play the race card and the fools follow.

"When a faithfully married black president who was the son of a single-mother, the first black editor of Harvard Law review and a professor of constitutional law is considered unintelligent, immoral, and anti-American by the right while a xenophobic, misogynistic, "serially philandering", trust fund kid who quotes from the National Enquirer, peddles conspiracy theories, routinely calls women ugly and fat, calls McCain a loser for having been a prisoner of war, and who has advocated torture and the bombing of women and children has captured the hearts of a majority of Republicans. This is white supremacy folks. Plain and simple." Adam Gelvan

'The Dangerous Acceptance Of Donald Trump' By Adam Gopnik

"The American Republic stands threatened by the first overtly anti-democratic leader of a large party in its modern history—an authoritarian with no grasp of history, no impulse control, and no apparent barriers on his will to power. The right thing to do, for everyone who believes in liberal democracy, is to gather around and work to defeat him on Election Day. Instead, we seem to be either engaged in parochial feuding or caught by habits of tribal hatred so ingrained that they have become impossible to escape even at moments of maximum danger. Bernie Sanders wouldn’t mind bringing down the Democratic Party to prevent it from surrendering to corporate forces — and yet he may be increasing the possibility of rule -by- billionaire." The Dangerous Acceptance of Donald Trump - The New Yorker
If Trump wins, of this i am sure, he will betray the far right and racists and nativists.
midcan5 Thank you for an excellent post.

Many have wondered why RWs vote Republican and why the poor vote Republican. Surely they KNOW its against their own best interests, the best interests of their own children and of their country and yet, they do it.

This time is even worse though. Big money, big banks, big government, screwing over the poor and working class, stealing from other Americans, daily lies, flip-floping on his own flip-flops, no ethics, no morality, no control over what comes out of his mouth ... Trumpery really does perfectly represent the worst in human beings.

How is it that so many willfully ignore everything Drumpf does and says? He is what RWs say they're against but, as someone said, he could take a dump on the American flag and they would applaud him.
If Trump wins, of this i am sure, he will betray the far right and racists and nativists.

That's more reason than I can find to vote for Hilary. Oh I can hear the caterwauling now.

Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

What I've said is I cannot support her, k? You can, by all means.

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