If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

He was impeached twice and was a one term president. All predictions came true.
He won 84% of the counties in America.. if you subtract the states that were stuffing the ballots he won 95%
Oh, it's "illegal" ....."in all states for illegal aliens to register to vote in federal elections."

Oh GEE WILIKERS: thanks so much for informing me of that, Faun. And after all, we all know how law-abiding illegal aliens are, :rolleyes: and that they wouldn't dream of doing anything illegal. :muahaha:

EARTH TO FAUN: Unless they openly state that they are non-citizens, yeah :right:, the election authorities have no way of ascertaining that they are illegal. Proof of citizenship is not required in a single US state.
Not rocket science >> So they simply claim that they are citizens (OMG, would they ever do something like that?), and just register and vote, like everyone else.

I hope this doesn't give you a neurosis, but this has been going on since before I was born, non-stop, increasing leaps & bounds every decade, especially now. The fact is there is no state in America that does NOT register them. They vote by the MILLIONS, and this is why Biden has eliminated the Mexican border.
You're welcome.
And since you were born, how much evidence have you compiled that they were voting in such numbers that they would change the election?
Nothing dumber than BLM. Their leaders own mansions from the donations$$$$$ that donor thought were going to improve lives of millions of black people. In the meantime, they oppose Donald Trump, who has done more to help blacks than anyone in America.
Really? Link please?
HA HA.Oh "rightwing link" is it? And where do you think a story about illegal aliens voting is going to appear ? In the Washington Post ? New York Times ? Mother Jones ?

You really have no idea what's going on about illegal aliens. I ask illegal aliens about their immigration status all the time (in Spanish of course). They openly brag about their illegallity, and how they have jobs (show me their photo IDs), steal videos from the library, vote in US elections, drive without a license, start wildfires, and engage in rape (acceptable in Mexico). They were also drinking beer while on the job (construction), which probably added to their open way of talking.

As for arrests, how would there be any ?,,,when not one state in the US requires proof of citizenship to vote. Illegals walk right up and register and vote just like anybody else. Democrat election officials arent going to stop them, and republican election officials have no way to stop them, as they have no idea who is a citizen and who isnt.
Hell, in about 20 states, there is no ID requirement OF ANY KIND. NONE.

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You're getting an education. 😐
No, I'm not. I'm understanding that you and the truth are totally divorced from each other.
Really? Link please?
About BLM, or Trump's assistance to blacks ?

Oh, it's "illegal" ....."in all states for illegal aliens to register to vote in federal elections."

Oh GEE WILIKERS: thanks so much for informing me of that, Faun. And after all, we all know how law-abiding illegal aliens are, :rolleyes: and that they wouldn't dream of doing anything illegal. :muahaha:

EARTH TO FAUN: Unless they openly state that they are non-citizens, yeah :right:, the election authorities have no way of ascertaining that they are illegal. Proof of citizenship is not required in a single US state.
Not rocket science >> So they simply claim that they are citizens (OMG, would they ever do something like that?), and just register and vote, like everyone else.

I hope this doesn't give you a neurosis, but this has been going on since before I was born, non-stop, increasing leaps & bounds every decade, especially now. The fact is there is no state in America that does NOT register them. They vote by the MILLIONS, and this is why Biden has eliminated the Mexican border.
You're welcome.

You're such a dumbfuck, gramps. I'm not saying it doesn't happen because it's illegal and illegal aliens are saints who wouldn't break the law. I'm saying it doesn't happen because it's illegal and so the states don't register illegal aliens to vote. And yes, everyone has to submit some form of ID which weeds out illegal aliens, including a social security number, a driver's license, or a passport..

You're such a dumbfuck, gramps. I'm not saying it doesn't happen because it's illegal and illegal aliens are saints who wouldn't break the law. I'm saying it doesn't happen because it's illegal and so the states don't register illegal aliens to vote. And yes, everyone has to submit some form of ID which weeds out illegal aliens, including a social security number, a driver's license, or a passport..
1. The map I posted shows 17 states requiring no ID of any kind.

2. As I stated, not 1 of 50 states requires proof of citizenship to register or vote in US elections.

3. As also stated, states don't permit illegal aliens to register to vote. They simply don't know that they are illegal aliens, and the illegals don't volunteer the information. Get it ?

4. As also previously stated > this isn't rocket science. :biggrin:
And since you were born, how much evidence have you compiled that they were voting in such numbers that they would change the election?
I posted 9 source links. You require double digits ? :laugh:

I also posted many PAGES of evidence, you just prefer to DENY it. Doesn't matter how much evidence is presented to you, Mr Denial.
He was impeached twice and was a one term president. All predictions came true.
"Impeached" as you call it, by THIEVES, and election stolen by the same THIEVES.

PS - if he was impeached, then how come he remained president, after these so-called impeachments ? :biggrin:

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