If Trump were innocent , he would be an open book for Mueller

I hate liars period Iceberg and yes it seems that all politicians lie.. let's not go there. I am not up to the well Hillary did it , today. Let's stick to getting to the bottom of this investigation..

I think Mueller is wrapping it up, I hope anyway..

of course not - you hate someone so you want 1 trait to mean more than the rest for others. you hold him to a different standard and then don't EVER bring up when your side lies their ass off. instead you get upset and say STAY ON TOPIC. only your topic is narrow and self-serving in a "I MUST VENT" fashion.

but it's hardly realistic to attack a man for lying and not care what previous liars did in the same role. it strengthens the viewpoint of bias and "my morality is better than yours".

so try as you might, you'll never be able to have a TRUMP LIES convo and not hear about all the rest.

LOL.. you obviously don't know me.

This is your argument every time Iceberg

that i see the whole picture and not the subset that pisses me off?

you're right. i don't know you. i only know what you post and the repetition in them. you hate trump so anything against trump seems to mean the world. but those same habits in others don't seem to bother you. not uncommon, we all tend to do this. i just try to put that down and see the whole, not just my comfort zone.

not a trump fan. he divides us more than obama did and that's saying something. but we let it happen.

what i am bothered by are the people who don't seem to care we're trashing 240+ years of history right now and shattering our own collective standards of morality and the very structure of our foundations right now just because we don't like the people in office. we're willing to believe anything we need to in order to be emotionally correct.

i don't care about trump per se in as much as i care about our entire system of government and what we're doing to it today to let the left go apeshit in taking it apart because they find it inconvenient.

you don't know me that well either, do you?

I supported Trump in the beginning before he flipped and picked Pence, ..He is a liar and hurt the people who kept him afloat in the beginning ( moderates ) ..

so was the corrupt DNC who let us down.. Freaken Wasserman is still working in congress..Why?..she needs to go ( I hate her )

I do not like Clinton, and did not support her.. but I voted for my party like most people did... We had little choice..

Yes, the whole congress is a lie and they vote for their own pocketbooks not for the people..
and when we let one side "get away with it" for the biggest reason being we hate the other side more - we take it all apart.

that's where we're headed because our hate must be satisfied. never saw hate build much of anything good. have you? it's damn sure what's in charge right now.
Think the real hate started when Trump started lying about Obamas birth That big lie propelled him into the presidency
I hate liars period Iceberg and yes it seems that all politicians lie.. let's not go there. I am not up to the well Hillary did it , today. Let's stick to getting to the bottom of this investigation..

I think Mueller is wrapping it up, I hope anyway..

of course not - you hate someone so you want 1 trait to mean more than the rest for others. you hold him to a different standard and then don't EVER bring up when your side lies their ass off. instead you get upset and say STAY ON TOPIC. only your topic is narrow and self-serving in a "I MUST VENT" fashion.

but it's hardly realistic to attack a man for lying and not care what previous liars did in the same role. it strengthens the viewpoint of bias and "my morality is better than yours".

so try as you might, you'll never be able to have a TRUMP LIES convo and not hear about all the rest.

LOL.. you obviously don't know me.

This is your argument every time Iceberg

that i see the whole picture and not the subset that pisses me off?

you're right. i don't know you. i only know what you post and the repetition in them. you hate trump so anything against trump seems to mean the world. but those same habits in others don't seem to bother you. not uncommon, we all tend to do this. i just try to put that down and see the whole, not just my comfort zone.

not a trump fan. he divides us more than obama did and that's saying something. but we let it happen.

what i am bothered by are the people who don't seem to care we're trashing 240+ years of history right now and shattering our own collective standards of morality and the very structure of our foundations right now just because we don't like the people in office. we're willing to believe anything we need to in order to be emotionally correct.

i don't care about trump per se in as much as i care about our entire system of government and what we're doing to it today to let the left go apeshit in taking it apart because they find it inconvenient.

you don't know me that well either, do you?

I supported Trump in the beginning before he flipped and picked Pence, ..He is a liar and hurt the people who kept him afloat in the beginning ( moderates ) ..

so was the corrupt DNC who let us down.. Freaken Wasserman is still working in congress..Why?..she needs to go ( I hate her )

I do not like Clinton, and did not support her.. but I voted for my party like most people did... We had little choice..

Yes, the whole congress is a lie and they vote for their own pocketbooks not for the people..
and when we let one side "get away with it" for the biggest reason being we hate the other side more - we take it all apart.

that's where we're headed because our hate must be satisfied. never saw hate build much of anything good. have you? it's damn sure what's in charge right now.

The republicans are so excited they won, that they are overlooking that maybe there is a major problem .. They parrot the noise to derail the investigation.

You were not here with the thousand threads everyday slamming Obama and Clinton, and Dumb ass Trey Gowdy is as corrupt as hell and creeps me out..
Clinton and the DNC lost because of their actions Iceberg, we took responsibility Iceberg..

He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


I am a conservative but by no means a Trump apologist and he pisses me off regularly. But, I believe we have essentially seen all the real evidence in the Mueller case and there are no "bombshells" left to drop. Every campaign gets their hands dirty a little...it's politics after all! If Meuller proves that the Trump team coordinated with Russia in some tangible way to influence the election than I will be the first to say impeach Trump and long live President Pence. But, meeting with foreign diplomats is NOT "collusion" and has been standard practice for past presidential candidates. It helps them shape their foreign policy agendas (Did candidate Obama call world leaders in 2008?). But, the Russians are crafty and they suckered the inexperienced Trump team into that meeting and the Trump team quickly ducked away from it once they caught on to the game.

So, why not be an "open book"? Because if someone is gunning for you then they can cast the normal political sleaze as a crime. On the other hand, if you have the US Intelligence Community covering your back they can make your legitimate crimes look like ordinary political sleaze. Consider the following with an open mind.

Could you imagine if the Mueller investigation subpoenaed evidence on a Trump White House server and the Trump team deleted the data with BleachBit AFTER receiving the subpoena?
The FBI Files on Clinton's Emails - FactCheck.org

What if he uncovered that Trump had used his own money to buy the primary nomination from the RNC?
Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

How about if the FBI had exonerated the Trump team prior to any investigation of these issues of legitimate concern?
FBI documents: Comey began drafting statements on Clinton email months before announcement

What if the Trump team (through intermediaries) paid for unverified political dirt from foreign agents in the UK and Russia? What if this unsubstantiated dirt was used to obtain a FISA warrant to monitor the HRC team's communications...essentially weaponizing the US Intelligence Community as a tool of the incumbent Republican party?
FBI used dossier allegations to bolster Trump-Russia investigation - CNNPolitics

In spite of all these things, what if high ranking FBI agents involved in all these events ignored all of the above, spoke privately about their extreme anti-Clinton bias and zealously investigated any claims that could to undermine an HRC presidency?
In FBI Agent’s Account, ‘Insurance Policy’ Text Referred to Russia Probe

SO...do conservatives have a legitimate reason to mistrust the system? Should Trump assume he will be treated respectfully and fairly? Or should he assume that they are going to try to pin him down with whatever little bit they can get their hands on and make it look as bad as possible?
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of course not - you hate someone so you want 1 trait to mean more than the rest for others. you hold him to a different standard and then don't EVER bring up when your side lies their ass off. instead you get upset and say STAY ON TOPIC. only your topic is narrow and self-serving in a "I MUST VENT" fashion.

but it's hardly realistic to attack a man for lying and not care what previous liars did in the same role. it strengthens the viewpoint of bias and "my morality is better than yours".

so try as you might, you'll never be able to have a TRUMP LIES convo and not hear about all the rest.

LOL.. you obviously don't know me.

This is your argument every time Iceberg

that i see the whole picture and not the subset that pisses me off?

you're right. i don't know you. i only know what you post and the repetition in them. you hate trump so anything against trump seems to mean the world. but those same habits in others don't seem to bother you. not uncommon, we all tend to do this. i just try to put that down and see the whole, not just my comfort zone.

not a trump fan. he divides us more than obama did and that's saying something. but we let it happen.

what i am bothered by are the people who don't seem to care we're trashing 240+ years of history right now and shattering our own collective standards of morality and the very structure of our foundations right now just because we don't like the people in office. we're willing to believe anything we need to in order to be emotionally correct.

i don't care about trump per se in as much as i care about our entire system of government and what we're doing to it today to let the left go apeshit in taking it apart because they find it inconvenient.

you don't know me that well either, do you?

I supported Trump in the beginning before he flipped and picked Pence, ..He is a liar and hurt the people who kept him afloat in the beginning ( moderates ) ..

so was the corrupt DNC who let us down.. Freaken Wasserman is still working in congress..Why?..she needs to go ( I hate her )

I do not like Clinton, and did not support her.. but I voted for my party like most people did... We had little choice..

Yes, the whole congress is a lie and they vote for their own pocketbooks not for the people..
and when we let one side "get away with it" for the biggest reason being we hate the other side more - we take it all apart.

that's where we're headed because our hate must be satisfied. never saw hate build much of anything good. have you? it's damn sure what's in charge right now.

The republicans are so excited they won, that they are overlooking that maybe there is a major problem .. They parrot the noise to derail the investigation.

You were not here with the thousand threads everyday slamming Obama and Clinton, and Dumb ass Trey Gowdy is as corrupt as hell and creeps me out..
Clinton and the DNC lost because of their actions Iceberg, we took responsibility Iceberg..

and the dems/liberals are so pissed off they lost, they're willing to believe whatever it takes to stop the pain. they retweet the noise to feel better about things.

we can do this all day long.

and responsibility is coming. we'll see what the dems do with it.
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds

Another bag of hot wind. In other words, he has done nothing but oppose a criminal investigation into him that we now know was entirely based to begin with on lies and a fraudulent document made up by his opponent. He has done nothing but oppose an investigation by saying he will and has fully cooperated with it and could end it at the snap of his fingers yet has allowed it to go on. RED FLAG FOLKS! Yep. Red flag for you for sure that the more they actually proceed with the investigation, the more criminal underpinnings we discover behind those doing the investigation.

No one has to trip up Mueller. He's doing it all on his own. The man was conflicted in even taking the job in the first place and now we all know that the whole thing is rotten to the core. So far the Left is 0 - 992. Another BOMB investigation claiming dirt under Trump's fingernails about to go belly up for you. Another total loss for the criminal Left. You guys are so full of it now that you have nothing left but to now try to claim that your own failing investigations and pending criminal trials into your activities and the fact that you have turned up absolutely ZERO against Trump in almost two years is proof of his guilt! :spinner:

Oh man, I can't WAIT to see the disappointed looks on your faces when another building falls on you November 2018.
Voters Call for Special Prosecutor to Investigate FBI - Rasmussen Reports®

seems 1/2 this country wants both sides to have an unbiased party look into things. is that even possible anymore?

i want the truth. not the twisted up version we're told to believe. not to make one side vindicated and the other ousted. i want the truth because that is the only way out of this mess.

truth, accountability, and all of us beholden to the same laws regardless of your reasons for breaking them.
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


Why do you need a lawyer if you're not guilty?

Plus so far all we have seen from Mueller is procedural prosecutions. Why be an open book when a mis-statement can get you prosecuted?

I understand needing a lawyer to explain your rights ect. Marty... but a person's actions can show you the truth no matter what they say..
His actions alone show me he is covering for something.

We all know that Trump fired Comey to try and make the Russian investigation go away , he has used his power to try and stop Mueller ...
Why would his lawyers made Bannon sign a hush paper, why?
They have tried to distance themselves from anyone let go who did lie about their Russian connections.. past or present..

Anyone who believes that President Trump thought: "I know what I'll do! I'll fire Comey and then there won't be any backlash. Ya. All my criminal russian collusion and obstruction will be swept under the carpet and everyone will just forget about it. That'll work just fine".
Dear GOD but you are a fucking IDIOT!!!!!!
Mueller hasn't missed a beat looking under any rock to pin something ANYTHING!!!! on Trump et al.
All that's happened is the FBI leaders have been proven to be fucking corrupt.
Mueller KNEW how fucking corrupt Struck was when he hired him.
Everyone at the top of the FBI KNOWS everyone one else there.
They party together. They go on family vacations together. They bang each other's wives.
How about you quote the relevant points, since you linked to a site behind a paywall....

I showed you a link to the intelligence busting Sessions as the Ambassador called Russia and told them.. They have it on tape.

we have text messages of massive spying abuse and threats to our elected president.

why does one mean more to you than the other, if we're just looking at evidence and not sides/people?

Please show me those messages.. We do know that the Russian's were taped while calling home.
But taping Trump ..nothing came out of that.


well ok.

Republican lawmakers spotlight 'jaw-dropping' FBI texts - CNNPolitics
Trump calls missing FBI texts ‘one of the biggest stories in a long time’
FBI's Strzok and Page spoke of 'secret society' after Trump election, lawmakers say
U.S. attorney general orders probe of FBI agents' text messages
FBI's Peter Strzok: Trump inquiry 'maybe the most important case of our lives'

many are out there. feel free to look. the FBI is / was engaged in an "insurance plan" (their words) to deal with trump should he win. if you won't stand for that for YOUR candidate, it should hold true for all because that in fact is very illegal also.

we have a lot more proof of these texts than a couple of meetings and 'lies' you fall back on every time.

stop the single minded hate for trump and remove him from the pic and look at the entire story unfolding. you ok with it? or only because it's trump? rest assured if we do this to ANY SITTING PRESIDENT - we're done as a country and your vote is meaningless.

that what you want?

What you just gave is us a bunch of drama queens making claims that have not been supported yet.
kinda goes for both sides these days.
Folks....let's always keep in mind the Leftists prize here.......in reality, it is NOT about Trump

Through it all, what the Left insists on is that.....

1). No True Rightwing President who is against their agenda can ever stand (Do not believe that Trump is unique)
2). There can never be corruption on the Left since it's virtue is that it's anti-Right, thereby "justifying" any wrong by the Left

This is the mentality we're dealing with.
I'm not sure most Americans have grasped the severity of the problem
I'm not sure most Americans have grasped the severity of the problem
They sure did. Otherwise Hitlery would be president and 4 more years to fundamentally transform America into a shithole would of finished.

Than let's move on and have Trump questioned and bust his surrounding mob who have plead quilty , if he is innocent well good for you. Don't you want to know if there is any truth to it?
Or do you just want to put your head in the sand and have a tea party?

/----/ Let's Investigate the Clintons. Or do you just want to put your head in the sand and have a tea party?
44 Reasons to NOT Elect Hillary Clinton
sore loser hillary.jpg
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


Wow you are naïve.
First what has he done wrong?
Second, the only way they get Trump is on a process crime....so I wouldn't talk to Mueller.
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


Sounds like desperation to me. Time to come clean liberals, you've been had by VERY corrupt Democrats, probably some Republicans and the FBI.
I showed you a link to the intelligence busting Sessions as the Ambassador called Russia and told them.. They have it on tape.

we have text messages of massive spying abuse and threats to our elected president.

why does one mean more to you than the other, if we're just looking at evidence and not sides/people?

Please show me those messages.. We do know that the Russian's were taped while calling home.
But taping Trump ..nothing came out of that.


well ok.

Republican lawmakers spotlight 'jaw-dropping' FBI texts - CNNPolitics
Trump calls missing FBI texts ‘one of the biggest stories in a long time’
FBI's Strzok and Page spoke of 'secret society' after Trump election, lawmakers say
U.S. attorney general orders probe of FBI agents' text messages
FBI's Peter Strzok: Trump inquiry 'maybe the most important case of our lives'

many are out there. feel free to look. the FBI is / was engaged in an "insurance plan" (their words) to deal with trump should he win. if you won't stand for that for YOUR candidate, it should hold true for all because that in fact is very illegal also.

we have a lot more proof of these texts than a couple of meetings and 'lies' you fall back on every time.

stop the single minded hate for trump and remove him from the pic and look at the entire story unfolding. you ok with it? or only because it's trump? rest assured if we do this to ANY SITTING PRESIDENT - we're done as a country and your vote is meaningless.

that what you want?

What you just gave is us a bunch of drama queens making claims that have not been supported yet.
kinda goes for both sides these days.

Without a doubt! The way I see it there are 536 of them in DC!
Mueller is working at getting Trump to testify under oath

The question is.........Can our President testify without lying?

Most people understand that while testifying you don't incriminate yourself and clam up when the questioning gets tough

Trump's first impulse is to lie and then lie some more when his first lie is questioned
Can Trump avoid perjury?

Nope - he can't help himself from lying - That's what he does.

Additionally he won't know what Flynn, Manafort, Sessions and umpteen others have already told Mueller.

He's screwed :)

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