If Trump runs in 2024, who should he pick for VP?

Low IQ thread and low IQ posts. Yawn. Watch what happens in 2022 and 2024 kid, you won't be happy.
kyzr How much more damage can republicans cause how much more anger from our allies ?
Destroy womens choice ,prevent more citizens from voting ,arm every red neck AH, cut taxes on billionaires ,spend another 8 trillion and refuse to raise the debt limit? ? Is that what you have in store for us
Desantis and as long as things went smoothly have desantis run for president the next election afterwards.

Desantis has a strong character and the conviction to do the job. And that's what we need is someone strong. A eggshell walking pussy trying to please everyone can't be a real leader.
kyzr How much more damage can republicans cause how much more anger from our allies ?
Destroy womens choice ,prevent more citizens from voting ,arm every red neck AH, cut taxes on billionaires ,spend another 8 trillion and refuse to raise the debt limit? ? Is that what you have in store for us
You are NOT paying attention to reality.
1. What damage did Republicans cause? List please.
2. What anger from our allies?
Trump made NATO stronger by making members pay up, so says the NATO secretary Stolteneberg:
3. Xiden angers US allies, not Trump:
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT
The French pulled their ambassador
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline
He sold us out to Putin by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent the Bidens
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
4. What did Trump do that destroyed women's "choice"? LIAR.
5. What did Trump do to prevent anyone from voting? LIAR
6. Democrats can raise the Debt Limit using reconciliation, that had NOTHING to do with Trump, duh.

You post lies. I don't know if you are plain low IQ stupid, or just drink the dems KoolAde.
I doubt it would be pence. My best guess would be Ivanka - to carry on his "legacy" and create a Trump dynasty. What do you think?
My dream would be Flynn. Trump's weakness is that he doesn't have a good commie radar, so Michael Flynn would be perfect.
DeSantis is the obvious bet

But if DeSantis campaigns against him and does well Trump will be too mad to do it.
I doubt it would be pence. My best guess would be Ivanka - to carry on his "legacy" and create a Trump dynasty. What do you think?
I'd love to see a Trump / Stephen Miller administration. Miller is on point with his positions on immigration....there is no doubt in my mind that immigration / multiculturalism is America's biggest problem.
You are NOT paying attention to reality.
1. What damage did Republicans cause? List please.
2. What anger from our allies?
Trump made NATO stronger by making members pay up, so says the NATO secretary Stolteneberg:
3. Xiden angers US allies, not Trump:
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT
The French pulled their ambassador
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline
He sold us out to Putin by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent the Bidens
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
4. What did Trump do that destroyed women's "choice"? LIAR.
5. What did Trump do to prevent anyone from voting? LIAR
6. Democrats can raise the Debt Limit using reconciliation, that had NOTHING to do with Trump, duh.

You post lies. I don't know if you are plain low IQ stupid, or just drink the dems KoolAde.
Did Trump permanently damage American democracy? This question has spawned a veritable cottage industry of hand wringing over the state of American democracy—understandably so. Never before have we had a president who schemed to overturn legitimate election results, who attacked the press and the civil servants who worked for him, who admired dictators, who blatantly profited from his public office and who repeatedly lied to the public for his own selfish purposes.
We can only hope kyzr
the norm-busting, ludicrous, calculated, dangerous and inept president leaves behind a damaged country

We can only hope that we have seen the last, ugly stand in the regime of Donald Trump. Last Wednesday afternoon, with a band of the president's Republican congressional supporters already making formal speeches inside the building to dispute the electoral result, a mob inspired by the president stormed the Capitol, occupying offices and laying siege to the floor of the House.

Ludicrous, calculated, dangerous and inept: the two forces, nefarious Republican lawmakers prepared to advocate overturning a democratic election, and rampaging members of the Trumposphere motivated by a mixture of rage, cultlike devotion, and QAnon conspiracies, expressed the essence of the Trumpian moment.

The norm-busting president finally crossed a line that even many Republicans could not endure. His once reliable enabler-in-chief, Lindsey Graham, has distanced himself, earning abuse from Trump supporters when he passed through Washington's Reagan National Airport. Normally complicit Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell criticised attempts to dispute the election prior to the events at the Capitol and then condemned the actions when the session resumed.

From RTÉ Nine News, US House of Representatives' Democrats introduce impeachment proceedings against US president Donald Trump

Too little, too late. But why is this time different? After all, Trump has incited violence before and defended those who engaged in violent acts, including Proud Boys, racist and anti-Semitic demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia, and armed protestors at the Michigan state capitol. Maybe even McConnell and Graham can recognise when enough is enough, though they are unlikely ever to support the impeachment that Trump again deserves.

The answer at one level is fairly straightforward. With every avenue now exhausted to achieve the outcome of a Trump second term, the only alternative for Republicans is to cover their tracks and convert themselves into advocates for the national good. The reality is that they got what they wanted out of a Trump presidency: a stacked Supreme Court, conservative judiciary and massive tax cuts.

But another answer suggests that Trump and the mob he instigated have tangled with a more complex reaction to American political space. This is one that points to the truth that there are still a few norms that can’t be broken.
kyzr How much more damage can republicans cause how much more anger from our allies ?
Destroy womens choice ,prevent more citizens from voting ,arm every red neck AH, cut taxes on billionaires ,spend another 8 trillion and refuse to raise the debt limit? ? Is that what you have in store for us
you just spouted nothing,now everyone in the room is dumber
Did Trump permanently damage American democracy? This question has spawned a veritable cottage industry of hand wringing over the state of American democracy—understandably so. Never before have we had a president who schemed to overturn legitimate election results, who attacked the press and the civil servants who worked for him, who admired dictators, who blatantly profited from his public office and who repeatedly lied to the public for his own selfish purposes.
You post nonsense with no links to back any of your assertions up.
So, I'll just call bullshit.
1. States run elections, no president can overturn an election. The states would have to manage their electors.
2. The press is a joke, they were biased against Trump, 93% negative according to the Harvard study. The MSM needed to be attacked to be unbiased and stop the "fake news". Look at what the MSM does for Xiden, "what flavor ice cream do you like?", WTF?
3. Xiden profited from his office, $83,000 a month to Hunter from Ukraine, $1,500,000,000 from China to invest, $3,500,000 from the Moscow mayor's wife, Hunters "paintings". Give me your list of Trump's financial gains, or you are just partisan LIAR.

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