If Trump is leaving office, his best going away gift could be to hit China...hard....by protecting U.S economic interests

A hard hitting executive order from the lame duck president. I guess the new prez will have something to do on his 1st day in office in a few weeks.
China will be fine no matter how hard Trump hits them. They just bring EU to his side :)
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.
Executive Orders by a president with 3 weeks left are pretty toothless to use in the same sentence as a descriptive phrase as "hard hitting", as are subject to change before the ink is good and dry.

I recall Obama signed one just a few weeks before he left, regarding the whole "Russia, Russia" racket. This action was what made me suspicious of the possibility of Russia hacking the U.S computers in the election of 2016. I obviously don't know if it happened or not, and no evidence has been shown (nor have I sought out reports) that this occurred, but, this E.O raised the possibility in my mind. I've learned to read between the lines the last few years of my life.

The only reason some would refuse to call it out publicly is if they didn't want Americans to STOP using such systems. Even as most nations do not use computers in their federal elections to any great degree, and/or they don't want suspicion cast on past elections (for both sides of the aisle).

December 29, 2016

Statement by the President on Actions in Response to Russian Malicious Cyber Activity and Harassment

Today, I have ordered a number of actions in response to the Russian government’s aggressive harassment of U.S. officials and cyber operations aimed at the U.S. election. These actions follow repeated private and public warnings that we have issued to the Russian government, and are a necessary and appropriate response to efforts to harm U.S. interests in violation of established international norms of behavior.

All Americans should be alarmed by Russia’s actions. In October, my Administration publicized our assessment that Russia took actions intended to interfere with the U.S. election process. These data theft and disclosure activities could only have been directed by the highest levels of the Russian government. Moreover, our diplomats have experienced an unacceptable level of harassment in Moscow by Russian security services and police over the last year. Such activities have consequences. Today, I have ordered a number of actions in response.

I have issued an executive order that provides additional authority for responding to certain cyber activity that seeks to interfere with or undermine our election processes and institutions, or those of our allies or partners. Using this new authority, I have sanctioned nine entities and individuals: the GRU and the FSB, two Russian intelligence services; four individual officers of the GRU; and three companies that provided material support to the GRU’s cyber operations. In addition, the Secretary of the Treasury is designating two Russian individuals for using cyber-enabled means to cause misappropriation of funds and personal identifying information. The State Department is also shutting down two Russian compounds, in Maryland and New York, used by Russian personnel for intelligence-related purposes, and is declaring “persona non grata” 35 Russian intelligence operatives. Finally, the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are releasing declassified technical information on Russian civilian and military intelligence service cyber activity, to help network defenders in the United States and abroad identify, detect, and disrupt Russia’s global campaign of malicious cyber activities.

These actions are not the sum total of our response to Russia’s aggressive activities. We will continue to take a variety of actions at a time and place of our choosing, some of which will not be publicized. In addition to holding Russia accountable for what it has done, the United States and friends and allies around the world must work together to oppose Russia’s efforts to undermine established international norms of behavior, and interfere with democratic governance. To that end, my Administration will be providing a report to Congress in the coming days about Russia’s efforts to interfere in our election, as well as malicious cyber activity related to our election cycle in previous elections.
Beats me. When I first started voting, you went into a booth, pulled the curtain and made selections on a mechanical voting machine and I had no problem. Guess somebody thought reporting would be faster, but not sure it is worth it.

When Crebs, the fired DHS Head of Election Security, made the statement that he ensured that every ballot counted was backed up by a paper ballot in this election, I wondered the same thing about 2016, too.

There was a meme making the rounds before the 2020 election with Putin whispering in Trump's ear as Trump decried mail-in ballots. "Stop mail-in ballots. We can't hack paper ballots". There may be more truth there than is usual with memes.

Then there's the news that Russians had planted hacking malware as early as last March, which makes me wonder if that wasn't the plan all along, and either they came close enough last time, or possibly had some success last election that was covered up, and hence the emphasis on paper ballot back-up this time

Maybe Trump's claims that the elections were "rigged" was absolutely correct because he was doing the rigging. That's a tactic he's used frequently - accusing others of doing the very thing he is doing, to deflect attention from him. He made the same claims in 2016 as an excuse for why he lost the popular vote.

Yeah, no. I think you've been into the left over egg nog.

Putin, a former KGB and guy who rolled into Crimea while the West sent blankets, isn't going to be so lazy and out of the loop as to whisper sweet words about stopping mail in ballots. If he suspected the West wouldn't stop him when he caught them off guard in Ukraine, he isn't going to let some lip reader pick up some whispering.

Furthermore, Putin doesn't speak English, and though some on the far-left would disagree, Trump doesn't speak Russian.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.
Trump the deal maker. Hah.

He's been the only one with the balls to confront China in the last 30 years. This isn't about deal making, this is about protecting U.S National Security, and in fact, your traditional allies in the East who are quite weary of Chinas expansion with little support from many Western politicians.
Solution to China - Bushido


Let Japan beat the fuck out of the slopes.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.
There is no 'if.'

So I AM is more accurate?
Yeah, he's a dumb ass.
Since his time is running out he should issue two EOs to handle his biggest grievances:

One to enforce putting Melania on the cover of every fashion magazine and,

one to interior redecorate Mar-A-Lago.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

When Trump exited TTP he gave all the Asia-Pacific markets to China.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

His diplomacy regarding N. Korean nukes was a complete failure.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

The only ones supporting the Status Quo on China are import/exporters and those self serving.

You can feel free to list what intelligent policies towards China we saw with Biden as V.P...for eight years. How many more presented by Harris/Biden in the many decades they have had in politics.

Sure they can change, i hope they do. I highly doubt those in Chinas orbit are sitting back in "wait and see mode". For them, the war has already begun. America will be like creepy, covert police state Canada and bankrupt Ontario if you don't wake up.

What some apologist are suggesting is "hey, better to send Germany our oil and steel than to confront them after they rolled into Czechoslovakia. We need to engage intelligently, not confront".

I'm not some guy pulling out my hair, I'm calling it as I see it, I'm fairly certain of the outcome. More certain unless there is a drastic change in position and tactics of the last 30 years.

Kudos to China for having the West fund your expansion while decimating our Middle Class. I doubt they could have estimated how weak leadership would be which made it that much easier for them. Chamberlains abound.

I agree that the U.S. was drunk on capitalism back in the 1990s and made a major mistake by believing that investing in China would somehow change China to a free society.

There's no undoing the past, but there's a smart way and a dumb way to deal with things.

Obama did almost nothing - but at least he negotiated TTP - that would have fixed a lot..

Trump took the dumb-ass route. Somehow he's too dumb to realize that China would respond. He never thinks anything through.

A direct confrontation with China is idiotic. Any military confrontation will be a disaster.

Thanks to Trump we've out maneuvered ourselves and handed China a win at every turn. China barely needed to do a thing.

Patients and wisdom is what we need, not more thoughtless rash acts.

Comparing China with Nazi Germany is idiotic. They haven't invaded anyone. We have yet to prove that COVID-19 was intentionally spread.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

When Trump exited TTP he gave all the Asia-Pacific markets to China.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

His diplomacy regarding N. Korean nukes was a complete failure.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

The only ones supporting the Status Quo on China are import/exporters and those self serving.

You can feel free to list what intelligent policies towards China we saw with Biden as V.P...for eight years. How many more presented by Harris/Biden in the many decades they have had in politics.

Sure they can change, i hope they do. I highly doubt those in Chinas orbit are sitting back in "wait and see mode". For them, the war has already begun. America will be like creepy, covert police state Canada and bankrupt Ontario if you don't wake up.

What some apologist are suggesting is "hey, better to send Germany our oil and steel than to confront them after they rolled into Czechoslovakia. We need to engage intelligently, not confront".

I'm not some guy pulling out my hair, I'm calling it as I see it, I'm fairly certain of the outcome. More certain unless there is a drastic change in position and tactics of the last 30 years.

Kudos to China for having the West fund your expansion while decimating our Middle Class. I doubt they could have estimated how weak leadership would be which made it that much easier for them. Chamberlains abound.

I agree that the U.S. was drunk on capitalism back in the 1990s and made a major mistake by believing that investing in China would somehow change China to a free society.

There's no undoing the past, but there's a smart way and a dumb way to deal with things.

Obama did almost nothing - but at least he negotiated TTP - that would have fixed a lot..

Trump took the dumb-ass route. Somehow he's too dumb to realize that China would respond. He never thinks anything through.

A direct confrontation with China is idiotic. Any military confrontation will be a disaster.

Thanks to Trump we've out maneuvered ourselves and handed China a win at every turn. China barely needed to do a thing.

Patients and wisdom is what we need, not more thoughtless rash acts.

Comparing China with Nazi Germany is idiotic. They haven't invaded anyone. We have yet to prove that COVID-19 was intentionally spread.

They haven't invaded anyone because they don't need to. They will eventually walk in to whichever nation they choose, IF they choose to. Or, simply choke them until they cry "Uncle" and become part of the harmonious Chinese nation.

Just look at Hong Kong. Look at the daily flights near Taiwan and the forcing down of civilian planes. All part of the plan.

Here you go:
China launches ‘gray-zone’ warfare to subdue Taiwan

You saw how W.H.O, even when pressured by the rest of the world would not allow Taiwan in. The rest of the Western were sheepish and watched big chutzpah China tell them "NO, they will NOT be allowed in", the cowards ran with their tails between their legs.

Do you think this is going to end well for any of us?

It is going to take direct, economic confrontation. America basically gave China the keys to the global economy and they said "we will divide and conquer you while decimating your Middle Class". Now Europe and Africa are on their payrolls. They walked into HK and watched as old, weak England and it's allies didn't do a thing. Not even a sanction!

This is a war. It's just not fought with guns and missiles. You don't see it, because it's not in the playbook. A comparison to Germany wouldn't be fair, since what they did was obvious and overt. China does it and Western MSM gives them cover. We don't want to upset Walmart and Amazon, so better to just surrender Western nations. It's all for a good cause, right?

Just watch this next four years, we are going to see rapid decline in the West, and only a handful of crooks who already control the narrative making mint. All at the expense of global, Western Values.

This isn't capitalism, and too many are letting them do so because there aren't any consequences to them. Those appointed to defend the treasure are feeble, or, as in Canadas case, chasing rabbits (often of their own making).

You want to help the world against China? More trade deals such as the TPP won't do it. Canada and others are in TPP, it doesn't mean squat. You need to ensure massive military defenses of those around them, and, you need to cut the head of the snake. Be it sanctions or otherwise. They need to be treated as Russia was, at least far more like they were.

Now Europe is on board, so, the cascade will occur barring another Trump who is smart enough to deal with the traitors within.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

I agree that his tariffs on China failed, but not for the reasons you stated. US imports from China continued unabated because Americans no longer have the manufacturing capacity to make these goods - all low end manufacturing having been outsourced to Asia. Imports from China continued to increase regardless of the tariffs, but exports to China dropped off a cliff, and they're not coming back any time soon.

Xi is using China's trade surplusses with the first world to fund infrastructure investment in Africa and South America - just as the USA did throughout the free world when it was running massive trade surplusses throughout the world. Using this investment to leverage strategic alliances throughout the world. Your own playbook is being used against you just as Trump withdraws from the world stage and cancels "foreign aid" under his "America First" strategy.

Xi ordered all imports of American soy beans to cease and all contracts cancelled. He then bought up all of the Mexican and South American soy beans he could lay hands on. Not only were these soy beans cheaper than American products, the farmers were extremely grateful for the opportunity. The current burning of the Amazon rainforest is a direct result of greater demand for land to produce crops for the Chinese market.

Donald Trump could have not possibly done more to further the interests of Xi and Putin and increase their power and influence throughout the world. I don't know what Joe Biden could possibly do that could help the Chinese more than what Donald Trump did with his stupid trade war. Instead of the USA being the Lead Partner in the TPP, China has that role.

Instead of Trump getting a better deal for American farmers, his policies have lead to the greatest number of farm bankruptcies in US history mostly of small, family owned farms, which are being bought up by farming corporations whose owners don't live on the land, and have no interests in good stewardship or sound sustainable, ecological practices, and preservingn the groundwater, but only in maximizing profits.

Furthermore, his interim deal with the Chinese requires the Chinese to get back to 2017 levels of soy bean imports by 2022. The American soy bean farmer will have endured 5 years of fiscal pain to get back to where they were when they started.

The idea that Covid19 was a biological attack by the Chinese is beyond ridiculous. They didn't do this to us, and the only first world country in danger of collapse, is the USA. The sickness, death and collapse of your economy didn't need to happen, just as the trade wars didn't have to destroy the American family farm.

The trade wars were stupid, and have increased your trade deficits by hundreds of billions of dollars.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

I agree that his tariffs on China failed, but not for the reasons you stated. US imports from China continued unabated because Americans no longer have the manufacturing capacity to make these goods - all low end manufacturing having been outsourced to Asia. Imports from China continued to increase regardless of the tariffs, but exports to China dropped off a cliff, and they're not coming back any time soon.

Xi is using China's trade surplusses with the first world to fund infrastructure investment in Africa and South America - just as the USA did throughout the free world when it was running massive trade surplusses throughout the world. Using this investment to leverage strategic alliances throughout the world. Your own playbook is being used against you just as Trump withdraws from the world stage and cancels "foreign aid" under his "America First" strategy.

Xi ordered all imports of American soy beans to cease and all contracts cancelled. He then bought up all of the Mexican and South American soy beans he could lay hands on. Not only were these soy beans cheaper than American products, the farmers were extremely grateful for the opportunity. The current burning of the Amazon rainforest is a direct result of greater demand for land to produce crops for the Chinese market.

Donald Trump could have not possibly done more to further the interests of Xi and Putin and increase their power and influence throughout the world. I don't know what Joe Biden could possibly do that could help the Chinese more than what Donald Trump did with his stupid trade war. Instead of the USA being the Lead Partner in the TPP, China has that role.

Instead of Trump getting a better deal for American farmers, his policies have lead to the greatest number of farm bankruptcies in US history mostly of small, family owned farms, which are being bought up by farming corporations whose owners don't live on the land, and have no interests in good stewardship or sound sustainable, ecological practices, and preservingn the groundwater, but only in maximizing profits.

Furthermore, his interim deal with the Chinese requires the Chinese to get back to 2017 levels of soy bean imports by 2022. The American soy bean farmer will have endured 5 years of fiscal pain to get back to where they were when they started.

The idea that Covid19 was a biological attack by the Chinese is beyond ridiculous. They didn't do this to us, and the only first world country in danger of collapse, is the USA. The sickness, death and collapse of your economy didn't need to happen, just as the trade wars didn't have to destroy the American family farm.

The trade wars were stupid, and have increased your trade deficits by hundreds of billions of dollars.

You have repeated the fallacy that so many have, many on here from the U.S quite frankly, and only from time to time do I correct them. China is NOT a member of TPP.

As it were, the solution to Chinas influence isn't going to be (solely) foreign aid. There is no way any nation can keep up with foreign aid when China is gifted $500B a year in trade surplus.

The only solution is something akin to how Reagan dealt with Russia. It's going to be a tough task as China rapidly grabbed onto the abusing of Western economies and leaders. Buying them and selling them like cattle.

So, now, it's going to take a Herculean effort, in a hemisphere full of peopel who lack patriotism and for which police agencies (at least in Canada) care more about their own theft of taxpayers than principle.

It's come at a massive cost and will continue.
If tariffs don’t work, how much can people themselves boycott on American soil? When will Americans oppose the low quality and claim the psychological self-esteem of producing something on their own? Their own meals is a good start, because the extreme masculine violence of the Chinese virus evolved from culinary promiscuity. Boycott Chinese food and Chinese fentanyl.

The tariffs worked alright. The moment Donald Trump imposed tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum, I stopped buying American produced imports from the USA. I made a point to look at the country of origin on every can and package in the grocery store. American exports to Canada dropped bigtime, and Canada's trade surplus in manufactured goods nearly tripled. Our overall trade deficit dropped from $11 billion in 2016, to 2.3 billion in 2019.

The same thing happened with the EU. Your imports from Europe increased, but exports to Europe lagged far behind.
If tariffs don’t work, how much can people themselves boycott on American soil? When will Americans oppose the low quality and claim the psychological self-esteem of producing something on their own? Their own meals is a good start, because the extreme masculine violence of the Chinese virus evolved from culinary promiscuity. Boycott Chinese food and Chinese fentanyl.

The tariffs worked alright. The moment Donald Trump imposed tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum, I stopped buying American produced imports from the USA. I made a point to look at the country of origin on every can and package in the grocery store. American exports to Canada dropped bigtime, and Canada's trade surplus in manufactured goods nearly tripled. Our overall trade deficit dropped from $11 billion in 2016, to 2.3 billion in 2019.

The same thing happened with the EU. Your imports from Europe increased, but exports to Europe lagged far behind.

Kind of like Canada and CETA deal Canada made with Europe. We broke down barriers of both nations, Europe exported a shyteload of cheese and other products to Canada while our imports actually decreased to Europe.

Go figure. Why do people dislike and not trust Canada so much lately?
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

When Trump exited TTP he gave all the Asia-Pacific markets to China.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

His diplomacy regarding N. Korean nukes was a complete failure.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

The only ones supporting the Status Quo on China are import/exporters and those self serving.

You can feel free to list what intelligent policies towards China we saw with Biden as V.P...for eight years. How many more presented by Harris/Biden in the many decades they have had in politics.

Sure they can change, i hope they do. I highly doubt those in Chinas orbit are sitting back in "wait and see mode". For them, the war has already begun. America will be like creepy, covert police state Canada and bankrupt Ontario if you don't wake up.

What some apologist are suggesting is "hey, better to send Germany our oil and steel than to confront them after they rolled into Czechoslovakia. We need to engage intelligently, not confront".

I'm not some guy pulling out my hair, I'm calling it as I see it, I'm fairly certain of the outcome. More certain unless there is a drastic change in position and tactics of the last 30 years.

Kudos to China for having the West fund your expansion while decimating our Middle Class. I doubt they could have estimated how weak leadership would be which made it that much easier for them. Chamberlains abound.

I agree that the U.S. was drunk on capitalism back in the 1990s and made a major mistake by believing that investing in China would somehow change China to a free society.

There's no undoing the past, but there's a smart way and a dumb way to deal with things.

Obama did almost nothing - but at least he negotiated TTP - that would have fixed a lot..

Trump took the dumb-ass route. Somehow he's too dumb to realize that China would respond. He never thinks anything through.

A direct confrontation with China is idiotic. Any military confrontation will be a disaster.

Thanks to Trump we've out maneuvered ourselves and handed China a win at every turn. China barely needed to do a thing.

Patients and wisdom is what we need, not more thoughtless rash acts.

Comparing China with Nazi Germany is idiotic. They haven't invaded anyone. We have yet to prove that COVID-19 was intentionally spread.

They haven't invaded anyone because they don't need to. They will eventually walk in to whichever nation they choose, IF they choose to. Or, simply choke them until they cry "Uncle" and become part of the harmonious Chinese nation.

Just look at Hong Kong. Look at the daily flights near Taiwan and the forcing down of civilian planes. All part of the plan.

Here you go:
China launches ‘gray-zone’ warfare to subdue Taiwan

You saw how W.H.O, even when pressured by the rest of the world would not allow Taiwan in. The rest of the Western were sheepish and watched big chutzpah China tell them "NO, they will NOT be allowed in", the cowards ran with their tails between their legs.

Do you think this is going to end well for any of us?

It is going to take direct, economic confrontation. America basically gave China the keys to the global economy and they said "we will divide and conquer you while decimating your Middle Class". Now Europe and Africa are on their payrolls. They walked into HK and watched as old, weak England and it's allies didn't do a thing. Not even a sanction!

This is a war. It's just not fought with guns and missiles. You don't see it, because it's not in the playbook. A comparison to Germany wouldn't be fair, since what they did was obvious and overt. China does it and Western MSM gives them cover. We don't want to upset Walmart and Amazon, so better to just surrender Western nations. It's all for a good cause, right?

Just watch this next four years, we are going to see rapid decline in the West, and only a handful of crooks who already control the narrative making mint. All at the expense of global, Western Values.

This isn't capitalism, and too many are letting them do so because there aren't any consequences to them. Those appointed to defend the treasure are feeble, or, as in Canadas case, chasing rabbits (often of their own making).

You want to help the world against China? More trade deals such as the TPP won't do it. Canada and others are in TPP, it doesn't mean squat. You need to ensure massive military defenses of those around them, and, you need to cut the head of the snake. Be it sanctions or otherwise. They need to be treated as Russia was, at least far more like they were.

Now Europe is on board, so, the cascade will occur barring another Trump who is smart enough to deal with the traitors within.

The events in Hong Kong and Taiwan should be no surprise, and while they're a shame they don't represent a threat to the rest of the world.

Hong Kong was leased to the British, and it was always known that it would be given back to the Chinese when the time came. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the same rules that China applies to the rest of China are now being applied to Hong Kong.

Taiwan was part of China since 1683. It's no surprise that China wants it back.

Otherwise, all you're saying is that China is achieving world domination thru peaceful economic means - the result of smart leadership.

Meanwhile, western civilization has been led by a bunch of self-serving jackasses that have sold us out at every turn. Maybe the problem isn't China - it's within our own societies.

What Clinton, Bush & Obama did (or failed to do) with regard to China may have been bad, but it was NOTHING as compared to the catastrophe that Trump has caused.

Somehow the grand plan to use open markets to change Chinese society has been a grand failure. But at least we can look back at the 1990s and realize that it was liberals that opposed free trade with China, China's being granted "most favored nation" and China's admittance into the WTO.
If tariffs don’t work, how much can people themselves boycott on American soil? When will Americans oppose the low quality and claim the psychological self-esteem of producing something on their own? Their own meals is a good start, because the extreme masculine violence of the Chinese virus evolved from culinary promiscuity. Boycott Chinese food and Chinese fentanyl.

The tariffs worked alright. The moment Donald Trump imposed tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum, I stopped buying American produced imports from the USA. I made a point to look at the country of origin on every can and package in the grocery store. American exports to Canada dropped bigtime, and Canada's trade surplus in manufactured goods nearly tripled. Our overall trade deficit dropped from $11 billion in 2016, to 2.3 billion in 2019.

The same thing happened with the EU. Your imports from Europe increased, but exports to Europe lagged far behind.

Kind of like Canada and CETA deal Canada made with Europe. We broke down barriers of both nations, Europe exported a shyteload of cheese and other products to Canada while our imports actually decreased to Europe.

Go figure. Why do people dislike and not trust Canada so much lately?

Nobody dislikes or mistrusts Canada.

The problem is that when you merge 2 dissimilar economies one of them is going to have a lot of pain.

The root cause is people who promote the idea that free markets are always the best, when in fact they benefit only a very small number of people.
If tariffs don’t work, how much can people themselves boycott on American soil? When will Americans oppose the low quality and claim the psychological self-esteem of producing something on their own? Their own meals is a good start, because the extreme masculine violence of the Chinese virus evolved from culinary promiscuity. Boycott Chinese food and Chinese fentanyl.

The tariffs worked alright. The moment Donald Trump imposed tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum, I stopped buying American produced imports from the USA. I made a point to look at the country of origin on every can and package in the grocery store. American exports to Canada dropped bigtime, and Canada's trade surplus in manufactured goods nearly tripled. Our overall trade deficit dropped from $11 billion in 2016, to 2.3 billion in 2019.

The same thing happened with the EU. Your imports from Europe increased, but exports to Europe lagged far behind.

Kind of like Canada and CETA deal Canada made with Europe. We broke down barriers of both nations, Europe exported a shyteload of cheese and other products to Canada while our imports actually decreased to Europe.

Go figure. Why do people dislike and not trust Canada so much lately?

Nobody dislikes or mistrusts Canada.

The problem is that when you merge 2 dissimilar economies one of them is going to have a lot of pain.

The root cause is people who promote the idea that free markets are always the best, when in fact they benefit only a very small number of people.

Canada is a creepy country that no one trusts nor SHOULD trust.

Your other comment above was more accurate. I don't blame the communists, I blame our society and the apologists. We still have blind, 9 to 5, limp wristed leaders in the West and even in certain corners of intel. Their leadership is put in place not to look out for Western interests, but, those of their big donors.

As such, the West is in trouble. You can expect all except a small handful to have a boot on their necks, or maybe just a sandle.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

You're nuts.
and you are a demonRAT commie
The people have spoken. America now desires China, cheap labor, cheap goods, a fabricated society inside safe-spaces and an incapable leadership high on dementia.

When we finally right the ship Biden's going to solve how the sun affects Earth known as climate change. There will be a build up of love everywhere, for example, we're going to remind blacks they're black daily. Dissensions, anomaly's and victim roles unifies the American spirit in favor of Democrats.
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If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.
So you want him to tax us. As if the first tariffs didn’t hurt manufacturing enough.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

I agree that his tariffs on China failed, but not for the reasons you stated. US imports from China continued unabated because Americans no longer have the manufacturing capacity to make these goods - all low end manufacturing having been outsourced to Asia. Imports from China continued to increase regardless of the tariffs, but exports to China dropped off a cliff, and they're not coming back any time soon.

Xi is using China's trade surplusses with the first world to fund infrastructure investment in Africa and South America - just as the USA did throughout the free world when it was running massive trade surplusses throughout the world. Using this investment to leverage strategic alliances throughout the world. Your own playbook is being used against you just as Trump withdraws from the world stage and cancels "foreign aid" under his "America First" strategy.

Xi ordered all imports of American soy beans to cease and all contracts cancelled. He then bought up all of the Mexican and South American soy beans he could lay hands on. Not only were these soy beans cheaper than American products, the farmers were extremely grateful for the opportunity. The current burning of the Amazon rainforest is a direct result of greater demand for land to produce crops for the Chinese market.

Donald Trump could have not possibly done more to further the interests of Xi and Putin and increase their power and influence throughout the world. I don't know what Joe Biden could possibly do that could help the Chinese more than what Donald Trump did with his stupid trade war. Instead of the USA being the Lead Partner in the TPP, China has that role.

Instead of Trump getting a better deal for American farmers, his policies have lead to the greatest number of farm bankruptcies in US history mostly of small, family owned farms, which are being bought up by farming corporations whose owners don't live on the land, and have no interests in good stewardship or sound sustainable, ecological practices, and preservingn the groundwater, but only in maximizing profits.

Furthermore, his interim deal with the Chinese requires the Chinese to get back to 2017 levels of soy bean imports by 2022. The American soy bean farmer will have endured 5 years of fiscal pain to get back to where they were when they started.

The idea that Covid19 was a biological attack by the Chinese is beyond ridiculous. They didn't do this to us, and the only first world country in danger of collapse, is the USA. The sickness, death and collapse of your economy didn't need to happen, just as the trade wars didn't have to destroy the American family farm.

The trade wars were stupid, and have increased your trade deficits by hundreds of billions of dollars.

You have repeated the fallacy that so many have, many on here from the U.S quite frankly, and only from time to time do I correct them. China is NOT a member of TPP.

As it were, the solution to Chinas influence isn't going to be (solely) foreign aid. There is no way any nation can keep up with foreign aid when China is gifted $500B a year in trade surplus.

The only solution is something akin to how Reagan dealt with Russia. It's going to be a tough task as China rapidly grabbed onto the abusing of Western economies and leaders. Buying them and selling them like cattle.

So, now, it's going to take a Herculean effort, in a hemisphere full of peopel who lack patriotism and for which police agencies (at least in Canada) care more about their own theft of taxpayers than principle.

It's come at a massive cost and will continue.

I checked and you're right. China is not part of the TPP. But neither is the USA. The rest of the TPP Nations have gone on without you, weakening US influence.

I find it laughable that Americans complain about Chinese trade mark abuses. Who gave them their proprietary information in the first place? American corporations. Given their history of lying cheating, and screwing the norms of modern life over, again and again, only the Russians have been less trustworthy than the Chinese, and only because the Russians have been at it longer.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

I agree that his tariffs on China failed, but not for the reasons you stated. US imports from China continued unabated because Americans no longer have the manufacturing capacity to make these goods - all low end manufacturing having been outsourced to Asia. Imports from China continued to increase regardless of the tariffs, but exports to China dropped off a cliff, and they're not coming back any time soon.

Xi is using China's trade surplusses with the first world to fund infrastructure investment in Africa and South America - just as the USA did throughout the free world when it was running massive trade surplusses throughout the world. Using this investment to leverage strategic alliances throughout the world. Your own playbook is being used against you just as Trump withdraws from the world stage and cancels "foreign aid" under his "America First" strategy.

Xi ordered all imports of American soy beans to cease and all contracts cancelled. He then bought up all of the Mexican and South American soy beans he could lay hands on. Not only were these soy beans cheaper than American products, the farmers were extremely grateful for the opportunity. The current burning of the Amazon rainforest is a direct result of greater demand for land to produce crops for the Chinese market.

Donald Trump could have not possibly done more to further the interests of Xi and Putin and increase their power and influence throughout the world. I don't know what Joe Biden could possibly do that could help the Chinese more than what Donald Trump did with his stupid trade war. Instead of the USA being the Lead Partner in the TPP, China has that role.

Instead of Trump getting a better deal for American farmers, his policies have lead to the greatest number of farm bankruptcies in US history mostly of small, family owned farms, which are being bought up by farming corporations whose owners don't live on the land, and have no interests in good stewardship or sound sustainable, ecological practices, and preservingn the groundwater, but only in maximizing profits.

Furthermore, his interim deal with the Chinese requires the Chinese to get back to 2017 levels of soy bean imports by 2022. The American soy bean farmer will have endured 5 years of fiscal pain to get back to where they were when they started.

The idea that Covid19 was a biological attack by the Chinese is beyond ridiculous. They didn't do this to us, and the only first world country in danger of collapse, is the USA. The sickness, death and collapse of your economy didn't need to happen, just as the trade wars didn't have to destroy the American family farm.

The trade wars were stupid, and have increased your trade deficits by hundreds of billions of dollars.

You have repeated the fallacy that so many have, many on here from the U.S quite frankly, and only from time to time do I correct them. China is NOT a member of TPP.

As it were, the solution to Chinas influence isn't going to be (solely) foreign aid. There is no way any nation can keep up with foreign aid when China is gifted $500B a year in trade surplus.

The only solution is something akin to how Reagan dealt with Russia. It's going to be a tough task as China rapidly grabbed onto the abusing of Western economies and leaders. Buying them and selling them like cattle.

So, now, it's going to take a Herculean effort, in a hemisphere full of peopel who lack patriotism and for which police agencies (at least in Canada) care more about their own theft of taxpayers than principle.

It's come at a massive cost and will continue.

I checked and you're right. China is not part of the TPP. But neither is the USA. The rest of the TPP Nations have gone on without you, weakening US influence.

I find it laughable that Americans complain about Chinese trade mark abuses. Who gave them their proprietary information in the first place? American corporations. Given their history of lying cheating, and screwing the norms of modern life over, again and again, only the Russians have been less trustworthy than the Chinese, and only because the Russians have been at it longer.

Why do you suggest the TPP have gone on without you, when you know I'm Canadian?

The fact that you always try this lends credibility to my argument about Canada, it doesn't weaken it. Keep trying though, Canada will continue to slip steeply, thanks to the spineless covert police and their dumb offspring.

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