If there's a will ... there's a


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Jerk.No question bout it.I ain't talkin' any
Good Will Hunting { 1997 }. Not to get dragged down
in some Metaphysical denominator as per { Aristotle }
and " that Good and Evil,which are objects of the
will are in things,but truth and error,which are objects of the
intellect are in the mind. "
WHATEVER!. However ... a will is a strong part of our daily
motivations and persistence.Therefore Good wills and Bad wills.
Like Good Wills and Bad Wills for those relatives seeking
property or monetary gain after a Death.
Can ya Dig.
I don't believe fer a second that Donald J. Trump EVER ran
for Public office { let alone the Presidency } in order to gain
anything but a better America.The proof is in the puddin'.
I don't think Trump gained but lost any net worth during his
last 7 years.
where there's a Will, there's greedy relative wanting their share early.
where there's a Will, there's greedy relative wanting their share early.
Rather an extensive overall one-sided assumption.
Not that it isn't almost morbidly portrayed in movies
{ even Hitchcock movies } but all over Hollywood.
Witch doesn't help motivate mankind.Not even if a
* Goblin merely lookin' to get cute during a funeral.
* current day malevolent { Trans elfin }
who practices mischief.

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