If the RINOs go along with impeaching Trump, we need a third party.

What kind of party would any part of a country as divided as ours, with a 23 TRILLION dollar debt to manage on top of it?

This country is fucked.

I don't see it ever getting any better from here on out. And I am trying hard to imagine how it could be done.

That's a thoroughly nihilistic view shared by many conservatives.

But why would anyone put a soul with that mindset in charge? It would be like hiring a babysitter who looks you in the eye and tells you that your kid is fucked and they can't see how they could be saved.

You're literally demonstrating why conservative leadership is an awful idea.

Lemme splain it for you leftardz.

The REASON for why this country is fucked is because of fucking leftardz like YOU and the fucktardz that fucking tardz like you tend to vote for.

From abortion on demand to the undermining of the basic family ideal to the destroying of the nations history and monuments to the celebration of and embracing of virtually every perversion imaginable to the drug and gang cultures that take over the fucking cities YOUR BRAND OF GOVERNMENT has destroyed to your declared war on people's Gun rights and people's freedom to choose whether they want to sell a cake to a gay couple or not...

YOU are the cancer that is killing this country.

YOU are one of the reasons that this country is fucked.
Wrong. We are here because you idiots voted for trump. None of the shit you say is true.

Go fuck yourself, you little punk.

Ooh, the white chump put me on ignore because he can't face the truth. I guess that means I gotta log off USMB, because I care soooooo much for what he has to say.
Who's white chump? Wait, let me guess. Another Mod?
Chuz No Life.
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.
Don’t worry it has zero chance of passing the senate

Congress is in Recess until January 21

No way will they be able to impeach over something Trump didn't do.
Except trump did this.

I have been waiting for three days for a specific lets attack the Capital building statement from Trump, so far ZERO. You are latest Trump hater to fail to make the case.

Spare me. He told them to march to the capital.

Still nothing.

You heard and the rest of the nation heard him.
/——/ Libtards fear a giant Trump rally in DC on Inauguration Day. Imagine 100,000 Trump supports with air horns and flags on Pennsylvania Ave while Dementia Joe mumbles through the oath of office.

They're still afraid of Trump. Thus, another impeachment folly pursued.

Trump wanted a better-looking group of seditious coup plotters.
Donald Trump doesn’t care about the destruction of democracy, in fact, he favors it. The only thing that truly disgusted him was that his supporters didn’t look good on television.

Trump Is Upset Because His Rioters Looked Low Class On TV
Correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm sure you will. DJT is upset because it was a bunch of pipe bomb toting, Red Neck Crackers that came out to overturn a Free and Fair election?

He hasn't said anything about that or the cop that was killed with the fire extinguisher.. just that they aren't well dressed.
/——/ Libtards shut down his social media then complain he doesn’t speak out.
No, I popped open a bottle of champagne.
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.

Seeing the population is over 330 million people and only 70+ million people voted for Trump mean that it is not half of America that is getting it face spitted on but the minority of America is being told that your choice has to go!

I for one support Impeachment as long as no blood will spill and why I want Impeachment is because I do not want Trump running for office ever again!

The man is a danger to society and those that voted for him and did what they did in D.C. are cult followers and not stable mind people!

As for a third party choice you have a shitload of them that you can select, so pick one for once and stop jabbering about it!
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.
Don’t worry it has zero chance of passing the senate

Congress is in Recess until January 21

No way will they be able to impeach over something Trump didn't do.
Except trump did this.

I have been waiting for three days for a specific lets attack the Capital building statement from Trump, so far ZERO. You are latest Trump hater to fail to make the case.

Spare me. He told them to march to the capital.

Still nothing.

You heard and the rest of the nation heard him.
/——/ Libtards fear a giant Trump rally in DC on Inauguration Day. Imagine 100,000 Trump supports with air horns and flags on Pennsylvania Ave while Dementia Joe mumbles through the oath of office.

They're still afraid of Trump. Thus, another impeachment folly pursued.

Trump wanted a better-looking group of seditious coup plotters.
Donald Trump doesn’t care about the destruction of democracy, in fact, he favors it. The only thing that truly disgusted him was that his supporters didn’t look good on television.

Trump Is Upset Because His Rioters Looked Low Class On TV
Correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm sure you will. DJT is upset because it was a bunch of pipe bomb toting, Red Neck Crackers that came out to overturn a Free and Fair election?

He hasn't said anything about that or the cop that was killed with the fire extinguisher.. just that they aren't well dressed.
/——/ Libtards shut down his social media then complain he doesn’t speak out.

Trump has had two months to quell violence. He's out for revenge against the country. That's what Trump does every time he fails.. Look at his track record back to the 1980s.

They do not care and let me say this Trump is just a vessel for their anger and he think he is using them but they are using each other and he profits from it...

The World has been warned about men like Trump since the dawn of time and yet they rise and fall and the rise is usually the same and when they fall it is as hard as can be!

Trump has other avenues to speak his mind and Twitter and other platforms can regulate his comments just like USMB can regulate our comments...

Only a fool believe their freedom of speech is allowed no matter what type of speech but it has limits and private platforms have terms of agreement of usage of their site which Trump has violated many times!
We can't depend on anybody in government to protect our Liberties. Not the Executive Branch, not the Legislative Branch and not the Judicial Branch.

At the end of the day they have no concept of Liberty that isn't based upon their own self interest.

The members of Congress all know they must bend the knee to their new masters and are throwing Patriots under the bus.

Trump has never read the Constitution nor does he care about the Courts. He's out for revenge now. That's what Trump always does when he loses.

The editorial boards of multiple media outlets across the country this week published damning columns demanding the departure of the president following his incitement of the violent mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Baltimore Sun, Capital Gazette, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer and USA Today all condemned Trump’s role in the deadly and shocking scenes that took place in Washington.

Even the conservative Wall Street Journal said it would “be best for everyone, himself included, if he goes away quietly.”

These are the same jackasses that have Trump Derangement Syndrome and think this clown China Joe is going to look after America's interest.

They are the traitors to America.

What liberties have you been deprived of?

If you look at the filthy Democrat platform it deprives all Americans of their basic Liberties but recently I have been deprived of free speech by the Left and the Liberty of legitimately choosing the President of the US because of Democrat voter fraud. Right to keep and bear arms has already made it to a Democrat Congress bill.

Fuck the Democrats, the scum of America.
We can't depend on anybody in government to protect our Liberties. Not the Executive Branch, not the Legislative Branch and not the Judicial Branch.

At the end of the day they have no concept of Liberty that isn't based upon their own self interest.

The members of Congress all know they must bend the knee to their new masters and are throwing Patriots under the bus.

Trump has never read the Constitution nor does he care about the Courts. He's out for revenge now. That's what Trump always does when he loses.

The editorial boards of multiple media outlets across the country this week published damning columns demanding the departure of the president following his incitement of the violent mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Baltimore Sun, Capital Gazette, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer and USA Today all condemned Trump’s role in the deadly and shocking scenes that took place in Washington.

Even the conservative Wall Street Journal said it would “be best for everyone, himself included, if he goes away quietly.”

These are the same jackasses that have Trump Derangement Syndrome and think this clown China Joe is going to look after America's interest.

They are the traitors to America.

What liberties have you been deprived of?

If you look at the filthy Democrat platform it deprives all Americans of their basic Liberties but recently I have been deprived of free speech by the Left and the Liberty of legitimately choosing the President of the US because of Democrat voter fraud. Right to keep and bear arms has already made it to a Democrat Congress bill.

Fuck the Democrats, the scum of America.

What liberties have you been deprived of? Don't run off now. Please answer.

  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Third parties won't do any good as long as the filthy Communist Party USA knows how to control election results in Democrat controlled areas and there is not a penalty for doing so.

They stacked the deck so that we don't have a Democracy anymore. Our Republic is kaput thanks to Progressive greed and corruption.
Third parties won't do any good as long as the filthy Communist Party USA knows how to control election results in Democrat controlled areas and there is not a penalty for doing so.

They stacked the deck so that we don't have a Democracy anymore. Our Republic is kaput thanks to Progressive greed and corruption.

Trump's son has already said there is a 3rd party. The Trump party.

Communism is dead.... and it is NOT a threat to our country.. Fascism is..

Trump wants revenge.. just like Osama Bin Laden wanted revenge on the Saudis for revoking his citizenship. Are you going to help Trump take vengeance on the country because he lost the election?
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.

Seeing the population is over 330 million people and only 70+ million people voted for Trump mean that it is not half of America that is getting it face spitted on but the minority of America is being told that your choice has to go!

I for one support Impeachment as long as no blood will spill and why I want Impeachment is because I do not want Trump running for office ever again!

The man is a danger to society and those that voted for him and did what they did in D.C. are cult followers and not stable mind people!

As for a third party choice you have a shitload of them that you can select, so pick one for once and stop jabbering about it!
/—-/ No numb nuts, you can’t count every single person in the US as voters, just registered ones.
Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2018 ...
Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2018 | Statista
Published by Erin Duffin, Aug 9, 2019 In 2018, there were 153.07 million people registered to vote in the United States
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.

Seeing the population is over 330 million people and only 70+ million people voted for Trump mean that it is not half of America that is getting it face spitted on but the minority of America is being told that your choice has to go!

I for one support Impeachment as long as no blood will spill and why I want Impeachment is because I do not want Trump running for office ever again!

The man is a danger to society and those that voted for him and did what they did in D.C. are cult followers and not stable mind people!

As for a third party choice you have a shitload of them that you can select, so pick one for once and stop jabbering about it!
/—-/ No numb nuts, you can’t count every single person in the US as voters, just registered ones.
Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2018 ...
Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2018 | Statista
Published by Erin Duffin, Aug 9, 2019 In 2018, there were 153.07 million people registered to vote in the United States

Only registered voters can vote, but this election more people registered and voted than ever in history. Do you want to prevent US citizens over 18 from voting?
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.

The Congress is in Recess until January 19, it will not happen.
Only if Nancy says so. We'll see.

Nancy doesn't run the Senate, McConnell does and he said he will NOT allow anything before the 20th, thus impeachment (stupid as it is) will never take place.
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.
Don’t worry it has zero chance of passing the senate

Congress is in Recess until January 21

No way will they be able to impeach over something Trump didn't do.
Except trump did this.

I have been waiting for three days for a specific lets attack the Capital building statement from Trump, so far ZERO. You are latest Trump hater to fail to make the case.

Spare me. He told them to march to the capital.

Still nothing.

You heard and the rest of the nation heard him.
/——/ Libtards fear a giant Trump rally in DC on Inauguration Day. Imagine 100,000 Trump supports with air horns and flags on Pennsylvania Ave while Dementia Joe mumbles through the oath of office.

They're still afraid of Trump. Thus, another impeachment folly pursued.

Trump wanted a better-looking group of seditious coup plotters.
Donald Trump doesn’t care about the destruction of democracy, in fact, he favors it. The only thing that truly disgusted him was that his supporters didn’t look good on television.

Trump Is Upset Because His Rioters Looked Low Class On TV
Correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm sure you will. DJT is upset because it was a bunch of pipe bomb toting, Red Neck Crackers that came out to overturn a Free and Fair election?
Those are the folks that actually work for a living and pay taxes and support your white trash welfare
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.
Don’t worry it has zero chance of passing the senate

Congress is in Recess until January 21

No way will they be able to impeach over something Trump didn't do.
Except trump did this.

I have been waiting for three days for a specific lets attack the Capital building statement from Trump, so far ZERO. You are latest Trump hater to fail to make the case.

Spare me. He told them to march to the capital.

Still nothing.

You heard and the rest of the nation heard him.
/——/ Libtards fear a giant Trump rally in DC on Inauguration Day. Imagine 100,000 Trump supports with air horns and flags on Pennsylvania Ave while Dementia Joe mumbles through the oath of office.
I wish I was there to protest peacefully against the fraudulent election
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.
Don’t worry it has zero chance of passing the senate

Congress is in Recess until January 21

No way will they be able to impeach over something Trump didn't do.
Except trump did this.

I have been waiting for three days for a specific lets attack the Capital building statement from Trump, so far ZERO. You are latest Trump hater to fail to make the case.

Spare me. He told them to march to the capital.

Still nothing.

You heard and the rest of the nation heard him.
/——/ Libtards fear a giant Trump rally in DC on Inauguration Day. Imagine 100,000 Trump supports with air horns and flags on Pennsylvania Ave while Dementia Joe mumbles through the oath of office.

They're still afraid of Trump. Thus, another impeachment folly pursued.

Trump wanted a better-looking group of seditious coup plotters.
Donald Trump doesn’t care about the destruction of democracy, in fact, he favors it. The only thing that truly disgusted him was that his supporters didn’t look good on television.

Trump Is Upset Because His Rioters Looked Low Class On TV
Correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm sure you will. DJT is upset because it was a bunch of pipe bomb toting, Red Neck Crackers that came out to overturn a Free and Fair election?

He hasn't said anything about that or the cop that was killed with the fire extinguisher.. just that they aren't well dressed.
/——/ Libtards shut down his social media then complain he doesn’t speak out.

Trump has had two months to quell violence. He's out for revenge against the country. That's what Trump does every time he fails.. Look at his track record back to the 1980s.

They do not care and let me say this Trump is just a vessel for their anger and he think he is using them but they are using each other and he profits from it...

The World has been warned about men like Trump since the dawn of time and yet they rise and fall and the rise is usually the same and when they fall it is as hard as can be!

Trump has other avenues to speak his mind and Twitter and other platforms can regulate his comments just like USMB can regulate our comments...

Only a fool believe their freedom of speech is allowed no matter what type of speech but it has limits and private platforms have terms of agreement of usage of their site which Trump has violated many times!
It’s men like T and his base that won WW2 !! You ignoramus buffoon
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.

There are already two major right-wing authoritarian parties in America, even though most of the population falls into the left-libertarian quadrant of the politcal spectrum.

Certaily there is no room for another right-wing authoritarian party
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.

Seeing the population is over 330 million people and only 70+ million people voted for Trump mean that it is not half of America that is getting it face spitted on but the minority of America is being told that your choice has to go!

I for one support Impeachment as long as no blood will spill and why I want Impeachment is because I do not want Trump running for office ever again!

The man is a danger to society and those that voted for him and did what they did in D.C. are cult followers and not stable mind people!

As for a third party choice you have a shitload of them that you can select, so pick one for once and stop jabbering about it!
/—-/ No numb nuts, you can’t count every single person in the US as voters, just registered ones.
Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2018 ...
Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2018 | Statista
Published by Erin Duffin, Aug 9, 2019 In 2018, there were 153.07 million people registered to vote in the United States

Well you are still the minority in this so I was correct!
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.

Seeing the population is over 330 million people and only 70+ million people voted for Trump mean that it is not half of America that is getting it face spitted on but the minority of America is being told that your choice has to go!

I for one support Impeachment as long as no blood will spill and why I want Impeachment is because I do not want Trump running for office ever again!

The man is a danger to society and those that voted for him and did what they did in D.C. are cult followers and not stable mind people!

As for a third party choice you have a shitload of them that you can select, so pick one for once and stop jabbering about it!
/—-/ No numb nuts, you can’t count every single person in the US as voters, just registered ones.
Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2018 ...
Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2018 | Statista
Published by Erin Duffin, Aug 9, 2019 In 2018, there were 153.07 million people registered to vote in the United States

Only registered voters can vote, but this election more people registered and voted than ever in history. Do you want to prevent US citizens over 18 from voting?

Why yes they would...

They would prefer everyone that did not vote for Trump had stayed home because in their delusional way of thinking Trump is the only choice and if you did not vote for Trump then you are not American, and watch Cell proclaim that the 80+million people that voted against Trump is less than those that voted for Trump... It is Trumpsters new way of doing Math!
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.

Seeing the population is over 330 million people and only 70+ million people voted for Trump mean that it is not half of America that is getting it face spitted on but the minority of America is being told that your choice has to go!

I for one support Impeachment as long as no blood will spill and why I want Impeachment is because I do not want Trump running for office ever again!

The man is a danger to society and those that voted for him and did what they did in D.C. are cult followers and not stable mind people!

As for a third party choice you have a shitload of them that you can select, so pick one for once and stop jabbering about it!
/—-/ No numb nuts, you can’t count every single person in the US as voters, just registered ones.
Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2018 ...
Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2018 | Statista
Published by Erin Duffin, Aug 9, 2019 In 2018, there were 153.07 million people registered to vote in the United States

Also how many new registered voters just in 2020?

I bet your mind will be blown and you will proclaim anyone that voted for the opposition is not a real American...
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.
Don’t worry it has zero chance of passing the senate

Congress is in Recess until January 21

No way will they be able to impeach over something Trump didn't do.
Except trump did this.

I have been waiting for three days for a specific lets attack the Capital building statement from Trump, so far ZERO. You are latest Trump hater to fail to make the case.

Spare me. He told them to march to the capital.

Still nothing.

You heard and the rest of the nation heard him.
/——/ Libtards fear a giant Trump rally in DC on Inauguration Day. Imagine 100,000 Trump supports with air horns and flags on Pennsylvania Ave while Dementia Joe mumbles through the oath of office.

They're still afraid of Trump. Thus, another impeachment folly pursued.

Trump wanted a better-looking group of seditious coup plotters.
Donald Trump doesn’t care about the destruction of democracy, in fact, he favors it. The only thing that truly disgusted him was that his supporters didn’t look good on television.

Trump Is Upset Because His Rioters Looked Low Class On TV
Correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm sure you will. DJT is upset because it was a bunch of pipe bomb toting, Red Neck Crackers that came out to overturn a Free and Fair election?

He hasn't said anything about that or the cop that was killed with the fire extinguisher.. just that they aren't well dressed.
/——/ Libtards shut down his social media then complain he doesn’t speak out.

Trump has had two months to quell violence. He's out for revenge against the country. That's what Trump does every time he fails.. Look at his track record back to the 1980s.

They do not care and let me say this Trump is just a vessel for their anger and he think he is using them but they are using each other and he profits from it...

The World has been warned about men like Trump since the dawn of time and yet they rise and fall and the rise is usually the same and when they fall it is as hard as can be!

Trump has other avenues to speak his mind and Twitter and other platforms can regulate his comments just like USMB can regulate our comments...

Only a fool believe their freedom of speech is allowed no matter what type of speech but it has limits and private platforms have terms of agreement of usage of their site which Trump has violated many times!
It’s men like T and his base that won WW2 !! You ignoramus buffoon

Oh no.. they were nothing like Trump. He's an ignorant coward.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.

Seeing the population is over 330 million people and only 70+ million people voted for Trump mean that it is not half of America that is getting it face spitted on but the minority of America is being told that your choice has to go!

I for one support Impeachment as long as no blood will spill and why I want Impeachment is because I do not want Trump running for office ever again!

The man is a danger to society and those that voted for him and did what they did in D.C. are cult followers and not stable mind people!

As for a third party choice you have a shitload of them that you can select, so pick one for once and stop jabbering about it!
/—-/ No numb nuts, you can’t count every single person in the US as voters, just registered ones.
Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2018 ...
Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2018 | Statista
Published by Erin Duffin, Aug 9, 2019 In 2018, there were 153.07 million people registered to vote in the United States

Only registered voters can vote, but this election more people registered and voted than ever in history. Do you want to prevent US citizens over 18 from voting?

Why yes they would...

They would prefer everyone that did not vote for Trump had stayed home because in their delusional way of thinking Trump is the only choice and if you did not vote for Trump then you are not American, and watch Cell proclaim that the 80+million people that voted against Trump is less than those that voted for Trump... It is Trumpsters new way of doing Math!

In Georgia there were over 300,000 new voters.

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