If the Left is Going After Those who have Vaccine hesitancy, Why are they ignoring...

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
The black community?

Of all races, the black community has the highest. Given the history of gov't testing on them a long time ago, I guess I can understand why some might choose to think it still resonates today.

But regardless.. where are the Democrats and media? Come on, aren't all of these black folk just a bunch of supposed Dumb radicals who are getting misinformation from their Facebooks? Lay into them Joe... tell them all how dumb and evil they all are. Why aren't you...

Oh wait, you're a racist identity politics guy that's why, and you have no standards. And the same goes for the leftists who bash any Conservative who won't get vaccinated but refuse to call out the black race in America.

Be consistent, or be exposed.
They also tend to ignore the fact that their border policy has allowed tens of thousands of infected people into the country and are even transporting them into many states without even letting those states KNOW about it. Disgusting, traitorous bastards...
The black community?

Of all races, the black community has the highest. Given the history of gov't testing on them a long time ago, I guess I can understand why some might choose to think it still resonates today.

But regardless.. where are the Democrats and media? Come on, aren't all of these black folk just a bunch of supposed Dumb radicals who are getting misinformation from their Facebooks? Lay into them Joe... tell them all how dumb and evil they all are. Why aren't you...

Oh wait, you're a racist identity politics guy that's why, and you have no standards. And the same goes for the leftists who bash any Conservative who won't get vaccinated but refuse to call out the black race in America.

Be consistent, or be exposed.

Libs don't care if you catch them in double standards. They know that the shit htey say is just shit. All their friends know it, too.

SO, there is no down side for them for being "Caught".

Watch. The reaction of hte libs to your op, will fit my conclusion. Not one of them will admit to ANYTHING. Not one of them will be the slightest bit concerned about your point.
The black community?

Of all races, the black community has the highest. Given the history of gov't testing on them a long time ago, I guess I can understand why some might choose to think it still resonates today.

But regardless.. where are the Democrats and media? Come on, aren't all of these black folk just a bunch of supposed Dumb radicals who are getting misinformation from their Facebooks? Lay into them Joe... tell them all how dumb and evil they all are. Why aren't you...

Oh wait, you're a racist identity politics guy that's why, and you have no standards. And the same goes for the leftists who bash any Conservative who won't get vaccinated but refuse to call out the black race in America.

Be consistent, or be exposed.

Everyone in the black community is already calling out members of their community to get the vaccine. Given that white people are the ones who forced them to into medical experimentation, we're hardly in the position to be believed by those who are fearful for that reason.

What's the excuse that Republicans have for not getting vaccinated?
The black community?

Of all races, the black community has the highest. Given the history of gov't testing on them a long time ago, I guess I can understand why some might choose to think it still resonates today.

But regardless.. where are the Democrats and media? Come on, aren't all of these black folk just a bunch of supposed Dumb radicals who are getting misinformation from their Facebooks? Lay into them Joe... tell them all how dumb and evil they all are. Why aren't you...

Oh wait, you're a racist identity politics guy that's why, and you have no standards. And the same goes for the leftists who bash any Conservative who won't get vaccinated but refuse to call out the black race in America.

Be consistent, or be exposed.

Yep, they point to AL and MS, but both states have very large black populations.
Overworked Border Patrol agents capture an estimated 900 illegal aliens each day on U.S. soil who have never seen a vaccination in their sorry lives. How many evade capture and penetrate society is anyone's guess. It almost seems like a democrat party plan to keep the Covid pressure on while introducing new disease carriers.
Everyone in the black community is already calling out members of their community to get the vaccine. Given that white people are the ones who forced them to into medical experimentation, we're hardly in the position to be believed by those who are fearful for that reason.

What's the excuse that Republicans have for not getting vaccinated?
Everyone in the black community is already calling out members of their community to get the vaccine. Given that white people are the ones who forced them to into medical experimentation, we're hardly in the position to be believed by those who are fearful for that reason.

What's the excuse that Republicans have for not getting vaccinated?
who says they are not? you?...you are just parroting the scum demonRATS......polly want a cracker?
The black community?

Of all races, the black community has the highest. Given the history of gov't testing on them a long time ago, I guess I can understand why some might choose to think it still resonates today.

But regardless.. where are the Democrats and media? Come on, aren't all of these black folk just a bunch of supposed Dumb radicals who are getting misinformation from their Facebooks? Lay into them Joe... tell them all how dumb and evil they all are. Why aren't you...

Oh wait, you're a racist identity politics guy that's why, and you have no standards. And the same goes for the leftists who bash any Conservative who won't get vaccinated but refuse to call out the black race in America.

Be consistent, or be exposed.
They're also ignoring the hundreds of thousands of border crashers, who were whisked off to all corners of the nation without so much as a single test.
Everyone in the black community is already calling out members of their community to get the vaccine. Given that white people are the ones who forced them to into medical experimentation, we're hardly in the position to be believed by those who are fearful for that reason.

What's the excuse that Republicans have for not getting vaccinated?

Remember, Biden and Fauci have reminded you that the disease doesn't care about your reasons. If you don't get the vaccine, you're just a dumb Republican who believed misinformation on Facebook. That's the only possibility.

Do you agree with them conducting business in this matter? Because that's what they're doing. It's very uniting, isn't it.
What's the excuse that Republicans have for not getting vaccinated?
I tend to vote Conservative but I can only answer for myself. I'm waiting because I don't believe we are being given the truth on any level. The media and DC have been screaming "fire"! for a couple of years and they've been treating a virus with a 99% recovery rate as though it was born of the pale green horse of the book of Revelation. If my hesitancy costs me my life then so be it. It's MY life.
I agree OP

And why is the Left, with their totally opened borders....letting the hordes of illegals into the US?

Why does the Left hates America so much? and more important! what are Patriots, yes Patriots in America, going to do about it?

Does anybody care at all????:dunno:
The black community?

Of all races, the black community has the highest. Given the history of gov't testing on them a long time ago, I guess I can understand why some might choose to think it still resonates today.

But regardless.. where are the Democrats and media? Come on, aren't all of these black folk just a bunch of supposed Dumb radicals who are getting misinformation from their Facebooks? Lay into them Joe... tell them all how dumb and evil they all are. Why aren't you...

Oh wait, you're a racist identity politics guy that's why, and you have no standards. And the same goes for the leftists who bash any Conservative who won't get vaccinated but refuse to call out the black race in America.

Be consistent, or be exposed.
How are they going after them? There isn't any mandatory vaccination by any government agency or state, I have heard of. You talking about TV commercial and politician urging the unvaccinated to get vaccinated? How traumatic. :eek:
Everyone in the black community is already calling out members of their community to get the vaccine. Given that white people are the ones who forced them to into medical experimentation, we're hardly in the position to be believed by those who are fearful for that reason.

What's the excuse that Republicans have for not getting vaccinated?

The excuse is there is no vaccine, which prevents Covid disease. There is a genetic therapy treatment drug that changes peoples genetic make-up. Along with a protein spike, this drug causes heart problems, strokes, miscarriages and infertility among other life threatening problems. In other words, the Covid 19 disease is a biological warfare weapon that is intended to make people sick and to take so-called "vaccines" that will kill as intended. The "vaccine'' is killing tens of thousands and fully ''vaccinated" people are developing Covid 19 symptoms and blaming the un-vaccinated. Isn't that a hillariously stupid premise?
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How are they going after them? There isn't any mandatory vaccination by any government agency or state, I have heard of. You talking about TV commercial and politician urging the unvaccinated to get vaccinated? How traumatic. :eek:

The administration is forbidding the Border Patrol to quarantine the disease ridden rabble.
They have released 1.2 million illegal aliens into the United States in just the six months that the fake president has been infesting the nations capitol, 1.2 million off them, and hundreds of thousands of them have Wuhan, and they are not hesitating to traffic those illegal Hispanics all over the heartland, no attempt at shooting them with the fake vaccines either..... Fuck the silly vaccines, and death to the democratic party and every rino they infested into the republican one!
Everyone in the black community is already calling out members of their community to get the vaccine. Given that white people are the ones who forced them to into medical experimentation, we're hardly in the position to be believed by those who are fearful for that reason.

What's the excuse that Republicans have for not getting vaccinated?

Left wing homosexuals are not "everyone" in the black community, bigot.


Michael Robinson
Jussie Smollett
Van jones
Colin kaepernick
Don lemon
Yep, they point to AL and MS, but both states have very large black populations.
It's almost funny when you realize that the 'enlightened' crowds in DC, NY, SF and the like are quick to dismiss those and other southern states as "those racist, ignorant, backwards idiots!" but wouldn't say that about a certain very large part of the demographic of those states at any cost. Fucking hypocrites.

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