If the Capitiol "rioters" were invited by Trump...


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
The Democrats are doing their usual spinning and claiming that the Capitol Rioters were "invited" by Trump.

If that is the case then weren't the filthy ass BLM rioters that looted, stole, murdered, burned and destroyed for months on end were also invited by the Democrats because most of the Democrat nitwits supported the BLM movement?

How about this Obama asshole that once said all the rioting by the BLM terrorists was somewhat justified because the police were "racist"? If that ain't inviting rioting then I don't know what is.

Are Democrats hypocrites or just just plain lying?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Elected dems are the chosen ones...there are no laws for them....they are above our laws....they are like little mafia Dons...untouchable....
The Democrats are doing their usual spinning and claiming that the Capitol Rioters were "invited" by Trump.

If that is the case then weren't the filthy ass BLM rioters that looted, stole, murdered, burned and destroyed for months on end were also invited by the Democrats because most of the Democrat nitwits supported the BLM movement?

How about this Obama asshole that once said all the rioting by the BLM terrorists was somewhat justified because the police were "racist"? If that ain't inviting rioting then I don't know what is.

Are Democrats hypocrites or just just plain lying?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Democrats pushed their BLM support in every sport in the country. Players wore it on their helmets in college and the NFL. They posted signs supporting BLM terrorism in their arenas and their stadiums. They supported it at the Super Bowl.
They even had people that were counting the votes wearing BLM T shirts. The VP actually set up a fund to bail out their rioters. Democrats refuse to this day to condemn ANTIFA and BLM. Instead they threw their support behind them calling them peaceful protesters.

Did Trump do any of this?
From what I understand....he stopped all support after Jan 6th.
Anyone who got aggressive did so on their own without his consent.
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The Democrats are doing their usual spinning and claiming that the Capitol Rioters were "invited" by Trump.

If that is the case then weren't the filthy ass BLM rioters that looted, stole, murdered, burned and destroyed for months on end were also invited by the Democrats because most of the Democrat nitwits supported the BLM movement?

How about this Obama asshole that once said all the rioting by the BLM terrorists was somewhat justified because the police were "racist"? If that ain't inviting rioting then I don't know what is.

Are Democrats hypocrites or just just plain lying?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Democrats pushed their BLM support in every sport in the country. Players wore it on their helmets in college and the NFL. They posted signs supporting BLM terrorism in their arenas and their stadiums. They supported it at the Super Bowl.
They even had people that were counting the votes wearing BLM T shirts. The VP actually set up a fund to bail out their rioters. Democrats refuse to this day to condemn ANTIFA and BLM. Instead they threw their support behind them calling them peaceful protesters.

Did Trump do any of this?
From what I understand....he stopped all support after Jan 6th.
Anyone who got aggressive did so on their own without his consent.

The 2020 BLM riots were the worst in the history of this country. Burning, looting, murdering, destruction of government property, defacing and intimidation. Even worse than what we saw in the 1960s when the Darkies got all bent out of shape about some silly shit and burned down their own neigborhoods.

The Democrats encouraged the destruction by claiming they were in solidarity with the terrorists.

They should all be expelled from public office and sent to prison for being complicit in an insurrection, shouldn't they?
Whataboutism is not a legal form of defense in a court of law.

Whataboutism is not a legal form of defense in a court of law.

Court of law?

I thought the thread was about the impeachment.
Clearly if this were a court of law....it would be thrown out due to lack of evidence.
This impeachment is just being used to get donations from leftists.....because their actions don't warrant donations.
Even a majority of leftist Democrats are complaining about what Biden and Pelosi have done, or not done, since they took over full power from the GOP. They were complaining on The View this morning that even if we get the entire country vaccinated we can never go back to normal. Is this the transformation that Obama talked about? Is the Democrat party guilty of using COVID-19 to usher in socialism....even though it means that half a million people will die in the process?
I love how this twit uses quotations when referring to "rioters", like there isn't countless hours of video evidence that proves there were "rioters" who sacked the Capitol, and murdered a police officer in the process.
They were Trump thugs and criminals.

But no, they were just protesting a "stolen" election, peacefully, until they were infiltrated by Antifa, and Trump never wanted his cult to attack anything, he just wanted to fire them up and for them to go home afterwards.
I love how this twit uses quotations when referring to "rioters", like there isn't countless hours of video evidence that proves there were "rioters" who sacked the Capitol, and murdered a police officer in the process.

There are also tons of videos out that that showed the BLM rioters burning, looting. destroying, and attacking people but yet the Democrats proclaimed they are in "solidarity" with the terrorists.

The question remains; if the standard is siding with insurrectionists then shouldn't most Democrats be expelled from office? Because they sure as hell kissed the ass of the BLM insurrectionists and lent aid and comfort. Hell some of the shitheads even help to raise bail money for some of the rioters.

Why aren't the Democrats held accountable?

Is it typical Left Wing hypocrisy? I think we all know it is.

The Democrats are doing nothing more than using the impeachment proceeding as a way to deflect from the fact they stole the election and Useful idiots like you are helping them. You Useful idiots are helping to destroy this country and you should be ashame!
I love how this twit uses quotations when referring to "rioters", like there isn't countless hours of video evidence that proves there were "rioters" who sacked the Capitol, and murdered a police officer in the process.

There are also tons of videos out that that showed the BLM rioters burning, looting. destroying, and attacking people but yet the Democrats proclaimed they are in "solidarity" with the terrorists.

But......But.........But............. BLM!

Did you forget what your thread is about moron? :auiqs.jpg:
Whataboutism is not a legal form of defense in a court of law.

Whataboutism is not a legal form of defense in a court of law.

Court of law?

I thought the thread was about the impeachment.
Clearly if this were a court of law....it would be thrown out due to lack of evidence.
This impeachment is just being used to get donations from leftists.....because their actions don't warrant donations.
Even a majority of leftist Democrats are complaining about what Biden and Pelosi have done, or not done, since they took over full power from the GOP. They were complaining on The View this morning that even if we get the entire country vaccinated we can never go back to normal. Is this the transformation that Obama talked about? Is the Democrat party guilty of using COVID-19 to usher in socialism....even though it means that half a million people will die in the process?

Here's what you can't get around. This is only a small snippet. They've played video of the crowd and what their reaction was to his words in real time.
"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

He whipped them up and then set them loose while he snuck back to the WH to watch the results...just like the coward he is.
I'll say it one more time. This man will be lucky to stay out of prison to be able to dodge legal issues for the rest of his life. :)
The Democrats are doing their usual spinning and claiming that the Capitol Rioters were "invited" by Trump.

If that is the case then weren't the filthy ass BLM rioters that looted, stole, murdered, burned and destroyed for months on end were also invited by the Democrats because most of the Democrat nitwits supported the BLM movement?

How about this Obama asshole that once said all the rioting by the BLM terrorists was somewhat justified because the police were "racist"? If that ain't inviting rioting then I don't know what is.

Are Democrats hypocrites or just just plain lying?

Inquiring minds want to know.
They would testify that they were invited by trump....thus his inciting of the riot. Guilty Guilty Guilty
I love how this twit uses quotations when referring to "rioters", like there isn't countless hours of video evidence that proves there were "rioters" who sacked the Capitol, and murdered a police officer in the process.

There are also tons of videos out that that showed the BLM rioters burning, looting. destroying, and attacking people but yet the Democrats proclaimed they are in "solidarity" with the terrorists.

But......But.........But............. BLM!

Did you forget what your thread is about moron? :auiqs.jpg:

It is amazing how hypocritical the Moon Bats are. It is fine for Negroes and Communists to burn down the great American cities and even murdering police but not OK for Patriots to protest against a blatant stolen election.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats don't know any more about Ethics than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Biology or the Constitution.
I love how this twit uses quotations when referring to "rioters", like there isn't countless hours of video evidence that proves there were "rioters" who sacked the Capitol, and murdered a police officer in the process.

Only person 'murdered' was a female veteran.
If that is the case then weren't the filthy ass BLM rioters that looted, stole, murdered, burned and destroyed for months on end were also invited by the Democrats because most of the Democrat nitwits supported the BLM movement?

Yeah, like in Ferguson when that prominent democrat who set up the date and had a big rally for Michael and invited all those radicals to come because it's gonna be "Wild"? You know, what's his name?
I love how this twit uses quotations when referring to "rioters", like there isn't countless hours of video evidence that proves there were "rioters" who sacked the Capitol, and murdered a police officer in the process.

There are also tons of videos out that that showed the BLM rioters burning, looting. destroying, and attacking people but yet the Democrats proclaimed they are in "solidarity" with the terrorists.

But......But.........But............. BLM!

Did you forget what your thread is about moron? :auiqs.jpg:

It is amazing how hypocritical the Moon Bats are. It is fine for Negroes and Communists to burn down the great American cities and even murdering police but not OK for Patriots to protest against a blatant stolen election.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats don't know any more about Ethics than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Biology or the Constitution.

No, dumbass, it's not okay for criminals and thugs to break windows, loot, and burn things down, that trash needs scooped up and put away the same as the white trash that sacked the Capitol.

BLM didn't call for violence or destruction, but criminals still infiltrated their ranks. Thousands marching and you'll attract those scumbags. I say shoot on sight next time, but that's just me. However, almost all street protests were peaceful, 93% of them. And if your dumb ass is going to use quotation marks, please apply to your use of "patriots" and "stolen election"

I love how this twit uses quotations when referring to "rioters", like there isn't countless hours of video evidence that proves there were "rioters" who sacked the Capitol, and murdered a police officer in the process.

There are also tons of videos out that that showed the BLM rioters burning, looting. destroying, and attacking people but yet the Democrats proclaimed they are in "solidarity" with the terrorists.

But......But.........But............. BLM!

Did you forget what your thread is about moron? :auiqs.jpg:

It is amazing how hypocritical the Moon Bats are. It is fine for Negroes and Communists to burn down the great American cities and even murdering police but not OK for Patriots to protest against a blatant stolen election.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats don't know any more about Ethics than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Biology or the Constitution.

No, dumbass, it's not okay for criminals and thugs to break windows, loot, and burn things down, that trash needs scooped up and put away the same as the white trash that sacked the Capitol.

BLM didn't call for violence or destruction, but criminals still infiltrated their ranks. Thousands marching and you'll attract those scumbags. I say shoot on sight next time, but that's just me. However, almost all street protests were peaceful, 93% of them. And if your dumb ass is going to use quotation marks, please apply to your use of "patriots" and "stolen election"


Do you even know what the word "hypocrisy" means? You don't have a clue, do you? Why don't you go an look it up?

Why are you Useful Idiots ignoring the fact that the hatefilled racist Democrats encouraged the greatest insurrectionist in modern times with the support of the filthy BLM? An insurrection that went on for months that caused tremendous damage to our cities, deaths and injuries not to mention tremendous economic lost?

Shouldn't they be held accountable? The Democrat words of support to the BLM terrorists were encouraging the filthy BLM movement to do their burning, murdering, looting and destruction for months on end.

My question remains; if encouraging insurrection is a crime why aren't the shithead Democrats all in jail or at at least removed from office?

Can you answer that question or are you going to run from it?

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