If the 2A is abolished, will the gun confiscation extend to police, private security, secret service, FBI, DEA, border patrol?

It should. Otherwise guns are available.

If the cult wants to get rid of guns, why not ALL GUNS?

Of course not. They need to have total control over the population.
Look at what Chavez and Maduro have done to Venezuela.
First they confiscated the guns, then they dissolved the judiciary.
They can't abolish the 2A, they can only repeal it with another Amendment.
Only the 18th Amendment for Prohibition has ever been repealed. Big surprise there.
We'll be keeping our guns despite what others may tell you & attempting unConstitutional new rules won't do anything but produce another rush to buy more guns.
They can't take all of the guns away from criminals with unregistered weapons.... So they can't have mine either.....
Just heard a report this morning about an elderly couple eating lunch and two thugs broke into their home and assailed both of them and robbed them... He didn't have a gun but the bad guys did... This isn't rocket science... If dems are going to allow criminals to roam the streets they can't have my gun... PERIOD....
Dumb ass a brick question.
The thing is that the people with the weapons on the other side are the ones protecting many Prog groups at this point. The Progs ultimate goal is to get rid of weapons. Then if we go by the past, groups will be noted, enslaved and killed.
The cult is so fucking stupid they dont even see the utter idiocy of their stance on guns.

Dumb fucks want the evil police to have guns, but not the black men the police are hunting down and murdering in the streets like dogs.

Why is the cult so racist?
The Dems want to confiscate our guns, but they send billions of dollars of weapons to Ukraine?
no it won’t apply to the govt
Nope. Probably won't even apply to people like me. Mostly just the paranoid fks.
Of course, when President George Son-Of-A-Bush supplied troops that reinforced the Louisiana Trooper and the New Orleans police, they did search house to house, confiscated all that were found in the city, and stable undamaged middle & upper class suburbs alike. So don't keep all your eggs in one basket.
The anti-gun left wants the state to have a monopoly on force.
Thus, it has every intention to arm the state as much as possible.

Yep, but they wont admit it.

I know what the Dems want.

It seems like the cult is too fucking stupid to get it.

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