If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

That is HIS decision. No business of Gov't bureaucrats. Personally , if the Gov't tried to regulate MY property ,I would burn it down after cancelling the Insurance.
The government already regulates your property (Mr VESTED INTEREST LANDLORD) in many ways. Although regulations vary from state to state, they are very similar nationwide. Examples are :
  • You cant violate privacy requirements or harrass tenants.
  • You are required to provide heat and hot water.
  • For houses built prior to 1978, federal law requires landlords to provide tenants with information about lead-based paint hazards.
  • You must provide their tenants with information relating to radon gas, whether or not it is present in or near their rental unit.
  • If you lease five or more rental units, you must provide a disclosure including information such as where the security deposit will be held, and whether the tenant is entitled to interest.
  • You can't run a house of prostitution on your property.
  • You are required to provide their tenants with the names and addresses of all owners for their property.
  • You aren’t allowed to change locks on a tenant for not paying rent, as this is considered a form of illegal “self help” eviction.
  • It’s illegal for Florida landlords to retaliate with raised rent, reduced services, or threatened eviction or lawsuit against tenants who have taken any of the following protected actions in good faith:
    • Complaining to the landlord or government about failure to maintain the property.
    • Participating in a tenant organization.
    • Pursuing rights or remedies given by law or lease.
    • Taking other similar actions.
  • etc, etc, etc
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So, I think you have established yourself as an idiot at this point.

Well... It's been fun, or not really, because you are a fool. But I have deemed that you are no longer worth my time talking to, since you are uneducated, uninformed, and post stuff like "I lived there, that's all the evidence I need!" type answer.
You are no longer worth of my time.
Congrats for joining the ignore list, where I will never seem your blithering nonsense. From today on, you don't even exist in my world.
Surrender accepted. Now, in your little brainwashed "world", you can keep on reading and repeating all the latest pro-landlord propaganda, + pretending that you know a lot about places you've never been to, never seen, and know nothing about.

For even people who have never been to New York, they could visit there, drive around any of the 5 boroughs, and in one hour, they would SEE and KNOW, all the things I've been saying.
They would also see & know what a JOKE are the MASSIVE EXAGGERATIONS you have filled this thread with, and like me, just laugh at you. :laugh: :rolleyes:
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Let the property owner charge less. If he doesnt like it, plenty of other kinds of business to be in.

Most of the Socialist Revolutionary Party's seats went to the right-wing faction. Citing outdated voter-rolls, which did not acknowledge the party split, and the assembly's conflicts with the Congress of Soviets, the Bolshevik–Left Socialist-Revolutionaries government moved to dissolve the Constituent Assembly in January 1918. The Draft Decree on the Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly was issued by the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union, a committee dominated by Lenin, who had previously supported a multi-party system of free elections.

Most of the Socialist Revolutionary Party's seats went to the right-wing faction. Citing outdated voter-rolls, which did not acknowledge the party split, and the assembly's conflicts with the Congress of Soviets, the Bolshevik–Left Socialist-Revolutionaries government moved to dissolve the Constituent Assembly in January 1918. The Draft Decree on the Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly was issued by the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union, a committee dominated by Lenin, who had previously supported a multi-party system of free elections.
HUD waiting lists often run 10-13 months. Two widowed friends of mine just moved into their apartments. I was surprised that they are pretty nice and safe as well.
I got on 3 years ago. Still waiting.

Advice: if you are white male, don't tell that.
Surprising that in June 2023, Florida governor DeSantis vetoed a bill favoring renters and business owners, (HB1417), that was passed by the Florida legislature. This doesn't happen very often, as DeSantis is a Republican, and the the Florida legislature is overwhelmingly Republican.

In correlation with the general friendly view of Republicans toward rent control (since rents started skyrocketing in 2021), the bill passed with almost unanimous approval.
So why did DeSantis go against his own party ? (heavily representing business owners).

I don't know DeSantis' personal finances, but right now, I am suspecting that he is a landlord, or owns stock in real estate corporations. This will require some looking into.
We've been through this topic before. However, that wasn't when I received a $96/month rent increase. For seniors, retired and barely surviving on Social Security and a pension, rent increases like $96/month (I just received one), are devastating & demoralizing.

Here we are looking for ways to increase our income, cut our costs, and along comes the dear landlord with a $96/month takeaway (less than a month advance notice).

This is like going put on the street and being mugged for $96, once a month, every month, ongoing.

People, stop crabbing about gas prices. Stop crabbing about food prices, clothing, cell phones. Those are all trivial compared to your MOST EXPENSIVE, CONSTANTLY ONGOING EXPENSE, which is HOUSING. Gas, food, et al stuff isn't going up $96/month.

You get a letter stuck in your door whining about "operational costs", and just like that, your annual operational budget is $1,152 less. Of course this letter doesn't specify what these so-called "operational costs" are, nor offer any proof that they even exist. For all we know this rent increase might be nothing more than somebody (who we never see, don't know their name) wanting more money to buy something like this >>
View attachment 928464
There is only one way to top this madness. Republicans & Democrats need to join together and enact rent control (with roll backs to 2015 levels). Over the last few years, I have seen housing rents skyrocket like nothing before in my lifetime. I moved twice to void massive rent increases, but they keep on coming, with nothing stopping them.

I recommend we call "our" state legislators & governors, and demand rent control laws, with no increases above $50/month allowed. If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.
Back with this shit again?


Let the property owner charge a competitive rate. Your life choices made you vulnerable to the fates.
"competitive" my ass. The exhorbitant unprecedented increases of the landlord cartels of 2021-2024, are putting some renters out on the street homeless, and leaving all renters unable to buy things (cars, furniture, electronics, sporting goods, musical instruments, clothing, etc.) This is the reason why we are now in a recession, with consecutive declining GDPs.

We non-landlord businesses (99.999% of all businesses) are unable to keep our sales going. Nobody has any money to buy anything anymore. This is also why Republicans have become supportive of rent control measures, as in the 2023 Florida bill (HB1417) passed by the Florida legislature (overwhelmingly Republican).
The times they are a changin. We need to change with them, and not be swayed by the landlords and landlord lackeys, pouring into this thread like a waterfall.
1. $96/month is not a "modest" increase.
2. There is a huge difference between a necessity commodity and a non-necessity. With non-necessities, the firm cannot pass on expenses to the buyer, because the buyer will STOP BUYING, and the seller loses money by sales reduction. With necessities, landlords take buyers for granted knowing they NEED the item (in this case housing)
3. Renters may have no skin in the ownership game, but they have their whole lives in the renting game of their housing (#1 element of human survival), which the owners have no skin in that.
4. As for the real costs involved AGAIN >> " If business owners cannot handle the costs associated with running their business, then stay out of that business. Don't be dumping costs on to the customers, especially for a commodity that people HAVE TO HAVE.
5. I'm sick & disgusted of listening to landlords in this thread. How about some renters showing up here, and SPEAK UP.
I’ve said this to you before. If you don’t like having your rent raised, buy a condo. If you think landlords have a responsibility to take losses to supplement their renter’s rent, BUY YOUR OWN DAMN BUILDING AND SET SUB-MEDIAN RENTS. When you are walking the walk, you can talk the talk.
Without the $96/mo rent increase. Interesting. If everyone in my state (and other states) would have done what I recommended a few years ago, we wouln't have to be talking about this now.
Back then you were complaining about another raise. No one had any sympathy for you then either. Especially after you told us you had owned a house and sold it, if I remember correctly, because owning a home was too much trouble and too expensive. You make bad choices and expect everyone else to bail you out of the consequences. If you had kept your house/condo, you’d be complaining about taxes and utilities going up,
YOU are the bullshit. Life is much more complicated than your simplistic depiction. Ex. it want my choice or action to be discriminated against by Affirmative Action racism, thereby wrecking my college work and potential career,
Stop complaining, every white person posting here had the same disadvantages. You remind me of a white IM2, always blaming others for your choices and problems.

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