If Russia is evil for interfering with America's election...

...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?

We are. Do you then believe that we should not be concerned about Russian influence on the election?
...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?

We are. Do you then believe that we should not be concerned about Russian influence on the election?

Lots of things influence elections,

Rain for example. Do you want to ban rain?
...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?

Oh I see that the newest talking points are being distributed to the sheep.

Since the whole "Russian Interference never happened" is proving to be a losing story now you've moved on to the "everyone is doing it" angle.

Good boy, your masters are pleased.
1. Name a foreign election in which we have interfered

2. Provide the official rationale for doing so

3. Provide personal opinion on why we did it, insofar as that opinion diverges from official rationale

4. Judge whether the intervention had an outcome either favorable or unfavorable to the interests of the United States

Who says we wait for an election to interfere with another nation's leadership? Ask Kaddhafi how that works.
...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?

Because it's easier for the scumbag democrats to blame a foreign power than their fellow democrats who voted for Trump.
Oh, there's no doubt that the idiot Democrats are playing Queen of Denial about their role in their own defeat in 2016...

Trouble is, Russian interference was ALSO very real, and Republicans are now laying down a smoke-screen about that...

BOTH factors (Dem idiocy, Russian interference) are at-play here... this is not a binary choice...

Time for Republicans to stop covering for Trump and the Russians...

Time for Republicans to remember whose side they're actually on...

Before they end-up paying a terrible price at the polls in 2020...

You have had your warning... there is still time for the GOP to fix this... but you're on a timer now, and it's ticking...

If they "fix this", will you vote for them?
...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?

We are. Do you then believe that we should not be concerned about Russian influence on the election?

Do you honestly believe Russia is the only nation with the reason, ability, and inclination to interfere in American elections?
Nah. Putin didn't care about the election.

He would have done the same no matter who Hitlery's opponent was.

He hates her with a passion since she tried to interfere with the Russian elections.

Everything he did was directed at Hitlery and the DNC not the voters or the election.
Nah. Putin didn't care about the election.

He would have done the same no matter who Hitlery's opponent was.

He hates her with a passion since she tried to interfere with the Russian elections.

Everything he did was directed at Hitlery and the DNC not the voters or the election.

Of course having an opponent as compromised as Trump (Moscow Project) sure was icing on the cake huh?
Nah. Putin didn't care about the election.

He would have done the same no matter who Hitlery's opponent was.

He hates her with a passion since she tried to interfere with the Russian elections.

Everything he did was directed at Hitlery and the DNC not the voters or the election.

Of course having an opponent as compromised as Trump (Moscow Project) sure was icing on the cake huh?

Nope. He just hates Hitlery.

Trump wasn't compromised at all.

You really need to get better material.
Nah. Putin didn't care about the election.

He would have done the same no matter who Hitlery's opponent was.

He hates her with a passion since she tried to interfere with the Russian elections.

Everything he did was directed at Hitlery and the DNC not the voters or the election.

Of course having an opponent as compromised as Trump (Moscow Project) sure was icing on the cake huh?

There is no Moscow project.

Don't you think if the Framers didn't want people who have real jobs and real careers to be President, they would have put it in the Constitution?
Nah. Putin didn't care about the election.

He would have done the same no matter who Hitlery's opponent was.

He hates her with a passion since she tried to interfere with the Russian elections.

Everything he did was directed at Hitlery and the DNC not the voters or the election.

Of course having an opponent as compromised as Trump (Moscow Project) sure was icing on the cake huh?

There is no Moscow project.

Don't you think if the Framers didn't want people who have real jobs and real careers to be President, they would have put it in the Constitution?

Nope. The Moscow project was a bribe of 50 million to the Russians so Trump could build a Trump Tower in Russia. The bribe failed.

Good business move on his part. That 50 million would have been repaid many times over with the billions he could have made with the Tower.

Bribe didn't work so no Trump Tower and no Moscow Project.

Guess Ol' Lesh isn't much of a business man.
...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?

Oh the Americans who "interfered" to get Trump elected are evil as well.

Yep, all those yard signs Americans put in their yard to influence an election, they should be banned from social media and charged with election medaling!

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...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?

Because it's easier for the scumbag democrats to blame a foreign power than their fellow democrats who voted for Trump.
Oh, there's no doubt that the idiot Democrats are playing Queen of Denial about their role in their own defeat in 2016...

Trouble is, Russian interference was ALSO very real, and Republicans are now laying down a smoke-screen about that...

BOTH factors (Dem idiocy, Russian interference) are at-play here... this is not a binary choice...

Time for Republicans to stop covering for Trump and the Russians...

Time for Republicans to remember whose side they're actually on...

Before they end-up paying a terrible price at the polls in 2020...

You have had your warning... there is still time for the GOP to fix this... but you're on a timer now, and it's ticking...

That’s right, we can’t have this booming economy, secure border, record low jobless numbers, other countries paying their fair share, making new fair trade deals with other countries, got prisoners back from NK, and other great things.
Let’s go back to the apology tour, open our borders, give government handouts to illegals, give billions of dollars to a country that chants death to America, use IRS as a weapon against political opponents, use A false fisa warrant to spy on a political opponent.

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Nah. Putin didn't care about the election.

He would have done the same no matter who Hitlery's opponent was.

He hates her with a passion since she tried to interfere with the Russian elections.

Everything he did was directed at Hitlery and the DNC not the voters or the election.

Of course having an opponent as compromised as Trump (Moscow Project) sure was icing on the cake huh?

Compromised? Do you understand what his company does ( hint, they build big buildings), the deal didn’t work out. So explain your compromised statement. I’ll wait till you watch CNN to see what they tell you to say.

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Compromised? Do you understand what his company does ( hint, they build big buildings), the deal didn’t work out. So explain your compromised statement. I’ll wait till you watch CNN to see what they tell you to say.

Th attempt/negotiations./bribes offered make him compromised.

Putin owns him
use IRS as a weapon against political opponents

Didn't happen. Both progressive and conservative groups were identified and investigated because of the influx of new 501C3 rules. In fact only a progressive group was denied

use A false fisa warrant to spy on a political opponent.

That FISA warrant was on Carter Page...a Russia affiliated stooge who had been fired by the Trump campaign months prior

Any other whining lies you feel the need to tell
Nope. The Moscow project was a bribe of 50 million to the Russians so Trump could build a Trump Tower in Russia. The bribe failed.

Good business move on his part. That 50 million would have been repaid many times over with the billions he could have made with the Tower.

Bribe didn't work so no Trump Tower and no Moscow Project.

Guess Ol' Lesh isn't much of a business man.

You just indicted Trump. That's illegal
...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?
You sound just like a 1960s hippie.

I'm not even joking.

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