If repubs win the House next month, they have plans to cut Medicare and Social Security

Many companies have mandatory retirement. Other companies have unofficial "fire everyone over 50" policies to avoid expensive retirement packages.

What will you do then?
My employer doesn’t have either policy. Besides, I’m wage and job protected per the Union contract.

If it were to happen and I was too old to work elsewhere?… I’ve got 230 grains of .45ACP ready to go up under my chin.

So when recipients of these programs vote repub, they are voting to hurt themselves. Go figure?

So when recipients of these programs vote repub, they are voting to hurt themselves. Go figure?
If you bother to read the article, the republicans aren't planning to cut anything. They are CONSIDERING phasing in increases in the eligibility age for SSA and Medicare. Neither of which would affect current recipients and would result in both programs being more fiscally sound.

So when recipients of these programs vote repub, they are voting to hurt themselves. Go figure?
They have more important things to do.

So when recipients of these programs vote repub, they are voting to hurt themselves. Go figure?

Repubs are gonna push Granny down the stairs!

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