If republicans win in november…….


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

They will take away your social security, Medicare, your drug program, your Medicaid, your Obamacare, your child education grants, their SCHIP, their WIC, send illegal aliens home, cut taxes on those making $250,000 a year, balance the budget and pay down the deficit and give themselves a raise. Three out of 15 ain’t bad. You asked for it and you will get it. The shaft.:clap2:
Clearly, you have absolutely no fucking clue what 'mid terms' are. How embarrassing for you - assuming you're actually an American.

They will take away your social security, Medicare, your drug program, your Medicaid, your Obamacare, your child education grants, their SCHIP, their WIC, send illegal aliens home, cut taxes on those making $250,000 a year, balance the budget and pay down the deficit and give themselves a raise. Three out of 15 ain’t bad. You asked for it and you will get it. The shaft.:clap2:

If you could really promise that would happen the GOP would win every single election in November.

They will take away your social security, Medicare, your drug program, your Medicaid, your Obamacare, your child education grants, their SCHIP, their WIC, send illegal aliens home, cut taxes on those making $250,000 a year, balance the budget and pay down the deficit and give themselves a raise. Three out of 15 ain’t bad. You asked for it and you will get it. The shaft.:clap2:
We should be so lucky.

They will take away your social security, Medicare, your drug program, your Medicaid, your Obamacare, your child education grants, their SCHIP, their WIC, send illegal aliens home, cut taxes on those making $250,000 a year, balance the budget and pay down the deficit and give themselves a raise. Three out of 15 ain’t bad. You asked for it and you will get it. The shaft.:clap2:

The Sky is falling! The Sky is falling!

No, none of these things will happen. Ever. No matter what party is in power.

Just like always, if the republicans win in Nov, everything will stay just about the same.
Just like last November.
And the one before.

They will take away your social security, Medicare, your drug program, your Medicaid, your Obamacare, your child education grants, their SCHIP, their WIC, send illegal aliens home, cut taxes on those making $250,000 a year, balance the budget and pay down the deficit and give themselves a raise. Three out of 15 ain’t bad. You asked for it and you will get it. The shaft.:clap2:

If you could really promise that would happen the GOP would win every single election in November.

Sure they would...sure they would

People object to other people getting assistance..

But threaten theirs? All hell breaks lose. How did Bush make out trying to modify Social Security? Ask the Tea Baggers about scaling back Medicare

They will take away your social security, Medicare, your drug program, your Medicaid, your Obamacare, your child education grants, their SCHIP, their WIC, send illegal aliens home, cut taxes on those making $250,000 a year, balance the budget and pay down the deficit and give themselves a raise. Three out of 15 ain’t bad. You asked for it and you will get it. The shaft.:clap2:

Troll Post Rating: 7

Not bad, but a bit too obvious. Keep up the good troll work!

They will take away your social security, Medicare, your drug program, your Medicaid, your Obamacare, your child education grants, their SCHIP, their WIC, send illegal aliens home, cut taxes on those making $250,000 a year, balance the budget and pay down the deficit and give themselves a raise. Three out of 15 ain’t bad. You asked for it and you will get it. The shaft.:clap2:

One can only hope that those things happen...
If republicans win in november…….



They will take away your social security, Medicare, your drug program, your Medicaid, your Obamacare, your child education grants, their SCHIP, their WIC, send illegal aliens home, cut taxes on those making $250,000 a year, balance the budget and pay down the deficit and give themselves a raise. Three out of 15 ain’t bad. You asked for it and you will get it. The shaft.

LIES AND MORE LIES. Typical crap of lies and fear tactics. If they accomplish taking over the House and the Senate, maybe just maybe we will be able to stop the liberal, progressive, socialist agenda of this community organizer and his do nothing administration and minions. They have done NOTHING except divide our nation, trample the Constitution, and shove legislation down our throats that we have continually said we do not want, and play the race card every chance they get.

I believe you are talking about the demorat party who still wants to keep blacks slaves and have an agenda of destroying our nation. SHAME ON YOU.
If the Republicans win BIG in November, it should be a message to Owe Bama that the majority of all voters have had enough of his crap and he should start cleaning out his desk so he can make a quick exit in January 2013.
And pigs will fly. they use this tactic every election!!!! getting old like calling everyone who disagrees with Obama a racist!!!! or the fainting person at the Obama speeches!!!! the compasion Give the person some air and a bottle of water!!!!

They will take away your social security, Medicare, your drug program, your Medicaid, your Obamacare, your child education grants, their SCHIP, their WIC, send illegal aliens home, cut taxes on those making $250,000 a year, balance the budget and pay down the deficit and give themselves a raise. Three out of 15 ain’t bad. You asked for it and you will get it. The shaft.:clap2:

What you need is a

First, they have to win over 100 seats to get them to 2/3 in the house. there is no mathematical way they can get to 2/3 in the senate.

Otherwise, 0bama is president and has the veto stamp.

They will take away your social security, Medicare, your drug program, your Medicaid, your Obamacare, your child education grants, their SCHIP, their WIC, send illegal aliens home, cut taxes on those making $250,000 a year, balance the budget and pay down the deficit and give themselves a raise. Three out of 15 ain’t bad. You asked for it and you will get it. The shaft.:clap2:

Except for Health Care Reform, no they won't. They won't touch these programs and even if they did, they would not take them away. Too bad, too, because some of those programs really need an overhaul. Not elimination but being brought into the 20th Century would be nice and yes, I know we are in the 21st Century they're just that far behind the times.


They will take away your social security, Medicare, your drug program, your Medicaid, your Obamacare, your child education grants, their SCHIP, their WIC, send illegal aliens home, cut taxes on those making $250,000 a year, balance the budget and pay down the deficit and give themselves a raise. Three out of 15 ain’t bad. You asked for it and you will get it. The shaft.:clap2:

First of all, if the republicans were to win big in November they would not balance the budget or pay down the deficit.

Secondly, the Republicans are not going to make any gains in November's election. Most probably they are going to lose seats.

Don't think that because a minority makes a lot of noise it means that they're going to win any elections - especially when all the noise they make just constantly proves that they're jackasses.

The polls amy show a huge dissatisfaction with Washingtion, but almost 25% of those who are unhappy with Washington are liberals who think that Obama and congress are not acting radically enough.

These people sure as hell aren't going to vote Republican. When you take 15% away from the Republicans and add about 5% to the Democrats - you have another landslide for the Dems.

Keep making noise, wingnuts, we love it!
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Republicans only want to end Medicare because they found out that park benches are good therapy for old people.
Republicans only want to end Medicare because they found out that park benches are good therapy for old people.

Well I guess if that were a true statement(and it's not)that would be better than the death panels that you liberal,progressive, socialist democrats are offering.

Is that the best that you can do? PATHETIC!:clap2:
Republicans only want to end Medicare because they found out that park benches are good therapy for old people.

Well I guess if that were a true statement(and it's not)that would be better than the death panels that you liberal,progressive, socialist democrats are offering.

Is that the best that you can do? PATHETIC!:clap2:

Death Panels??

Have you been talking to Palin???

Republicans only want to end Medicare because they found out that park benches are good therapy for old people.

Well I guess if that were a true statement(and it's not)that would be better than the death panels that you liberal,progressive, socialist democrats are offering.

Is that the best that you can do? PATHETIC!:clap2:

Liberals don't need to create "death panels". They already exist. They are called "insurance companies". There are millions of these stories. It's why insurance companies can make billions of dollars. They don't provide any service, no doctors, no nurses, no hospitals. They only skim money off policies. To make that money, they have to deny health care to sick people.

But hey, we know how Republicans value "profit". So if a few people, or a few million, die, they should "die quickly" to "save money", right?

Family sues insurer who denied teen transplant - Health care- msnbc.com

GLENDALE, Calif. - The family of a 17-year-old girl who died hours after her health insurer reversed a decision and said it would pay for a liver transplant plans to sue the company, their attorney said Friday.

Newborn with Birth Defect Denied Coverage - CBS News

Houston, born March 15 at a Texas hospital, suffers from a defect in his arteries. When his parents, Doug and Kim, applied to have his corrective surgery covered under their insurance, they were denied, with their carrier claiming Houston had a pre-existing condition, reports CBS station KTVT.

They will take away your social security, Medicare, your drug program, your Medicaid, your Obamacare, your child education grants, their SCHIP, their WIC, send illegal aliens home, cut taxes on those making $250,000 a year, balance the budget and pay down the deficit and give themselves a raise. Three out of 15 ain’t bad. You asked for it and you will get it. The shaft.:clap2:

If you could really promise that would happen the GOP would win every single election in November.
I think there would be very few Seniors voting to abolish Social Security and Medicare. There would be very few poor people voting to abolish WIC and SCHIP. And there would be even less interested in reducing taxes for those making over $250,000 (2% of the households).

Americans have clearly demonstrated, they want government goodies, but they don't want to pay for them. Sad but true.

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