If Republicans repeal Obamacare, what are they replacing it with?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Something? Nothing?

3) Republicans have nothing to replace it with. David Frum explains that since the expansion of coverage provisions go into effect in 2014, Romney would have just one year to both repeal and replace the law. Republicans haven’t even coalesced around a single plan — and many in the party believe that the federal government should leave health care alone and want to leave the entire reform process to the states. Thus, “if replacement does not happen in the first 100 days, it won’t happen at all—that is, it won’t happen as a single measure, but rather will take the form of dozens of small incremental changes adopted episodically over the next 20 years.”

More: 4 Reasons Why Republicans Won't Be Able To Repeal Obamacare | ThinkProgress

Repeal is A Fantasy - The Daily Beast
According to the constitution, health care is a state issue. Hopefully the pubs can see that.
A storm is coming, better dress warm... November is gonna be a cold one.
Sadly, they don't have an alternative. I'd have a lot more respect for them if they did.

But the way things are currently, the Democrats suck but the Republicans suck way harder.
Sadly, they don't have an alternative. I'd have a lot more respect for them if they did.

But the way things are currently, the Democrats suck but the Republicans suck way harder.

There are two alternatives; go back to the status quo where the cost of healthcare was increasing at a rate of more than 10% per year, or go to single payer. Something tells me cons don't want single payer.

Honestly, I wish we could remove employers from the equation and tell everyone they had to pay for their insurance on their own. I am self-employed, so I understand the true costs. I would love to see what would happen if all of a sudden, every family had to cough up $700 to $1500 per month just to keep their health insurance. Can you imagine the outrage. People would be taking to the streets with one protest after another. Any idea how far away from single payer we would be?
Sadly, they don't have an alternative. I'd have a lot more respect for them if they did.

But the way things are currently, the Democrats suck but the Republicans suck way harder.

There are two alternatives; go back to the status quo where the cost of healthcare was increasing at a rate of more than 10% per year, or go to single payer. Something tells me cons don't want single payer.

Honestly, I wish we could remove employers from the equation and tell everyone they had to pay for their insurance on their own. I am self-employed, so I understand the true costs. I would love to see what would happen if all of a sudden, every family had to cough up $700 to $1500 per month just to keep their health insurance. Can you imagine the outrage. People would be taking to the streets with one protest after another. Any idea how far away from single payer we would be?

Bullshit, two alternatives my ass. Someone is living in do or die land.

welcome to the real world
Sadly, they don't have an alternative. I'd have a lot more respect for them if they did.

But the way things are currently, the Democrats suck but the Republicans suck way harder.

There are two alternatives; go back to the status quo where the cost of healthcare was increasing at a rate of more than 10% per year, or go to single payer. Something tells me cons don't want single payer.

Honestly, I wish we could remove employers from the equation and tell everyone they had to pay for their insurance on their own. I am self-employed, so I understand the true costs. I would love to see what would happen if all of a sudden, every family had to cough up $700 to $1500 per month just to keep their health insurance. Can you imagine the outrage. People would be taking to the streets with one protest after another. Any idea how far away from single payer we would be?

Bullshit, two alternatives my ass. Someone is living in do or die land.

welcome to the real world

Okay, toss out a plan, any plan? You can keep it as simple as possible. Go ahead, I'm waiting.
There are two alternatives; go back to the status quo where the cost of healthcare was increasing at a rate of more than 10% per year, or go to single payer. Something tells me cons don't want single payer.

Honestly, I wish we could remove employers from the equation and tell everyone they had to pay for their insurance on their own. I am self-employed, so I understand the true costs. I would love to see what would happen if all of a sudden, every family had to cough up $700 to $1500 per month just to keep their health insurance. Can you imagine the outrage. People would be taking to the streets with one protest after another. Any idea how far away from single payer we would be?

Bullshit, two alternatives my ass. Someone is living in do or die land.

welcome to the real world

Okay, toss out a plan, any plan? You can keep it as simple as possible. Go ahead, I'm waiting.
Why replace it? It's not the federal government's job. Government is not your mommy..... That's the plan fuckwad.
Allow people to buy insurance accross state lines. and get the hell out of health care.

Please tell me how buying insurance across state lines changes anything? I can show you a number of drawbacks and problems with doing so, such as trying to work with a company that is thousands of miles away can be a big problem. Rates won't be more competitive unless the actual healthcare costs come down. Just because someone in Mississippi pays half of what a person in New York pays does not mean a person in New York will be able to buy insurance from a company in Mississippi for the same rate as those living in Mississippi. If you think it would work that way, you are sorely mistaken.
Sadly, they don't have an alternative. I'd have a lot more respect for them if they did.

But the way things are currently, the Democrats suck but the Republicans suck way harder.

Why? You respect people that compromise on their principles for political gain? No wonder you like the Dems, they have pandering down to a science.
Bullshit, two alternatives my ass. Someone is living in do or die land.

welcome to the real world

Okay, toss out a plan, any plan? You can keep it as simple as possible. Go ahead, I'm waiting.
Why replace it? It's not the federal government's job. Government is not your mommy..... That's the plan fuckwad.

Hey fuckwad, tell us how watching healthcare costs triple in the last 40 years is working for us, and how seeing them double again is going to work for us. You fucking idiots who believe we can remain on this path have your heads up your asses. All you give a shit about is making it to retirement and getting yours. You could give two shits how the next generations and even our kids are going to pay for their own healthcare. You are one stupid person.

I will tell you one thing dickhead, when costs jump to over 25% of GDP, I guarantee you the entire system is revamped and we get single payer. It won't be long, but I'm sure you are too stupid to realize this.
There are two alternatives; go back to the status quo where the cost of healthcare was increasing at a rate of more than 10% per year, or go to single payer. Something tells me cons don't want single payer.

Honestly, I wish we could remove employers from the equation and tell everyone they had to pay for their insurance on their own. I am self-employed, so I understand the true costs. I would love to see what would happen if all of a sudden, every family had to cough up $700 to $1500 per month just to keep their health insurance. Can you imagine the outrage. People would be taking to the streets with one protest after another. Any idea how far away from single payer we would be?

Bullshit, two alternatives my ass. Someone is living in do or die land.

welcome to the real world

Okay, toss out a plan, any plan? You can keep it as simple as possible. Go ahead, I'm waiting.

Allow purchase of insurance from anywhere in the united states

Tort reform

Expand the pools that people are allowed to buy into

Ease the regulations on small family practices

Create a high risk pool for those engaging in high risk activities

Im no Dr. or politician but a bit of common sense goes a long way. The goal should be to lower the cost not force mandates upon the people
Okay, toss out a plan, any plan? You can keep it as simple as possible. Go ahead, I'm waiting.
Why replace it? It's not the federal government's job. Government is not your mommy..... That's the plan fuckwad.

Hey fuckwad, tell us how watching healthcare costs triple in the last 40 years is working for us, and how seeing them double again is going to work for us.

You tell me how you think this bill will do one damn thing to Lower health Care costs? It wont. It wont even slow the Rate at which costs are increasing.

Epic Fail.

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