If Obama were President on Dec. 7, 1941 (Episode II)

Want to take a pool on when the first "Since Obama didn't say EXACTLY those words you're not allowed to make an insinuation like that!!!" liberals whine will appear?
This is hilarious. "Let's make up some complete bullshit and misstate what Obama actually said, and then try to poison the well against anyone who tries to bring the facts."
As always when presented with something they can't (or don't dare to) answer, to a man the board liberals do nothing but attack the messenger, call him names, change the subject, and try to avoid addressing the point.

Or in this case use the same logic in satirizing the OP to demonstrate how it works applied elsewhere.
If Obama were President in 1941.
You and your ilk:




And here come the third rate demagogues...

They're scraping the bottom of the outhouse with you...
No doubt about it. The voices of many of the ODS tards in this topic would be muffled by their hoods.

Actually Jake, that would be YOU when you screamed "OBAMA AKBAR."

Remember, the Klan were proud democrats, just like you and retardmark..

No doubt, Klanners were proud Democrats, and proud Republicans, and proud nonvoters.

Did this yesterday. And many times before. With profuse links.
Did it sink in?

Hardly. Pothead's the assclown who thinks Rachel Carson depopulated India.

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