If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

There is no such thing as sub Saharans, And the rest of this post when one knows about Africa, borders on mental retardation.

sub-Saharan is just as reasonable a delineation of HUMAN BEANS as is black, white, red, and yellow

Not if you ask Africans who live above and below the Sahara desert. Secondly there were tremendous civilizations that existed south of the Sahara.

I have never denied the civilizations that existed south of the sahara (aka sub-Saharan) ----it would be silly for YOU to deny that persons south of the Saharan were "harvested" by
slave traders for the past 3000 years

No we aren't going to talk about 3000 years ago when most whites don't want to admit to things they did 150 yeas ago.

I am telling you what Africans told me when I asked them about the tem sub Saharan. They see that as a racist term and it's fake, There is but one African continent period. We don't see whites breaking down Europe between western and eastern and then assessing traits of failure to eastern European countries that are generally poorer and less developed. So I am not going to give credence to this notion of a sub sahaan anything.

Because at least whites can understand what caused eastern Europe to be as it is, but they fail to do the same for Africa because it is whites that created the conditions.
Its this overly simplistic view that has led to your failure to grasp the reality of the historical situation. To exclude the knowledge of physical barriers, and the effects such barriers serve as barriers between species of animals, and groups of people can only serve to exacerbate your frustrations.

You are the one with the overly simplistic view. In fact it is not just that, it is totally false.
Most of the peoples of the earth did not create viable civilizations-------that is why the DRUIDS are all gone----
they were EATEN by ROME-----the whole Iberian Penninsula was EATEN by Rome------even the RHINE VALLEY-----a kind of minor little mess of a "civilization" was EATEN by Rome----
Rome was modeled on EGYPT including its Nubian components

Egypt is in Africa. Egyptians were not white. But at least you make more sense than the guy you quoted.

Egyptians were just as "white" as were mesopotamians

Incorrect. But the mesopotamians weren't white ether. My point is that there was no Nubian component to Egypt. Egypt was the Nubian component.

Egypt was not NUBIA------two different places----sometimes
getting more or less TOGETHER. Texans are not Texans-----but they do seem to share drinking habits with each other

Egypt was not white. It's really not even debateable. They were a mixture of various shades of brown. It was pretty much a racially diverse place if we want to look at race relative to those times when they did not.
Not sure anyone said they were "white"...
Most of the peoples of the earth did not create viable civilizations-------that is why the DRUIDS are all gone----
they were EATEN by ROME-----the whole Iberian Penninsula was EATEN by Rome------even the RHINE VALLEY-----a kind of minor little mess of a "civilization" was EATEN by Rome----
Rome was modeled on EGYPT including its Nubian components

Egypt is in Africa. Egyptians were not white. But at least you make more sense than the guy you quoted.
From the founding of the empire; and with the exception of an about 50 year rule; the Egyptian civilization, was ruled and operated by the same caucasoids who settled the entirety of the Mediterranean. The mistake most Afrocentric history revisionists make is to suppose that merely because Egypt is on the very northeast edge of the continent of Africa; that it must have been founded by Negros ( which originate from central, and west Africa).

No mistake, fact. The problem Eurocentric history revisionists make is establishing some imaginary border of African civilization using the Sahara desert and making claims that Egyptians are white.
Your unwillingness to educate yourself on the matter, is your problem. Just don't get pissed off when archaeology, history, and genetics "conspire", trounce your fantasy; and the educated world decides not to play along with it...

I am well educated on the matter You are the one who lacks.
Then I guess I'll leave you to your fantasy... However its worth noting; the willful ignorance you display, and your unwillingness to learn based on factual information; is one of the primary contributors to the stigma that has plagued the Negros reputation for centuries...
No we aren't going to talk about 3000 years ago when most whites don't want to admit to things they did 150 yeas ago.

I am telling you what Africans told me when I asked them about the tem sub Saharan. They see that as a racist term and it's fake, There is but one African continent period. We don't see whites breaking down Europe between western and eastern and then assessing traits of failure to eastern European countries that are generally poorer and less developed. So I am not going to give credence to this notion of a sub sahaan anything.

Because at least whites can understand what caused eastern Europe to be as it is, but they fail to do the same for Africa because it is whites that created the conditions.

LOL, have you ever looked at a map of Europe? It's divided into these things us white people call "countries".
No we aren't going to talk about 3000 years ago when most whites don't want to admit to things they did 150 yeas ago.

I am telling you what Africans told me when I asked them about the tem sub Saharan. They see that as a racist term and it's fake, There is but one African continent period. We don't see whites breaking down Europe between western and eastern and then assessing traits of failure to eastern European countries that are generally poorer and less developed. So I am not going to give credence to this notion of a sub sahaan anything.

Because at least whites can understand what caused eastern Europe to be as it is, but they fail to do the same for Africa because it is whites that created the conditions.

LOL, have you ever looked at a map of Europe? It's divided into these things us white people call "countries".

It MUST be divided-----were such divisions not made----comedy would not exist. There could be no LIMEY jokes----
or KRAUT jokes or even POLACK jokes
IM2 ---you are a racist-----you have divided the world into

Here we go with another white person making up what racism is. I have not divided the world into anything. You made the statement about sub Saharan Africa being a valid descriptor. What is that designation based on?
No we aren't going to talk about 3000 years ago when most whites don't want to admit to things they did 150 yeas ago.

I am telling you what Africans told me when I asked them about the tem sub Saharan. They see that as a racist term and it's fake, There is but one African continent period. We don't see whites breaking down Europe between western and eastern and then assessing traits of failure to eastern European countries that are generally poorer and less developed. So I am not going to give credence to this notion of a sub sahaan anything.

Because at least whites can understand what caused eastern Europe to be as it is, but they fail to do the same for Africa because it is whites that created the conditions.

LOL, have you ever looked at a map of Europe? It's divided into these things us white people call "countries".

This is stupid.
No we aren't going to talk about 3000 years ago when most whites don't want to admit to things they did 150 yeas ago.

I am telling you what Africans told me when I asked them about the tem sub Saharan. They see that as a racist term and it's fake, There is but one African continent period. We don't see whites breaking down Europe between western and eastern and then assessing traits of failure to eastern European countries that are generally poorer and less developed. So I am not going to give credence to this notion of a sub sahaan anything.

Because at least whites can understand what caused eastern Europe to be as it is, but they fail to do the same for Africa because it is whites that created the conditions.

LOL, have you ever looked at a map of Europe? It's divided into these things us white people call "countries".

It MUST be divided-----were such divisions not made----comedy would not exist. There could be no LIMEY jokes----
or KRAUT jokes or even POLACK jokes

You guys are truly ignorant.
Just look at all those successful black run countries in Africa.

Really? Is this the story you want to tell yourself? The tale of how Africa is so messed up because the blacks there are too dumb to rule? Really? But is it the truth?
No we aren't going to talk about 3000 years ago when most whites don't want to admit to things they did 150 yeas ago.

I am telling you what Africans told me when I asked them about the tem sub Saharan. They see that as a racist term and it's fake, There is but one African continent period. We don't see whites breaking down Europe between western and eastern and then assessing traits of failure to eastern European countries that are generally poorer and less developed. So I am not going to give credence to this notion of a sub sahaan anything.

Because at least whites can understand what caused eastern Europe to be as it is, but they fail to do the same for Africa because it is whites that created the conditions.

LOL, have you ever looked at a map of Europe? It's divided into these things us white people call "countries".

This is stupid.

How so? You bitch about africa being divided into south and north as if that massive desert doesnt exist. Whites did not create the sahara desert.
Who Invented Steel? A Look at the Timeline of Steel Production
No. 385: African Steel Making

"Today, ancient African ingenuity gives us steel. The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them."
Another white guy too inferior to understand that iron isnt steel. :laugh:
Your proclamation falls as flat as your attempts to elevate your standing within Western Civilization. One cannot help but notice that you use the word inferior a lot. It’s called “projection”. Now... Having quite handily (and rather easily I might add) dispensing with your nonsensical claim of an African origin of steel; are there any other accomplishments from civilized cultures that you’d like to appropriate, and fallaciously attribute to the primitive negro?
My standing has nothing to do with western civilization. My ancestors created that for you. Youre welcome. You guys just fucked it up like whites fuck up everything they touch. I use the word inferior to denote your position in regard to most humans. I'm not projecting. I am assigning you your correct station in life. Claiming you dispensed of my fact by substituting another invention is about as silly as you being intelligent. Again iron and carbonized steel are not the same dummy.
Before Napoloan shot the nose off the Sphinx.

"...Though its proportions are colossal, the outline is pure and graceful; the expression of the head is mild, gracious, and tranquil; the character is African, but the mouth, and lips of which are thick, has a softness and delicacy of execution truly admirable; it seems real life and flesh. Art must have been at a high pitch when this monument was executed; for, if the head wants what is called style, that is the say, the straight and bold lines which give expression to the figures under which the Greeks have designated their deities, yet sufficient justice has been rendered to the fine simplicity and character of nature which is displayed in this figure..."

Viviant Devon

Yet another rather sad, and pathetic belief held by the Negro. Whose rather primitive, and unstoried history, coupled with their envious view of Western civilization, and the accomplishments of all things non Negro; has them attempting to rewrite history... It would truly be sad, if I really had feelings toward the Negros feelings.

Napoleon you say...? Not even close.

“The Egyptian Arab historian al-Maqrīzī wrote in the 15th century that the nose was actually destroyed by a Sufi Muslim named Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr. In 1378 CE,...”
What happened to the Sphinx’s nose? | Blog
A blog vs a historians drawing? :laugh:
Before Napoloan shot the nose off the Sphinx.

"...Though its proportions are colossal, the outline is pure and graceful; the expression of the head is mild, gracious, and tranquil; the character is African, but the mouth, and lips of which are thick, has a softness and delicacy of execution truly admirable; it seems real life and flesh. Art must have been at a high pitch when this monument was executed; for, if the head wants what is called style, that is the say, the straight and bold lines which give expression to the figures under which the Greeks have designated their deities, yet sufficient justice has been rendered to the fine simplicity and character of nature which is displayed in this figure..."

Viviant Devon

Yet another rather sad, and pathetic belief held by the Negro. Whose rather primitive, and unstoried history, coupled with their envious view of Western civilization, and the accomplishments of all things non Negro; has them attempting to rewrite history... It would truly be sad, if I really had feelings toward the Negros feelings.

Napoleon you say...? Not even close.

“The Egyptian Arab historian al-Maqrīzī wrote in the 15th century that the nose was actually destroyed by a Sufi Muslim named Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr. In 1378 CE,...”
What happened to the Sphinx’s nose? | Blog
A blog vs a historians drawing? :laugh:

What do you think is happening in your "historian's drawing"?
Good thing that whites were around to monopolize the natural resources of Africa
Next, the OP will say Native Americans should be grateful too
Everyone we've oppressed and genocided out of functional existence should be, why, we're exceptional!
"We've"? Do share your genocidal exploits with the class.
"We" as in america, but you know that. Your society was founded on this stuff.

Well actually Britain had something to do with some of these things as well as other European nations. But I shall not absolve America from our role in it.
The Brits moved away from it voluntarily without a civil war decades before we did via a bloody and utterly stupid civil war, and we have still yet to come to our senses over it. It is not that no one else engaged in it, it is rather that america touts itself as "exceptional" when it reality it is anything but. As you have rightly pointed out here.
You are responsible for your own way in this life. And again, color has nothing to do with it. Intestinal fortitude has everything to do with it:

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Intestinal fortitude is not why whites have what they do. Laws depriving others of opportunity is.
There have never been any laws banning sub-Saharans from creating civilizations, building, inventing and advancing. They simply were unable to do so, and have found it difficult once these thngs were bestowed on them. In their weakness they fell prey and in their weakness they fail still.

Most of the peoples of the earth did not create viable civilizations-------that is why the DRUIDS are all gone----
they were EATEN by ROME-----the whole Iberian Penninsula was EATEN by Rome------even the RHINE VALLEY-----a kind of minor little mess of a "civilization" was EATEN by Rome----
Rome was modeled on EGYPT including its Nubian components

Egypt is in Africa. Egyptians were not white. But at least you make more sense than the guy you quoted.

Egyptians were just as "white" as were mesopotamians
Who werent white and have never been white. The original inhabitants of Mesopatamia were Black people that called themselves "Black heads".
Egypt is in Africa. Egyptians were not white. But at least you make more sense than the guy you quoted.

Egyptians were just as "white" as were mesopotamians

Incorrect. But the mesopotamians weren't white ether. My point is that there was no Nubian component to Egypt. Egypt was the Nubian component.

Egypt was not NUBIA------two different places----sometimes
getting more or less TOGETHER. Texans are not Texans-----but they do seem to share drinking habits with each other

Egypt was not white. It's really not even debateable. They were a mixture of various shades of brown. It was pretty much a racially diverse place if we want to look at race relative to those times when they did not.
Not sure anyone said they were "white"...
Whites have always claimed the ancient Egyptians were white even when that was impossible due to the lack of sun screen.. You guys yearn for relevance.
Then blacks would do better to tout the merits of those "civilizations", rather than lose all credibility by trying to appropriate the accomplishments of others, as their own.
Amen. In desperation for an iota of civilization and glory, some blacks will go to any length possible to defy truth and record and in flights of fantasy revel in the accomplishments of others instead of being proud of their own history, however modest that may be.

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