If Mueller does his job right, the smoking gun is Dems had the Russian ties


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The whole Jared hysteria revealed the real smoking gun, not as people expected, but if you look closely the connected dots have appeared where you least likely expected.
IT'S come to our attention that Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak is the one who told Jared to talk to the bank
(set up?) and we know it was Obama who set up Sessions meeting with the Ambassador and told him to meet the Ambassasor ( smells of set up).
So if it looks like a set up & smells of a set up which by the way Jarred never took the bait then Mueller must find if there is a Democratic party link to this Ambassador
as the connected dot
And what he'd find is yes there is a connection between both Hillary's & Obamas camp and the Russians.
So the narrative which we all know is created by the Dems is proven to be set up by the dems who actually had the connections to the Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak who they used for said narative.
Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak appeared 22 times on former President Obamas visitors log. Mueller might know when and how often they spoke on phone logs. (hint hint look at the timing of Jarred being told to see the bank and Obama interaction with the Russian who told him to just as Obama did with Sessions).
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
To bad they did it before these guys were technically officially on the team. -Doh!
Proof they fail at everything and can't get anything right-
They can't even get espionage right.
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There is 1 problem with that thesis. The Russians helped Trump not Clinton. If Clinton had all these ties to Russia then why did they help Trump?
There is 1 problem with that thesis. The Russians helped Trump not Clinton. If Clinton had all these ties to Russia then why did they help Trump?

How did they "help" Trump? Like most others who believed the polls, they thought Hillary was going to win and wanted to expose U.S. corruption for their own political purposes. Just like we do to them.
The whole Jared hysteria revealed the real smoking gun, not as people expected, but if you look closely the connected dots have appeared where you least likely expected.
IT'S come to our attention that Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak is the one who told Jared to talk to the bank
(set up?) and we know it was Obama who set up Sessions meeting with the Ambassador and told him to meet the Ambassasor ( smells of set up).
So if it looks like a set up & smells of a set up which by the way Jarred never took the bait then Mueller must find if there is a Democratic party link to this Ambassador
as the connected dot
And what he'd find is yes there is a connection between both Hillary's & Obamas camp and the Russians.
So the narrative which we all know is created by the Dems is proven to be set up by the dems who actually had the connections to the Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak who they used for said narative.
Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak appeared 22 times on former President Obamas visitors log. Mueller might know when and how often they spoke on phone logs. (hint hint look at the timing of Jarred being told to see the bank and Obama interaction with the Russian who told him to just as Obama did with Sessions).
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
To bad they did it before these guys were technically officially on the team. -Doh!
Proof they fail at everything and can't get anything right-
They can't even get espionage right.
Just about as fucking dumb as it gets. But Mueller is investigating the Russian ties within the Trump admin. And he gives not a damn about your silly baseless accusations.
There is 1 problem with that thesis. The Russians helped Trump not Clinton. If Clinton had all these ties to Russia then why did they help Trump?

There's a problem with what you said, it's parotting the narrative you've been feed but is false commentary.
All 3 agencies said the votes were not proven swayed and states investigating this charge said Russia did not hack change any votes or tamper votes. Mexico however did have a program to drive illegal votes into pur election and thus interfered with our election, but you donct hear about that do you, because it was done to cheat the election for the Dems. So much for concern over the sanctity of our elections.
The whole Jared hysteria revealed the real smoking gun, not as people expected, but if you look closely the connected dots have appeared where you least likely expected.
IT'S come to our attention that Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak is the one who told Jared to talk to the bank
(set up?) and we know it was Obama who set up Sessions meeting with the Ambassador and told him to meet the Ambassasor ( smells of set up).
So if it looks like a set up & smells of a set up which by the way Jarred never took the bait then Mueller must find if there is a Democratic party link to this Ambassador
as the connected dot
And what he'd find is yes there is a connection between both Hillary's & Obamas camp and the Russians.
So the narrative which we all know is created by the Dems is proven to be set up by the dems who actually had the connections to the Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak who they used for said narative.
Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak appeared 22 times on former President Obamas visitors log. Mueller might know when and how often they spoke on phone logs. (hint hint look at the timing of Jarred being told to see the bank and Obama interaction with the Russian who told him to just as Obama did with Sessions).
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
To bad they did it before these guys were technically officially on the team. -Doh!
Proof they fail at everything and can't get anything right-
They can't even get espionage right.
Just about as fucking dumb as it gets. But Mueller is investigating the Russian ties within the Trump admin. And he gives not a damn about your silly baseless accusations.

Shame on you, you just called Mueller corrupt. He will, unbiased, take this where it leads him and everyone knows The Dems used the agencies in a complete abuse of power scheme like they did the IRS.
This telling (ordering) people to go here or there falls on the people baiting the peanut butter on the trap.
Notice: Yates never warned Jared nor warned Trump about the Ambassador baiting Jarred, only About Flynn. It's their job to warn of what they knew and were surveilling unless they were setting up a narrative or didn't want to expose the illegal surveillance of CIVILIAN JARED KUSHNER like they did with civilian Flynn. But since Yates did do her job with Flynn, it's suspicious in this instance. Enough to warrant investigation of the swamp critters.
There is 1 problem with that thesis. The Russians helped Trump not Clinton. If Clinton had all these ties to Russia then why did they help Trump?

How did they "help" Trump? Like most others who believed the polls, they thought Hillary was going to win and wanted to expose U.S. corruption for their own political purposes. Just like we do to them.

We oppose them because they are evil. Putin kills or jails his political opponents. He jailed a all-girl rock band for singing Putin go away. Putin hacked the DNC servers to manipulate the political process and distribute false information. If Clinton won, he wanted to cripple her. Trump winning would be a political bonus.
There is 1 problem with that thesis. The Russians helped Trump not Clinton. If Clinton had all these ties to Russia then why did they help Trump?

How did they "help" Trump? Like most others who believed the polls, they thought Hillary was going to win and wanted to expose U.S. corruption for their own political purposes. Just like we do to them.

We oppose them because they are evil. Putin kills or jails his political opponents. He jailed a all-girl rock band for singing Putin go away. Putin hacked the DNC servers to manipulate the political process and distribute false information. If Clinton won, he wanted to cripple her. Trump winning would be a political bonus.

Wikileaks said no foreign gov't gave him the emails. Try worrying about the crimes in those emails and in illegally hiding and destroying the evidence rather then the exposing of them. One of those crimes might be a WHOPPER. One showing that the pay to play might have resulted in a favor that unwittingly later became 911, Afghan & Iraq wars and thus Isis and Syria's refugee issues. Acts of Greed that inadvertantly destroyed the stability of this world.
The fact you liberals don't care about cause and affects of each act scares us, that you put pride of affiliation over country and mankind.
The whole Jared hysteria revealed the real smoking gun, not as people expected, but if you look closely the connected dots have appeared where you least likely expected.
IT'S come to our attention that Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak is the one who told Jared to talk to the bank
(set up?) and we know it was Obama who set up Sessions meeting with the Ambassador and told him to meet the Ambassasor ( smells of set up).
So if it looks like a set up & smells of a set up which by the way Jarred never took the bait then Mueller must find if there is a Democratic party link to this Ambassador
as the connected dot
And what he'd find is yes there is a connection between both Hillary's & Obamas camp and the Russians.
So the narrative which we all know is created by the Dems is proven to be set up by the dems who actually had the connections to the Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak who they used for said narative.
Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak appeared 22 times on former President Obamas visitors log. Mueller might know when and how often they spoke on phone logs. (hint hint look at the timing of Jarred being told to see the bank and Obama interaction with the Russian who told him to just as Obama did with Sessions).
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
To bad they did it before these guys were technically officially on the team. -Doh!
Proof they fail at everything and can't get anything right-
They can't even get espionage right.

All conspiracy theories. I have a serious question: Why are all your posts totally batshit crazy? I haven't seen one yet that made any logic or sense.
Wikileaks said no foreign gov't gave him the emails. Try worrying about the crimes in those emails and in illegally hiding and destroying the evidence rather then the exposing of them. One of those crimes might be a WHOPPER. One showing that the pay to play might have resulted in a favor that unwittingly later became 911, Afghan & Iraq wars and thus Isis and Syria's refugee issues. Acts of Greed that inadvertantly destroyed the stability of this world.
The fact you liberals don't care about cause and affects of each act scares us, that you put pride of affiliation over country and mankind.

Julian Assange is a marxist shitbag. Why is his cock in your mouth?

Trump actually starts blushing like a schoolgirl when he talks about being in a relationship with his idol.

Q: Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin? A conversational relationship, or anything that you feel you have sway or influence over his government?

TRUMP: I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today.
There is no such thing as a former KGB man. - Vladimir Putin

So you've signed on as the Kremlin's parroting rube, eh?

Wow. T his defense of Vladimir Trump is getting hilarious. :lol:

By the way, is English your second language, comrade?
You just proved my former point about Brenans testimony, whereby he selectively and blanket states that Russians were using social media posting fake news. Basically peoples opnions from Other countries or sounding like your name is Russian or used by Russians is selectively drawn to a conclusion while the many other countries post individual freedom of speach ignored and mistaking a name isn't even considered by this great former CIA sleuth. *L*

1) My name is Hebrew
2)you not only busted Brenan's poor correlation skills, but you proved how paranoid this Russian narrative is.
3)you couldn't refute the post so you did as you guys do, attack the person with
ad hominem responses.
4)you are displaying a disturbing phobia, xenophobia to be exact.
5)I used your own argument against you and you denounced it thus exposing the Russia rant should never have been investigated on the same basis you wish not to investigate Obama and Hillary.=you busted yourself.
6)you got me I literally have 3 degrees of seperation to Putin if you use your party's
tin foil hat connect the dots formula.
1- I did work For former Gov Ed Rendell when he was the D.A.
2-he knows Hillary
3- she knows Putin
So Hillary is your comrade you so love to hate.
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Wikileaks said no foreign gov't gave him the emails. Try worrying about the crimes in those emails and in illegally hiding and destroying the evidence rather then the exposing of them. One of those crimes might be a WHOPPER. One showing that the pay to play might have resulted in a favor that unwittingly later became 911, Afghan & Iraq wars and thus Isis and Syria's refugee issues. Acts of Greed that inadvertantly destroyed the stability of this world.
The fact you liberals don't care about cause and affects of each act scares us, that you put pride of affiliation over country and mankind.

Julian Assange is a marxist shitbag. Why is his cock in your mouth?

He is the only one who can identify who gave him the emails in my context of evidence your side gave subjective false opinons and I gave the most finite source.
Now that the source disagrees with your flkse narrative you make an Ad Hominem response and insult gays. I thought your party was claiming tolerance, yet I always see you guys bashing disabled people, gays, races, religions, intellectual discourse, factual data etc...
Just admit you guys hate this country and life in general and get it over with, admission is the first step to recovery.
The whole Jared hysteria revealed the real smoking gun, not as people expected, but if you look closely the connected dots have appeared where you least likely expected.
IT'S come to our attention that Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak is the one who told Jared to talk to the bank
(set up?) and we know it was Obama who set up Sessions meeting with the Ambassador and told him to meet the Ambassasor ( smells of set up).
So if it looks like a set up & smells of a set up which by the way Jarred never took the bait then Mueller must find if there is a Democratic party link to this Ambassador
as the connected dot
And what he'd find is yes there is a connection between both Hillary's & Obamas camp and the Russians.
So the narrative which we all know is created by the Dems is proven to be set up by the dems who actually had the connections to the Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak who they used for said narative.
Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak appeared 22 times on former President Obamas visitors log. Mueller might know when and how often they spoke on phone logs. (hint hint look at the timing of Jarred being told to see the bank and Obama interaction with the Russian who told him to just as Obama did with Sessions).
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
To bad they did it before these guys were technically officially on the team. -Doh!
Proof they fail at everything and can't get anything right-
They can't even get espionage right.
22 times over 8 years. The Russian Ambassador when to the White House? Only 22 times? I would have thought if they were doing their job right, it would have been more.
The whole Jared hysteria revealed the real smoking gun, not as people expected, but if you look closely the connected dots have appeared where you least likely expected.
IT'S come to our attention that Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak is the one who told Jared to talk to the bank
(set up?) and we know it was Obama who set up Sessions meeting with the Ambassador and told him to meet the Ambassasor ( smells of set up).
So if it looks like a set up & smells of a set up which by the way Jarred never took the bait then Mueller must find if there is a Democratic party link to this Ambassador
as the connected dot
And what he'd find is yes there is a connection between both Hillary's & Obamas camp and the Russians.
So the narrative which we all know is created by the Dems is proven to be set up by the dems who actually had the connections to the Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak who they used for said narative.
Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak appeared 22 times on former President Obamas visitors log. Mueller might know when and how often they spoke on phone logs. (hint hint look at the timing of Jarred being told to see the bank and Obama interaction with the Russian who told him to just as Obama did with Sessions).
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent.
To bad they did it before these guys were technically officially on the team. -Doh!
Proof they fail at everything and can't get anything right-
They can't even get espionage right.

All conspiracy theories. I have a serious question: Why are all your posts totally batshit crazy? I haven't seen one yet that made any logic or sense.

You just admited that the Dems Russia rant is crazy and makes no logic sense because Hillary's team and Obama met the same Russian many more times, but worse directed who they felt threatened by to meet that same ambassador. Remember Kushner helped set up this sucessdul Middle East tour that is making Trump look good and so now the Dems are targeting Kushner as a threat to re-election. Was the same info all this time but ONLY NOW used in a fake narrative forgetting Kushner was a civilian and kept a civilian on purpose, because he saw the business sacrifices people had to give up to be on the team. He doesn't have the luxury to give up that stuff being so young. Asking him to give up all business opps and ties for a thankless lower paying job is ludicrous and unfair.
If Donald had lost would his civilian PERSONAL business inquiries have been an issue? Could his opportunity to make contacts come from the prospect of the diplomacy that only came from his father in law running and like any good business man took advantage of preparing conbections he might use if Trump lost? Because he never took a loan, but would be in his right had they lost. There is nothing wrong with that scenerio and you should wait for his testimony before you let false info and narratives get you involved sorwading propaganda and looking irrational to boot.
So far you guys are the Wack-a-doos until proven otherwise.
Enjoy your play-doh!
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