If Joe Biden wins -- what the hell happens after that?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
If Biden has the votes in Congress he will raise taxes very substantially. That will trigger a bear market on Wall Street followed by a recession.

We can assume Joe will resume critical race theory indoctrination in our military and government. This will cause racial animus within these organizations.

The Democrats will make a big push for "one payer" health care -- meaning the end of private health insurance and the socialization of our medical system. Americans will then learn what it means to wait years for an operation, as people in Europe and Canada do.

We can assume Biden will decrease the military budget causing a deterioration in military readiness in all branches.

The space program will once again be stalled, and we will have to hitch rides with the Russians to go anywhere in space.

Welfare programs of all kinds will be expanded at the same time unemployment goes up, and so many Americans, especially minorities, will find themselves once again dependent on big government for a paycheck.

Biden may not push for the Green New Deal, but something similar will go forward and we will see a dismantling of our energy industry and a renewed dependence on foreign oil and gas.

Iran, North Korea, China and Russia will see Joe Biden as the mental midget he is, and will become bolder on the world scene. This may lead to war.
If Biden has the votes in Congress he will raise taxes very substantially. That will trigger a bear market on Wall Street followed by a recession.

We can assume Joe will resume critical race theory indoctrination in our military and government. This will cause racial animus within these organizations.

The Democrats will make a big push for "one payer" health care -- meaning the end of private health insurance and the socialization of our medical system. Americans will then learn what it means to wait years for an operation, as people in Europe and Canada do.

We can assume Biden will decrease the military budget causing a deterioration in military readiness in all branches.

The space program will once again be stalled, and we will have to hitch rides with the Russians to go anywhere in space.

Welfare programs of all kinds will be expanded at the same time unemployment goes up, and so many Americans, especially minorities, will find themselves once again dependent on big government for a paycheck.

Biden may not push for the Green New Deal, but something similar will go forward and we will see a dismantling of our energy industry and a renewed dependence on foreign oil and gas.

Iran, North Korea, China and Russia will see Joe Biden as the mental midget he is, and will become bolder on the world scene. This may lead to war.
End of our republic and non stop crime and death.
If Biden has the votes in Congress he will raise taxes very substantially. That will trigger a bear market on Wall Street followed by a recession.

We can assume Joe will resume critical race theory indoctrination in our military and government. This will cause racial animus within these organizations.

The Democrats will make a big push for "one payer" health care -- meaning the end of private health insurance and the socialization of our medical system. Americans will then learn what it means to wait years for an operation, as people in Europe and Canada do.

We can assume Biden will decrease the military budget causing a deterioration in military readiness in all branches.

The space program will once again be stalled, and we will have to hitch rides with the Russians to go anywhere in space.

Welfare programs of all kinds will be expanded at the same time unemployment goes up, and so many Americans, especially minorities, will find themselves once again dependent on big government for a paycheck.

Biden may not push for the Green New Deal, but something similar will go forward and we will see a dismantling of our energy industry and a renewed dependence on foreign oil and gas.

Iran, North Korea, China and Russia will see Joe Biden as the mental midget he is, and will become bolder on the world scene. This may lead to war.
End of our republic and non stop crime and death.
get the army to get involved and wipe you mf's out
Kamala takes over and the nation is done a decade before expected.

But he won't win.
If Biden has the votes in Congress he will raise taxes very substantially. That will trigger a bear market on Wall Street followed by a recession.

We can assume Joe will resume critical race theory indoctrination in our military and government. This will cause racial animus within these organizations.

The Democrats will make a big push for "one payer" health care -- meaning the end of private health insurance and the socialization of our medical system. Americans will then learn what it means to wait years for an operation, as people in Europe and Canada do.

We can assume Biden will decrease the military budget causing a deterioration in military readiness in all branches.

The space program will once again be stalled, and we will have to hitch rides with the Russians to go anywhere in space.

Welfare programs of all kinds will be expanded at the same time unemployment goes up, and so many Americans, especially minorities, will find themselves once again dependent on big government for a paycheck.

Biden may not push for the Green New Deal, but something similar will go forward and we will see a dismantling of our energy industry and a renewed dependence on foreign oil and gas.

Iran, North Korea, China and Russia will see Joe Biden as the mental midget he is, and will become bolder on the world scene. This may lead to war.
End of our republic and non stop crime and death.
get the army to get involved and wipe you mf's out
You'd have to get the Army involved, because you're too big a pussy to do it yourself.
The Democrats are going for broke, using legal, political and illegal means, combined, to win this election and then, the overthrow of the Constitutional system of government.
If Biden has the votes in Congress he will raise taxes very substantially. That will trigger a bear market on Wall Street followed by a recession.

We can assume Joe will resume critical race theory indoctrination in our military and government. This will cause racial animus within these organizations.

The Democrats will make a big push for "one payer" health care -- meaning the end of private health insurance and the socialization of our medical system. Americans will then learn what it means to wait years for an operation, as people in Europe and Canada do.

We can assume Biden will decrease the military budget causing a deterioration in military readiness in all branches.

The space program will once again be stalled, and we will have to hitch rides with the Russians to go anywhere in space.

Welfare programs of all kinds will be expanded at the same time unemployment goes up, and so many Americans, especially minorities, will find themselves once again dependent on big government for a paycheck.

Biden may not push for the Green New Deal, but something similar will go forward and we will see a dismantling of our energy industry and a renewed dependence on foreign oil and gas.

Iran, North Korea, China and Russia will see Joe Biden as the mental midget he is, and will become bolder on the world scene. This may lead to war.
If Joe gets elected then Republicans will revert to being conservatives again.
and give up being Trump's sycophants.
If Biden wins we know the election has been rigged. Trump would be justified to declare martial law while the Supreme Court straightens things out.
If Joe Biden wins -- what the hell happens after that?

We dance.

And conservatives will deny ever supporting Trump.
If Biden has the votes in Congress he will raise taxes very substantially. That will trigger a bear market on Wall Street followed by a recession.

We can assume Joe will resume critical race theory indoctrination in our military and government. This will cause racial animus within these organizations.

The Democrats will make a big push for "one payer" health care -- meaning the end of private health insurance and the socialization of our medical system. Americans will then learn what it means to wait years for an operation, as people in Europe and Canada do.

We can assume Biden will decrease the military budget causing a deterioration in military readiness in all branches.

The space program will once again be stalled, and we will have to hitch rides with the Russians to go anywhere in space.

Welfare programs of all kinds will be expanded at the same time unemployment goes up, and so many Americans, especially minorities, will find themselves once again dependent on big government for a paycheck.

Biden may not push for the Green New Deal, but something similar will go forward and we will see a dismantling of our energy industry and a renewed dependence on foreign oil and gas.

Iran, North Korea, China and Russia will see Joe Biden as the mental midget he is, and will become bolder on the world scene. This may lead to war.
End of our republic and non stop crime and death.
get the army to get involved and wipe you mf's out
You funny, Qdog. I bet you're a good break dancer, hip mofo that you are.
If Biden has the votes in Congress he will raise taxes very substantially. That will trigger a bear market on Wall Street followed by a recession.

We can assume Joe will resume critical race theory indoctrination in our military and government. This will cause racial animus within these organizations.

The Democrats will make a big push for "one payer" health care -- meaning the end of private health insurance and the socialization of our medical system. Americans will then learn what it means to wait years for an operation, as people in Europe and Canada do.

We can assume Biden will decrease the military budget causing a deterioration in military readiness in all branches.

The space program will once again be stalled, and we will have to hitch rides with the Russians to go anywhere in space.

Welfare programs of all kinds will be expanded at the same time unemployment goes up, and so many Americans, especially minorities, will find themselves once again dependent on big government for a paycheck.

Biden may not push for the Green New Deal, but something similar will go forward and we will see a dismantling of our energy industry and a renewed dependence on foreign oil and gas.

Iran, North Korea, China and Russia will see Joe Biden as the mental midget he is, and will become bolder on the world scene. This may lead to war.
The rich will get hit with 28% (from 21%) and the people (you know all of us socialists) that DO pay taxes will pay less. That's the plan. Your fatalistic blabbing is based on what?
The best ruling class economic estimates, from Moody’s Analytics as published by Forbes, says a Biden victory and takeover of the Senate would be best for the economy. The reasoning is available here:

Of course this is an estimate produced mostly for capitalists and Wall Street investors. It is not something I would put too much confidence in. I believe Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal also carried reports on this study. Here is a link to the comprehensive study itself:

This is a very interesting study of likely short to medium term economic results, which does make sense to me. It also provides macroeconomic estimates of all the other possible outcomes to this election.
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If Biden has the votes in Congress he will raise taxes very substantially. That will trigger a bear market on Wall Street followed by a recession.

We can assume Joe will resume critical race theory indoctrination in our military and government. This will cause racial animus within these organizations.

The Democrats will make a big push for "one payer" health care -- meaning the end of private health insurance and the socialization of our medical system. Americans will then learn what it means to wait years for an operation, as people in Europe and Canada do.

We can assume Biden will decrease the military budget causing a deterioration in military readiness in all branches.

The space program will once again be stalled, and we will have to hitch rides with the Russians to go anywhere in space.

Welfare programs of all kinds will be expanded at the same time unemployment goes up, and so many Americans, especially minorities, will find themselves once again dependent on big government for a paycheck.

Biden may not push for the Green New Deal, but something similar will go forward and we will see a dismantling of our energy industry and a renewed dependence on foreign oil and gas.

Iran, North Korea, China and Russia will see Joe Biden as the mental midget he is, and will become bolder on the world scene. This may lead to war.
Kind of doubt I am in the income group he will raise taxes on.
Glad I am retired, so I won't have to sit through BS race relations classes no matter who is in office. Wasn't my favorite class to teach back in the day, but was required to be on the training schedule. Preferred tactics or weapons.
I am mostly on a 2, or 3 payer system now depending on what goes wrong, plus me. Doubt mine will change much. Glad I do not have to worry about health insurance for the rest of my life.
Never heard he was putting private space launch out of business. I think you are making that crap up, whole cloth, as trumpers often do. Careful. You do not want people to think you natural prefer to lie and make crap up, like a little kid.
Glad he does not support Green New Deal. Suspect the oil business will be fine, after all, it is an international market, favored by big money and big political contributors.
Iran, North Korea, China and Russia already think trump an idiot, like most autocractic or communist countries he admires. Guess he and Kim will have to exchange love letters in private. Will you miss them all that much?
Vote for Joe Biden for President in 2020, for a better America.

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