If Joe Biden Cooperated / Handed Over All Classified Docs WHY ARE HIS LAWYERS / AIDES STILL FINDING CLASSIFIED?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats, Liberal Pundits, Liberal Fake News media, and blindly partisan snowflakes continue to claim, 'unlike Trump', Joe Biden has cooperated and handed over all classified documents he stole.


Why did Biden, his lawyers, the DOJ, FBI, etc... affect a cover-up by hiding the scandal until after the mid-term elections?

Why are Biden's aides and lawyers (NOT FBI / DOJ) STILL looking for more classified documents?

Why are Biden's aides and lawyers (NOT FBI / DOJ) still FINDING missing classified documents?


Why are the DOJ & FBI not taking the lead in searching for missing Biden classified instead of Biden's lawyers and aides?

Why are we hearing that Biden's layers and aides are turning in found missing Biden classified documents instead of the FBI & DOJ finding it?

When is the DOJ / FBI going to conduct a raid on Biden's home to search where classified is STILL BEING FOUND IN SPURTS by his lawyers and aids?

When is the FBI going to announce they are going to release Hunter Biden's laptop to the Special Counsel (Hur) for him to search for e-mails involving Biden aides, the Penn-Biden-ChiCom Center, & classified documents and to search for any classified info on the laptop?
- Jordan needs to subpoena the FBI for the laptop

The FACT is Joe Biden HAS NOT fully cooperated - nor has the DOJ AND FBI, and Biden has NOT turned over all classified / TS/SCI documents - Biden, his lawyers, and his aides DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE ALL OF BIDEN'S CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS ARE!

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Biden has been in DC for nearly fifty years, he has always been notoriously corrupt, yet not a single investigation into the evil creature, until now so to speak. I do not believe this is a real investigation, I believe they were losing control of the psychopath, that he was ludicrously planning upon running again, and this sudden discovery of troves of classified documents is the truncheon they have chosen with which to beat him into absolute submission. If you think they are gonna just go full Trump on this critter you are woefully mistaken, just as they have fifty years of shit on his evil ass, he has fifty years of shit on their evil asses, he either falls into immediate compliance, or they will just kill him!
Democrats, Liberal Pundits, Liberal Fake News media, and blindly partisan snowflakes continue to claim, 'unlike Trump', Joe Biden has cooperated and handed over all classified documents he stole.


Why did Biden, his lawyers, the DOJ, FBI, etc... affect a cover-up by hiding the scandal until after the mid-term elections?

Why are Biden's aides and lawyers (NOT FBI / DOJ) STILL looking for more classified documents?

Why are Biden's aides and lawyers (NOT FBI / DOJ) still FINDING missing classified documents?


Why are the DOJ & FBI not taking the lead in searching for missing Biden classified instead of Biden's lawyers and aides?

Why are we hearing that Biden's layers and aides are turning in found missing Biden classified documents instead of the FBI & DOJ finding it?

When is the DOJ / FBI going to conduct a raid on Biden's home to search where classified is STILL BEING FOUND IN SPURTS by his lawyers and aids?

When is the FBI going to announce they are going to release Hunter Biden's laptop to the Special Counsel (Hur) for him to search for e-mails involving Biden aides, the Penn-Biden-ChiCom Center, & classified documents and to search for any classified info on the laptop?
- Jordan needs to subpoena the FBI for the laptop

The FACT is Joe Biden HAS NOT fully cooperated - nor has the DOJ AND FBI, and Biden has NOT turned over all classified / TS/SCI documents - Biden, his lawyers, and his aides DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE ALL OF BIDEN'S CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS ARE!

Biden has been a habitual liar his whole career.
Anything is possible. Like perhaps Biden/dems are so fed up with this sad broken man, they planted evidence to inciminate him.
Democrats, Liberal Pundits, Liberal Fake News media, and blindly partisan snowflakes continue to claim, 'unlike Trump', Joe Biden has cooperated and handed over all classified documents he stole.


Why did Biden, his lawyers, the DOJ, FBI, etc... affect a cover-up by hiding the scandal until after the mid-term elections?

Why are Biden's aides and lawyers (NOT FBI / DOJ) STILL looking for more classified documents?

Why are Biden's aides and lawyers (NOT FBI / DOJ) still FINDING missing classified documents?


Why are the DOJ & FBI not taking the lead in searching for missing Biden classified instead of Biden's lawyers and aides?

Why are we hearing that Biden's layers and aides are turning in found missing Biden classified documents instead of the FBI & DOJ finding it?

When is the DOJ / FBI going to conduct a raid on Biden's home to search where classified is STILL BEING FOUND IN SPURTS by his lawyers and aids?

When is the FBI going to announce they are going to release Hunter Biden's laptop to the Special Counsel (Hur) for him to search for e-mails involving Biden aides, the Penn-Biden-ChiCom Center, & classified documents and to search for any classified info on the laptop?
- Jordan needs to subpoena the FBI for the laptop

The FACT is Joe Biden HAS NOT fully cooperated - nor has the DOJ AND FBI, and Biden has NOT turned over all classified / TS/SCI documents - Biden, his lawyers, and his aides DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE ALL OF BIDEN'S CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS ARE!

None of that happened. Trump cooperated with DOJ. Biden? Biden never was raided by the FBI and searched without legal representation The documents Trump HAD, he had the privilege in real time to deem unclassified. Ex-Vice president Biden, not so much. It seems we are in a Mexican standoff. Biden CAN declasifty them NOW, odd who this works.
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Anything is possible. Like perhaps Biden/dems are so fed up with this sad broken man, they planted evidence to inciminate him.

None of that happened. Trump cooperated with DOJ. Biden? Biden never was raided by the FBI and searched without legal representation The documents Trump HAD, he had the privilege in real time to deem unclassified. Ex-Vice president Biden, not so much. It seems we are in a Mexican standoff. Biden CAN declasifty them NOW, odd who this works.
Biden can not declasify documents 6 years after the fact, the fact being he stole TS/SCI and committed Espionage.
Biden has been a habitual liar his whole career.
"Habitual" falls woefully short I think of describing Biden's pathology, lying first has always been his MO, he doesn't even make a pretense of these lies, they are out and out falsehoods easily revealed. Trump has always been accused by fascist democrats of being a liar, but that just is not so, he merely exaggerates and aggrandizes self, Biden is the liar, and it ain't habitual, its pathological, its his standard response to any questions, lying! :wink:
How do we know Biden is cooperating with the FBI? How do we know those searching for the classified material aren't pulling a Clinton to minimize any additional collateral damage / crimes? Who had access to them?
"Habitual" falls woefully short I think of describing Biden's pathology, lying first has always been his MO, he doesn't even make a pretense of these lies, they are out and out falsehoods easily revealed. Trump has always been accused by fascist democrats of being a liar, but that just is not so, he merely exaggerates and aggrandizes self, Biden is the liar, and it ain't habitual, its pathological, its his standard response to any questions, lying! :wink:
Yes, the lies are so obvious. The most recent was that his son Beau, who died from brain cancer, lost his life in Afghanistan.
The house where these documents are found is Hunter's house. He rents it from his father for $50,000 a month. That could be the Biden way of laundering kickbacks. It could also be the place where Hunter hid incriminating documents.
The real load is at Hunters

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