If it comes down between Mitt Romney (R)/Obama 2012...Who will you vote for.

Who will you vote for in the general election

  • Barack Hussein Obama

    Votes: 26 25.5%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 61 59.8%
  • Third party

    Votes: 15 14.7%

  • Total voters
Just how is voting for a person that has no chance in hell going to make this country better?
You see Romney and Obama as equals....I don't, I see Obama far worse. If Obama wins the election and the supreme court doesn't overturn obamacare, we're going to be screwed. A republican president can help in peeling back the layers to this. I could go on with most of Obama's policies, but I think you get what I'm saying.

A Republican president would also need a compliant legislative branch to peel back obamacare. And if the Supreme Court decides that the mandate is constitutional then we're fucked no matter what happens to obamacare. Not only that, but I don't trust Republicans when it comes unnecessary and possibly unconstitutional legislation (Patriot Act).

I'm making the country better by being someone who doesn't play this bullshit "us verses them" game like Republicans and Democrats do. I actually care about morals, ethics, voting records, and whether the candidate has been bought off or not. All that most retard voters do is try to "beat the other guy, damn the country we need to beat the other guy".

I don't consider myself a retard, let me know if you want to start a name calling contest, okay? I can hold my own with that type of debate, also.
I feel in my lifetime, there is a big difference with this democrat president than ones we have had in the past except for Carter. I am not going to vote for someone who has no chance of winning. A third party isn't going to win at that level in my lifetime, so I have to go with the best of what's left. Obama isn't the best of what's left.
That's as silly as hanging Toquemada around Kennedy's neck.

The Catholic Church has renounced Torquemada a long time ago. The Mormons still respect Joseph Smith.

Derision by proxy is a silly game. You have a valid point about the political gamesmanship of nominating a Mormon, but your near hatefest for the religion and transference of that animosity to individuals is just plain wrong.

But as you said, you'd vote Obama over Romney and that really just says it all.

If I choose to despise a religion, it's for a pretty good reason. Mormonism was started by a con artist who wanted to have sex with teenage girls and other men's wives. It has spent most of its history trying to carve out a little bit of power.

Either Romney believes in this batshit crazy nonsense, or he plays along with it to further himself politically. Either scenario disqualifies him from the Presidency.
So they lose a few religious bigots. Big deal. Romney can bring in far more independents.

Ahhh, those mythical independents... if that doesn't work, Romney can work on that Unicorn vote.

Independents don't win elections, enthusiasm does. Independents usually go with the flow.

This is what always amuses me about Romney's supporters. "We're not the least bit enthusiastic about him, but we think you'll be!"

Reality check, the guy who has the most enthusiastic supporters is the guy who wins. Obama's supporters are going to be enthusiastic. No doubt about that. Romney's supporters? Meh, not so much. He's safe. He's the guy your parents fixed you up with.

The guy who has the most enthusiastic supporters is not always the guy who wins. Think Ron Paul and Ross Perot. Clinton won with 43% of the vote in 1992.

Perot's supporters weren't that enthusiastic about him by the end. Perot reflected a major disgust with both parties, which is why I think a third party would resonate now. That would be, if we didn't have the stupidity of the electoral college and throwing disputed elections into the Congress.
Lol Obama didn't mess up that hurricane..If it wasn't for him manning the controls at the hurricane control center we'd all be dead.

Thanks obama for making Lybia potential hot bed for terrorism, after Regan made him non-factor for all these years.

Thanks for making a bad economy much worse, which is a fact.

Keep the doughnuts.

I love how idiots refused to leave New Orleans - got killed then blamed Bush...


I remember watching idiots on TV refusing to evacuate when they were told to..... The best part is afterwords they started stealing useless electronics.... Waste deep water and they're concerned about TV's and booze...

The smart fled for their lives 3 days prior and the idiots suck around and they're blaming Bush?

I saw cops ripping off department stores of clothing - just shopping while looters were stealing everything they could grab...

It be one thing to steal food and water in a time of need but these motherfuckers were stealing anything they could take...

It shows how immoral and dishonest Obama supporters are....

Ripping people off.... WTF
mormons have an ugly history. apparently mormonism is based on a jewish settlement that supposedly once existed somewhere in what is now new york. However, absolutely no evidence has ever been found or produced to prove it once existed. Interesting...
so do jews, catholics, muslims, hindus, shintoists and just about every other religious following that involves humans.

Ahhh, those mythical independents... if that doesn't work, Romney can work on that Unicorn vote.

Independents don't win elections, enthusiasm does. Independents usually go with the flow.

This is what always amuses me about Romney's supporters. "We're not the least bit enthusiastic about him, but we think you'll be!"

Reality check, the guy who has the most enthusiastic supporters is the guy who wins. Obama's supporters are going to be enthusiastic. No doubt about that. Romney's supporters? Meh, not so much. He's safe. He's the guy your parents fixed you up with.

The guy who has the most enthusiastic supporters is not always the guy who wins. Think Ron Paul and Ross Perot. Clinton won with 43% of the vote in 1992.

Perot's supporters weren't that enthusiastic about him by the end. Perot reflected a major disgust with both parties, which is why I think a third party would resonate now. That would be, if we didn't have the stupidity of the electoral college and throwing disputed elections into the Congress.

Amen! Christianity is looney enough - but Mormonism is really out there in la la land.

The Dark Side of Salt Lake City, the other side of The Work and The Glory
Your two choices are Barack Hussein Obama and Mitt Romney for the presidency 2012. This is a poll of USMB members.

I put the choice of third party too...So we will see who wins!

Just an fyi, if you use one candidates full name it is common practice to use the other candidates full name as well.

Barack Hussein Obama


Willard Mitt Romney
Your two choices are Barack Hussein Obama and Mitt Romney for the presidency 2012. This is a poll of USMB members.

I put the choice of third party too...So we will see who wins!

Ya know.... i dont know where i heard this but it seems to be true....

mass murders and the like.... they always name them with 3 names. :eusa_whistle:
Second point. Hate to say it, Warren Jeffs practices Mormonism a lot closer to what Joseph Smith (dum-dum-dum-dum-dum) and Brigham Young did. There is a lot of really, really ugly history and crazy beliefs there, and the Mainstream Media will be happy to educate us once Romney is the nominee.

If by educate, you mean lie like you are then yes, sadly you are right.

Bud, please point out what I've gotten materially wrong. Not that you don't like the way I phrase it, or mock it, but what I've said that is just not true.

Mormon history contains-

Blood atonement
Kirtland Bank Fraud
Utah War
Mountain Meadows Massacre

Lots of whacky stuff about Native Americans being Hebrews who were cursed by God with dark skin.

Mormonism is Scientology plus 150 years.

Why do you think the Media is treating Romney with kid gloves, while looking under Rocks (literally) in Perry's past? They want Romney. They want to set this guy up and get him in the media kill zone.

Or what you have not re posted here from town hall, or quoted from anti-Mormon propaganda films and conspiracy web sites as well as coast to coast AM and south park . And they will get him in the media kill zone, but it will not do any good. Thats because most of the country is sick of Obama, and they just are not as bigoted as you are.
The Catholic Church has renounced Torquemada a long time ago. The Mormons still respect Joseph Smith.

Derision by proxy is a silly game. You have a valid point about the political gamesmanship of nominating a Mormon, but your near hatefest for the religion and transference of that animosity to individuals is just plain wrong.

But as you said, you'd vote Obama over Romney and that really just says it all.

If I choose to despise a religion, it's for a pretty good reason. Mormonism was started by a con artist who wanted to have sex with teenage girls and other men's wives. It has spent most of its history trying to carve out a little bit of power.

Either Romney believes in this batshit crazy nonsense, or he plays along with it to further himself politically. Either scenario disqualifies him from the Presidency.

You don't know any actual mormons do you? You should meet some. Generally mormons are very nice people and quite tolerant. Other groups (evangelical, southern baptist, catholic in some areas) could stand to learn a few things.
Derision by proxy is a silly game. You have a valid point about the political gamesmanship of nominating a Mormon, but your near hatefest for the religion and transference of that animosity to individuals is just plain wrong.

But as you said, you'd vote Obama over Romney and that really just says it all.

If I choose to despise a religion, it's for a pretty good reason. Mormonism was started by a con artist who wanted to have sex with teenage girls and other men's wives. It has spent most of its history trying to carve out a little bit of power.

Either Romney believes in this batshit crazy nonsense, or he plays along with it to further himself politically. Either scenario disqualifies him from the Presidency.

You don't know any actual mormons do you? You should meet some. Generally mormons are very nice people and quite tolerant. Other groups (evangelical, southern baptist, catholic in some areas) could stand to learn a few things.

He will tell you its nothing more then a plot to steal young girls, and kill all the nonbelievers. Wonder where the Mormons where at after Katrina or Ike ? As I remember it, All the TV preachers were on TV in front of busted buildings begging for money, yet we had plenty of LDS handing out water ice, and proselytizing with there actions, and not there words. For all there weirdness, and the shit they get, LDS churches are still valued in there communities.

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