If Iran closed the Straight of Hormuz?

There are a lot of veterans from the Liberty that would disagree that it was a mistake, but the entire argument is pointless. It has no relevancy to anything current.
1st post
There are a lot of veterans from the Liberty that would disagree that it was a mistake, but the entire argument is pointless. It has no relevancy to anything current.
It was listed as an example of unprovoked Israeli aggression, in response to a request to cite examples of same.

Thus far, none of the examples offered have withstood the slightest level of scrutiny.
Try and remain calm, fear mongered, brainwashed. dittohead Cold War Dinosaurs. There's not going to be any war, there's no proof Iran even WANTS nuclear weapons. They like to do things covertly. Obama is acting tough, but diplomatically. He has to deal with the jingo GOP, and he wants to make sure Israel doesn't do anything rash- of course Israel can handle it- they're the Prussia of the Middle East and have 200 nukes....
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It's a divisive issue. There aren't many who know the truth rather only those left who read some history and take a side. I'm on the fence, but like I said it really doesn't matter unless of course you're trying to find a reason to hate Israel or a reason to defend it.

Nevertheless, the U.S. will blow Iran off the map, people will die, and gas will go up 10 fold at the slightest hint of a pathetic attempt by Iran to block that strait. If f they did I believe that a limited strike on Iran would be appropriate even though I'm not a big fan of war.
What would the US do if Iran closed off oil supplies from the Gulf? Strangely enough the president didn't respond to the question even though it is his responsibility. Neither did the Secretary of State. The administration left it to the Pentagon to respons with "yada yada not tolerate yada yada" but the Pentagon doesn't get to say what the US will or will not tolerate. A female Lt. spokesperson for the 5th fleet claimed "the US is ready to counter malevolent actions". Well duh. My guess is that Barry and the radical greenies would like nothing better than closing off oil to the US.
If Iran attempted to close the straits, US and allied countries would escort tankers through the straits. Any attack would bring a response just as in 1988. 17% of the world's oil supply comes through the straits therefore prices would rise worldwide. Iraq and Kuwait would transport oil overland to Saudi ports.

Iran has a lot more to loss than gain by this action. Military action in the straits would block Iranian oil shipments as well as their neighbors. Iran has a number large oil platforms in the Persian Gulf which would make easy targets. Iran also has a fledgling nuclear weapons industry which they could easily lose with any conflict involving the US. Unlike Iraq, in Iran there is strong opposition to the current government. Sanctions, and blockades would only strengthen that opposition. Iran has already started to back down from their threats.
If Iran attempted to close the straits, US and allied countries would escort tankers through the straits. Any attack would bring a response just as in 1988. 17% of the world's oil supply comes through the straits therefore prices would rise worldwide. Iraq and Kuwait would transport oil overland to Saudi ports.

Iran has a lot more to loss than gain by this action. Military action in the straits would block Iranian oil shipments as well as their neighbors. Iran has a number large oil platforms in the Persian Gulf which would make easy targets. Iran also has a fledgling nuclear weapons industry which they could easily lose with any conflict involving the US. Unlike Iraq, in Iran there is strong opposition to the current government. Sanctions, and blockades would only strengthen that opposition. Iran has already started to back down from their threats.

A whole bunch of problems with that analysis.

1) Any internal opposition would vanish quickly in a conflict with the "Great Satan" (us) and the "Little Satan" (Israel). Nothing unites a people like a common enemy.

2) Reagan was able to effectively escort ships because at the time, we had a 600 ship navy. Today the navy is down to 300 ships.

3) Iran can still get around sanctions through Turkey and Iraq, both of which are happy to do so. Turkey is trying to expand her influence in the region, and we can't count on them not to screw us. The Iraqi government is dominated by Shi'ites who would feel an affinity towards Iran.

4) Nobody wants to take out those large platforms. They would want Iran back at full production the minute any unpleasantries end.

5) Going further inland to hit nuclear facilities would probably go beyond any UN Mandate to clear the shipping lanes.

Again, this is really not a conflict we need or want right now. Time to stop dancing to Tel Aviv's drumbeat.
5th post
They wont. They're now talking about making a deal on their Nukes. They're completely isolated. Their only ally in the region Syria,can no longer help them. They're in a state of chaos. Iran has run out of friends. No Sunni Arab Nations are going to rush to their defense. So a somewhat acceptable deal is all they have left. But once they grab the deal,they can just go on developing their Nukes just like North Korea did. The UN isn't gonna stop them.

So Iran should just take a deal and then do what they have to do. Then once they have the Nukes,the West will be forced to respect them. Joining the 'Nuclear Club' brings respect & prestige. That's where Gaddafi went wrong. If he hadn't given up on his Nuclear ambitions,he would still be alive and ruling Libya today. Having the Nukes gets you into an exclusive club. And Iran will have them eventually. It wont matter what the West does. Short of all-out War,there is nothing they can do. Iran should just take the deal.
Ron Paul is right. This is propaganda from the Pub Propaganda Machine and the ex-liberal corporate media which dutifully reprts their crappe without comment. Luckily Obama is smart enough to deal with all that and NOT start a dumb war. Who the hell from Iran said they would blockade the strait- some dumbass "Admiral" with no ships? LOL
They wont. They're now talking about making a deal on their Nukes. They're completely isolated. Their only ally in the region Syria,can no longer help them. They're in a state of chaos. Iran has run out of friends. No Sunni Arab Nations are going to rush to their defense. So a somewhat acceptable deal is all they have left. But once they grab the deal,they can just go on developing their Nukes just like North Korea did. The UN isn't gonna stop them.

So Iran should just take a deal and then do what they have to do. Then once they have the Nukes,the West will be forced to respect them. Joining the 'Nuclear Club' brings respect & prestige. That's where Gaddafi went wrong. If he hadn't given up on his Nuclear ambitions,he would still be alive and ruling Libya today. Having the Nukes gets you into an exclusive club. And Iran will have them eventually. It wont matter what the West does. Short of all-out War,there is nothing they can do. Iran should just take the deal.

'People' like you ( I put 'people' in quotes because you are really sub-human) should be lined against on a wall and shot. Fortunately for soft traitors like you we don't do that. If you are not working on your Iranian citizenship you had better damn well start.
What would the US do if Iran closed off oil supplies from the Gulf? Strangely enough the president didn't respond to the question even though it is his responsibility. Neither did the Secretary of State. The administration left it to the Pentagon to respons with "yada yada not tolerate yada yada" but the Pentagon doesn't get to say what the US will or will not tolerate. A female Lt. spokesperson for the 5th fleet claimed "the US is ready to counter malevolent actions". Well duh. My guess is that Barry and the radical greenies would like nothing better than closing off oil to the US.

it would take us about 4 hours flat to sink every single Ship in the Iranian Navy, and Destroy any Air Craft they Dare Launch.

Bring it the fuck on.
What would the US do if Iran closed off oil supplies from the Gulf? Strangely enough the president didn't respond to the question even though it is his responsibility. Neither did the Secretary of State. The administration left it to the Pentagon to respons with "yada yada not tolerate yada yada" but the Pentagon doesn't get to say what the US will or will not tolerate. A female Lt. spokesperson for the 5th fleet claimed "the US is ready to counter malevolent actions". Well duh. My guess is that Barry and the radical greenies would like nothing better than closing off oil to the US.


5) Going further inland to hit nuclear facilities would probably go beyond any UN Mandate to clear the shipping lanes. .

LOL! That's funny. You're a funny little girl.

You do understand that any UN mandate we'd be working under would limit what we could attack, don't you.

Not that we will ever get a UN mandate, the Russians and Chinese would probably veto it and back Iran's play. They have a vested interest in weakening our position in the Middle East.

Obama's not Bush, he won't act unilaterally.

5) Going further inland to hit nuclear facilities would probably go beyond any UN Mandate to clear the shipping lanes. .

LOL! That's funny. You're a funny little girl.

You do understand that any UN mandate we'd be working under would limit what we could attack, don't you.

That's hilarious, little girl. Do YOU understand that pretty soon we will have a president in the White House with actual functioning balls, unlike your soon-to-be-retired hero?
LOL! That's funny. You're a funny little girl.

You do understand that any UN mandate we'd be working under would limit what we could attack, don't you.

That's hilarious, little girl. Do YOU understand that pretty soon we will have a president in the White House with actual functioning balls, unlike your soon-to-be-retired hero?

Well, besides the fact Romney can't win because Evangelicals won't vote for a Mormon Heretic, the same problem applies. We can only act against Iran with UN sanction, guy. I mean, I know you have a hard time registering this, but sorry, that's just the case.

Oh, how does a draft dodger like Romney qualify as having "balls", I wonder.

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