IF Biden wins, will the US come together, or continue the partisan warfare? (poll)

Do the democrats and Joe Biden deserve any more respect than they gave to Donald Trump?

  • No. They are partisan scum.

    Votes: 59 92.2%
  • Yes. (fill in the blank)__________________

    Votes: 5 7.8%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
1. In 2016 Trump won, and became president.
2. The democrats and the MSM never accepted Trump's win.
3. The democrats did everything in their power, including an abuse of power to impeach Trump.
4. Maxine Waters and other democrats even went as far as to threaten Trump's people with harassment at restaurants and their homes.
5. Democrats never gave Trump the respect he earned, even to the point of Nancy tearing up her copy of the State of the Union speech.
6. Democrats started this partisan warfare, and they should reap what they sow.

Now Biden and the democrats, and probably even the RINOs want to play nice, can't we all get along?
We're one people, we are all US citizens, its just that some of us are more equal than others.

Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
Look for the return of the call for "Fiscal Responsibility" from the Republicans and a return to the brinkmanship with the Debt Ceiling.

Wall Street loves American Gridlock.

Trumpybear deserves no respect and has earn the denigration he regularly receives.
1. In 2016 Trump won, and became president.
2. The democrats and the MSM never accepted Trump's win.
3. The democrats did everything in their power, including an abuse of power to impeach Trump.
4. Maxine Waters and other democrats even went as far as to threaten Trump's people with harassment at restaurants and their homes.
5. Democrats never gave Trump the respect he earned, even to the point of Nancy tearing up her copy of the State of the Union speech.
6. Democrats started this partisan warfare, and they should reap what they sow.

Now Biden and the democrats, and probably even the RINOs want to play nice, can't we all get along?
We're one people, we are all US citizens, its just that some of us are more equal than others.

Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?

They are vile and evil.....they are killing this country with their petty cravings for power.........

We will enter a Great Depression, that will last decades if not more....because the democrats are evil and vile and will do anything to take that power....
There will be no great coming together.

Why would I come together with liberals who are the antithesis of everything I believe.
This election proves America is bitterly divided between Urban and Rural Americans and there is no bridging that gulf.
How would Biden handle another round of BLM "peaceful protests" next time a crackhead gets whacked by 20 cop bullets ?

They will put it down with cops and national guard.......blm and antifa served their purpose...but don't expect anymore riots....those will end, and the morons who still think they can riot will get the rifle butt to the face..........rioting is only allowed to give democrats power, not to protest democrats in power...
There will be no great coming together. View attachment 412172
Why would I come together with liberals who are the antithesis of everything I believe.
This election proves America is bitterly divided between Urban and Rural Americans and there is no bridging that gulf.

They are stealing the election.....and plan to steal every election after this...after taking over the Supreme Court and congress.....why on earth would we get along with people so vile and evil? They are handing the world to Russia and China........China has been working with the democrat party since the 1990s with the clintons and now they are about to take it all...
When he wins the reich will be up in arms and in court to invalidate the win. The reich are scummy sloppy assh--es. I can only hope for a civil war.
Look for the return of the call for "Fiscal Responsibility" from the Republicans and a return to the brinkmanship with the Debt Ceiling.

Wall Street loves American Gridlock.

Trumpybear deserves no respect and has earn the denigration he regularly receives.
It will be worse then that. Just for fun maybe the deplorables will deny food and energy to the blue cities. Forums are for sparking ideas to those denied and accused by the rulers.
Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
The propagandists on both sides will continue to herd the rubes toward the extremes.

Can you even picture Hannity trying to mend fences? :lol:
Why would you even want to mend fences?
Do the democrats deserve ANY respect, other than basic civility when passing legislation required to keep the government functioning?
Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
The propagandists on both sides will continue to herd the rubes toward the extremes.

Can you even picture Hannity trying to mend fences? :lol:
Why would you even want to mend fences?
Do the democrats deserve ANY respect, other than basic civility when passing legislation required to keep the government functioning?
Even basic civility should be denied. THOT Harris might resign within a year. She is incredibly lazy and has never dealt with opposition.
There will be no great coming together. View attachment 412172
Why would I come together with liberals who are the antithesis of everything I believe.
This election proves America is bitterly divided between Urban and Rural Americans and there is no bridging that gulf.

They are stealing the election.....and plan to steal every election after this...after taking over the Supreme Court and congress.....why on earth would we get along with people so vile and evil? They are handing the world to Russia and China........China has been working with the democrat party since the 1990s with the clintons and now they are about to take it all...
Funny that they are stealing the election from Trump, but they are keeping Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham.
There will be no great coming together. View attachment 412172
Why would I come together with liberals who are the antithesis of everything I believe.
This election proves America is bitterly divided between Urban and Rural Americans and there is no bridging that gulf.

They are stealing the election.....and plan to steal every election after this...after taking over the Supreme Court and congress.....why on earth would we get along with people so vile and evil? They are handing the world to Russia and China........China has been working with the democrat party since the 1990s with the clintons and now they are about to take it all...
Funny that they are stealing the election from Trump, but they are keeping Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham.

You dumb shit........once they steal this election they will steal the rest.

The country died today.
Just for fun maybe the deplorables will deny food and energy to the blue cities

Not too surprising that an agitator would call for an American Holodomor? Taking a page from the Great Authoritarian, whom all Banana Republicans seem to adore, as he starved the Ukraine into submission?

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