If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

First off 900 million is BS. Need the Factcheck link, just ask, I have it right here in my folder. Secondly, he also passed his wealth to his several children and grandchildren. The only one excluded was Fred Jr for reasons unknown, and one of the grandchildren took it to court for a higher payout.

Actually, Fred Jr. was dead, and Trump cheated his children out of their share. Mary Trump details it in her book. Also why Trump is as batshit crazy as he is.

From May of this year:

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that more than one African American woman is being considered to be his running mate.

That doesn't say he was ONLY considering African American women.

Trump didn't fuck anybody to advance his career.

Bullshit. He paid Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their affair...

Yes they will, but more blacks that do come out will vote for Trump if polls are somewhat correct; I don't trust polls. In any case, blacks are waking up to the fact they experienced the lowest unemployment rate for their race since records were kept before the Wuhan virus. They also understand that Trump's never ending attempts at keeping illegals out of this country is benefiting them.

Actually, Blacks will vote against him by overwealming numbers, just like they always vote against the racist stupidity of the GOP. They don't hate other people of color the way you do and they know very well who is cheering on the racist cops murdering them.

We did elect him. That's why Hillary is not your President today.
That's like saying your football team won because they had a greater time of possession despite not scoring as many points. You and many others think just like spoiled children.

Sigh. Yes, Trump won on a technicality. The people said "NO". Loudly. Clearly. You can't claim the people chose him. You can claim that he won on the moronic system set up by Slave Rapists 220 years ago. The people said "No", 306 Political Hacks said "Yes"

Moron, the rules are not a "Technicality." You are really a moron.

Letting the 3-4 big states rule the country was not something they wanted for the system, you moron.

Exactly. The population of NYC is larger than our 7 lowest populated states combined. One city in the US has more power than 7 of our states. Joe thinks that's the way it should be.

They would love it if the ruling class could just order everyone else around from one or two population centers...where they would take their desired share of tax dollars, order the food producing states to bow and scrape, and then send in conscripted citizen soldiers to punish anyone who gives them the stink eye about their stupid laws....
"Us guys"? What guys are those? I stated a fact .... "no guns = no shootings." That's the real world. Maybe you imagine something other than that? Please speak up. Take the microphone and tell me what is on your mind. Don't be afraid.

Yes, it is indeed a fact. No murderers = no murders. That is also a fact, however, sensible people realize this is not an attainable goal, so we must take precautions to protect ourselves against murderers.

Put on your thinking cap. Don't be so blinded by the left's ideological, nonsensical, impracticable rhetoric.
First off 900 million is BS. Need the Factcheck link, just ask, I have it right here in my folder. Secondly, he also passed his wealth to his several children and grandchildren. The only one excluded was Fred Jr for reasons unknown, and one of the grandchildren took it to court for a higher payout.

Actually, Fred Jr. was dead, and Trump cheated his children out of their share. Mary Trump details it in her book. Also why Trump is as batshit crazy as he is.

From May of this year:

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that more than one African American woman is being considered to be his running mate.

That doesn't say he was ONLY considering African American women.

Trump didn't fuck anybody to advance his career.

Bullshit. He paid Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their affair...

Yes they will, but more blacks that do come out will vote for Trump if polls are somewhat correct; I don't trust polls. In any case, blacks are waking up to the fact they experienced the lowest unemployment rate for their race since records were kept before the Wuhan virus. They also understand that Trump's never ending attempts at keeping illegals out of this country is benefiting them.

Actually, Blacks will vote against him by overwealming numbers, just like they always vote against the racist stupidity of the GOP. They don't hate other people of color the way you do and they know very well who is cheering on the racist cops murdering them.

We did elect him. That's why Hillary is not your President today.
That's like saying your football team won because they had a greater time of possession despite not scoring as many points. You and many others think just like spoiled children.

Sigh. Yes, Trump won on a technicality. The people said "NO". Loudly. Clearly. You can't claim the people chose him. You can claim that he won on the moronic system set up by Slave Rapists 220 years ago. The people said "No", 306 Political Hacks said "Yes"

Moron, the rules are not a "Technicality." You are really a moron.

Letting the 3-4 big states rule the country was not something they wanted for the system, you moron.

Exactly. The population of NYC is larger than our 7 lowest populated states combined. One city in the US has more power than 7 of our states. Joe thinks that's the way it should be.

That's because Joe is part of the group-think that is so popular in urban areas or maybe rioting, looting, protesting, bums and trash on the street, high taxes and real estate gives him a warm and fuzzy homey feeling.
udging by your performance on this thread it seems very likely that you haven't lived in the U.S. (or anywhere else) for as much as 20 years. But anyway ….. did you "move there"? Huh?

I was born here.
You see how easy that is. I just needed to intimidate you sufficiently for you to figure it out. Now, any more questions ... preferable serious ones but I can handle the stupid ones too as you can see.
Yes, it is indeed a fact. No murderers = no murders.
No, I said no guns = no shootings. I've said it long and often enough for you to get it right.
That is also a fact, however, sensible people realize this is not an attainable goal .....
What does that have to do with me? Can you quote me saying anything on that subject?
Put on your thinking cap. Don't be so blinded by the left's ideological, nonsensical, impracticable rhetoric.
With respect to what? What do I have to do with anyone's rhetoric - left, right, or in between? What is it exactly that I've said that disturbs you? I've asked this question more than once but nobody has addressed it yet. Maybe now you can?

... we must take precautions to protect ourselves against murderers.
Now, THIS is "nonsensical, rhetoric", but I didn't say it ... you did.
....and you're being hysterical cuz he wants to buy one.
Typical lib bs. Condemn a guy cuz he wants to buy a gun but could care less if a blm beats up old men, women and children and destroys property.

Uh, guy, we have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries a year because guys like Ray want to compensate for their tiny peckers. Gun violence costs us 270 BILLION a year. We all have to live with security camera, magnetic locked doors, active shooter drills, bullet proof backpacks for the kiddies, because we can never tell which gun nut is going to go off this week. But at least they arent' telling you to wear a mask!!!

So how many people have been killed by BLM so far. Give me a number.

Thankfully, their favorite organization won't be around much longer thanks to the grifting and corruption of LaPierre & Co.

LOL, Ever heard of Gun Owners of AMerica?
It's a much better organization

A gunner not defending the NRA? Unheard of! Yea, I've been telling people for years that the NRA used to be a solid organization who looked after sportsmen. They morphed into a lobbying mouthpiece for manufacturers and right wing politicians with little concern for sportsmen.

I also knew that LaPierre and everyone else at the top of the NRA were a bunch of corrupt buttholes. Wayne was too obvious about it with his constant jet setting. A fitting end is just around the corner amidst a firestorm of investigations into their shady activities, such as laundering Russian Trump money - the evidence of which is compelling to say the least.
udging by your performance on this thread it seems very likely that you haven't lived in the U.S. (or anywhere else) for as much as 20 years. But anyway ….. did you "move there"? Huh?

I was born here.
You see how easy that is. I just needed to intimidate you sufficiently for you to figure it out. Now, any more questions ... preferable serious ones but I can handle the stupid ones too as you can see.

Oh, is that why all you give is stupid answers??
First off 900 million is BS. Need the Factcheck link, just ask, I have it right here in my folder. Secondly, he also passed his wealth to his several children and grandchildren. The only one excluded was Fred Jr for reasons unknown, and one of the grandchildren took it to court for a higher payout.

Actually, Fred Jr. was dead, and Trump cheated his children out of their share. Mary Trump details it in her book. Also why Trump is as batshit crazy as he is.

From May of this year:

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that more than one African American woman is being considered to be his running mate.

That doesn't say he was ONLY considering African American women.

Trump didn't fuck anybody to advance his career.

Bullshit. He paid Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their affair...

Yes they will, but more blacks that do come out will vote for Trump if polls are somewhat correct; I don't trust polls. In any case, blacks are waking up to the fact they experienced the lowest unemployment rate for their race since records were kept before the Wuhan virus. They also understand that Trump's never ending attempts at keeping illegals out of this country is benefiting them.

Actually, Blacks will vote against him by overwealming numbers, just like they always vote against the racist stupidity of the GOP. They don't hate other people of color the way you do and they know very well who is cheering on the racist cops murdering them.

We did elect him. That's why Hillary is not your President today.
That's like saying your football team won because they had a greater time of possession despite not scoring as many points. You and many others think just like spoiled children.

Sigh. Yes, Trump won on a technicality. The people said "NO". Loudly. Clearly. You can't claim the people chose him. You can claim that he won on the moronic system set up by Slave Rapists 220 years ago. The people said "No", 306 Political Hacks said "Yes"

Moron, the rules are not a "Technicality." You are really a moron.

Letting the 3-4 big states rule the country was not something they wanted for the system, you moron.

Exactly. The population of NYC is larger than our 7 lowest populated states combined. One city in the US has more power than 7 of our states. Joe thinks that's the way it should be.

They would love it if the ruling class could just order everyone else around from one or two population centers...where they would take their desired share of tax dollars, order the food producing states to bow and scrape, and then send in conscripted citizen soldiers to punish anyone who gives them the stink eye about their stupid laws....

If the major populated areas were Republican, they wouldn't even mention it. It's similar to the immigration problem we have. If people who were sneaking into our country were renown conservatives, that wall would have been built 30 years ago and nearly impassible.

Democrats can never win in a fair competition with Republicans. They need to cheat and bend the rules anyway possible to win. They allow ex-cons to vote. In one state, they allow prisoners to vote. They have suggested allowing 16 year olds to vote. Anything to win.
No, I said no guns = no shootings. I've said it long and often enough for you to get it right.

I know what you said. no guns = no shootings. Great, what is the point? I'll tell you...nothing.

Now, THIS is "nonsensical, rhetoric", but I didn't say it ... you did.

So we don't take precautions to protect ourselves from murderers?

Maybe there is a language barrier issue here, because you are making zero sense in English.
....and you're being hysterical cuz he wants to buy one.
Typical lib bs. Condemn a guy cuz he wants to buy a gun but could care less if a blm beats up old men, women and children and destroys property.

Uh, guy, we have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries a year because guys like Ray want to compensate for their tiny peckers. Gun violence costs us 270 BILLION a year. We all have to live with security camera, magnetic locked doors, active shooter drills, bullet proof backpacks for the kiddies, because we can never tell which gun nut is going to go off this week. But at least they arent' telling you to wear a mask!!!

So how many people have been killed by BLM so far. Give me a number.

Thankfully, their favorite organization won't be around much longer thanks to the grifting and corruption of LaPierre & Co.

LOL, Ever heard of Gun Owners of AMerica?
It's a much better organization

A gunner not defending the NRA? Unheard of! Yea, I've been telling people for years that the NRA used to be a solid organization who looked after sportsmen. They morphed into a lobbying mouthpiece for manufacturers and right wing politicians with little concern for sportsmen.

I also knew that LaPierre and everyone else at the top of the NRA were a bunch of corrupt buttholes. Wayne was too obvious about it with his constant jet setting. A fitting end is just around the corner amidst a firestorm of investigations into their shady activities, such as laundering Russian Trump money - the evidence of which is compelling to say the least.

Yes...as long as you could push gun control without any interference you loved the NRA....sell that to democrat party voters, they are just stupid enough to believe you.....
....and you're being hysterical cuz he wants to buy one.
Typical lib bs. Condemn a guy cuz he wants to buy a gun but could care less if a blm beats up old men, women and children and destroys property.

Uh, guy, we have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries a year because guys like Ray want to compensate for their tiny peckers. Gun violence costs us 270 BILLION a year. We all have to live with security camera, magnetic locked doors, active shooter drills, bullet proof backpacks for the kiddies, because we can never tell which gun nut is going to go off this week. But at least they arent' telling you to wear a mask!!!

So how many people have been killed by BLM so far. Give me a number.

Thankfully, their favorite organization won't be around much longer thanks to the grifting and corruption of LaPierre & Co.

LOL, Ever heard of Gun Owners of AMerica?
It's a much better organization

A gunner not defending the NRA? Unheard of! Yea, I've been telling people for years that the NRA used to be a solid organization who looked after sportsmen. They morphed into a lobbying mouthpiece for manufacturers and right wing politicians with little concern for sportsmen.

I also knew that LaPierre and everyone else at the top of the NRA were a bunch of corrupt buttholes. Wayne was too obvious about it with his constant jet setting. A fitting end is just around the corner amidst a firestorm of investigations into their shady activities, such as laundering Russian Trump money - the evidence of which is compelling to say the least.

Yes...as long as you could push gun control without any interference you loved the NRA....sell that to democrat party voters, they are just stupid enough to believe you.....

Can't wait to see LaPierre frogmarched off to prison (without his guns!) :D

....and you're being hysterical cuz he wants to buy one.
Typical lib bs. Condemn a guy cuz he wants to buy a gun but could care less if a blm beats up old men, women and children and destroys property.

Uh, guy, we have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries a year because guys like Ray want to compensate for their tiny peckers. Gun violence costs us 270 BILLION a year. We all have to live with security camera, magnetic locked doors, active shooter drills, bullet proof backpacks for the kiddies, because we can never tell which gun nut is going to go off this week. But at least they arent' telling you to wear a mask!!!

So how many people have been killed by BLM so far. Give me a number.

Thankfully, their favorite organization won't be around much longer thanks to the grifting and corruption of LaPierre & Co.

LOL, Ever heard of Gun Owners of AMerica?
It's a much better organization

A gunner not defending the NRA? Unheard of! Yea, I've been telling people for years that the NRA used to be a solid organization who looked after sportsmen. They morphed into a lobbying mouthpiece for manufacturers and right wing politicians with little concern for sportsmen.

I also knew that LaPierre and everyone else at the top of the NRA were a bunch of corrupt buttholes. Wayne was too obvious about it with his constant jet setting. A fitting end is just around the corner amidst a firestorm of investigations into their shady activities, such as laundering Russian Trump money - the evidence of which is compelling to say the least.

Yes...as long as you could push gun control without any interference you loved the NRA....sell that to democrat party voters, they are just stupid enough to believe you.....

Can't wait to see LaPierre frogmarched off to prison (without his guns!) :D


Yes...you are a true fascist......you believe in jailing political enemies.....you don't have to keep telling us who you are, we already know....
....and you're being hysterical cuz he wants to buy one.
Typical lib bs. Condemn a guy cuz he wants to buy a gun but could care less if a blm beats up old men, women and children and destroys property.

Uh, guy, we have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries a year because guys like Ray want to compensate for their tiny peckers. Gun violence costs us 270 BILLION a year. We all have to live with security camera, magnetic locked doors, active shooter drills, bullet proof backpacks for the kiddies, because we can never tell which gun nut is going to go off this week. But at least they arent' telling you to wear a mask!!!

So how many people have been killed by BLM so far. Give me a number.

Thankfully, their favorite organization won't be around much longer thanks to the grifting and corruption of LaPierre & Co.

LOL, Ever heard of Gun Owners of AMerica?
It's a much better organization

A gunner not defending the NRA? Unheard of! Yea, I've been telling people for years that the NRA used to be a solid organization who looked after sportsmen. They morphed into a lobbying mouthpiece for manufacturers and right wing politicians with little concern for sportsmen.

I also knew that LaPierre and everyone else at the top of the NRA were a bunch of corrupt buttholes. Wayne was too obvious about it with his constant jet setting. A fitting end is just around the corner amidst a firestorm of investigations into their shady activities, such as laundering Russian Trump money - the evidence of which is compelling to say the least.

Yes...as long as you could push gun control without any interference you loved the NRA....sell that to democrat party voters, they are just stupid enough to believe you.....

Can't wait to see LaPierre frogmarched off to prison (without his guns!) :D


What are you going to say when he's found not-guilty, and the entire thing was about political revenge? The largest voting block in our country are Independents, and this Nazi mentality you on the left have is very unappealing to everybody outside of your circle.

But keep it up. The more people you piss off on our side, the better turnout we will have, and more Independents who are sick of this nonsense will be voting for our side. The riots (which you people thought would be to your advantage) are coming back to bite you in the ass. This will be icing on the cake.
It's a slow news day here in Cleveland, so they reported this story out of Colorado. Mind you, this happens all the time, but it's usually reported locally if at all:

About 12:30 p.m. on Aug. 28, Paul Heagerty says he feared the worst when a man walked up to him while he was putting away his groceries and threatened him with a gun.

The man demanded the keys to Heagerty’s car. He says seconds later, there was a gun pointed at his stomach.

“It was surreal. When he pulled that gun, I went into tunnel vision. I looked at him and said, ‘It ain’t happening,'” Heagerty said.

Heagerty didn’t hand over the keys. Instead, he tossed them several feet away. The suspected car thief took off after them. The distraction gave Heagerty enough time to draw his own concealed weapon.

“I took a giant sidestep, drew my firearm, pointed it right at him and said, ‘Not happening. Not today.’ The look on his face was sheer shock when he looked up and he was looking down the barrel of my pistol,” Heagerty said.

It worked. The man took off running.

Police arrested 38-year-old Jonathan David Cho a short time later. He had reportedly just crashed a stolen truck outside of the McDonald’s next door and was looking for an escape vehicle, according to police.

It's a slow news day here in Cleveland, so they reported this story out of Colorado. Mind you, this happens all the time, but it's usually reported locally if at all:

About 12:30 p.m. on Aug. 28, Paul Heagerty says he feared the worst when a man walked up to him while he was putting away his groceries and threatened him with a gun.

The man demanded the keys to Heagerty’s car. He says seconds later, there was a gun pointed at his stomach.

“It was surreal. When he pulled that gun, I went into tunnel vision. I looked at him and said, ‘It ain’t happening,'” Heagerty said.

Heagerty didn’t hand over the keys. Instead, he tossed them several feet away. The suspected car thief took off after them. The distraction gave Heagerty enough time to draw his own concealed weapon.

“I took a giant sidestep, drew my firearm, pointed it right at him and said, ‘Not happening. Not today.’ The look on his face was sheer shock when he looked up and he was looking down the barrel of my pistol,” Heagerty said.

It worked. The man took off running.

Police arrested 38-year-old Jonathan David Cho a short time later. He had reportedly just crashed a stolen truck outside of the McDonald’s next door and was looking for an escape vehicle, according to police.

See...this didn't happen...cause according to joe and the other anti-gun fascists...if he didn't shoot and kill the criminal, it wasn't a defensive gun use.........
....and you're being hysterical cuz he wants to buy one.
Typical lib bs. Condemn a guy cuz he wants to buy a gun but could care less if a blm beats up old men, women and children and destroys property.

Uh, guy, we have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries a year because guys like Ray want to compensate for their tiny peckers. Gun violence costs us 270 BILLION a year. We all have to live with security camera, magnetic locked doors, active shooter drills, bullet proof backpacks for the kiddies, because we can never tell which gun nut is going to go off this week. But at least they arent' telling you to wear a mask!!!

So how many people have been killed by BLM so far. Give me a number.

Thankfully, their favorite organization won't be around much longer thanks to the grifting and corruption of LaPierre & Co.

LOL, Ever heard of Gun Owners of AMerica?
It's a much better organization

A gunner not defending the NRA? Unheard of! Yea, I've been telling people for years that the NRA used to be a solid organization who looked after sportsmen. They morphed into a lobbying mouthpiece for manufacturers and right wing politicians with little concern for sportsmen.

I also knew that LaPierre and everyone else at the top of the NRA were a bunch of corrupt buttholes. Wayne was too obvious about it with his constant jet setting. A fitting end is just around the corner amidst a firestorm of investigations into their shady activities, such as laundering Russian Trump money - the evidence of which is compelling to say the least.

Yes...as long as you could push gun control without any interference you loved the NRA....sell that to democrat party voters, they are just stupid enough to believe you.....

Can't wait to see LaPierre frogmarched off to prison (without his guns!) :D


What are you going to say when he's found not-guilty, and the entire thing was about political revenge? The largest voting block in our country are Independents, and this Nazi mentality you on the left have is very unappealing to everybody outside of your circle.

But keep it up. The more people you piss off on our side, the better turnout we will have, and more Independents who are sick of this nonsense will be voting for our side. The riots (which you people thought would be to your advantage) are coming back to bite you in the ass. This will be icing on the cake.

Keep the day job - You suck at comedy ;)
Clearly you haven't looked through the corruption within the NRA.
But fine with me if you want to keep sending your 45 bucks a year to finance LaPierre's jetsetter lifestyle.
A fool and his greenbacks are soon parted.
It's a slow news day here in Cleveland, so they reported this story out of Colorado. Mind you, this happens all the time, but it's usually reported locally if at all:

About 12:30 p.m. on Aug. 28, Paul Heagerty says he feared the worst when a man walked up to him while he was putting away his groceries and threatened him with a gun.

The man demanded the keys to Heagerty’s car. He says seconds later, there was a gun pointed at his stomach.

“It was surreal. When he pulled that gun, I went into tunnel vision. I looked at him and said, ‘It ain’t happening,'” Heagerty said.

Heagerty didn’t hand over the keys. Instead, he tossed them several feet away. The suspected car thief took off after them. The distraction gave Heagerty enough time to draw his own concealed weapon.

“I took a giant sidestep, drew my firearm, pointed it right at him and said, ‘Not happening. Not today.’ The look on his face was sheer shock when he looked up and he was looking down the barrel of my pistol,” Heagerty said.

It worked. The man took off running.

Police arrested 38-year-old Jonathan David Cho a short time later. He had reportedly just crashed a stolen truck outside of the McDonald’s next door and was looking for an escape vehicle, according to police.

See...this didn't happen...cause according to joe and the other anti-gun fascists...if he didn't shoot and kill the criminal, it wasn't a defensive gun use.........

I can't read enough stories like this. I get a charge out of every one.
....and you're being hysterical cuz he wants to buy one.
Typical lib bs. Condemn a guy cuz he wants to buy a gun but could care less if a blm beats up old men, women and children and destroys property.

Uh, guy, we have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries a year because guys like Ray want to compensate for their tiny peckers. Gun violence costs us 270 BILLION a year. We all have to live with security camera, magnetic locked doors, active shooter drills, bullet proof backpacks for the kiddies, because we can never tell which gun nut is going to go off this week. But at least they arent' telling you to wear a mask!!!

So how many people have been killed by BLM so far. Give me a number.

Thankfully, their favorite organization won't be around much longer thanks to the grifting and corruption of LaPierre & Co.

LOL, Ever heard of Gun Owners of AMerica?
It's a much better organization

A gunner not defending the NRA? Unheard of! Yea, I've been telling people for years that the NRA used to be a solid organization who looked after sportsmen. They morphed into a lobbying mouthpiece for manufacturers and right wing politicians with little concern for sportsmen.

I also knew that LaPierre and everyone else at the top of the NRA were a bunch of corrupt buttholes. Wayne was too obvious about it with his constant jet setting. A fitting end is just around the corner amidst a firestorm of investigations into their shady activities, such as laundering Russian Trump money - the evidence of which is compelling to say the least.

Yes...as long as you could push gun control without any interference you loved the NRA....sell that to democrat party voters, they are just stupid enough to believe you.....

Can't wait to see LaPierre frogmarched off to prison (without his guns!) :D


What are you going to say when he's found not-guilty, and the entire thing was about political revenge? The largest voting block in our country are Independents, and this Nazi mentality you on the left have is very unappealing to everybody outside of your circle.

But keep it up. The more people you piss off on our side, the better turnout we will have, and more Independents who are sick of this nonsense will be voting for our side. The riots (which you people thought would be to your advantage) are coming back to bite you in the ass. This will be icing on the cake.

Keep the day job - You suck at comedy ;)
Clearly you haven't looked through the corruption within the NRA.
But fine with me if you want to keep sending your 45 bucks a year to finance LaPierre's jetsetter lifestyle.
A fool and his greenbacks are soon parted.

I'm not an NRA member, but I respect what they do. However their membership is in excess of 5 million, and I'm sure most of them voters.

The only place I see real corruption is the Democrat Party; using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes.

[ ter-uh-riz-uhm ]SHOW IPA
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

I'm not an NRA member, but I respect what they do. However their membership is in excess of 5 million, and I'm sure most of them voters.

The only place I see real corruption is the Democrat Party; using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes.

Smart NRA members ain't gonna renew. The dumb ones will vote for Trump anyway.
As for "using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes" ???
Perfect description of President Poopstain and his portly sidekick Mr Barr!

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