If abortions are murder…

Is it a life of its own?

Can you c-section it out at 12 weeks and it will ...live?

In my opinion it is no different then removing a parasite..... until it can survive WITH HELP outside a host body. At 12 weeks you are not ending a "life" you removing the potential for life.

....and how many do you have?

how many do i have...what?

Children of course.
I handled your hurdle, I even answered your question a long while back. You keep on moving the hurdle.

Pretending "that's not my department' when you are instigating for a change is the dodge.

It's like dropping a gross of bricks onto the street and saying, 'Well, not my problem who it lands on."

Still waiting for your explanation as to how it makes sense that a person who is for the repeal of RvW has to also determine the penalties and how the law will be enforced.

You mean why should you actually work out the details of the sweeping changes you want to place on society?

I think it answers itself.
My problem with abortion is the way it is portrayed. When you have an abortion you are ending a life. Don't try to color coat it with this it's not a life crap.

I think women should have control over their bodies but know, if you have an abortion, you are choosing to end a life. That's all.

This has been my argument all along, it is legal to kill your kid....don't use euphemisms to make yourself "feel" beter.

Its killing a child.

In your opinion, not in fact or as a matter of law.

You’re entitled to that opinion, as others are to theirs.
Roe v Wade wasnt an argument over the morality of abortion. It was an argument that its not fair that in some states you could get it and others you couldnt. If you lived in the wrong state and wanted one you would have to have the money to get to the other state and pay for it. Basically if you lived in the wrong state and were poor, you couldnt get one.

Either way this is a dumb thread question. It uses faulity polar logic over questionable medical ethics, which polar ends dont exist. The only ethical argument here is where do you define human life.

A better thread question to post is where do you define human life?

So... Where does everyone define human life?

No, actually, it was an argument about whether the state can ban what can do with one's own body.

Which the Court had already addressed in Griswald v. Conneticutt... and answered.

Practical matter, though, all the justices were really doing was codifying what people were already doing. Women were already having abortions, and doctors usually didn't get in trouble for performing them unless someone died.
Apparently Joe thinks killing children is a central issue here.


I think not having your stupid, retarded, backward religion imposed on me is the issue here.

I just ask a question. When you outlaw abortion because it makes baby Jesus cry, are you going to lock up women who get them?

And how many years should they get?
Really, abortions are only something christians are against? Your a stupid excuse for a real man, do you get your rocks off when a baby survives, and is killed while it breaths on it's own by another doctor? What does being a christian have to do with being against murder? Are you telling me there are no atheist against abortion? I mean I know being liberal means you need to say it's just a fetus, but it's not a fetus, it's a human being with a heart beat relying on it's mother to make the best decisions for it's well being! Your a sorry excuse for a human being, I guess you would suffocate one of those fetuses that survived an abortion?

I've read a couple of your post about what to do with a woman who gets an abortion if it's illegal. Okay this is what should happen, #1 she should get her tubes tied, that way we know it will never happen again. #2 find out if the man knew about it, if he did or has any children he does'nt support snip his privates. Also make them do twice as much community service as the operations would've cost. That's a start, is that good enough?
Apparently Joe thinks killing children is a central issue here.


I think not having your stupid, retarded, backward religion imposed on me is the issue here.

I just ask a question. When you outlaw abortion because it makes baby Jesus cry, are you going to lock up women who get them?

And how many years should they get?

Poor Joe, I don't practice any religion...and as to your straw man....where did I bring up overturnng roe v. wade?

It ain't my first rodeo silly man.
Apparently Joe thinks killing children is a central issue here.


I think not having your stupid, retarded, backward religion imposed on me is the issue here.

I just ask a question. When you outlaw abortion because it makes baby Jesus cry, are you going to lock up women who get them?

And how many years should they get?
Really, abortions are only something christians are against? Your a stupid excuse for a real man, do you get your rocks off when a baby survives, and is killed while it breaths on it's own by another doctor? What does being a christian have to do with being against murder? Are you telling me there are no atheist against abortion? I mean I know being liberal means you need to say it's just a fetus, but it's not a fetus, it's a human being with a heart beat relying on it's mother to make the best decisions for it's well being! Your a sorry excuse for a human being, I guess you would suffocate one of those fetuses that survived an abortion?

I've read a couple of your post about what to do with a woman who gets an abortion if it's illegal. Okay this is what should happen, #1 she should get her tubes tied, that way we know it will never happen again. #2 find out if the man knew about it, if he did or has any children he does'nt support snip his privates. Also make them do twice as much community service as the operations would've cost. That's a start, is that good enough?

Ole Joe fancies himself an intellectual :)
Really, abortions are only something christians are against? Your a stupid excuse for a real man, do you get your rocks off when a baby survives, and is killed while it breaths on it's own by another doctor? What does being a christian have to do with being against murder? Are you telling me there are no atheist against abortion? I mean I know being liberal means you need to say it's just a fetus, but it's not a fetus, it's a human being with a heart beat relying on it's mother to make the best decisions for it's well being! Your a sorry excuse for a human being, I guess you would suffocate one of those fetuses that survived an abortion?

I've read a couple of your post about what to do with a woman who gets an abortion if it's illegal. Okay this is what should happen, #1 she should get her tubes tied, that way we know it will never happen again. #2 find out if the man knew about it, if he did or has any children he does'nt support snip his privates. Also make them do twice as much community service as the operations would've cost. That's a start, is that good enough?

I've known a few atheists against abortion. I used to be against abortion until I realized it was all a scam to keep the Rubes angry while they were sneaking the middle class out the back door. Now I'm all for abortion rights, because it shows the religious rubes how completely impotent their Sky Pixie is.

So you are saying that your solution would be to physically mutilate a woman if she had a medical procedure you didn't like? Really?

Well, I give you credit for being open with your misogyny, compared to most of your pals here, who think that once we overturn Roe, women will magically realize the errors of their ways.
morons talking in circles

carry on

Okay, why don't you take a shot at the question.

You get Roe v. Wade overturned, and a few states ban it.

How do you enforce the law?

Are you going to throw women in prison for getting abortions?

That would depend on what the law said. I have no problem banning abortion and jailing anyone including the woman for doing it. By the way? Do you think other laws that are hard to enforce should be done away with? That is after all your argument.
ole joe, it's not about what a WOMAN wants to do to her body, when she gets pregnant her body becomes two bodies, and no she needs to take care of the other half then she can take care of herself. Also before you get on your soap box, i've raised my son by myself with almost no help from his mother, and I mean maybe a thousand dollars in 11 years.
morons talking in circles

carry on

Okay, why don't you take a shot at the question.

You get Roe v. Wade overturned, and a few states ban it.

How do you enforce the law?

Are you going to throw women in prison for getting abortions?

That would depend on what the law said. I have no problem banning abortion and jailing anyone including the woman for doing it. By the way? Do you think other laws that are hard to enforce should be done away with? That is after all your argument.

I think, generally, we lock up more people than any country in the world and we still have one of the highest crime rates in teh world. Locking people up is not a good solution overall. But big corporations are making money on prisons, and like every other bad idea in America, it's hard to stop a good idea if a douchebag is getting rich doing it.

I think we should lock up people who are truly dangerous and we should punish crimes where we have a overwealming agreement that the thing is a crime. (Murder, Rape, Robbery). Things that really only concern the individual (prostitution, drug abuse) should be treated as social problems, not criminal ones. Abortion falls into the latter category.

Besides locking women up being cruel (again, this was never done, even before Roe v. Wade) it's also impractical as a deterrent. Simply put, if she doesn't want to have a baby, she will find a way to get rid of it. Unless you are going to start locking women up and declaring them breeding machines, you are just going to have to learn to deal.
ole joe, it's not about what a WOMAN wants to do to her body, when she gets pregnant her body becomes two bodies, and no she needs to take care of the other half then she can take care of herself. Also before you get on your soap box, i've raised my son by myself with almost no help from his mother, and I mean maybe a thousand dollars in 11 years.

Okay. But it was her decision to have the baby...

ANd if she decides not to have a baby, that's a decision she can make, too.

The notion that a kidney bean sized fetus with no chance of viability should have more rights than the woman it is in is just crazy.
Okay, why don't you take a shot at the question.

You get Roe v. Wade overturned, and a few states ban it.

How do you enforce the law?

Are you going to throw women in prison for getting abortions?

Who is trying to ban it?

Actually putting in real effort, not just someone assuming that's the outcome


Oh, sorry, did you want to actualy have an adult converstation... Okay here it is.




Any questions.
Then why are you so bad at making arguments?

Poor Joe......your debate style entoto:"NUH-UH"!!!!! Then scream 'I WIN"!!!!.

Sorry Joe....you are VERY bad at this.....

Better than you judging by rep scores...

LOL...poor Joe....because other kooks embrace your stupidity...I am betting you've sought the approval of the "cool kids" your entire life ;)

Its ever thus....people like you ALWAYS have their self wirth tied up in what others think ;)

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