If abortion is so great why don't they show what it looks like?

If abortion was about what a woman does with her own body, then she would be the one to die, and not her innocent child.
Oh I see.
You think your meddling is saving "babies."
Not YOUR (so called) "babies" are they?
Maybe you think your "God" loves ALL these "babies" and just WANTS every single one of these little cherubs to be born?
Here's a newsflash for you.
Estimates on worldwide malnourished children in poverty run somewhere around one BILLION.
Yeah....that's billion....with a "b."

That's some REAL deadbeat dad shit there!
Isn't it?

So no.
"God" doesn't give a shit about this issue.
So why should you?
Too much time on your hands?

God gave us science so that women in the 21st century modern world don't HAVE to bring more unwanted "babies" into the world that nobody is going to take care of so they can live in misery and (often) one form of agony or the other.

The decision to carry or not carry a pregnancy to term should be a decision between a woman, her partner (if he is involved), her doctor, and her god.
Nobody else.

The rest of you should just find another hobby...or "cause" to fixate on.

This one is none of your business.
You know what I don't like about pro-abortionists?

They say disingenuous things like, "I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for....but I believe in choice."

If someone hates abortion, then they know it is morally wrong.

It's PRO-CHOICE. By calling someone pro-abortion you simply reveal that just like OP you don't understand the debate and you don't really understand position you are arguing against.

It's not pro-abortion, it's pro-government-staying-the-fuck-out of such intimate, personal descisions untill there is a third party interest to speak of.
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Oh I see.
You think your meddling is saving "babies."
Not YOUR (so called) "babies" are they?
Maybe you think your "God" loves ALL these "babies" and just WANTS every single one of these little cherubs to be born?
Here's a newsflash for you.
Estimates on worldwide malnourished children in poverty run somewhere around one BILLION.
Yeah....that's billion....with a "b."

That's some REAL deadbeat dad shit there!
Isn't it?

So no.
"God" doesn't give a shit about this issue.
So why should you?
Too much time on your hands?

God gave us science so that women in the 21st century modern world don't HAVE to bring more unwanted "babies" into the world that nobody is going to take care of so they can live in misery and (often) one form of agony or the other.

The decision to carry or not carry a pregnancy to term should be a decision between a woman, her partner (if he is involved), her doctor, and her god.
Nobody else.

The rest of you should just find another hobby...or "cause" to fixate on.

This one is none of your business.
Some people get really angry about not being able to dehumanize and kill. They think they KNOW exactly who would be better off dead..... They're so sure of themselves they claim to speak for God.

The goal isn't to create more unwanted children, but to end unwanted pregnancy. Abortion is NOT birth control. The simplest and best answer here is STOP GETTING PREGNANT AND STOP IMPREGNATING. It's not impossible, it's really quite easy. That's what "the pill" was supposed to be all about.
If abortion is so great why aren't we allowed to see what it looks like?

Show it on TV.

Put it on the internet.

Put in magazines, newspapers.

Prove abortion is great by showing that it's not so bad to look at.
I’ll show you my colonoscopy.
Whats the point of this thread? To distort pro-choice position to be about how wonderful abortion is.

You don't have to agree with pro-choice position to understand that it's a silly strawman.
The mainstream of you pro-abortion folks nowadays are the “shout your abortion” types.

Don’t pretend otherwise.
If abortion is so great why aren't we allowed to see what it looks like?

Show it on TV.

Put it on the internet.

Put in magazines, newspapers.

Prove abortion is great by showing that it's not so bad to look at.
It most often looks like this.
The mainstream of you pro-abortion folks nowadays are the “shout your abortion” types.

Don’t pretend otherwise.
I'm anti-abortion, don't like it, but I'm REALLY against a cruel and unusual punishment of forcing people to have pregnancy and children they don't want.
I'm anti-abortion, don't like it, but I'm REALLY against a cruel and unusual punishment of forcing people to have pregnancy and children they don't want.
So you’re an inhuman pro-abort bigot who thinks kids are properly and should be killed on a whim.

Got it. You don’t need to self-contradict, talk in circles, and / or lie, as you just did.
If abortion is so great why aren't we allowed to see what it looks like?

Show it on TV.

Put it on the internet.

Put in magazines, newspapers.

Prove abortion is great by showing that it's not so bad to look at.

I don't want to see the live feed of my colonoscopy, either.. but I'm damn glad I had one.

Most abortions are on fetuese that are smaller than a kidney bean, so all you see is a small glob of tissue being sucked into a sink.

Are you admitting that abortion is not absolutely wonderful?

I've seen shows saying women are PROUD of having an abortion.

And they are silly for doing so.

But if you want to have LESS abortions, the way to get there is to have comprehensive sex education, easy access to contaception, universal health care and paid family leave.

All things Republicans oppose.
Even a condemned murderer is treated better than an abortion victim. We have strict standards about how judicial executions are performed, to insure that the death is as quick, painless, and humane as possible. We would never allow even the worst criminal to be put to death in as brutal and savage a manner as most abortions.

WHich would be awful if a fetus was actually a person and not a glob of tissue the size of a kidney bean.

I'll take all you religious nutters seriously on Abortion when you support policies that give women real alternatives.
So you’re an inhuman pro-abort bigot who thinks kids are properly and should be killed on a whim.

Got it. You don’t need to self-contradict, talk in circles, and / or lie, as you just did.

No contradiction at all.... Fetuses aren't people. Even when abortion was illegal, no one was ever charged with murder for having one.
If abortion is so great why aren't we allowed to see what it looks like?

Show it on TV.

Put it on the internet.

Put in magazines, newspapers.

Prove abortion is great by showing that it's not so bad to look at.

Why don’t we put your health care on TV? Especially when you get your physical. Make you strip down so we can all see what you really look like.
That explains a lot. Maybe you should try some remedial classes next summer?
Meantime, direct video evidence of it being done in schools and elsewhere to children has been shown here like 30 times!
You should try reading some threads!

How many times do we have to tell you that YouTube videos are evidence of nothing? You can fake anything you want on a YouTube video. And you fools are stupid enough to fall for this bullshit.

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