If a illegal alien manages to vote


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
a bunch of them have illegal SSNs--so many probably have voted
but the libs love that
"an" you fucking idiot. Maybe illegals have a higher capacity to vote for what's intelligent than OP does.
hehheh Voting for liberals is intelligent??? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa get real boyo!
According to some sources around 3 million illegal mexicans voted for hillary.

No source that is serious or credible

If you want a serious source you must delete the N.Y. Times, msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, cnn and or just about all of the msm. So who is left?

What you demonstrate is a propensity for hear no evil, see no evil as in none are so blind as he who refuses to see.
According to some sources around 3 million illegal mexicans voted for hillary.

No source that is serious or credible

If you want a serious source you must delete the N.Y. Times, msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, cnn and or just about all of the msm. So who is left?

What you demonstrate is a propensity for hear no evil, see no evil as in none are so blind as he who refuses to see.

The 3 million illegal voters is nothing but an unproven conspiracy theory with zero evidence to back it up and only mental midgets believe it. There would be plenty of indisputable evidence of voter fraud on that massive of a scale and it would be easily proven.
According to some sources around 3 million illegal mexicans voted for hillary.

No source that is serious or credible

If you want a serious source you must delete the N.Y. Times, msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, cnn and or just about all of the msm. So who is left?

What you demonstrate is a propensity for hear no evil, see no evil as in none are so blind as he who refuses to see.

The 3 million illegal voters is nothing but an unproven conspiracy theory with zero evidence to back it up and only mental midgets believe it. There would be plenty of indisputable evidence of voter fraud on that massive of a scale and it would be easily proven.

The Government Accountability Institute concluded in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes.

The Institute points out that the quality of the voter registration data in some states is very poor, with missing and obviously incorrect information.

We have serious, substantive problems in our voter registration system across the country and that voter fraud is, without a doubt, real.

New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election
According to some sources around 3 million illegal mexicans voted for hillary.

No source that is serious or credible

If you want a serious source you must delete the N.Y. Times, msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, cnn and or just about all of the msm. So who is left?

What you demonstrate is a propensity for hear no evil, see no evil as in none are so blind as he who refuses to see.

The 3 million illegal voters is nothing but an unproven conspiracy theory with zero evidence to back it up and only mental midgets believe it. There would be plenty of indisputable evidence of voter fraud on that massive of a scale and it would be easily proven.

The Government Accountability Institute concluded in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes.

The Institute points out that the quality of the voter registration data in some states is very poor, with missing and obviously incorrect information.

We have serious, substantive problems in our voter registration system across the country and that voter fraud is, without a doubt, real.

New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

Thousands out of 60 million cast nationwide, certainly possible, but that's not 3 million, now, is it, and certainly not 3 million for one specific candidate, is it?

Thanks for debunking your own conspiracy. Have a nice day.
According to some sources around 3 million illegal mexicans voted for hillary.

No source that is serious or credible

If you want a serious source you must delete the N.Y. Times, msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, cnn and or just about all of the msm. So who is left?

What you demonstrate is a propensity for hear no evil, see no evil as in none are so blind as he who refuses to see.

The 3 million illegal voters is nothing but an unproven conspiracy theory with zero evidence to back it up and only mental midgets believe it. There would be plenty of indisputable evidence of voter fraud on that massive of a scale and it would be easily proven.

The Government Accountability Institute concluded in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes.

The Institute points out that the quality of the voter registration data in some states is very poor, with missing and obviously incorrect information.

We have serious, substantive problems in our voter registration system across the country and that voter fraud is, without a doubt, real.

New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

Thousands out of 60 million cast nationwide, certainly possible, but that's not 3 million, now, is it, and certainly not 3 million for one specific candidate, is it?

Thanks for debunking your own conspiracy. Have a nice day.

California openly registers illegals to vote and guarantees legal protection for those illegals who do vote.

Go ahead and challenge me on this yet again.
According to some sources around 3 million illegal mexicans voted for hillary.

No source that is serious or credible

If you want a serious source you must delete the N.Y. Times, msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, cnn and or just about all of the msm. So who is left?

What you demonstrate is a propensity for hear no evil, see no evil as in none are so blind as he who refuses to see.

The 3 million illegal voters is nothing but an unproven conspiracy theory with zero evidence to back it up and only mental midgets believe it. There would be plenty of indisputable evidence of voter fraud on that massive of a scale and it would be easily proven.

The Government Accountability Institute concluded in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes.

The Institute points out that the quality of the voter registration data in some states is very poor, with missing and obviously incorrect information.

We have serious, substantive problems in our voter registration system across the country and that voter fraud is, without a doubt, real.

New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

The Government Accountability says thousands. Not even "tens of thousands" or "hundreds of thousands".

That is a far cry from 3 million.

From your link: "The Institute compared the lists using an “extremely conservative matching approach that sought only to identify two votes cast in the same legal name.” It found that 8,471 votes in 2016 were “highly likely” duplicates.

Extrapolating this to all 50 states would likely produce, with “high-confidence,” around 45,000 duplicate votes."

45,000 duplicate votes amounts to 1.5% of the 3 million you claim.
According to some sources around 3 million illegal mexicans voted for hillary.

No source that is serious or credible

If you want a serious source you must delete the N.Y. Times, msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, cnn and or just about all of the msm. So who is left?

What you demonstrate is a propensity for hear no evil, see no evil as in none are so blind as he who refuses to see.

The 3 million illegal voters is nothing but an unproven conspiracy theory with zero evidence to back it up and only mental midgets believe it. There would be plenty of indisputable evidence of voter fraud on that massive of a scale and it would be easily proven.

The Government Accountability Institute concluded in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes.

The Institute points out that the quality of the voter registration data in some states is very poor, with missing and obviously incorrect information.

We have serious, substantive problems in our voter registration system across the country and that voter fraud is, without a doubt, real.

New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

The Government Accountability says thousands. Not even "tens of thousands" or "hundreds of thousands".

That is a far cry from 3 million.

From your link: "The Institute compared the lists using an “extremely conservative matching approach that sought only to identify two votes cast in the same legal name.” It found that 8,471 votes in 2016 were “highly likely” duplicates.

Extrapolating this to all 50 states would likely produce, with “high-confidence,” around 45,000 duplicate votes."

45,000 duplicate votes amounts to 1.5% of the 3 million you claim.

Because California promotes and protects voting by Mexican nationals in American elections, it is impossible to say what the impact of the collusion between democrats and the Mexican government to pervert our elections are.

I would suspect that north of a million foreign nationals vote in California every election. Remember, the ruling Communist party ENCOURAGES illegal voting and PROTECTS those who illegally vote.
No source that is serious or credible

If you want a serious source you must delete the N.Y. Times, msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, cnn and or just about all of the msm. So who is left?

What you demonstrate is a propensity for hear no evil, see no evil as in none are so blind as he who refuses to see.

The 3 million illegal voters is nothing but an unproven conspiracy theory with zero evidence to back it up and only mental midgets believe it. There would be plenty of indisputable evidence of voter fraud on that massive of a scale and it would be easily proven.

The Government Accountability Institute concluded in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes.

The Institute points out that the quality of the voter registration data in some states is very poor, with missing and obviously incorrect information.

We have serious, substantive problems in our voter registration system across the country and that voter fraud is, without a doubt, real.

New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

The Government Accountability says thousands. Not even "tens of thousands" or "hundreds of thousands".

That is a far cry from 3 million.

From your link: "The Institute compared the lists using an “extremely conservative matching approach that sought only to identify two votes cast in the same legal name.” It found that 8,471 votes in 2016 were “highly likely” duplicates.

Extrapolating this to all 50 states would likely produce, with “high-confidence,” around 45,000 duplicate votes."

45,000 duplicate votes amounts to 1.5% of the 3 million you claim.

Because California promotes and protects voting by Mexican nationals in American elections, it is impossible to say what the impact of the collusion between democrats and the Mexican government to pervert our elections are.

I would suspect that north of a million foreign nationals vote in California every election. Remember, the ruling Communist party ENCOURAGES illegal voting and PROTECTS those who illegally vote.

Now you have really opened a can of worms. Colllusion with Mexico....I doubt even if The Trump campaign has thought of this...it cries out for a congressional investigation.
According to some sources around 3 million illegal mexicans voted for hillary.

No source that is serious or credible

If you want a serious source you must delete the N.Y. Times, msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, cnn and or just about all of the msm. So who is left?

What you demonstrate is a propensity for hear no evil, see no evil as in none are so blind as he who refuses to see.

The 3 million illegal voters is nothing but an unproven conspiracy theory with zero evidence to back it up and only mental midgets believe it. There would be plenty of indisputable evidence of voter fraud on that massive of a scale and it would be easily proven.

The Government Accountability Institute concluded in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes.

The Institute points out that the quality of the voter registration data in some states is very poor, with missing and obviously incorrect information.

We have serious, substantive problems in our voter registration system across the country and that voter fraud is, without a doubt, real.

New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

The Government Accountability says thousands. Not even "tens of thousands" or "hundreds of thousands".

That is a far cry from 3 million.

From your link: "The Institute compared the lists using an “extremely conservative matching approach that sought only to identify two votes cast in the same legal name.” It found that 8,471 votes in 2016 were “highly likely” duplicates.

Extrapolating this to all 50 states would likely produce, with “high-confidence,” around 45,000 duplicate votes."

45,000 duplicate votes amounts to 1.5% of the 3 million you claim.

You don't get it....the actual number is unknown...this report just proves it is happening.
is the vote a illegal vote? Obviouslly it should be but in some states and cities they are counted. This issue had more of an impact on the election than Russians. According to some sources around 3 million illegal mexicans voted for hillary. I do not think the Russian alleged collusion comes anywhere near that outrageous scenario.

Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016 | Investor's Business Daily

That pretty much wipes out the Left's claim that Hillary won the popular vote. That was a lie too.
No source that is serious or credible

If you want a serious source you must delete the N.Y. Times, msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, cnn and or just about all of the msm. So who is left?

What you demonstrate is a propensity for hear no evil, see no evil as in none are so blind as he who refuses to see.

The 3 million illegal voters is nothing but an unproven conspiracy theory with zero evidence to back it up and only mental midgets believe it. There would be plenty of indisputable evidence of voter fraud on that massive of a scale and it would be easily proven.

The Government Accountability Institute concluded in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes.

The Institute points out that the quality of the voter registration data in some states is very poor, with missing and obviously incorrect information.

We have serious, substantive problems in our voter registration system across the country and that voter fraud is, without a doubt, real.

New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

The Government Accountability says thousands. Not even "tens of thousands" or "hundreds of thousands".

That is a far cry from 3 million.

From your link: "The Institute compared the lists using an “extremely conservative matching approach that sought only to identify two votes cast in the same legal name.” It found that 8,471 votes in 2016 were “highly likely” duplicates.

Extrapolating this to all 50 states would likely produce, with “high-confidence,” around 45,000 duplicate votes."

45,000 duplicate votes amounts to 1.5% of the 3 million you claim.

You don't get it....the actual number is unknown...this report just proves it is happening.

I get it. I also get that the claim of 3 million votes is unsubstantiated. As is who the illegal voted for.
If you want a serious source you must delete the N.Y. Times, msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, cnn and or just about all of the msm. So who is left?

What you demonstrate is a propensity for hear no evil, see no evil as in none are so blind as he who refuses to see.

The 3 million illegal voters is nothing but an unproven conspiracy theory with zero evidence to back it up and only mental midgets believe it. There would be plenty of indisputable evidence of voter fraud on that massive of a scale and it would be easily proven.

The Government Accountability Institute concluded in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes.

The Institute points out that the quality of the voter registration data in some states is very poor, with missing and obviously incorrect information.

We have serious, substantive problems in our voter registration system across the country and that voter fraud is, without a doubt, real.

New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

The Government Accountability says thousands. Not even "tens of thousands" or "hundreds of thousands".

That is a far cry from 3 million.

From your link: "The Institute compared the lists using an “extremely conservative matching approach that sought only to identify two votes cast in the same legal name.” It found that 8,471 votes in 2016 were “highly likely” duplicates.

Extrapolating this to all 50 states would likely produce, with “high-confidence,” around 45,000 duplicate votes."

45,000 duplicate votes amounts to 1.5% of the 3 million you claim.

You don't get it....the actual number is unknown...this report just proves it is happening.

I get it. I also get that the claim of 3 million votes is unsubstantiated. As is who the illegal voted for.

The fact that it is unsubstantiated simply indicates we need a more thorough investigation and we need to make sure illegals are not allowed to vote.
Now you have really opened a can of worms. Colllusion with Mexico....I doubt even if The Trump campaign has thought of this...it cries out for a congressional investigation.

The collusion between Mexico and the Stalinist democrats to affect our elections is open, in your face.

Mexico openly campaigned for Hillary. WHO were they campaigning to? Mexicans, legal, illegal, citizens and non-citizens.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

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