I wonder where white supremacist J. Fields Jr got the idea of using a car...


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
The terrorist new "weapon of choice" is a vehicle......and James Alex Fields Jr. certainly learned his lesson from fellow Islamist terrorists.......Interesting the way scum bucket terrorists learn from one another.....
The terrorist new "weapon of choice" is a vehicle......and James Alex Fields Jr. certainly learned his lesson from fellow Islamist terrorists.......Interesting the way scum bucket terrorists learn from one another.....

The white crime apologists make it seem like maybe the guy was delivering for Jimmy John..yanno? Freakishly fast delivery and all that.
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If Trump had an ounce of morality, he would have stated that, "yes, both sides in Charlottesville are to blame for violence,............. BUT ONLY ONE SIDE had a terrorist in their midst...."
The terrorist new "weapon of choice" is a vehicle......and James Alex Fields Jr. certainly learned his lesson from fellow Islamist terrorists.......Interesting the way scum bucket terrorists learn from one another.....

Probably from the 6 or 7 states that have pending legislation that will make it legal to run down protesters. I want to see if any of them now have the balls to pass.
The terrorist new "weapon of choice" is a vehicle......and James Alex Fields Jr. certainly learned his lesson from fellow Islamist terrorists.......Interesting the way scum bucket terrorists learn from one another.....

Rex'll get 'em:

Tillerson said U.S. diplomats in Spain are assisting Americans there, and he asked those who are safe to notify friends and families. Tillerson said the United States will never relent in tracking down terrorist suspects and holding them to account for their actions.
US condemns Spanish attack, pledges justice for terrorists | The Mesh Report

Hey Rex, how 'bout ours?
The terrorist new "weapon of choice" is a vehicle......and James Alex Fields Jr. certainly learned his lesson from fellow Islamist terrorists.......Interesting the way scum bucket terrorists learn from one another.....

Probably from the 6 or 7 states that have pending legislation that will make it legal to run down protesters. I want to see if any of them now have the balls to pass.
Well it has to be the right protesters, ya can't just go after 'em all. "Non-torch bearing" perhaps?
The terrorist new "weapon of choice" is a vehicle......and James Alex Fields Jr. certainly learned his lesson from fellow Islamist terrorists.......Interesting the way scum bucket terrorists learn from one another.....

From gang bangers.

I won, what's the prize?
A pointed hat and a seat in the corner.

You have information you'd care to share? You are a democrat afterall, and they have a history of oppressing the black man.
The terrorist new "weapon of choice" is a vehicle......and James Alex Fields Jr. certainly learned his lesson from fellow Islamist terrorists.......Interesting the way scum bucket terrorists learn from one another.....

I agree.

I also think if it hilariously ironic the way that Antifa, supposedly ANTI FASCIST, is using text book Brownshirt tactics, CLASSIC FASCHISTS, right down to having allies in the local police aid their assaults.

Do you agree with that?

Or is that somehow different?
You have information you'd care to share? You are a democrat afterall, and they have a history of oppressing the black man.

Just a bit of education for the ignorant right wingers.....

Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Northen Republicans.
None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill.....
I agree.

I also think if it hilariously ironic the way that Antifa, supposedly ANTI FASCIST, is using text book Brownshirt tactics, CLASSIC FASCHISTS, right down to having allies in the local police aid their assaults.

Do you agree with that?

Or is that somehow different?

You're taking about methods....while I talk about IDEOLOGY.....

Compare the ideology of Nazi, skin heads, KKK, white supremacists, with that of the Antifa........I don't approve of Antifa's methods, but the ideology has NO moral equivalency with their opponents.
You have information you'd care to share? You are a democrat afterall, and they have a history of oppressing the black man.

Just a bit of education for the ignorant right wingers.....

Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Northen Republicans.
None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill.....

Great, so let's take a look at one of those democrats. Robert Byrd, a former leader of the KKK and, according to Hillary Clinton herself, an American Hero and one of her greatest mentors!

You were saying?

Maybe we should replace the statue with Byrd, wearing his Klan robe mentoring Hillary?

Seems that should satisfy both the White Supremacists and the Democrats. Or maybe they're actually one and the same?

Your thoughts?
Great, so let's take a look at one of those democrats. Robert Byrd, a former leader of the KKK and, according to Hillary Clinton herself, an American Hero and one of her greatest mentors!

You were saying?

Maybe we should replace the statue with Byrd, wearing his Klan robe mentoring Hillary?

Mr. fuckhead, I am not here to "defend" either Byrd or Clinton......
Byrd apologized for his youthful affection for the KKK
Trump STILL admires the Klan's ideology....

In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision—a jejune and immature outlook—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions."[22] Byrd also said in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."[11]
I agree.

I also think if it hilariously ironic the way that Antifa, supposedly ANTI FASCIST, is using text book Brownshirt tactics, CLASSIC FASCHISTS, right down to having allies in the local police aid their assaults.

Do you agree with that?

Or is that somehow different?

You're taking about methods....while I talk about IDEOLOGY.....

Compare the ideology of Nazi, skin heads, KKK, white supremacists, with that of the Antifa........I don't approve of Antifa's methods, but the ideology has NO moral equivalency with their opponents.

1. Your thread title and your op asks, where fields got the idea of using a car. That is a tactic.

2. The Radical Far Left has demonstrated in history, quite often that their ideology leads to just as much mass murder, genocide and totalitarian oppression as the Radical Far Right.

My question to you stands. I agree with your thread title and op that Fields probably picked up the idea of using a car from the Muslim Jihadists.

I also think if it hilariously ironic the way that Antifa, supposedly ANTI FASCIST, is using text book Brownshirt tactics, CLASSIC FASCHISTS, right down to having allies in the local police aid their assaults.

Do you agree with that?

Or is that somehow different?
Great, so let's take a look at one of those democrats. Robert Byrd, a former leader of the KKK and, according to Hillary Clinton herself, an American Hero and one of her greatest mentors!

You were saying?

Maybe we should replace the statue with Byrd, wearing his Klan robe mentoring Hillary?

Mr. fuckhead, I am not here to "defend" either Byrd or Clinton......
Byrd apologized for his youthful affection for the KKK
Trump STILL admires the Klan's ideology....

In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision—a jejune and immature outlook—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions."[22] Byrd also said in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."[11]

Your desire to smear a mainstream politician like Trump with the Klan, and thus all his supporters,

makes you the bad guy here.

You and people like you are tearing this country apart.
You have information you'd care to share? You are a democrat afterall, and they have a history of oppressing the black man.

Just a bit of education for the ignorant right wingers.....

Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Northen Republicans.
None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill.....

Funny how he commented on DEMOCRATS, and you defended DEMOCRATS, by talking NOT about democrats, but only NORTHER democrats.

That was a subtle changing of the subject.

In other words, it was a lie.

Because you know that what Pop said was true, but you can't admit it.

Lying is not good for you.
Funny how he commented on DEMOCRATS, and you defended DEMOCRATS, by talking NOT about democrats, but only NORTHER democrats.

That was a subtle changing of the subject.

In other words, it was a lie.

Because you know that what Pop said was true, but you can't admit it.

Lying is not good for you.

Moronic.......I NEVER would say that some democrats are racists......but I would readily state that most racists ARE republicans.....
Funny how he commented on DEMOCRATS, and you defended DEMOCRATS, by talking NOT about democrats, but only NORTHER democrats.

That was a subtle changing of the subject.

In other words, it was a lie.

Because you know that what Pop said was true, but you can't admit it.

Lying is not good for you.

Moronic.......I NEVER would say that some democrats are racists......but I would readily state that most racists ARE republicans.....

Funny how that doesn't address at all the facts of the 1964 civil rights vote that you lied about.

The republicans were the party that made that happen. The dems were johnny come latelies.

ALso, your Race Card play is noted and dismissed.

You are a piece of shit for smearing good people like that.
ALso, your Race Card play is noted and dismissed.

You are a piece of shit for smearing good people like that.

Want to take a poll of WHO racists voted for last November???.....LOL

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