I will not cooperate! A statement of scientifically and constitutionally backed defiance


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I am not wearing a mask, nor am I getting vaccinated. You will have to tie me down to a chair first. I will not cooperate with mask mandates or vaccine passports.

1. Because I have to wear a mask if I am vaccinated.

2. I have to get vaccinated even if I catch and recover from COVID.

3. Children, with naturally superior immune systems to adults, still have to wear masks and get vaccinated.

4. There are credible reports stating that instead of simply immunizing someone from COVID and/or preventing them from spreading the virus to others, there is a risk that it does neither. People are catching the virus despite being vaccinated, or worse, catching it and spreading it regardless of vaccination, whereas it may lessen the symptoms, but it won't stop transmission.

5. None of the above or the recommendations I see coming from the CDC *or from the 'pro-science' left'* mesh with established science on human immunology, biology, or interaction with viruses.

Namely, the human immune system has a memory. So if you catch a virus and recover from it, your immune system will fight it off more efficiently the next time you are infected with it, thus eliminating the need for a vaccine or a mask. Common sense, scientific fact.

Nextly, a vaccine is supposed to prime your immune system against a virus you have yet to be infected with. It is not meant for people who have already caught the virus and recovered from it. If it can't protect an immune system that hasn't been exposed to the virus (IE, a person catches the virus despite being vaccinated one or multiple times), it is useless. If it cannot stop the spread of the virus in addition, it is doubly useless.

Moreover, if you were naturally or artificially immunized against the virus, you shouldn't be forced to wear a mask, which itself offers insufficient protection from a virus that is smaller than the spaces between the interwoven fibers of the mask. Science says your body should be able to recognize and defeat the virus from now on, eliminating the need for a mask. Common sense.

I will not take an imperfect vaccine. I will not be responsible for transmitting this virus to someone else, risking the well-being of family or friends in the process.

Lastly, vaccine passports are tantamount to segregation, not against race, but against people who exercise their liberty to make conscious decisions about their own health and their own bodies (sound familiar?). If a woman can make a choice about her body in regards to abortion or birth, then a person should be allowed to decide whether or not to wear a mask or get vaccinated. We shouldn't have to be discussing stuff like this in a supposedly *free* country.


Thank you and good day.
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The Covid Vaccine is not a cure and is a vaccine to prevent severe sickness and even then it fails at times and death will result from it.

You can be vaccinated and still contract the virus and spread it, and youth can contract the virus and spread it without showing signs.

As for masks that is a State and Local Government choice and private business choice.

Private Business has the right to enforce mask wearing or say it is optional or just refuse to enforce it until required by local or state authorities.

A business and government can deny you access and have that right to do so.

As for me and let me be clear it is your choice and I will never demand you do anything!
The Covid Vaccine is not a cure and is a vaccine to prevent severe sickness and even then it fails at times and death will result from it.

You can be vaccinated and still contract the virus and spread it, and youth can contract the virus and spread it without showing signs.

As for masks that is a State and Local Government choice and private business choice.

Private Business has the right to enforce mask wearing or say it is optional or just refuse to enforce it until required by local or state authorities.

A business and government can deny you access and have that right to do so.

As for me and let me be clear it is your choice and I will never demand you do anything!
The Covid Vaccine is not a cure and is a vaccine to prevent severe sickness and even then it fails at times and death will result from it.

Then getting one is pointless, and the rest is just overbearing, coercive, fascistic tyranny....The kind of overbearing, coercive, fascistic tyranny that causes rebellions and civil wars.

You want to play apologist footsie with the tyrants, that's your funeral.
As for masks that is a State and Local Government choice and private business choice.

Wrong. That is MY choice. Not the state's, not a private business.

Even if the state recognizes my liberties and bans mask mandates and/or vaccine passports, the offending business should be forced to comply with state regulations or be cited under public accommodation statutes.

I like your libertarian stance, Jack, but my libertarianism only goes so far. Just rules demand just compliance. There should be consequences for rules enacted that violate my freedom and those who violate rules that ensure my freedom.
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I am not wearing a mask, nor am I getting vaccinated. You will have to tie me down to a chair first. I will not cooperate with mask mandates or vaccine passports.

1. Because I have to wear a mask if I am vaccinated.

2. I have to get vaccinated even if I catch and recover from COVID.

3. Children, with naturally superior immune systems to adults, still have to wear masks and get vaccinated.

4. There are credible reports stating that instead of simply immunizing someone from COVID and/or preventing them from spreading the virus to others, there is a risk that it does neither. People are catching the virus despite being vaccinated--it may lessen the symptoms, but it won't stop transmission.

5. None of the above or the recommendations I see coming from the CDC *or from the 'pro-science' left'* mesh with established science on human immunology, biology, or interaction with viruses.

Namely, the human immune system has a memory. So if you catch a virus and recover from it, your immune system will fight it off more efficiently the next time you are infected with it, thus eliminating the need for a vaccine or a mask. Common sense, scientific fact.

Nextly, a vaccine is supposed to prime your immune system against a virus you have yet to be infected with. It is not meant for people who have already caught the virus and recovered from it. If it can't protect an immune system that hasn't been exposed to the virus (IE, a person catches the virus despite being vaccinated one or multiple times), it is useless.

Moreover, if you were naturally or artificially immunized against the virus, you shouldn't be forced to wear a mask, which itself offers insufficient protection from a virus that is smaller than the spaces between the interwoven fibers of the mask. Science says your body should be able to recognize and defeat the virus from now on, eliminating the need for a mask. Common sense.

I will not take an imperfect vaccine. I will not be responsible for transmitting this virus to someone else, risking the well-being of family or friends in the process.

Vaccine passports are tantamount to segregation, not against race, but against people who exercise their liberty to make conscious decisions about their own health and their own bodies (sound familiar?). If a woman can make a choice about her body in regards to abortion or birth, then a person should be allowed to decide whether or not to wear a mask or get vaccinated. We shouldn't have to be discussing stuff like this in a supposedly *free* country.


Thank you and good day.
Government is in charge, naturally things are FUBAR.
I am not wearing a mask, nor am I getting vaccinated. You will have to tie me down to a chair first. I will not cooperate with mask mandates or vaccine passports.

1. Because I have to wear a mask if I am vaccinated.

2. I have to get vaccinated even if I catch and recover from COVID.

3. Children, with naturally superior immune systems to adults, still have to wear masks and get vaccinated.

4. There are credible reports stating that instead of simply immunizing someone from COVID and/or preventing them from spreading the virus to others, there is a risk that it does neither. People are catching the virus despite being vaccinated--it may lessen the symptoms, but it won't stop transmission.

5. None of the above or the recommendations I see coming from the CDC *or from the 'pro-science' left'* mesh with established science on human immunology, biology, or interaction with viruses.

Namely, the human immune system has a memory. So if you catch a virus and recover from it, your immune system will fight it off more efficiently the next time you are infected with it, thus eliminating the need for a vaccine or a mask. Common sense, scientific fact.

Nextly, a vaccine is supposed to prime your immune system against a virus you have yet to be infected with. It is not meant for people who have already caught the virus and recovered from it. If it can't protect an immune system that hasn't been exposed to the virus (IE, a person catches the virus despite being vaccinated one or multiple times), it is useless.

Moreover, if you were naturally or artificially immunized against the virus, you shouldn't be forced to wear a mask, which itself offers insufficient protection from a virus that is smaller than the spaces between the interwoven fibers of the mask. Science says your body should be able to recognize and defeat the virus from now on, eliminating the need for a mask. Common sense.

I will not take an imperfect vaccine. I will not be responsible for transmitting this virus to someone else, risking the well-being of family or friends in the process.

Vaccine passports are tantamount to segregation, not against race, but against people who exercise their liberty to make conscious decisions about their own health and their own bodies (sound familiar?). If a woman can make a choice about her body in regards to abortion or birth, then a person should be allowed to decide whether or not to wear a mask or get vaccinated. We shouldn't have to be discussing stuff like this in a supposedly *free* country.


Thank you and good day.
Wrong. That is MY choice. Not the state's, not a private business.

Even if the state recognizes my liberties and bans mask mandates and/r vaccine passports, the offending business should be forced to comply with state regulations or be cited under public accommodation statutes.

I like your libertarian stance, Jack, but my libertarianism only goes so far. Just rules demand just compliance. There should be consequences for rules enacted that violate my freedom.

Let me use the State of Texas as an example and I might be incorrect but the last time I checked Abbott left it to the County Judges with something about fifteen percent hospitalization rate and if a county exceeds that limit they can put restrictions on but can not fine anyone for breaking the restrictions.

Now as for the business you have the right to go there or not but you do not have the right to tell the business to serve you because as usual they have the right to refuse service.

Remember the woman that got arrested in Galveston for resisting arrest because she refused to wear her mask at BOA and the manager of the bank told her to leave?

A business holds that right and as much as you want to say they don’t, well they do.

For me it is simple and I never say a damn thing to anyone in public and I wear a mask and have gotten my shot but if you were with me and didn’t want to wear one then I am fine with it because it is your choice but if the store refused you entry and you said they had no right, well I disagree and they do just like they can refuse me if I wear the mask and they have a no mask policy.

I know you disagree and we will never agree on this but remember I support your right to do whatever you want.
Because the vaccine is not a cure and people can still contract, spread and even die from the virus even after being vaccinated.

This is why I make it clear it is your choice because the vaccine usually lessens the symptoms of the virus but you can still contract the virus and die from it.

Now I wish people would understand that and also know even though you had Covid before there is a chance you can still contract a newer strain and die from it.

In the end Covid is a bitch that the Government is using to make people go crazy..
Now as for the business you have the right to go there or not but you do not have the right to tell the business to serve you because as usual they have the right to refuse service.

Just laws are essential when they are allowed to serve their intended purpose. They are not meant to be rendered meaningless, useless, or defunct.

So if the law says "no masks mandates and vaccine passports" I expect the business to comply with the law.
Just laws are essential when they are allowed to serve their intended purpose. They are not meant to be rendered meaningless, useless, or defunct.
A place has all the right to refuse service if they require you to mask up.

It is like wearing a Jacket and Tie at a fancy restaurant, and if not they can refuse you service.

Sad but true.

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