“i will never apologize for america


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
(and for the hundreds of years of racist Mormon’s beliefs and treatment of Afro-Americans who are not the only Black race of people)
Mitt Romney.

America can never apologize enough.

For the invasion and occupation of the Americas and, genocide of native Americans, stripping them of their children, their names, families, culture and their language. For the thug and criminal Columbus and James Town.

For 200 years of slavery, Jim Crow and discrimination, separating families and murder by hanging and the only crime is being Black. Stripped of all human dignity. They wives raped in front of them.

For killing million of Japanese civilians in the name of war and internment of millions of Japanese-Americans and stealing their property.

For killing millions of innocent Iraqi men, women and children.

For sending children of Americans to be hired killers and sacrificing their lives for a lie.

For infecting Afro-Americans with deadly disease. TB and syphilis and the force sterilization of hundreds of Afro-American women.

For the years Mormons has degraded Afro-Americans as dirty lazy lithesome people and still do because it is still in the Book of Mormons that should be banned and burned.

For the many atrocities against humanity yet to come.

For Americas greed.

The interest and investments that Romney gets on this millions is blood money and he need to personally apologize to every working American. Romney is Wall Street.

GOD bless America?
“Be sure of this: The wicked will not go unpunished“.. Pro 11;21
“GOD will bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” Rev.11;18.

1 John 1;8... “if we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.”
Yeah, you sure love America.

(and for the hundreds of years of racist Mormon’s beliefs and treatment of Afro-Americans who are not the only Black race of people)
Mitt Romney.

America can never apologize enough.

For the invasion and occupation of the Americas and, genocide of native Americans, stripping them of their children, their names, families, culture and their language. For the thug and criminal Columbus and James Town.

For 200 years of slavery, Jim Crow and discrimination, separating families and murder by hanging and the only crime is being Black. Stripped of all human dignity. They wives raped in front of them.

For killing million of Japanese civilians in the name of war and internment of millions of Japanese-Americans and stealing their property.

For killing millions of innocent Iraqi men, women and children.

For sending children of Americans to be hired killers and sacrificing their lives for a lie.

For infecting Afro-Americans with deadly disease. TB and syphilis and the force sterilization of hundreds of Afro-American women.

For the years Mormons has degraded Afro-Americans as dirty lazy lithesome people and still do because it is still in the Book of Mormons that should be banned and burned.

For the many atrocities against humanity yet to come.

For Americas greed.

The interest and investments that Romney gets on this millions is blood money and he need to personally apologize to every working American. Romney is Wall Street.

GOD bless America?
“Be sure of this: The wicked will not go unpunished“.. Pro 11;21
“GOD will bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” Rev.11;18.

1 John 1;8... “if we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.”
(and for the hundreds of years of racist Mormon’s beliefs and treatment of Afro-Americans who are not the only Black race of people)
Mitt Romney.

America can never apologize enough.

For the invasion and occupation of the Americas and, genocide of native Americans, stripping them of their children, their names, families, culture and their language. For the thug and criminal Columbus and James Town.

For 200 years of slavery, Jim Crow and discrimination, separating families and murder by hanging and the only crime is being Black. Stripped of all human dignity. They wives raped in front of them.

For killing million of Japanese civilians in the name of war and internment of millions of Japanese-Americans and stealing their property.

For killing millions of innocent Iraqi men, women and children.

For sending children of Americans to be hired killers and sacrificing their lives for a lie.

For infecting Afro-Americans with deadly disease. TB and syphilis and the force sterilization of hundreds of Afro-American women.

For the years Mormons has degraded Afro-Americans as dirty lazy lithesome people and still do because it is still in the Book of Mormons that should be banned and burned.

For the many atrocities against humanity yet to come.

For Americas greed.

The interest and investments that Romney gets on this millions is blood money and he need to personally apologize to every working American. Romney is Wall Street.

GOD bless America?
“Be sure of this: The wicked will not go unpunished“.. Pro 11;21
“GOD will bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” Rev.11;18.

1 John 1;8... “if we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.”

YOU need to use numbers other than the ones you just pull out of your ass, gain some sense of history as well as of the present, and most urgently go find somewhere else to live, you unamerican bitch.
Yup - we can't apologize enough for being the beacon of freedom and champion of government by the people for the modern world. You are an idiot.

You cannot ignore the circumstances and time when this nation was founded when speaking of this nation's history. We started in a time of slavery. We started in a time of diversity. America has always stood for advancing freedom. There were issues in the beginning as there are issues now but we are ever improving and ever moving forward. To dwell on the shortcomings that we have addressed is asinine. Maybe you should, instead, be celebrating the fact that we have overcome those problems and created a free nation as a result.
Sometimes when I look at the history of America, I almost say fuck you USA. I really do. We are the greatest country in the world? I have to put down some history books and just shake my damn head.

Slavery, Indians, unnecessary wars etc. Its just sickening but it is home.

(And before you start, fuck you. I am a proud vet.)
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God Bless America, my dear. We even suffer people like you.

I agree with you. God bless America, but sometimes when I am reading the history of this country, I just shake my head. I cant believe some of the crap this country did to fellow Americans and what we did to other countries.

Go America. Yeah

To blindly say we are the greatest country in the world and then quote were we stand on education, health care, poverty levels etc. well, its just interesting. There are so many things in our past that are an embarrasment to us as human beings. I mean, seriously, look at America just 50 years ago.
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Sometimes when I look at the history of America, I almost say fuck you USA. I really do. We are the greatest country in the world? I have to put down some history books and just shake my damn head.

Slavery, Indians, unnecessary wars etc. Its just sickening but it is home.

(And before you start, fuck you. I am a proud vet.)

Yeah because America was the only country that did any of that. All the evil in the world was done by the USA.:cuckoo:
Making an empire is somewhat like making sauage.

Everything goes into the grinder.
Our country has a remarkable history. Is it alway easy to shake your head in disgust at some of the things we have done. One has to look at the times when some of these things were don. What was acceptable in those times that aren't acceptable now.

Its also very easy to shake your head in wonder over some of the great things we've done. Were we always perfect?? Hell no. Is any country?

You don't like America then its very simple.

To blindly say we are the greatest country in the world and then quote were we stand on education, health care, poverty levels etc. well, its just interesting

I agree. It's interesting that for the three areas you cited, education, health care and poverty, we turned to the same wrong answer, government. You'd think after screwing up enough things for enough years people would learn government isn't the answer, not that it is. Yet the left rather then recognizing that are taking the blind worship of government to religious proportions.

How do you think we can get the left to recognize what they are doing to us to we could start to work on some real solutions to those real issues?
I love my sons unconditionally. But, especially when they were growing up, I had to apologize for them plenty - and correct them when they got out of line. All-or-nothing, blind patriotism is idiotic.

It is alleged that Lincoln said he love nothing better than killing Indians.
Native people had no immunity to smallpox.
British 1755 proclamation offering 40 pounds for the scalp or an adult, 20 pounds for the scalp of a women or child.
Stolen land and broken treaties.
Radioactive mining. “Land linked people cannot simple pick up and move when eve a piece of land is “used up.” Ward Churchill.
Proposed radioactive dump at Ward Valley and potential contamination of the Colorado River. “The frog does not drink up pond in which he live.” Native proverb.
Canada apologized to it’s native people.
“In the first one half of the 20th century people consumed more non-renewable resources than all of human’s previous time on earth.” “Earth and the American Dream”
Who has the guts to apologize for America’s atrocities against humanity.
Our country has a remarkable history. Is it alway easy to shake your head in disgust at some of the things we have done. One has to look at the times when some of these things were don. What was acceptable in those times that aren't acceptable now.

Its also very easy to shake your head in wonder over some of the great things we've done. Were we always perfect?? Hell no. Is any country?

You don't like America then its very simple.


At no time did I say I did not like America. Read and comprehend. I said American has lot to apologize for.
now is not in the distant past. we have not learned from or past mistakes so we keep making them over and over until we self destruct. I don't suppose you ever been native american or black.,etc.
I did not say we have not done great things but it does not negate the atrocites.
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God Bless America, my dear. We even suffer people like you.

I agree with you. God bless America, but sometimes when I am reading the history of this country, I just shake my head. I cant believe some of the crap this country did to fellow Americans and what we did to other countries.

Go America. Yeah

To blindly say we are the greatest country in the world and then quote were we stand on education, health care, poverty levels etc. well, its just interesting. There are so many things in our past that are an embarrasment to us as human beings. I mean, seriously, look at America just 50 years ago.

You might feel better if you read the history of other countries as well.

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