I was wrong.

It’s the black children being born by black children, with no father, being raised by a grandmother/grandfather and running wild. Morals are out the window. Tuff to swallow the truth sometimes. Excuses kill.

Yeah excuses kill and you just killed a bunch of people with your post. I really think that you might want to reconsider being white and talking about morals. In 2017 whites had more children out of wedlock than blacks had children. And there are millions of white divorced single mothers raising children with an ex husband refusing to pay alimony. But you all have comments about blacks.

I am black

And so? You're still wrong.
It’s the black children being born by black children, with no father, being raised by a grandmother/grandfather and running wild. Morals are out the window. Tuff to swallow the truth sometimes. Excuses kill.

Yeah excuses kill and you just killed a bunch of people with your post. I really think that you might want to reconsider being white and talking about morals. In 2017 whites had more children out of wedlock than blacks had children. And there are millions of white divorced single mothers raising children with an ex husband refusing to pay alimony. But you all have comments about blacks.

I am black

And so? You're still wrong.

No you’re wrong brotha I’m from New Orleans and the last thing am worried about is a white man. I have a 2000 time more chance of being killed by these crazy XXXXX out here.Just keeping it a 100.
I am only speaking the truth. I am black. That means I grew up black. It means I have spent more time with blacks in every way than you ever will. It means I have had conversations with blacks about whites and racism you will never have. The you don't speak for all blacks argument just doesn't hold water when you hold up the opinion of one black as representative when they validate your racism. So you go find a black non right forum, express your opinions of blacks and see what you get.
You are speaking no truth. In fact, if a white poster who hated blacks were to create a poe for the express purpose of being so obnoxious as to create a backlash against entire black community, they couldn't do a better job than you.

You do NOT speak for all blacks. Not all blacks are aggressive racists who refuse to take any responsibility for anything they do. There are plenty of blacks who are adults, who conduct themselves with dignity, who get along with white people just fine, and who are successful so do not rely on the crutch you rely upon.

heck, the website I referred to is a BLACK website geared towards advancing BLACK people, yet you are so fucking unhinged by your hatred of white people that you STILL accuse it as advancing "lies". No, these are responsible black people encouraging other black people to be responsible so as to better themselves. Unlike you.

I notice sealybobo chimed in. And he's happier than a gay man at boystown. All is good if you say the things whites want to hear. You don't fix 189 years of damage in 54. And you especially don't fix it if the same racist attitudes exist within the group of people that caused the problem.

Here is my racist attitude. The poor black communities in America need to clean up their act. The citizens they produce aren't hireable. I get it that us whites put you in those ghettos but I believe the blacks themselves are responsible for the culture. And blacks are responsible for a lot of the attitude whites have about blacks. For example, you are impossible to fire. If we fire you because you suck, you'll sue claiming racism. I've seen it too many times to not believe this stereotype is very real. So, I bet a lot of white hiring managers don't hire blacks because it's not worth the risk. Plus you'll just show up late all the time because you are on black people time. Is bpt not a thing? Oh it's very real.

But honestly, if I see a well spoken educated black, I'll go out of my way to give them a chance. In fact I'd prefer to hire some blacks so my company is a little more diverse. There are all kinds of companies out there trying to become more diverse. Do you know who runs/owns those companies? White people. Evil white people trying to help blacks out. Shame on them.

175 Top CEOs Pledge to Diversity and Inclusion Initiative - Ivy Exec Blog

I know more than a few small business owners who hired black because of a sense of guilt and maybe a white savior complex only to regret the decision. Why do black retail workers cop such a shitty attitude with customers?
I've seen these blacks. They are barely polite and not very talkative on the job interview. But the white hiring manager gives them a shot. Only later to find out that this person has a huge chip on their shoulder and refuses to smile.

I see this in whites too but it's usually young high school kids not 20 something year olds.
I notice sealybobo chimed in. And he's happier than a gay man at boystown. All is good if you say the things whites want to hear. You don't fix 189 years of damage in 54. And you especially don't fix it if the same racist attitudes exist within the group of people that caused the problem.

Here is my racist attitude. The poor black communities in America need to clean up their act. The citizens they produce aren't hireable. I get it that us whites put you in those ghettos but I believe the blacks themselves are responsible for the culture. And blacks are responsible for a lot of the attitude whites have about blacks. For example, you are impossible to fire. If we fire you because you suck, you'll sue claiming racism. I've seen it too many times to not believe this stereotype is very real. So, I bet a lot of white hiring managers don't hire blacks because it's not worth the risk. Plus you'll just show up late all the time because you are on black people time. Is bpt not a thing? Oh it's very real.

But honestly, if I see a well spoken educated black, I'll go out of my way to give them a chance. In fact I'd prefer to hire some blacks so my company is a little more diverse. There are all kinds of companies out there trying to become more diverse. Do you know who runs/owns those companies? White people. Evil white people trying to help blacks out. Shame on them.

175 Top CEOs Pledge to Diversity and Inclusion Initiative - Ivy Exec Blog

I know more than a few small business owners who hired black because of a sense of guilt and maybe a white savior complex only to regret the decision. Why do black retail workers cop such a shitty attitude with customers? Why do they do weird shit like suddenly breaking into a hip hop dance routine or singing vulgar lyrics?

Here we go with the I hired some blacks and only the black had x behavior story.

The whites with the bad behavior get fired and they don't come back to sue. Companies usually let blacks get away with a lot more than they do bad white employees.

I worked at this one company where I was not succeeding but I was the best new guy on the floor. I was picking up the phone and trying. I was not making the numbers but it was after the recession and I was coming closer than anyone else. When they left me Jonathan was still there. Jonathan couldn't sell shit but the company wanted some diversity so they gave him more time than I got. They fed him easy softball accounts. They really wanted some diversity in the office.

I don't mind. I get it. I may do the same thing if I owned a company. And I'm a big boy I can go find another job. And it's none of my business what he and that company are doing. I can only worry about me. If they don't want me, I'm gone. Not gonna sue that's for sure.
I notice sealybobo chimed in. And he's happier than a gay man at boystown. All is good if you say the things whites want to hear. You don't fix 189 years of damage in 54. And you especially don't fix it if the same racist attitudes exist within the group of people that caused the problem.

Here is my racist attitude. The poor black communities in America need to clean up their act. The citizens they produce aren't hireable. I get it that us whites put you in those ghettos but I believe the blacks themselves are responsible for the culture. And blacks are responsible for a lot of the attitude whites have about blacks. For example, you are impossible to fire. If we fire you because you suck, you'll sue claiming racism. I've seen it too many times to not believe this stereotype is very real. So, I bet a lot of white hiring managers don't hire blacks because it's not worth the risk. Plus you'll just show up late all the time because you are on black people time. Is bpt not a thing? Oh it's very real.

But honestly, if I see a well spoken educated black, I'll go out of my way to give them a chance. In fact I'd prefer to hire some blacks so my company is a little more diverse. There are all kinds of companies out there trying to become more diverse. Do you know who runs/owns those companies? White people. Evil white people trying to help blacks out. Shame on them.

175 Top CEOs Pledge to Diversity and Inclusion Initiative - Ivy Exec Blog

I know more than a few small business owners who hired black because of a sense of guilt and maybe a white savior complex only to regret the decision. Why do black retail workers cop such a shitty attitude with customers?
I've seen these blacks. They are barely polite and not very talkative on the job interview. But the white hiring manager gives them a shot. Only later to find out that this person has a huge chip on their shoulder and refuses to smile.

I see this in whites too but it's usually young high school kids not 20 something year olds.

Hiring white kids for retail are a whole 'nother issue what with the facial piercings and whatnot.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

It's too bad you weren't being serious because this was exactly the kind of admittance I was hoping for from you people. LOL.
It’s the black children being born by black children, with no father, being raised by a grandmother/grandfather and running wild. Morals are out the window. Tuff to swallow the truth sometimes. Excuses kill.

Yeah excuses kill and you just killed a bunch of people with your post. I really think that you might want to reconsider being white and talking about morals. In 2017 whites had more children out of wedlock than blacks had children. And there are millions of white divorced single mothers raising children with an ex husband refusing to pay alimony. But you all have comments about blacks.
You are parsing the numbers, IM2.

More than three quarters of African American births are to unmarried women, nearly double the illegitimacy rate of all other births, according to new federal data.

The National Center for Health Statistics said that in 2015, 77.3 percent of non-immigrant black births were illegitimate. The national non-immigrant average is 42 percent, and it was 30 percent for whites.
77% black births to single moms, 49% for Hispanic immigrants

The Black population is a little over 12% in the US, of coarse, there are a lot more whites that are single parents. But with the percentage of the Black population that are single parents really does hinder their children.

Meister I am doing the same thing to numbers you are. Every time it is shown that whites have a problem, telling me how we have 13 percent of the population isn't going to work. More married black women today are choosing not to have children and more people of all races are cohabitating. The problems blacks face have little to do with this. I worked for 30 years pretty much exclusively on issues affecting blacks. These simple and easy blames are the result, not the cause. And until most whites can understand the root cause, no matter how painful, whites will be unable to unable to understand what we are talking about.
And a lot of black men, most in fact, raise their children with love, education, and respect. Don't judge any people by the actions of their minority.

Most? Then why are 70% of black children born illegitimate?
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

So dont join the Republican Party. They were complicit. And ignore those who tell you black men did this because they were destined to. The black family was destroyed intentionally. When you recognize the "who" involved in that destruction then the damage can be repaired.
It’s the black children being born by black children, with no father, being raised by a grandmother/grandfather and running wild. Morals are out the window. Tuff to swallow the truth sometimes. Excuses kill.

Yeah excuses kill and you just killed a bunch of people with your post. I really think that you might want to reconsider being white and talking about morals. In 2017 whites had more children out of wedlock than blacks had children. And there are millions of white divorced single mothers raising children with an ex husband refusing to pay alimony. But you all have comments about blacks.

I am black

And so? You're still wrong.

No you’re wrong brotha I’m from New Orleans and the last thing am worried about is a white man. I have a 2000 time more chance of being killed by these crazy XXXXX out here.Just keeping it a 100.

No, I'm not wrong. And whites are 6 times more likely to be killed by another white. So if you're keeping it 100 you understand that and if you are black and intelligent you understand what the confederate flag stands for. Other than that you show me that you suffer from internalized racism.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

So dont join the Republican Party. They were complicit. And ignore those who tell you black men did this because they were destined to. The black family was destroyed intentionally. When you recognize the "who" involved in that destruction then the damage can be repaired.

The destruction of the black family began when whites started separating family members and selling them during slavery. So let's dig deep and begin looking at the root cause.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

And a lot of black men, most in fact, raise their children with love, education, and respect. Don't judge any people by the actions of their minority.

The message is that all men, regardless of color or creed, should honor their responsibilities as men and do right by the children they produce.

To not do so makes you less than a man.
i agree but absent fathers are a growing problem in all communities of all races !

It started with blacks because they were most vulnerable and most receptive. In 1959 the black illegitimacy rate was ten times that of whites and witness the collapse that followed. Now white illegitimacy is equal to where blacks were in the 1950's. Except that the country cant sustain a collapse of white society without chaos.
And a lot of black men, most in fact, raise their children with love, education, and respect. Don't judge any people by the actions of their minority.

Most? Then why are 70% of black children born illegitimate?
Because a couple living together and not married that has a child is an unmarried birth, for one.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

So dont join the Republican Party. They were complicit. And ignore those who tell you black men did this because they were destined to. The black family was destroyed intentionally. When you recognize the "who" involved in that destruction then the damage can be repaired.

The destruction of the black family began when whites started separating family members and selling them during slavery. So let's dig deep and begin looking at the root cause.

Wrong. it began with black coastal tribes separating family members and selling them to Portuguese slavers. Regardless...it is patently destructive to a people and a culture and to their civilization.
Slavery obviously isnt necessary because there are no slaves in America (but there are in Africa and Arabia still).
What there is though is a form of peonage or serfdom where people are bought for food stamps and Section 8 and return an oath of loyalty to their patron/overlord. Its as old as time. Squalid conditions and subsistence living in return for supporting powerful overlords. And they also provide vicious attacks on anyone who questions their overlords. Sweet deal for some but misery and violence for the millions on the bottom.
But first always the family has to be destroyed. it is the basic unit of human government.
It’s the black children being born by black children, with no father, being raised by a grandmother/grandfather and running wild. Morals are out the window. Tuff to swallow the truth sometimes. Excuses kill.

Yeah excuses kill and you just killed a bunch of people with your post. I really think that you might want to reconsider being white and talking about morals. In 2017 whites had more children out of wedlock than blacks had children. And there are millions of white divorced single mothers raising children with an ex husband refusing to pay alimony. But you all have comments about blacks.

I am black

And so? You're still wrong.

No you’re wrong brotha I’m from New Orleans and the last thing am worried about is a white man. I have a 2000 time more chance of being killed by these crazy XXXXX out here.Just keeping it a 100.

No, I'm not wrong. And whites are 6 times more likely to be killed by another white. So if you're keeping it 100 you understand that and if you are black and intelligent you understand what the confederate flag stands for. Other than that you show me that you suffer from internalized racism.

I’m from the South and live in the country 60 miles outside NOLA. My mother moved us out the city because the neighborhood was running wild. Now it’s a war zone. We live a good life now blacks and whites get along here just fine. Polite towards one another and our community helps one another. Country blacks and city blacks are definitely different and I’m a Conservative and not a slave to the Democrat plantation called the city.
It’s the black children being born by black children, with no father, being raised by a grandmother/grandfather and running wild. Morals are out the window. Tuff to swallow the truth sometimes. Excuses kill.

Yeah excuses kill and you just killed a bunch of people with your post. I really think that you might want to reconsider being white and talking about morals. In 2017 whites had more children out of wedlock than blacks had children. And there are millions of white divorced single mothers raising children with an ex husband refusing to pay alimony. But you all have comments about blacks.

I am black

And so? You're still wrong.

No you’re wrong brotha I’m from New Orleans and the last thing am worried about is a white man. I have a 2000 time more chance of being killed by these crazy XXXXX out here.Just keeping it a 100.

No, I'm not wrong. And whites are 6 times more likely to be killed by another white. So if you're keeping it 100 you understand that and if you are black and intelligent you understand what the confederate flag stands for. Other than that you show me that you suffer from internalized racism.

Oh sure..whites are touched by violence just like blacks. LOL. Ok back to your walled garden while I keep an eye on the whites around me :)
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

So dont join the Republican Party. They were complicit. And ignore those who tell you black men did this because they were destined to. The black family was destroyed intentionally. When you recognize the "who" involved in that destruction then the damage can be repaired.

The destruction of the black family began when whites started separating family members and selling them during slavery. So let's dig deep and begin looking at the root cause.

LBJ replaced the black male head of household with a government check.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
You’ve got a pair.
I am only speaking the truth. I am black. That means I grew up black. It means I have spent more time with blacks in every way than you ever will. It means I have had conversations with blacks about whites and racism you will never have. The you don't speak for all blacks argument just doesn't hold water when you hold up the opinion of one black as representative when they validate your racism. So you go find a black non right forum, express your opinions of blacks and see what you get.
You are speaking no truth. In fact, if a white poster who hated blacks were to create a poe for the express purpose of being so obnoxious as to create a backlash against entire black community, they couldn't do a better job than you.

You do NOT speak for all blacks. Not all blacks are aggressive racists who refuse to take any responsibility for anything they do. There are plenty of blacks who are adults, who conduct themselves with dignity, who get along with white people just fine, and who are successful so do not rely on the crutch you rely upon.

heck, the website I referred to is a BLACK website geared towards advancing BLACK people, yet you are so fucking unhinged by your hatred of white people that you STILL accuse it as advancing "lies". No, these are responsible black people encouraging other black people to be responsible so as to better themselves. Unlike you.


You ARE advancing lies. What does single parenthood have to do with public policies that have been made that are detrimental to black communities?


I spent over 30 years taking responsibility. You haven't. I won't be lectured by the likes of you about it. Other blacks here have told you the same things I have. If I don't speak for blacks, certainly your pasty white ass doesn't and no matter how many black sites you cherry pick to use so you can say," lookee here IM2 I have to be right because I found this on a black website", you never will.

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I can prove it and will prove it.

You will see this in time.

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