Zone1 I Was Wrong, Trump WAS God's Chosen

For some strange and very-very sick reason the democrats look to Biden as their Lord/god.

They will take any deadly vaccine he says take or mandate and
they will try to kill anyone when Biden says put a bullseye on that man.

What happen to Trump was an "INSIDE" job directly from the White House, no need to look any where else. Every leader in the world knows it's from the democrat White House.
This wasn't the first time Biden tried to order someone murder Trump

"“Biden’s DOJ was authorized to use DEADLY FORCE” in Mar-a-Lago raid. Biden was “locked and loaded” and “ready to take me out.”

However, God fixed it so Trump and his family were not there when the Biden people came to Mar-a-Lago.
"“Biden’s DOJ was authorized to use DEADLY FORCE” in Mar-a-Lago raid. Biden was “locked and loaded” and “ready to take me out.”

However, God fixed it so Trump and his family were not there when the Biden people came to Mar-a-Lago.

This was planned by the DOJ, they did it specifically when Trump was not there. Trump knew they were coming
i guess he didnt have any purpose for that guy who got killed...
Alway looking at the dark side of things. This is why you end up with decrepit old senile politicians like Joe Bribem, UpChuck Schumer and Nancy Piglosi. Turn away from God and you will be punished for it.
First of all was the assassinator a member of the republicans. Second: He had been very young. Third: From my point of view such war weapon as he had used never should be in private hands. Trump shares the "opinion" (=propaganda) of the criminal organIsation NRA in this case who had destroyed many young politicians in the last decades who had been against war weapons in the hands of children. Forth: It could be this young man had been a man without fault or blame - no alcoholics, no drug addict, no mentally ill person. He was for sure an intelligent man and not stupid. So why was he convinced it could be the best for the USA and/or the whole world to kill Donald Trump? Perhaps because people like you on your own spread political hate propaganda? The "true nature of democrats" is the sum of all true natures of every single human being who is a member of the political party "the democrats" in the USA.
James Comey was a registered Republican.
Wow, you’re sick.

But lets go down the rabbit hole. God must have wanted your blob to get shot then right?
Thank goodness we don't have any of those around, they sound scary.
Otherwise how else could he possibly have survived that assassination attempt last night? He was literally a fraction of an inch from dying. God obviously has a great purpose for him which is exactly why He kept him alive.

Hitler survived 42 assassination plots, he was God's fav.
Sucks that God hated the guy behind Trump so much that he could not save him as well
Yeah, God has it in for the blob apparently. First she wanted him to lose the 2020 election by a record amount, then she wanted him to be convicted 34 she wanted him to get shot.
Alway looking at the dark side of things. This is why you end up with decrepit old senile politicians like Joe Bribem, UpChuck Schumer and Nancy Piglosi. Turn away from God and you will be punished for it.
who turned away from god?...
the guy who was killed might disagree with what you say....
God's protection is there for someone God has specifically chosen for a mission. That's why Satan tried to get Jesus to Tempt His Father by throwing Himself off the cliff
Yeah, God has it in for the blob apparently. First she wanted him to lose the 2020 election by a record amount, then she wanted him to be convicted 34 she wanted him to get shot.
God identifies as MALE. Why do you insist on misgendering HIM
God's protection is there for someone God has specifically chosen for a mission. That's why Satan tried to get Jesus to Tempt His Father by throwing Himself off the cliff

Being the father of two young girls and raising them is not a good enough mission for God.

Makes you wonder what that firefighter did to piss off God so much.
Atheists shouldn't talk about things they don't understand.

Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. 2 Jesus answered, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? 3 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. 4 Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”
Must suck to be you, knowing that when you die, the only things that you will end up with, are worms eating what little brain matter you have left.
Like it or not, it’s what happens to us all in the end.
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