I Was Shot Down By a Younger Chick Today

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I stop by Chick-Fil-A a couple times a week for lunch. It is like 2 miles from my office, making it very convenient. Also, the people who work there are very efficient, making it quick to get in and then get out. I usually get a bowl of the chicken noodle soup and a Coke zero, along with a couple packs of crackers. I know, it sounds boring. But it is quick, easy, and pretty good.

So today I went through the drive thru there. I decided to buy a chicken sandwich today, just to mix it up a bit. It was just a little after noon. They were doing this promotional thing called “The Power Hour”. They had a lot of people on hand, so the drive thru line went a lot faster than usual, even with the high-volume lunch crowd. They got a guy dressed up like a cow, white/black cow balloons everywhere, and they were giving out cards for free food. Plus, they had a lot of other folks walking around carrying signs pimping their “Power Hour” schtick. It was very festive.

Well, one of the people carrying around a sign was this 30-ish looking hottie. She had a butt to die for! I was totally mesmerized by it. I am checking it out hard as I sat in my car in line. So, I am sitting there, in my hot looking red 370Z, listening to Andrew Wilcow on Sirius 125 Patriot, on a Friday afternoon, and looking rather dapper myself for a 53 year old stud. I think to myself, “Yeah, I am going to go for it”.

I will note that one of my strongest points as a cocksman is that I can make chicks laugh. Thus, I naturally incorporate humor when I am in stalking mode. I am easy to spot in line because of my extremely sexy car. She saw me and I motioned her over to me. I said, “Hey there!! Big promotion today, eh?” She said something back, then I said, “Hey, I want you to know that I have been checking you out from over here. You are beautiful!”

She smiled and blushed a bit, though looking a little uncomfortable. In addition to her spectacular butt, she was quite pretty and had a “9” for a body. I could tell by how she was looking at me that I had her. I just needed to set the hook.

Then I said, “Yeah, your ass looks fantastic!! Let me ask you something: Can I get you to sit on my chicken sandwich before it goes into the bag? You know, take it into the little girls’ room and just sit on it for me, and mush it around real good. Then I can take it back to work and EAT it!!!”

Well, the chick had no sense of humor whatsoever. The next thing you know, I am being escorted off the property by an off-duty cop who had stopped by for lunch and the goddamn dude dressed like the cow from the drive thru lane. The manager followed me out claiming that I am forever “banned” from the store.

I left in a huff. I’m thinking, fuck, when did courting the opposite sex become so damn uptight?!? It is not like I was going to assault the chick. I was just working a little blue. Goddamn!! Today’s younger generations suck!
I stop by Chick-Fil-A a couple times a week for lunch. It is like 2 miles from my office, making it very convenient. Also, the people who work there are very efficient, making it quick to get in and then get out. I usually get a bowl of the chicken noodle soup and a Coke zero, along with a couple packs of crackers. I know, it sounds boring. But it is quick, easy, and pretty good.

So today I went through the drive thru there. I decided to buy a chicken sandwich today, just to mix it up a bit. It was just a little after noon. They were doing this promotional thing called “The Power Hour”. They had a lot of people on hand, so the drive thru line went a lot faster than usual, even with the high-volume lunch crowd. They got a guy dressed up like a cow, white/black cow balloons everywhere, and they were giving out cards for free food. Plus, they had a lot of other folks walking around carrying signs pimping their “Power Hour” schtick. It was very festive.

Well, one of the people carrying around a sign was this 30-ish looking hottie. She had a butt to die for! I was totally mesmerized by it. I am checking it out hard as I sat in my car in line. So, I am sitting there, in my hot looking red 370Z, listening to Andrew Wilcow on Sirius 125 Patriot, on a Friday afternoon, and looking rather dapper myself for a 53 year old stud. I think to myself, “Yeah, I am going to go for it”.

I will note that one of my strongest points as a cocksman is that I can make chicks laugh. Thus, I naturally incorporate humor when I am in stalking mode. I am easy to spot in line because of my extremely sexy car. She saw me and I motioned her over to me. I said, “Hey there!! Big promotion today, eh?” She said something back, then I said, “Hey, I want you to know that I have been checking you out from over here. You are beautiful!”

She smiled and blushed a bit, though looking a little uncomfortable. In addition to her spectacular butt, she was quite pretty and had a “9” for a body. I could tell by how she was looking at me that I had her. I just needed to set the hook.

Then I said, “Yeah, your ass looks fantastic!! Let me ask you something: Can I get you to sit on my chicken sandwich before it goes into the bag? You know, take it into the little girls’ room and just sit on it for me, and mush it around real good. Then I can take it back to work and EAT it!!!”

Well, the chick had no sense of humor whatsoever. The next thing you know, I am being escorted off the property by an off-duty cop who had stopped by for lunch and the goddamn dude dressed like the cow from the drive thru lane. The manager followed me out claiming that I am forever “banned” from the store.

I left in a huff. I’m thinking, fuck, when did courting the opposite sex become so damn uptight?!? It is not like I was going to assault the chick. I was just working a little blue. Goddamn!! Today’s younger generations suck!
Thank you...not had a laugh this good in days!

Suggesting she perform a sexual act for you really isn't in these days~

Then I said, “Yeah, your ass looks fantastic!! Let me ask you something: Can I get you to sit on my chicken sandwich before it goes into the bag? You know, take it into the little girls’ room and just sit on it for me, and mush it around real good. Then I can take it back to work and EAT it!!!”

I can see why you do so well with the chicks
Who could turn down a line like that?
I stop by Chick-Fil-A a couple times a week for lunch. It is like 2 miles from my office, making it very convenient. Also, the people who work there are very efficient, making it quick to get in and then get out. I usually get a bowl of the chicken noodle soup and a Coke zero, along with a couple packs of crackers. I know, it sounds boring. But it is quick, easy, and pretty good.

So today I went through the drive thru there. I decided to buy a chicken sandwich today, just to mix it up a bit. It was just a little after noon. They were doing this promotional thing called “The Power Hour”. They had a lot of people on hand, so the drive thru line went a lot faster than usual, even with the high-volume lunch crowd. They got a guy dressed up like a cow, white/black cow balloons everywhere, and they were giving out cards for free food. Plus, they had a lot of other folks walking around carrying signs pimping their “Power Hour” schtick. It was very festive.

Well, one of the people carrying around a sign was this 30-ish looking hottie. She had a butt to die for! I was totally mesmerized by it. I am checking it out hard as I sat in my car in line. So, I am sitting there, in my hot looking red 370Z, listening to Andrew Wilcow on Sirius 125 Patriot, on a Friday afternoon, and looking rather dapper myself for a 53 year old stud. I think to myself, “Yeah, I am going to go for it”.

I will note that one of my strongest points as a cocksman is that I can make chicks laugh. Thus, I naturally incorporate humor when I am in stalking mode. I am easy to spot in line because of my extremely sexy car. She saw me and I motioned her over to me. I said, “Hey there!! Big promotion today, eh?” She said something back, then I said, “Hey, I want you to know that I have been checking you out from over here. You are beautiful!”

She smiled and blushed a bit, though looking a little uncomfortable. In addition to her spectacular butt, she was quite pretty and had a “9” for a body. I could tell by how she was looking at me that I had her. I just needed to set the hook.

Then I said, “Yeah, your ass looks fantastic!! Let me ask you something: Can I get you to sit on my chicken sandwich before it goes into the bag? You know, take it into the little girls’ room and just sit on it for me, and mush it around real good. Then I can take it back to work and EAT it!!!”

Well, the chick had no sense of humor whatsoever. The next thing you know, I am being escorted off the property by an off-duty cop who had stopped by for lunch and the goddamn dude dressed like the cow from the drive thru lane. The manager followed me out claiming that I am forever “banned” from the store.

I left in a huff. I’m thinking, fuck, when did courting the opposite sex become so damn uptight?!? It is not like I was going to assault the chick. I was just working a little blue. Goddamn!! Today’s younger generations suck!
I stop by Chick-Fil-A a couple times a week for lunch. It is like 2 miles from my office, making it very convenient. Also, the people who work there are very efficient, making it quick to get in and then get out. I usually get a bowl of the chicken noodle soup and a Coke zero, along with a couple packs of crackers. I know, it sounds boring. But it is quick, easy, and pretty good.

So today I went through the drive thru there. I decided to buy a chicken sandwich today, just to mix it up a bit. It was just a little after noon. They were doing this promotional thing called “The Power Hour”. They had a lot of people on hand, so the drive thru line went a lot faster than usual, even with the high-volume lunch crowd. They got a guy dressed up like a cow, white/black cow balloons everywhere, and they were giving out cards for free food. Plus, they had a lot of other folks walking around carrying signs pimping their “Power Hour” schtick. It was very festive.

Well, one of the people carrying around a sign was this 30-ish looking hottie. She had a butt to die for! I was totally mesmerized by it. I am checking it out hard as I sat in my car in line. So, I am sitting there, in my hot looking red 370Z, listening to Andrew Wilcow on Sirius 125 Patriot, on a Friday afternoon, and looking rather dapper myself for a 53 year old stud. I think to myself, “Yeah, I am going to go for it”.

I will note that one of my strongest points as a cocksman is that I can make chicks laugh. Thus, I naturally incorporate humor when I am in stalking mode. I am easy to spot in line because of my extremely sexy car. She saw me and I motioned her over to me. I said, “Hey there!! Big promotion today, eh?” She said something back, then I said, “Hey, I want you to know that I have been checking you out from over here. You are beautiful!”

She smiled and blushed a bit, though looking a little uncomfortable. In addition to her spectacular butt, she was quite pretty and had a “9” for a body. I could tell by how she was looking at me that I had her. I just needed to set the hook.

Then I said, “Yeah, your ass looks fantastic!! Let me ask you something: Can I get you to sit on my chicken sandwich before it goes into the bag? You know, take it into the little girls’ room and just sit on it for me, and mush it around real good. Then I can take it back to work and EAT it!!!”

Well, the chick had no sense of humor whatsoever. The next thing you know, I am being escorted off the property by an off-duty cop who had stopped by for lunch and the goddamn dude dressed like the cow from the drive thru lane. The manager followed me out claiming that I am forever “banned” from the store.

I left in a huff. I’m thinking, fuck, when did courting the opposite sex become so damn uptight?!? It is not like I was going to assault the chick. I was just working a little blue. Goddamn!! Today’s younger generations suck!
Though this story is probably a figment of your imagination, I will indulge in some basic concepts, though I am not far from your age and I have a couple of minutes to kill to bestow some advice.

First, admire a womans (or even a man if you used to work out) for it's aesthetics but don't get caught up in that. Brain and soul are where it is at, especially as we become wiser. G-d will provide accordingly.

If you are forced to focus on physical and/or are feeling particularly randy and neanderthal, you decrease your chances by telling her how great she looks. I repeat, you decrease your chances. This was told to me by a wise sage when I was a young Padawan and he explained it in further details which I won't divulge. My take is simple "she has heard it before, probably many times". You simply don't stand out unless you are driving a Lamb or Ferrari.

You can make the exact same insinuation, with, in your case; potentially the exact desired results with a vastly different manner of speech. If you make her sound like a lady of leisure she will be offended. Class and tact got a long way. This doesn't mean she ISN'T such a person, but you can't overtly call this out.

Finally, you probably deserved some less than ideal outcome. If you come off as a creep, well...
I stop by Chick-Fil-A a couple times a week for lunch. It is like 2 miles from my office, making it very convenient. Also, the people who work there are very efficient, making it quick to get in and then get out. I usually get a bowl of the chicken noodle soup and a Coke zero, along with a couple packs of crackers. I know, it sounds boring. But it is quick, easy, and pretty good.

So today I went through the drive thru there. I decided to buy a chicken sandwich today, just to mix it up a bit. It was just a little after noon. They were doing this promotional thing called “The Power Hour”. They had a lot of people on hand, so the drive thru line went a lot faster than usual, even with the high-volume lunch crowd. They got a guy dressed up like a cow, white/black cow balloons everywhere, and they were giving out cards for free food. Plus, they had a lot of other folks walking around carrying signs pimping their “Power Hour” schtick. It was very festive.

Well, one of the people carrying around a sign was this 30-ish looking hottie. She had a butt to die for! I was totally mesmerized by it. I am checking it out hard as I sat in my car in line. So, I am sitting there, in my hot looking red 370Z, listening to Andrew Wilcow on Sirius 125 Patriot, on a Friday afternoon, and looking rather dapper myself for a 53 year old stud. I think to myself, “Yeah, I am going to go for it”.

I will note that one of my strongest points as a cocksman is that I can make chicks laugh. Thus, I naturally incorporate humor when I am in stalking mode. I am easy to spot in line because of my extremely sexy car. She saw me and I motioned her over to me. I said, “Hey there!! Big promotion today, eh?” She said something back, then I said, “Hey, I want you to know that I have been checking you out from over here. You are beautiful!”

She smiled and blushed a bit, though looking a little uncomfortable. In addition to her spectacular butt, she was quite pretty and had a “9” for a body. I could tell by how she was looking at me that I had her. I just needed to set the hook.

Then I said, “Yeah, your ass looks fantastic!! Let me ask you something: Can I get you to sit on my chicken sandwich before it goes into the bag? You know, take it into the little girls’ room and just sit on it for me, and mush it around real good. Then I can take it back to work and EAT it!!!”

Well, the chick had no sense of humor whatsoever. The next thing you know, I am being escorted off the property by an off-duty cop who had stopped by for lunch and the goddamn dude dressed like the cow from the drive thru lane. The manager followed me out claiming that I am forever “banned” from the store.

I left in a huff. I’m thinking, fuck, when did courting the opposite sex become so damn uptight?!? It is not like I was going to assault the chick. I was just working a little blue. Goddamn!! Today’s younger generations suck!
perfect girl for you.

(psst, she like it rough)
Though this story is probably a figment of your imagination, I will indulge in some basic concepts, though I am not far from your age and I have a couple of minutes to kill to bestow some advice.

First, admire a womans (or even a man if you used to work out) for it's aesthetics but don't get caught up in that. Brain and soul are where it is at, especially as we become wiser. G-d will provide accordingly.

If you are forced to focus on physical and/or are feeling particularly randy and neanderthal, you decrease your chances by telling her how great she looks. I repeat, you decrease your chances. This was told to me by a wise sage when I was a young Padawan and he explained it in further details which I won't divulge. My take is simple "she has heard it before, probably many times". You simply don't stand out unless you are driving a Lamb or Ferrari.

You can make the exact same insinuation, with, in your case; potentially the exact desired results with a vastly different manner of speech. If you make her sound like a lady of leisure she will be offended. Class and tact got a long way. This doesn't mean she ISN'T such a person, but you can't overtly call this out.

Finally, you probably deserved some less than ideal outcome. If you come off as a creep, well...
I stop by Chick-Fil-A a couple times a week for lunch. It is like 2 miles from my office, making it very convenient. Also, the people who work there are very efficient, making it quick to get in and then get out. I usually get a bowl of the chicken noodle soup and a Coke zero, along with a couple packs of crackers. I know, it sounds boring. But it is quick, easy, and pretty good.

So today I went through the drive thru there. I decided to buy a chicken sandwich today, just to mix it up a bit. It was just a little after noon. They were doing this promotional thing called “The Power Hour”. They had a lot of people on hand, so the drive thru line went a lot faster than usual, even with the high-volume lunch crowd. They got a guy dressed up like a cow, white/black cow balloons everywhere, and they were giving out cards for free food. Plus, they had a lot of other folks walking around carrying signs pimping their “Power Hour” schtick. It was very festive.

Well, one of the people carrying around a sign was this 30-ish looking hottie. She had a butt to die for! I was totally mesmerized by it. I am checking it out hard as I sat in my car in line. So, I am sitting there, in my hot looking red 370Z, listening to Andrew Wilcow on Sirius 125 Patriot, on a Friday afternoon, and looking rather dapper myself for a 53 year old stud. I think to myself, “Yeah, I am going to go for it”.

I will note that one of my strongest points as a cocksman is that I can make chicks laugh. Thus, I naturally incorporate humor when I am in stalking mode. I am easy to spot in line because of my extremely sexy car. She saw me and I motioned her over to me. I said, “Hey there!! Big promotion today, eh?” She said something back, then I said, “Hey, I want you to know that I have been checking you out from over here. You are beautiful!”

She smiled and blushed a bit, though looking a little uncomfortable. In addition to her spectacular butt, she was quite pretty and had a “9” for a body. I could tell by how she was looking at me that I had her. I just needed to set the hook.

Then I said, “Yeah, your ass looks fantastic!! Let me ask you something: Can I get you to sit on my chicken sandwich before it goes into the bag? You know, take it into the little girls’ room and just sit on it for me, and mush it around real good. Then I can take it back to work and EAT it!!!”

Well, the chick had no sense of humor whatsoever. The next thing you know, I am being escorted off the property by an off-duty cop who had stopped by for lunch and the goddamn dude dressed like the cow from the drive thru lane. The manager followed me out claiming that I am forever “banned” from the store.

I left in a huff. I’m thinking, fuck, when did courting the opposite sex become so damn uptight?!? It is not like I was going to assault the chick. I was just working a little blue. Goddamn!! Today’s younger generations suck!
I think you lost her with the "sit on my sandwich" line.

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