I was looking back through the archives (Reflective post)


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
I was looking back through the archives and it put me in a reflective mood. So fair warning, this post may or may not be a little long.

I'll have been on USMB three years this September. When I first joined, I was 17 and the youngest member by quite a bit to say the least. I'm pretty sure I still am. :lol:

While many people my age really didn't care about politics whatsoever, I was on here at times posting my thoughts on the political happening of the day. Looking back through the archives has given me an opportunity that not many my age have, being able to see how much I have changed here in that time.

I was a lot more confrontational and looking back I can see I made the mistake of taking things personally. Reading my posts on some subjects, looking back I come off as very naive and headstrong. That's not to say my heart wasn't in the right place, because it was. However, with more knowledge and more experience comes some pretty strong realizations about not only myself but my beliefs.

I see some of my posts (about then Candidate Obama, Israel/Palestine and my idea about how Israel can handle it, and religion) come to mind. As do some of my posts about the Death Penalty and guns.

Another example is I look back and see my involvement in the religion/ethics threads and at times I want to grab my younger self when reading and go "Shut the hell up." It probably doesn't help that I was going through a phrase of sorts where I was unsure about where I stood on religion.

I can happily say though that I have long come to terms with all of that and realized that a black and white view of the world is the wrong way to go. Nobody and no institution is perfect, however, those imperfections certainly don't determine the entire character of either the individual or institution.

Does that mean I'm recanting everything I said before this post? Not at all. On some issues, I was dead wrong. On others, I feel I'm still right. On some issues, I feel I was right but I went the wrong way of expressing those views. It helps that with more experience and time, I like to think I have become better at expressing my views and trying to be more mature about it.

Do I regret a fair amount of my former posts? I do in the sense that I wish I was never that naive in some cases. However, I rather post here instead of some Liberal echo chamber where I would never be challenged on anything I say. If I were to do that, I feel I would limit myself as to how much I can learn. I would also probably become intellectually lazy.

So I'm making this post as a thank you to those posters, both still here and no longer on USMB who put up with me as how I was when I first got here and still teach me things today.

I want to give special thanks to Allie, Annie, Article, Care, CG, Crimson, Del, Dis, Divecon, Diuretic, EZ, Elvis, Foxfyre, Gunny, Hjmick, Jillian, Jon, Luissa, Mani, Missourian, Navy, Paulie, Pilgrim, Radio, Ravi, Si Modo, Shogun, Toro, Uscitizen, Valerie, Zoom, and many others who I haven't named. I may not have always agreed with all of you on every issue (and some of you rarely), but you have certainly helped me grow as a person.

That being said, what I hope for is that three years from now when I look back at my posts from around today, I don't have to go "What a moron" too much. If I can accomplish that much, I'll be happy. :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl3vxEudif8]‪david bowie - changes‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Yep, I remember calling you a dumb kid or something along those lines. I probably was right at the time. And you were probably here a year before I was. But yes you have matured quite a bit. But you still have a long ways to go. You haven't embraced conservatism yet.

I still swear that youth is wasted on the young.
I think it's great Modbert is interested in politics at such a young age.

He got picked on, people quit here when he was made a mod, and people call him names and such, but he keeps on ticking away!

You can't expect a teenager to know it all, though they always think they do. ;)

Props to you Modbert, it's good to hear a young voice on here.

(and no, I still won't let Mini EZ join, even though she wants to. I told her when she's 18 she could) :lol:
Yep, I remember calling you a dumb kid or something along those lines. I probably was right at the time. And you were probably here a year before I was. But yes you have matured quite a bit. But you still have a long ways to go. You haven't embraced conservatism yet.

I still swear that youth is wasted on the young.

I think it's great Modbert is interested in politics at such a young age.

He got picked on, people quit here when he was made a mod, and people call him names and such, but he keeps on ticking away!

You can't expect a teenager to know it all, though they always think they do. ;)

Props to you Modbert, it's good to hear a young voice on here.

(and no, I still won't let Mini EZ join, even though she wants to. I told her when she's 18 she could) :lol:

Thanks EZ.

I agree, can't expect a teenager to know it all. Sure is great that I know everything now. :cool: :lol:

As for Mini EZ, I'm sure I could always give a piece of advice or two when she finally joins USMB having been in her shoes. Question is whether she'd listen to me since I'll be old. :lol:
Mod is young, enthusiastic, unjaded,informed, and a battler for his principles.


Thanks Jake for your kind words.

Someone was complaining about dougie howser homosexuality, which reminded me of one of my office managers, a lovely single woman of 41, who had a cow when informed of the Dougster's swing.

Crushed her little life.
I had no idea you were that young. With that said.....I think your post is well written, made me nod my head a lot, and realize I could learn a lot from you, you youngster.:clap2:

Thanks Grace.
Yep, I remember calling you a dumb kid or something along those lines. I probably was right at the time. And you were probably here a year before I was. But yes you have matured quite a bit. But you still have a long ways to go. You haven't embraced conservatism yet.

I still swear that youth is wasted on the young.

our little boy has grown up.

though i'm pretty sure we've raised him better than for him to ever go over to the dark side and become what passes for conservatism these days. ;)
Yep, I remember calling you a dumb kid or something along those lines. I probably was right at the time. And you were probably here a year before I was. But yes you have matured quite a bit. But you still have a long ways to go. You haven't embraced conservatism yet.

I still swear that youth is wasted on the young.

our little boy has grown up.

though i'm pretty sure we've raised him better than for him to ever go over to the dark side and become what passes for conservatism these days. ;)

We can only guide, direct, and hope he sees the light.
our little boy has grown up.

though i'm pretty sure we've raised him better than for him to ever go over to the dark side and become what passes for conservatism these days. ;)


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