I want to thank


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
The Notorious DJT for getting the remains of Korean War Vets..something that other Presidents didn't even try to do............Great Job Trump

But when the President of South Korea delivers them in person....maybe we send a high ranking official to greet him, not just an admiral?

Joe Biden has zero respect for the military.........if Afghanistan (and his horrific meetings with gold star families) didn't convince you.........then this should.

Trump got dead Americans home as where Biden leaves Americans behind in Afghanistan who are alive

Granted, they will not be alive that much longer.

Maybe if Trump is reelected he can get their bodies back as well.
Biden is going to hand the Taliban a few billion in cash and aid, even though his own FBI has it's main leader on a wanted list for $5 million in rewards. Guess he wants a big cut of the heroin trade for one of his relatives or something.

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