CDZ I want to present this in this forum hopefully to get some real dialogue

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We are essentially witnessing the collapse of the Left, the final nail in the coffin will be when Trump wins in a landslide, and regains the House.

Why did Trump lose the House during
the greatest American economy ever, that only Trump could create for us?

Why did that Republican Judge get his ass kicked in the Wisconsin election by the Democrat, after Trump endorsed him?

and then there is this:

The economy will shrink at an annualized rate of 39.6 percent in the second quarter, according to the latest projections from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), its first to take into account the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.​

"The economy will experience a sharp contraction in the second quarter of 2020 stemming from factors related to the pandemic, including the social distancing measures put in place to contain it," CBO Director Phillip Swagel wrote.​

The CBO projects that things will rebound somewhat in the third quarter, with 23.5 percent annualized growth, followed by a projection of 10.5 percent growth in the final quarter of the year.​
Trump pretty much wiped out the longest period of economic expansion that Obama started in 2009. It only took Trump
three years. Trump never got the GDP higher than Obama did and now he’ll be going for re-election at -10% GDP.

It’s not looking good for the huckster.
Midterms the side that isn't in the Whitehouse usually wins the House and Senate. Why did the Republicans gain a Supermajority in the House during the Obama years not seen since WWII? Why did the Republican hold on to the Senate and even gain seats during the midterms. Why did Hillary lose if Obama was such a successful president

Failure by the Obama Administration to go out every day and brag about what a great job he was doing with the economy. Instead, 70% of the government talking heads appearing on the MSM were Republicans complaining about the "weakest recovery in American history". The moment Trump took office, event before the tax cut or anything else, he immediately declared it a "booming economy" and the greatest recovery in American history, and Trump Cultists not only believed him, but they believed that Trump was responsible for this "turnaround".

What makes these claims by Trump even more laughable is that every economic indicator SLOWED DOWN after Obama left office and Trump went on to cut regulations willy nilly, and start trade wars: stock market growth; job creation; the trade deficit increased - by $200 billion. Off shoring of American manufacturing jobs continued unabated. Without the double goosing of the tax cut and out of control spending, the economy would slowed down much sooner, under this Administration.

Every problem that Donald Trump has focused his time and attention on, has gotten worse, not better. Coal jobs have continued to decline and bankruptcies in the coal mining industry have continued unabated even as Trump eliminated all environmental regulations on coal mining. Air and water quality throughout the USA is degrading under a Trump Administration to the point that Trump's own EPA has said that thousands more Americans will die as a result.

How many Americans does Donald Trump get to kill before American voters say "No more!"
We are essentially witnessing the collapse of the Left, the final nail in the coffin will be when Trump wins in a landslide, and regains the House.

Why did Trump lose the House during
the greatest American economy ever, that only Trump could create for us?

Why did that Republican Judge get his ass kicked in the Wisconsin election by the Democrat, after Trump endorsed him?

and then there is this:

The economy will shrink at an annualized rate of 39.6 percent in the second quarter, according to the latest projections from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), its first to take into account the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.​

"The economy will experience a sharp contraction in the second quarter of 2020 stemming from factors related to the pandemic, including the social distancing measures put in place to contain it," CBO Director Phillip Swagel wrote.​

The CBO projects that things will rebound somewhat in the third quarter, with 23.5 percent annualized growth, followed by a projection of 10.5 percent growth in the final quarter of the year.​
Trump pretty much wiped out the longest period of economic expansion that Obama started in 2009. It only took Trump
three years. Trump never got the GDP higher than Obama did and now he’ll be going for re-election at -10% GDP.

It’s not looking good for the huckster.
Midterms the side that isn't in the Whitehouse usually wins the House and Senate. Why did the Republicans gain a Supermajority in the House during the Obama years not seen since WWII? Why did the Republican hold on to the Senate and even gain seats during the midterms. Why did Hillary lose if Obama was such a successful president

Failure by the Obama Administration to go out every day and brag about what a great job he was doing with the economy. Instead, 70% of the government talking heads appearing on the MSM were Republicans complaining about the "weakest recovery in American history". The moment Trump took office, event before the tax cut or anything else, he immediately declared it a "booming economy" and the greatest recovery in American history, and Trump Cultists not only believed him, but they believed that Trump was responsible for this "turnaround".

What makes these claims by Trump even more laughable is that every economic indicator SLOWED DOWN after Obama left office and Trump went on to cut regulations willy nilly, and start trade wars: stock market growth; job creation; the trade deficit increased - by $200 billion. Off shoring of American manufacturing jobs continued unabated. Without the double goosing of the tax cut and out of control spending, the economy would slowed down much sooner, under this Administration.

Every problem that Donald Trump has focused his time and attention on, has gotten worse, not better. Coal jobs have continued to decline and bankruptcies in the coal mining industry have continued unabated even as Trump eliminated all environmental regulations on coal mining. Air and water quality throughout the USA is degrading under a Trump Administration to the point that Trump's own EPA has said that thousands more Americans will die as a result.

How many Americans does Donald Trump get to kill before American voters say "No more!"
Trump has not killed anybody. Your hatred has simply eliminated any possibility of your treating him in a rational manner.

What this country needs right now is the REDUCTION in this sort of reckless hyperbole that serves no other purpose than to enflame the embers of the civil war that extremists in our country are now fighting.
It is easy to prove that the excess deaths are not being caused by covid-19, and are deliberately being falsely attributed to covid-10.



Donald J. Trump


Oct 23, 2014

If this doctor, who so recklessly flew into New York from West Africa,has Ebola,then Obama should apologize to the American people & resign!

Trump in 2014 was asking for an apology and that Obama resigns. It is funny to see people saying that Trump is getting a bum rap by comments made about his handling of COVIC 19

"If Obama resigns from office NOW, thereby doing a great service to the country-- I will give him free lifetime golf," Trump tweeted weeks later.

Trump had his fun when making comment after comment during the Ebola outbreak in 2014 and now he is getting a taste of his own medicine

Obama has not said anything as far as I know and shows what someone with class will act in a outbreak.

Trump on the other hand will point his finger and make snide remarks. Yet when the shoe is on the other foot then its not my fault and people are being mean to me.

Irony in politics should be lesson one for those seeking office. Dogs like to bite you in the ass. You can cry about it but it is better to keep it to yourself.
That was your argument in April. Are you still stuck on it?

Absolutely I am.. Worst mistakes in this whole pandemic dust-up were not protecting the nursing homes -- which I feel Trump should have set a NATIONAL emergency policy for instead of allowing the governors to try and pick a winner between the hospitals and nursing homes fighting over where to send infected, VERY ILL people..

And the 2nd mistake was "following the pandemic handbook" which called for CDC to take the SOLE LEAD on test kits.. They botched it badly.. Trump rapidly opened a dozen avenues in the commercial sector to get there and succeeded..

STILL -- from the BEGINNING to NOW -- 80% of ALL COVID DEATHS are in the age group from 64 and up... Let that sink in.. There was NO FOCUS on differentially protecting this demographic versus draconian shut-downs for the ENTIRE country.. In fact, recent CDC study shows that over 90% of covid deaths had serious accompanying "co-mortalities"... And we blew that "science" off...

As we approach 200,000 U.S. COVID deaths And 14 million COVID related unemployed in ten MONTHS of TRUMP leadership, and despite a half assed crashed economy - you must realize now, that Trump did not screw up by citing the do-nothing 2.2 million deaths model. And that 2.2 million deaths model was not at all an early FAULTY estimate.

You don't understand models and numbers.. These EARLY estimates were garbage out of faulty modeling.. They were being REVISED every couple days.. Models are supposed to predict.. That's what they do -- and the predictions were garbage when you have to REVISE your model just days after playing on the fears of the public...
We are essentially witnessing the collapse of the Left, the final nail in the coffin will be when Trump wins in a landslide, and regains the House.

Why did Trump lose the House during
the greatest American economy ever, that only Trump could create for us?

Why did that Republican Judge get his ass kicked in the Wisconsin election by the Democrat, after Trump endorsed him?

and then there is this:

The economy will shrink at an annualized rate of 39.6 percent in the second quarter, according to the latest projections from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), its first to take into account the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.​

"The economy will experience a sharp contraction in the second quarter of 2020 stemming from factors related to the pandemic, including the social distancing measures put in place to contain it," CBO Director Phillip Swagel wrote.​

The CBO projects that things will rebound somewhat in the third quarter, with 23.5 percent annualized growth, followed by a projection of 10.5 percent growth in the final quarter of the year.​
Trump pretty much wiped out the longest period of economic expansion that Obama started in 2009. It only took Trump
three years. Trump never got the GDP higher than Obama did and now he’ll be going for re-election at -10% GDP.

It’s not looking good for the huckster.
Midterms the side that isn't in the Whitehouse usually wins the House and Senate. Why did the Republicans gain a Supermajority in the House during the Obama years not seen since WWII? Why did the Republican hold on to the Senate and even gain seats during the midterms. Why did Hillary lose if Obama was such a successful president

Failure by the Obama Administration to go out every day and brag about what a great job he was doing with the economy. Instead, 70% of the government talking heads appearing on the MSM were Republicans complaining about the "weakest recovery in American history". The moment Trump took office, event before the tax cut or anything else, he immediately declared it a "booming economy" and the greatest recovery in American history, and Trump Cultists not only believed him, but they believed that Trump was responsible for this "turnaround".

What makes these claims by Trump even more laughable is that every economic indicator SLOWED DOWN after Obama left office and Trump went on to cut regulations willy nilly, and start trade wars: stock market growth; job creation; the trade deficit increased - by $200 billion. Off shoring of American manufacturing jobs continued unabated. Without the double goosing of the tax cut and out of control spending, the economy would slowed down much sooner, under this Administration.

Every problem that Donald Trump has focused his time and attention on, has gotten worse, not better. Coal jobs have continued to decline and bankruptcies in the coal mining industry have continued unabated even as Trump eliminated all environmental regulations on coal mining. Air and water quality throughout the USA is degrading under a Trump Administration to the point that Trump's own EPA has said that thousands more Americans will die as a result.

How many Americans does Donald Trump get to kill before American voters say "No more!"
Trump has not killed anybody. Your hatred has simply eliminated any possibility of your treating him in a rational manner.

What this country needs right now is the REDUCTION in this sort of reckless hyperbole that serves no other purpose than to enflame the embers of the civil war that extremists in our country are now fighting.

Every post criticizing Donald Trump or his policies engenders the response that such criticism is due to "irrational" thought processes, or "TDS".

Trump's policies have killed nearly 200,000 American residents. From his utterly botched covid19 response, to his failure to address the Russian bounties on American troops in Afghanistan, Trump's policies are resulting in needless American deaths, disease, and economic failure.

I have yet to see Trump announce any plans whatsoever to deal with any of the crises that he's caused or mismanaged, including the economic problems. Trump focussed on getting money to large corporate employers to ensure these large employers wouldn't close due to the pandemic. This is why stock values have held up and even increased during the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, but these values are being artificially inflated by the infusion of tax dollars. Stock market values are now completely divorced from what's happening for the majority of the American workers and their families.

Try responding to the points raised instead of waving your arms and screaming "TDS" with every post. The only "irrationality" I see here is the irrational reasons why Trump Cult members think that voting for 4 more years of the criminality, incompetence and dysfunctional chaos would be a good idea for the country.

Now that the bailout money is running out, airlines, and other large corporations are about to make large painful cuts to their work forces.
BTW NotfooledbyW -- Had there been an Administration in power in D.C. BLINDLY ACCEPTING the early models -- the economy would have CRUMBLED from even more tyrannical effort to stop a pandemic "by the manual"...

At that point in time -- the "experts" were all guessing.. And they guessed very wrong.. Fauci was out giving interviews in late Feb telling everyone "we would not have to take the measures that China took".. But more importantly -- our "experts" and the WHO were GUESSING that the overall mortality rate was 2.75 to 3.50%... Turns out that until large testing was available -- we did NOT KNOW the mortality rate was 12 to 15 times LOWER than those numbers...
We are essentially witnessing the collapse of the Left, the final nail in the coffin will be when Trump wins in a landslide, and regains the House.

Why did Trump lose the House during
the greatest American economy ever, that only Trump could create for us?

Why did that Republican Judge get his ass kicked in the Wisconsin election by the Democrat, after Trump endorsed him?

and then there is this:

The economy will shrink at an annualized rate of 39.6 percent in the second quarter, according to the latest projections from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), its first to take into account the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.​

"The economy will experience a sharp contraction in the second quarter of 2020 stemming from factors related to the pandemic, including the social distancing measures put in place to contain it," CBO Director Phillip Swagel wrote.​

The CBO projects that things will rebound somewhat in the third quarter, with 23.5 percent annualized growth, followed by a projection of 10.5 percent growth in the final quarter of the year.​
Trump pretty much wiped out the longest period of economic expansion that Obama started in 2009. It only took Trump
three years. Trump never got the GDP higher than Obama did and now he’ll be going for re-election at -10% GDP.

It’s not looking good for the huckster.
Midterms the side that isn't in the Whitehouse usually wins the House and Senate. Why did the Republicans gain a Supermajority in the House during the Obama years not seen since WWII? Why did the Republican hold on to the Senate and even gain seats during the midterms. Why did Hillary lose if Obama was such a successful president

Failure by the Obama Administration to go out every day and brag about what a great job he was doing with the economy. Instead, 70% of the government talking heads appearing on the MSM were Republicans complaining about the "weakest recovery in American history". The moment Trump took office, event before the tax cut or anything else, he immediately declared it a "booming economy" and the greatest recovery in American history, and Trump Cultists not only believed him, but they believed that Trump was responsible for this "turnaround".

What makes these claims by Trump even more laughable is that every economic indicator SLOWED DOWN after Obama left office and Trump went on to cut regulations willy nilly, and start trade wars: stock market growth; job creation; the trade deficit increased - by $200 billion. Off shoring of American manufacturing jobs continued unabated. Without the double goosing of the tax cut and out of control spending, the economy would slowed down much sooner, under this Administration.

Every problem that Donald Trump has focused his time and attention on, has gotten worse, not better. Coal jobs have continued to decline and bankruptcies in the coal mining industry have continued unabated even as Trump eliminated all environmental regulations on coal mining. Air and water quality throughout the USA is degrading under a Trump Administration to the point that Trump's own EPA has said that thousands more Americans will die as a result.

How many Americans does Donald Trump get to kill before American voters say "No more!"
Trump has not killed anybody. Your hatred has simply eliminated any possibility of your treating him in a rational manner.

What this country needs right now is the REDUCTION in this sort of reckless hyperbole that serves no other purpose than to enflame the embers of the civil war that extremists in our country are now fighting.

Every post criticizing Donald Trump or his policies engenders the response that such criticism is due to "irrational" thought processes, or "TDS".

Trump's policies have killed nearly 200,000 American residents. From his utterly botched covid19 response, to his failure to address the Russian bounties on American troops in Afghanistan, Trump's policies are resulting in needless American deaths, disease, and economic failure.

I have yet to see Trump announce any plans whatsoever to deal with any of the crises that he's caused or mismanaged, including the economic problems. Trump focussed on getting money to large corporate employers to ensure these large employers wouldn't close due to the pandemic. This is why stock values have held up and even increased during the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, but these values are being artificially inflated by the infusion of tax dollars. Stock market values are now completely divorced from what's happening for the majority of the American workers and their families.

Try responding to the points raised instead of waving your arms and screaming "TDS" with every post. The only "irrationality" I see here is the irrational reasons why Trump Cult members think that voting for 4 more years of the criminality, incompetence and dysfunctional chaos would be a good idea for the country.

Now that the bailout money is running out, airlines, and other large corporations are about to make large painful cuts to their work forces.
It isn't the criticizing of Trump, but the absolutely maniacal nature Of that criticism engendering the responses.when people rant and rave, others respond TO that ranting and raving.

Doubling down on the accusation that Trump is killing people shows you to be so reckless with words as to negate the very possibility of rational debate.

What's next, accusations that Trump eats black babies?

Once again, it is the extreme nature of the rhetoric being bandied about that is the real problem here.
If a person has Cancer and eventually dies from a cold, we don't say the person died of a cold.
sure we do....

if a person has cancer, and they are hit by a car and killed, we do not say they died of cancer....

if a person has cancer, and they died of pneumonia, the cause of death is pneumonia....

COVID is a viral pneumonia in those who get sick, is my understanding.... all deaths are from this viral Pneumonia, regardless of their underlying conditions..... or no underlying conditions.... pneumonia is what kills them..... I had heard????

My wife died 9 years ago. The cause of death was heart failure. During the winter of 2011, her doctor wanted her to be tested for cancer. For one reason or another, she never got to Roswell Park Cancer Institute to be tested. I remember buying Shower to Shower Body Powder for her so recently it occurred to me she could have had cancer. My only point in bringing her up is to show that you should not assume that any particular death was caused by Covid-19. A vast majority of people who get Covid-19, recover.


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